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New page: Abraham121304AllThatYouTakeInBecomeAPartOfYou WOODS CROSS GROUP ABRAHAM All That You Take IN Becomes A Part Of You DECEMBER 13, 2004 I am ABRAHAM. Greetings, I would give you each my ...



All That You Take IN Becomes A Part Of You

DECEMBER 13, 2004

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings, I would give you each my gratitude for continuing to welcome me here each week. I am grateful to Michael for having given me this task. I shall not take it for granted.

While I am mostly a being of sincerity, I also enjoy humor, music and art. Even though this season of traditions is usually quite busy, there are a great many sights and sounds to behold. I must admit those material visions I view lead to certain emotions welling up within me. I am beyond the material world, and yet all that I sense does in someway still affect me.

I know how it is for you in your material state to walk the walk of faith. Remember that all you take in becomes a part of you. You need to balance that with divine influence. From day to day you can tune into your media reports and the amount of negativity coming from that is certainly overwhelming. Many who view these reports are unaffected in a detached manner because they are not directly affected.

As you were discussing earlier, many seem to find happiness in a material fashion. We each know this is fleeting. It is not a sin to be surrounded by material wealth, unless it is for the most part your driving force in this short time in the flesh. Beauty is productive when it leads to spirit. If an art piece is to spark reflections of spirit within, then indeed is this beauty productive, fruit producing. When material beauty has you enslaved, then indeed is that from an animal level and producing spirit poisons.

How wonderful would it be to be driven by spirit, which produces art or beauty. Spirit produces spirit. You must take caution in this material world what you feed the soul. It is wise to find balance in all your daily activities. One who works too much becomes enslaved in mind to that very thing. One who plays too much finds he is indebted and certainly stressed.

It is true that the material eyes are the windows of the soul. What you see and your interpretation of it does directly affect moods, attitude and spiritual growth. Let us take a soldier at war for example: All day long the soldier can be surrounded by brutality. He or she can witness the death of friends and comrades in uniform. The soldier might even be made to kill others or do some tasks that they were trained to do. This is traumatic, yes, and still the soldier is loyal to his commitment to serve. He must do what he must do.

In the midst of all this chaos, the soldier can receive messages from home. To read these letters actually takes him back home in mind. His attitude is improved. He is feeling supported and seeing the honor of duty before him. The soldier can experience the worst of the material elements, and yet the scenery of children playing or perhaps a garden can boost his spirits, at least change his attitude and perhaps produce a bit more positive energy.

Any beauty leading to truth and goodness is certainly welcomed into the material life. What is your definition of beauty? What are you surrounded by that is spirit producing? In the midst of a busy life, how do you keep balance with spirit? What time is set aside for prayer or meditation? Perhaps there is a few moment to study or listen to beautiful music. How many of you act upon your feelings of creativity? A creative outlet is certainly a mood changer.

This week let not the busyness of life drag you from spirit. Allow the spirit to drive life. That is all for this evening. Have not worry. Know that we are moving forward. My loves goes with you. Until next time, shalom.


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