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===Topic: ''Adjuster Series''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]], [[Michael]], [[Matthew2]]===
===TR: [[Michael DiMattia]], [[Mark Rogers]]===
Prayer: [Mike] Dear Father and Mother, our Divine Parents, we are
humbled before you, we are grateful for this opportunity to come
together again as a family, as a group longing to enhance our
perceptions, to expand our minds, to put forth our intention, and
to enhance the values that we feel in spirit. We know that you
already know our inner longings and although this is in a way, a
formality to focus our intention, we would take this opportunity to
ask you to pray for those in darkness, for those that may not see
the light and may feel alone, that our circuit here tonight may
serve those, may reach those, in one way or another. So we invite
spirit to step forward and we wish, we hope, and we pray that our
will is in alignment with the Father's will.

Spectrum: [Mike] Good evening tonight, this is Spectrum. For those
of you who do not know me, I am the Adjuster of Mike. He has named
me so as he perceives [the] fragmentation of light. For him, naming
me is one of comfort, as was stated before, and I gladly and
lovingly accept this [name] for I seek personality as he so
willingly seeks truth and what the the Urantia Book would call
"autorevelation" as my bestowal of truth upon him, just as your
Adjuster's seek to bestow truth upon you.
Truth is a difficult concept to define, especially among mortals.
So often one seeks for truth in a very definitive way. But I am
here to tell you now that truth is not so defined as such, it is
not static. It is only objective to the First Source and Center,
the Universal Father. In Him truth is an absolute, but even in the
highest beings of Paradise, just as to the lowest beings of
personality, truth is dynamic, it is fluctuating, it is flowing, it
is something artistic, that which is reveled to you as you grow. It
is something that should not be disheartening to you to discover,
that perhaps truth is but a reflection of your understanding. But
make no mistake that this reflection that you perceive is for you
at that moment.

Always remember as you seek for truth, that you will receive what
you are capable of comprehending. This is not merely an
intellectual comprehension, this comprehension far transcends that
of your mind function. When truth is spoken to you it is also
spoken to your soul for your soul is not some static entity, it is
not a piece of clay being added to, it is dynamic and alive. It
speaks for you when you have not the words to speak, it is truly as
a child. Such a child grows, it learns from you in association with
your Adjuster, with me, and with your divine parents.

Many mortals fall into a misconception that their Adjuster is
somehow far beyond them and from a philosophical perspective this
may be true. The Adjuster is absolute, you are but finite. The
Adjuster can reveal to you only that which you are able to receive.
But on an intention level, those that have gained perspective
enough to want to learn, to want to love, to want to align
themselves with the Universal Father, you are on equal par with
your Adjuster for your Adjuster seeks to bring you to learn, to
lead you to love, to show you the truth. And so this partnership is
quite collaborative, is quite coordinated. It is a crude example to
explain, to symbolize such a union as a mother and father of the
mortal realms, to say a mother and father may birth a child and
each in themselves attempt to instill their perception upon their
child while at the same time allowing their child to grow. This is
how the soul grows.

Often the concept of inner core, the self, is thrown around in many
circles. What is the self, what is your inner core? Is it your
personality, is it your Thought Adjuster, is it the mind circuits?
It is all of these. There is no individual core, there is
collaboration. And so I will now reach the point of my lesson for
this evening, a lesson which Mike had no intention of perceiving
necessarily. He called in to be a participant and this is a
testament to the faith and the love and the want to share truth. I
would explain and I would reveal the lesson, a lesson that you all
know already very well but maybe a reminder is always helpful in
these cases. It is why we come together, to remind each other.
Collaboration is the key essence of the building of God the
Supreme, of the expression of the Trinity, of the infinity of
reality personified on these time-space levels.

