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144:0.1 September and October were spent in [[retirement]] at a [[secluded]] camp upon the slopes of [ Mount Gilboa]. The month of September [[Jesus]] spent here alone with his [[apostles]], teaching and instructing them in the [[truths]] of [[the kingdom]].
144:0.1 September and October were spent in [[retirement]] at a [[secluded]] camp upon the slopes of [ Mount Gilboa]. The month of September [[Jesus]] spent here alone with his [[apostles]], teaching and instructing them in the [[truths]] of [[the kingdom]].
144:0.2 There were a [[number]] of reasons why [[Jesus]] and his [[apostles]] were in [[retirement]] at this time on the borders of [ Samaria] and the [ Decapolis]. The [[Jerusalem]] [[Sanhedrin|religious rulers]] were very [[antagonistic]]; [ Herod Antipas] still held [[John the Baptist|John]] [ in prison], [[fearing]] either to release or [[execute]] him, while he continued to entertain [[suspicions]] that [[John the Baptist|John]] and [[Jesus]] were in some way [[associated]]. These conditions made it unwise to [[plan]] for [[aggressive]] work in either [[Judea]] or [[Galilee]]. There was a third reason: the slowly augmenting [[tension]] between the [[leaders]] of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[disciples]] and [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]], which grew worse with the increasing [[number]] of [[Conversion|believers]].
144:0.2 There were a [[number]] of reasons why [[Jesus]] and his [[apostles]] were in [[retirement]] at this time on the borders of [ Samaria] and the [ Decapolis]. The [[Jerusalem]] [[Sanhedrin|religious rulers]] were very [[antagonistic]]; [ Herod Antipas] still held [[John the Baptist|John]] [ in prison], [[fearing]] either to release or [[execute]] him, while he continued to entertain [[suspicions]] that [[John the Baptist|John]] and [[Jesus]] were in some way [[associated]]. These conditions made it unwise to [[plan]] for [[aggressive]] work in either [[Judea]] or [[Galilee]]. There was a third reason: the slowly augmenting [[tension]] between the [[leaders]] of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[disciples]] and [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]], which grew worse with the increasing [[number]] of [[Conversion|believers]].
144:0.3 [[Jesus]] knew that the days of the preliminary [[work]] of teaching and [[preaching]] were about over, that the next move involved the beginning of the full and final [[effort]] of his life on [[earth]], and he did not wish the launching of this undertaking to be in any [[manner]] either trying or [[embarrassing]] to [[John the Baptist|John the Baptist]]. [[Jesus]] had therefore [[decided]] to spend some time in [[retirement]] [[rehearsing]] his [[apostles]] and then to do some [[quiet]] [[work]] in the [[cities]] of the [ Decapolis] until [[John the Baptist|John]] should be either [[executed]] or released to join them in a [[united]] [[effort]].
144:0.3 [[Jesus]] knew that the days of the preliminary [[work]] of teaching and [[preaching]] were about over, that the next move involved the beginning of the full and final [[effort]] of his life on [[earth]], and he did not wish the launching of this undertaking to be in any [[manner]] either trying or [[embarrassing]] to [[John the Baptist|John the Baptist]]. [[Jesus]] had therefore [[decided]] to spend some time in [[retirement]] [[rehearsing]] his [[apostles]] and then to do some [[quiet]] [[work]] in the [[cities]] of the [ Decapolis] until [[John the Baptist|John]] should be either [[executed]] or released to join them in a [[united]] [[effort]].
144:1.1 As [[time]] passed, [[the twelve]] became more [[devoted]] to [[Jesus]] and increasingly [[committed]] to the [[work]] of [[the kingdom]]. Their [[devotion]] was in large part a matter of [[personal]] [[loyalty]]. They did not grasp his many-sided teaching; they did not fully [[comprehend]] the [[nature]] of [[Jesus]] or the significance of his [ bestowal on earth].
