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[ Middle English] summe, from Anglo-French sume, somme, from [[Latin]] summa, from feminine of summus highest; akin to Latin super over
*[ 14th Century]
*1: an indefinite or specified amount of [[money]]
*2: the whole amount : [[aggregate]]
*3: the utmost [[degree]] : summit <reached the sum of [[human]] [[happiness]]>
*4a : a summary of the chief points or [[thoughts]] : summation <the sum of this criticism follows — C. W. Hendel>
:b : gist <the sum and substance of an [[argument]]>
*5a (1) : the result of adding [[numbers]] <the sum of 5 and 7 is 12> (2) : the [[limit]] of the sum of the first n terms of an [[infinite]] series as n increases indefinitely
:b : [[numbers]] to be added; broadly : a [[problem]] in arithmetic
'''Summation''' is the operation of combining a sequence of [[numbers]] using [ addition]; the result is their sum or [[total]]. An interim or present [[total]] of a summation [[process]] is termed the running total. The [[numbers]] to be summed may be [ integers], [ rational numbers], [ real numbers], or [ complex numbers], and other types of values than numbers can be added as well: [ vectors], [ matrices], [ polynomials], and in general elements of any [ additive group] (or even monoid). For [[finite]] sequences of such elements, summation always produces a well-defined sum (possibly by [[virtue]] of the [[convention]] for [ empty sums]).

Summation of an [[infinite]] sequence of values is not always [[possible]], and when a [[value]] can be given for an infinite summation, this involves more than just the addition operation, namely also the notion of a [[limit]]. Such infinite summations are known as [ series]. Another notion involving limits of finite sums is [ integration]. The term summation has a special [[meaning]] related to extrapolation in the [[context]] of [ divergent series].

The summation of the sequence [1, 2, 4, 2] is an [ expression] whose [[value]], the sum of the sequence, is defined to be that of the repeated addition 1 + 2 + 4 + 2, namely 9. Since addition is [ associative] the [[value]] does not depend on how the additions are grouped, for instance (1 + 2) + (4 + 2) and 1 + ((2 + 4) + 2) both have the value 9; therefore, parentheses are usually omitted in repeated additions. Addition is also [ commutative], so [ permuting] the terms of a finite sequence does not change its sum. (For infinite summations this property may fail; see [ absolute convergence] for conditions under which it still holds.)

There is no special notation for summation of such explicitly given sequences, as the corresponding repeated addition expression will do (but such an expression does not exist for the summation of an empty sequence; one may substitute "0" for such a summation). If, however, the terms of the sequence are given by regular [[pattern]], possibly of variable length, then use of a summation operator may be useful or even [[essential]]. For the summation of the sequence of consecutive integers from 1 to 100 one could use an addition expression involving an [ ellipsis] to mark out the missing terms: 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 99 + 100. In this case the [[reader]] easily guesses the [[pattern]]; however, for more [[complicated]] patterns, one needs to be precise about the rule used to find successive terms, which can be achieved by using the summation operator "Σ". Using this notation the above summation is written


The value of this summation is 5050. It can be found without performing 99 additions, since it can be shown (for instance by [ mathematical induction]) that


for all [ natural numbers] n. More generally, [[formulas]] exist for many summations of terms following a regular [[pattern]].

The term "[ indefinite summation]" refers to the search for an inverse image of a given [[infinite]] sequence s of values for the forward [ difference operator], in other words for a sequence, called antidifference of s, whose [ finite differences] are given by s. By contrast, summation as discussed in this article is called "definite summation".

[[Category: Mathematics]]

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