You may not even be conscious of your Adjuster presence. You may
not even realize how much this super-consciousness collaborates
with you, with your personality, but we do, it does. You seek
spiritual maturity and as it has been stated in your Urantia Book
[and] has been revealed to you in many lessons; it takes only but
the intention to show you the path. The purpose of life, the huge
questions that many mortals ask and think "Well, we will never find
these answers." They have already found them and they have yet to
understand, they have yet to appreciate the values that are right
before their face, that are right under their fingertips. They ask
"What is the purpose of life?" and yet they return to their
families, they commune with their wives and children, they do such
"trivial mundane things" as perhaps watch TV or read a book or talk
about their days.

My friends, it can be this simple. This is about love. And you and
your Thought Adjuster, we collaborate together, we conspire
together. I have revealed to you the Father's plan and you have
accepted it and together we will create, we'll create a soul. The
soul is like a child that will grow and breathe and express itself.
It will eventually associate with others and those associations
will collaborate, create, grow and breathe. I am sure you
understand the concept of exponential realization in mathematics,
one plus one is two, two plus two is four, four plus four is eight,
and before you can even count you're in exponents, you are in
numbers beyond comprehension. This happens daily with you. It can
happen daily with you if you so invite it, if you so recognize it,
and if you so desire to be about this process.

And so now I will leave you with one last thought. What is the
point? You already know the point. It is to reflect this
understanding, to reflect this love right back to all those you
meet. Let the Father's will be your will. But what is the Father's
will? Many debate this but guess what, there is no way to
understand an Absolute Will but you can understand the relative
truth that you have matured, you have grown to understand. And once
you have grasped this love, this will, this way, you can reflect it
in your lives. You can stand back with your Adjuster, you can look
in the mirror and say "Let us do this!" Not let me do this, not
what am I going to do, how am I going to attain this? It is time to
open that to "How are WE going to attain this? How are WE going to
succeed? How are WE going to bestow this love?" Once you let that
into yourself, once you recognize that, well my friends, God will
take care of the rest. He will not let you down. He will lead you
forward. I will lead you forward, we will lead you forward. And
guess what, we are all connected. You are not on your own and even
you and your Adjuster are not on your own.

There is a circuit that has been formed in these conference calls,
there is a circuit that has been formed in your intention and in
your prayer life. You lay in bed at night, you hold your hands
together and you say "Father, this is what I desire, I desire to do
your will" and you feel maybe that you are alone in this process
but you are not. You are so not alone. I repeat, you are not alone.
All of those around you, all of those that have this intention are
with you right now and they will continue to be. You can recall
them in your memory, you can access their energy patterns, you can
access this circuit as you see fit as it will provide for you.

I invite you to readdress this, to think hard on these words, and
to reread the words, to listen back on this, to remind yourselves
for even Mike here speaking these words inspired by myself has a
trouble with it, a problem with it. In this situation he is willing
to expose his heart on his sleeve. He does not combat me to reveal
this, he sometimes falters and falters heavily in understanding and
following these words.

Your Master, Michael, when He was Jesus on this planet, made a
pronouncement to His apostles and this pronouncement was harsh. I
know that Mike here now speaking thinks hard on these words a lot,
especially recently, and I will say them now for they are in his
mind. When asked by His apostles why the heathens rage He said the
following (paraphrased): "They rage because they know not of the
truth." But then He explained the following: "Many of you languish,
many of you have a hard time with this because you know the truth
but you do not obey the truth." You do not obey it, you know it,
but it is hard. These words were harsh to the apostles. It was
difficult for them to perceive what the Master meant. But I will
tell you now quite frankly, that the Father is not harsh in this
pronouncement, He merely challenges. He wishes for you to take His
challenge. Not that it is uncomfortable or to be perceived as a
command "do this or else", we all know better than that of course,
but, it is a challenge that can you step up to obey that truth
which you know.

And it is okay to falter, do not misinterpret, it is okay to make
mistakes. This is experience, this is what makes you grow. It is
okay to make missteps. We expect this, we are with you with this,
we falter with you and we learn from these missteps. We fall on our
face, we wipe the mud from our mouth, we taste the bitterness of
such defeat and we can only roll onto our backs to look up at the
trees, the stars, the sun and laugh and say, "My Father, this was
awesome, this is incredible, I get it now, let's move forth, we
love You and we know You do not judge us." You will never be
judged, you will never be judged ever for your mishaps unless they
turn into iniquitous defy-ment, to defy the path in which you seek.
We do not deliberately trip, all those on this call do not
deliberately throw themselves into such heartache.