144:1.1 As [[time]] passed, [[the twelve]] became more [[devoted]] to [[Jesus]] and increasingly [[committed]] to the [[work]] of [[the kingdom]]. Their [[devotion]] was in large part a matter of [[personal]] [[loyalty]]. They did not grasp his many-sided teaching; they did not fully [[comprehend]] the [[nature]] of [[Jesus]] or the significance of his [ bestowal on earth].
144:1.2 [[Jesus]] made it [[Clarity|plain]] to his [[apostles]] that they were in [[retirement]] for [[three]] reasons:
144:1.2 [[Jesus]] made it [[Clarity|plain]] to his [[apostles]] that they were in [[retirement]] for [[three]] reasons:
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*3. To await the [[fate]] of [[John the Baptist]].
*3. To await the [[fate]] of [[John the Baptist]].
144:1.3 While tarrying on [ Gilboa], [[Jesus]] told [[the twelve]] much about his [ early life] and his [[experiences]] on [ Mount Hermon]; he also [[revealed]] something of what happened in the hills during the [ forty days] [[immediately]] after [ his baptism]. And he directly charged them that they should tell no man about these [[experiences]] until after he had returned to [[the Father]].
144:1.3 While tarrying on [ Gilboa], [[Jesus]] told [[the twelve]] much about his [ early life] and his [[experiences]] on [ Mount Hermon]; he also [[revealed]] something of what happened in the hills during the [ forty days] [[immediately]] after [ his baptism]. And he directly charged them that they should tell no man about these [[experiences]] until after he had returned to [[the Father]].
144:1.4 During these September weeks they [[rested]], [[visited]], recounted their [[experiences]] since [[Jesus]] first called them to [[service]], and [[engaged]] in an [[earnest]] [[effort]] to [[co-ordinate]] what [[the Master]] had so far taught them. In a [[measure]] they all sensed that this would be their last [[opportunity]] for prolonged [[rest]]. They [[realized]] that their next [[public]] [[effort]] in either [[Judea]] or [[Galilee]] would mark the beginning of the final [[proclamation]] of the coming [[The Kingdom|kingdom]], but they had little or no settled [[idea]] as to what [[the kingdom]] would be when it came. [[John, the Apostle|John]] and [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] thought [[the kingdom]] had already come; [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[James, the Apostle|James]] believed that it was yet to come; [[Nathaniel]] and [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] frankly [[confessed]] they were puzzled; [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]], [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]], and [[Simon, the Apostle|Simon Zelotes]] were uncertain and [[confused]]; [[the twins]] were blissfully [[ignorant]] of the [[controversy]]; and[[ Judas Iscariot]] was [[silent]], noncommittal.
144:1.4 During these September weeks they [[rested]], [[visited]], recounted their [[experiences]] since [[Jesus]] first called them to [[service]], and [[engaged]] in an [[earnest]] [[effort]] to [[co-ordinate]] what [[the Master]] had so far taught them. In a [[measure]] they all sensed that this would be their last [[opportunity]] for prolonged [[rest]]. They [[realized]] that their next [[public]] [[effort]] in either [[Judea]] or [[Galilee]] would mark the beginning of the final [[proclamation]] of the coming [[The Kingdom|kingdom]], but they had little or no settled [[idea]] as to what [[the kingdom]] would be when it came. [[John, the Apostle|John]] and [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] thought [[the kingdom]] had already come; [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[James, the Apostle|James]] believed that it was yet to come; [[Nathaniel]] and [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] frankly [[confessed]] they were puzzled; [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]], [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]], and [[Simon, the Apostle|Simon Zelotes]] were uncertain and [[confused]]; [[the twins]] were blissfully [[ignorant]] of the [[controversy]]; and[[ Judas Iscariot]] was [[silent]], noncommittal.
144:1.5 Much of this time [[Jesus]] was [[alone]] on the [[ mountain] near the camp. Occasionally he took with him [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]], or [[John, the Apostle|John]], but more often he went off to [[pray]] or [[commune]] [[alone]]. Subsequent to the [ baptism] of [[Jesus]] and the [ forty days] in the [ Perean hills], it is hardly proper to speak of these [[seasons]] of [[communion]] with [[Universal Father|his Father]] as [[prayer]], nor is it [[consistent]] to speak of [[Jesus]] as [[worshiping]], but it is altogether correct to allude to these [[seasons]] as [[personal]] [[communion]] with [[Universal Father|his Father]].