So I will take my leave now and just remind you, just to recap, you
are loved with patience and understanding. We collaborate with love
in our hearts. We are building the fabric of the finite expression
of God the Supreme together, and that is all the motivation you
need to be a light anchor, to profess and reflect this love to your
fellows. I love you all and I can speak for your Adjusters for they
are en-circuited within one circuit. You may not perceive it but
all of your Adjusters are with me and I speak on behalf of all of
them. I speak on behalf of all of your Adjusters here tonight
whether you are aware of it or not and I bid you an intimate, as
was said in the conversation before, I bid you an intimate love and
hug, a hug that will fill you with a vibration that is reflective
of the Universal Father. I now take my leave for others to use this
platform. Good night, God bless and farewell. We do not leave you,
we merely step aside to contemplate. Good night.

Inner Voice: [Mark] Greetings this evening, I am this one's Inner
Voice. As we have been discussing, what is in a name anyway? There
are many Mikes, there are many Marks, there are many Henrys and all
the others and yet we here tonight know of specific ones that we
attach certain personality traits and combinations to and they are
individual to us. So whether you refer to your Inner Guide, by
whatever name of your choosing, it is more a term of endearment, a
reference that you choose much as your parents chose your name as a
term of endearment although there may be many others, there is only
one which represents your unique combination.

I call you all to witness tonight that there was the discussion of
growing awareness and this incremental step of awareness was just
increased tonight. You were all graced with this demonstration of
faith by one who we now will refer to as Mike and his willingness
to cooperate, his willingness to work together with the other
components within and as a result we were all graced with this
exhibition of what it is to act and to move and to function in
faith. I will tell you plainly that such an exhibition as exists
here this evening is a rare commodity on this world indeed. There
are individuals who are willing to extend so far in faith as to
share with the outer world, their inner world, their world of
intimacy and privacy as was stated.

And so it is that I join with you all here tonight to honor this
passage, to acknowledge the effort which has brought about
potential into actual, that has transformed what was an inner
dialog into a dialog out in the real world, the real material world
that is, because all of the inner dialog that happened is certainly
most real. Because awareness has been augmented here this evening
we all have been changed, we all have been adjusted, we all have
grown from this experience and we will never be the same again. I
am grateful for the opportunity provided by this forum and I now
move to include even more contribution from Inner Guides and create
a truly spectacular offering in so doing. I would withdraw to allow
for even more contributions. Thank you.

Michael: [Mark] Greetings to all who are assembled around this
joyous bonfire of spirit. Truly the flames of such a fire reach so
far and wide that I have noticed them and desire to come and sit
with you around such a fire. I am Michael and where there is such
spirit warmth and the glow of spirit is so bright, I am drawn, like
the moth to the flame. I cherish times like these when such spirit
fruits are evident and such joy is taken in the sharing of these
fruits. Truly, this represents the fruition of the Father's plan,
of my plan for you all who are so gathered.

The Father provides for you the spark, the initial ember which may
be fanned and grown into a great flame but it is required of you
each that you gather the materials, that you build a proper place
to house such a fire and that you go through the motion and the
gestures required to assemble all the material so that the flame
may ignite and cause a great blaze. That is your mission in this
life, to go about gathering things to add to your fire, to create a
greater and greater flame and more and more light originating with
the Father's spark but being built and fed by you as individuals,
for that is the part that is your responsibility, that is the part
that will not be done for you. All the conditions and all the
materials necessary may be provided but the act of assembling and
building the fire is left up to you, it becomes your privilege,
your honor to do so.

Then, when you rejoice in lighting this bonfire, a collective fire
in which you all have gathered the materials and made it possible
to enjoy each others light, each others warmth and glow, then as
you know, wherever two or more of you are gathered, I arrive to
enjoy the fruits of your labor, to bask in the glow and the warmth
that you have made possible, to share the results of your
experience with you. Thank you for lighting this fire and for
building it so diligently, donating so many of your materials to it
that it lights up the night sky and proves to a universe at large
that you will be about this process, on your own, of assembling all
the necessary elements of your own choosing and of your own efforts
you build it and I will certainly come.

I have such abiding love for you all, such enduring patience while
you undergo all of your growth and all of your lessons. I have fore-
tasted your victory in time and I await your arrival by my side
having traversed the distance and completed the curriculum. All
that is left is this journey, this thing you refer to as time. And
so it is that you are about this journey with greater and greater
awareness causing greater and greater enthusiasm and there is
greater and greater joy and this makes my heart glad. As a parent I
am greatly rewarded in seeing your joy expand.

Thank you for your desire which brings you to this place and your
efforts which secures you in this place and your willingness to go
where spirit will lead you which is to me and to the Father. I look
forward to embracing you with a spiritual embrace when you have
arrived. In the meantime I will come to you and provide you with my
embrace where you are. Accept my embrace, accept my love and my
peace that I bring to you. It is there merely for you to accept and
to take. I leave you now but I never leave you, I am always there
with you with my hand on your shoulder as it were, by your side. My
peace I leave with you. Be at peace.

Matthew: [Mike] I perceive the hour grows late. This is Matthew, I
am new to this forum. I am an ascendent son on the verge of spirit
status, a morontia being on the very edge of graduation. I realize
that there is a lot for you to take in this evening but nonetheless
I am urged to step forward to ask to give the floor to any of those
that may wish to ask questions, voice concerns, or merely to just
exclaim their perception this evening. The floor is open, there is
no pressure. If you would like to speak, speak, otherwise we can
enjoy the stillness together.
Q: Matthew, have you been coming through other transmitters

Matthew: To the knowledge of Mike, I have not, I can only access
Mike's perception of me. I am not Matthew the midwayer who has been
revealed on many occasions, but I have come in Mike's stillness as
a volunteer. I have been serving other services beyond that of a
mere teacher. As you can well imagine, all those celestials who
wish to participate in the Urantia adventure eagerly raise their
hands and as being on the cusp of graduating from an elder morontia
to a first stage spirit, I was more than excited to participate in
the Urantia adventure. I revealed myself to Mike and I have been
elsewhere, however from this T/R's personality perspective, I am
unique to him and thus function as such.

Q: How are you? [Good, how are you.] Awesome, thank you. How is it
to be almost a spirit, how does it feel?
===='''''[[Progress]]''''', '''''[[Graduation]]'''''====
Matthew: Well, your question over-joys me for it reflects an
accomplishment, an achievement that I feel. I would bring you back
to your own graduation of say high school or college. You reach an
achievement of your studies, of your association of your peers. You
are on the brink of a new frontier yet you look back upon your
life, upon your immediate experiences and are overjoyed in your
achievements. This is very similar, this is a pattern, this is
something that you will all experience as you grow.

Now, unfortunately, what you call death, what we would prefer to
call graduation, is one of those achievements that is forcefully
placed upon the mortal. It is something that is not necessarily
welcomed, especially in the case where you are stepping into the
unknown. However though, it is similar, as I have stated, as your
educational system to realize that on the one hand you have become
an elder in your associations, you have reached a point of
understanding, of comprehension, of achievement and on the other
hand you embark on something profound, unknown, you are a
fledgeling. And so, this is how I feel. I look back on my career
and say, wow, what a beautiful career it has been, what a joyous
occasion and I look on the spirit realm, that which I barely can
conceive of in its totality but that which I know enough of to be
excited for, and think to myself, wow, to use your phrase, my God,
this is to come.