144:1.5 Much of this time [[Jesus]] was [[alone]] on the [[ mountain] near the camp. Occasionally he took with him [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]], or [[John, the Apostle|John]], but more often he went off to [[pray]] or [[commune]] [[alone]]. Subsequent to the [ baptism] of [[Jesus]] and the [ forty days] in the [ Perean hills], it is hardly proper to speak of these [[seasons]] of [[communion]] with [[Universal Father|his Father]] as [[prayer]], nor is it [[consistent]] to speak of [[Jesus]] as [[worshiping]], but it is altogether correct to allude to these [[seasons]] as [[personal]] [[communion]] with [[Universal Father|his Father]].
144:1.6 The central [[theme]] of the [[discussions]] throughout the entire month of September was [[prayer]] and [[worship]]. After they had [[discussed]] [[worship]] for some days, [[Jesus]] finally delivered his [[memorable]] [[discourse]] on [[prayer]] in answer to [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]]'s request: " Master, teach us how to [[pray]]. "
144:1.6 The central [[theme]] of the [[discussions]] throughout the entire month of September was [[prayer]] and [[worship]]. After they had [[discussed]] [[worship]] for some days, [[Jesus]] finally delivered his [[memorable]] [[discourse]] on [[prayer]] in answer to [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]]'s request: " Master, teach us how to [[pray]]. "
144:1.7 [[John the Baptist|John]] had taught his [[disciples]] a [[prayer]], a prayer for [[salvation]] in the coming kingdom. Although [[Jesus]] never [[forbade]] his followers to use [[John the Baptist|John]]'s form of [[prayer]], [[the apostles]] very early [[perceived]] that their Master did not fully approve of the [[practice]] of uttering set and [[formal]] [[prayers]]. Nevertheless, believers constantly requested to be taught how to [[pray]]. [[The twelve]] longed to know what [[form]] of [[petition]] [[Jesus]] would [[approve]]. And it was chiefly because of this need for some [[simple]] [[petition]] for the [[Public|common people]] that [[Jesus]] at this time [[consented]], in answer to [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]]'s request, to teach them a suggestive [[form]] of [[prayer]]. [[Jesus]] gave this lesson one afternoon in the third week of their [[sojourn]] on [ Mount Gilboa].
144:1.7 [[John the Baptist|John]] had taught his [[disciples]] a [[prayer]], a prayer for [[salvation]] in the coming kingdom. Although [[Jesus]] never [[forbade]] his followers to use [[John the Baptist|John]]'s form of [[prayer]], [[the apostles]] very early [[perceived]] that their Master did not fully approve of the [[practice]] of uttering set and [[formal]] [[prayers]]. Nevertheless, believers constantly requested to be taught how to [[pray]]. [[The twelve]] longed to know what [[form]] of [[petition]] [[Jesus]] would [[approve]]. And it was chiefly because of this need for some [[simple]] [[petition]] for the [[Public|common people]] that [[Jesus]] at this time [[consented]], in answer to [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]]'s request, to teach them a suggestive [[form]] of [[prayer]]. [[Jesus]] gave this lesson one afternoon in the third week of their [[sojourn]] on [ Mount Gilboa].
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144:2.2 " [[Prayer]] is entirely a [[personal]] and [[spontaneous]] [[expression]] of the [[attitude]] of the [[soul]] toward the [[spirit]]; [[prayer]] should be the [[communion]] of sonship and the [[expression]] of fellowship. [[Prayer]], when indited by the [[spirit]], [[leads]] to [[co-operative]] [[spiritual]] [[progress]]. The [[ideal]] [[prayer]] is a form of spiritual [[communion]] which leads to [[intelligent]] [[worship]]. True praying is the [[sincere]] [[attitude]] of reaching heavenward for the [[attainment]] of your [[ideals]].