The only difference that I perceive in regards to this that you may
not fully comprehend in your earthly graduations is that at this
point in my life I have obtained wisdom enough to understand the
importance and significance of such a transition. Many high school
students that graduate to college, many college students that
graduate to the "working world" do not understand the significance
or they do in a sense that is not exemplary of such a transition.
But I truly understand the potentials of such a transition and in
my mind it can only be a pattern of understanding that will
eventuate in my perception of what it will be like to translate
from spirit to Havona, something which you can imagine and in all
honesty I can imagine but I don't know yet, we won't know yet. I
hope this helps to unify (clarify) your understanding and I
appreciate your questions and I honor and love your association
with the group that you are a part of and will open the floor to
more questions if there are any. [Thank you.]

Q: Good evening. [Yes] In my present state as a mortal I can more
or less visualize what a morontia being looks like but spirit is
somewhat void of representation to me so, what is spirit in a sense?
Matthew: Well my friend, you have asked a question for which I am
about to embark upon in many ways, however, as a morontia being and
as privy to many theoretical and what you would call secondary
experiences of spirit, I can say this, (and this is also stated in
your Urantia Book abstractly but it is almost as though this is the
extent to which it could be defined), spirit equals value. Now this
is hard of comprehension. You can understand, okay, a value. There
is a value in love, there is a value in friendship, there is a
value in truth, there is a value in beauty, there is a value in
goodness. To be about spirit, to be of spirit quite literally means
to exemplify such values that you have expounded, that you have
slowly accumulated through your life. And when I say your life I
use that term loosely, I do not mean your mortal life but I mean
your life to come, your eternal career.

Spirit, the spirit world, is very hard of definition to mortals for
even the word "world" denotes a material presence, a something of
location that has soil at your feet, or a perception of locality
that represents a state of being in association to something else.
Spirit however, are those things and something much more. Spirit,
as the only way I can explain to you, is the feeling that you
obtain from communion with the Father. When you are in stillness
with your Adjuster you need to ask this question. You need to ask
your Adjuster what is spirit and your Adjuster will much greatly
explain to you such an association for such a question will be much
more available personally through such an association.

But for anyone here who has felt love, association with another, an
association with a circumstance, standing on a mountain, looking at
a sunset, standing on a beach watching the ocean, touching a tree,
seeing a butterfly... perhaps you all have animals, a dog, a cat, a
rabbit, even a snake, a spider, you love them so. You are in
association with them and this is the essence of spirit, it is a
value. This is to the extent that I can explain to you and I hope
that this helps you with your question.

Q: Somewhat, yes and I will take your advice to confer with my
Adjuster. Thank you.

Matthew: You are most welcome, that is most encouraged for as has
been said many times before, your personality perception is unique,
it really is unique and so what is revealed to you in your
stillness from your Adjuster and from the spirit energies around
you will be unique to you. It is hard for me even as a personality,
even if I could tell you the blueprints of what I feel it is, even
though I am where I am, I cannot necessarily equivocate that to you
as a unique personality unto yourself. You will discover these
things on your own. So I encourage you and as you have agreed, go
into stillness, ask these things, they will be revealed unto you
and I wish you the most peace and love. [Thank you.]
I know the hour is very late and this has been a marathon session
so I would retreat back and step aside so that we may attempt to
digest the truths that have been bestowed tonight. There will be
plenty of opportunities especially in your stillness and this is
the most important part of the lesson bestowed tonight. Please,
please go to the Father in your stillness. You are a reservoir of
revelation. You possess a book, the Urantia Book. It is but an
epochal revelation, it is but a perception of reality. In your
daily stillness you can access living truth and you can perceive
it. Please do this for yourself and next time we can chat further
on this. I will now step away for I know many minds here grow
tired. I love you all, your Thought Adjusters love you all, but
more importantly, the Father stands strong in His perception of
you. He loves you, He understands you and He is with you every step
of the way. Good evening, I step aside.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Michael DiMattia]]
[[Category: Matthew2]]
[[Category: Truth]]
[[Category: Spirit]]
[[Category: 2010]]
[[Category: October]]

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