144:2.2 " [[Prayer]] is entirely a [[personal]] and [[spontaneous]] [[expression]] of the [[attitude]] of the [[soul]] toward the [[spirit]]; [[prayer]] should be the [[communion]] of sonship and the [[expression]] of fellowship. [[Prayer]], when indited by the [[spirit]], [[leads]] to [[co-operative]] [[spiritual]] [[progress]]. The [[ideal]] [[prayer]] is a form of spiritual [[communion]] which leads to [[intelligent]] [[worship]]. True praying is the [[sincere]] [[attitude]] of reaching heavenward for the [[attainment]] of your [[ideals]].
144:2.3 " [[Prayer]] is the [[breath]] of the [[soul]] and should [[lead]] you to be [[persistent]] in your attempt to ascertain [[the Father]]'s will. If any one of you has a [[neighbor]], and you go to him at midnight and say: `[[Friend]], lend me three loaves, for a friend of mine on a [[journey]] has come to see me, and I have nothing to set before him'; and if your [[neighbor]] answers, `Trouble me not, for the door is now shut and the [[children]] and I are in bed; therefore I cannot rise and give you bread,'[] you will [[persist]], [[explaining]] that your friend [[hungers]], and that you have no [[food]] to offer him. I say to you, though your [[neighbor]] will not rise and give you bread because he is your [[friend]], yet because of your [[importunity]] he will get up and give you as many loaves as you need. If, then, [[persistence]] will win [[favors]] even from [[mortal]] man, how much more will your [[persistence]] in the [[spirit]] win the bread of life for you from the willing hands of [[the Father]] in [[heaven]]. Again I say to you: Ask and it shall be given you; [[seek]] and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For every one who asks [[receives]]; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door of [[salvation]] will be opened.[]
144:2.3 " [[Prayer]] is the [[breath]] of the [[soul]] and should [[lead]] you to be [[persistent]] in your attempt to ascertain [[the Father]]'s will. If any one of you has a [[neighbor]], and you go to him at midnight and say: `[[Friend]], lend me three loaves, for a friend of mine on a [[journey]] has come to see me, and I have nothing to set before him'; and if your [[neighbor]] answers, `Trouble me not, for the door is now shut and the [[children]] and I are in bed; therefore I cannot rise and give you bread,'[] you will [[persist]], [[explaining]] that your friend [[hungers]], and that you have no [[food]] to offer him. I say to you, though your [[neighbor]] will not rise and give you bread because he is your [[friend]], yet because of your [[importunity]] he will get up and give you as many loaves as you need. If, then, [[persistence]] will win [[favors]] even from [[mortal]] man, how much more will your [[persistence]] in the [[spirit]] win the bread of life for you from the willing hands of [[the Father]] in [[heaven]]. Again I say to you: Ask and it shall be given you; [[seek]] and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For every one who asks [[receives]]; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door of [[salvation]] will be opened.[]
144:2.4 " Which of you who is a [[father]], if his son asks unwisely, would [[hesitate]] to give in [[accordance]] with [[parental]] [[wisdom]] rather than in the terms of the son's faulty [[petition]]? If the [[child]] needs a loaf, will you give him a stone just because he unwisely asks for it? If your son needs a fish, will you give him a watersnake just because it may [[chance]] to come up in the net with the fish and the child foolishly asks for the serpent? If you, then, being [[mortal]] and [[finite]], know how to answer [[prayer]] and give good and appropriate [[gifts]] to your [[children]], how much more shall your [[Universal Father|heavenly Father]] give the [[spirit]] and many additional [[blessings]] to those who ask him? Men ought always to [[pray]] and not become discouraged.[]
144:2.4 " Which of you who is a [[father]], if his son asks unwisely, would [[hesitate]] to give in [[accordance]] with [[parental]] [[wisdom]] rather than in the terms of the son's faulty [[petition]]? If the [[child]] needs a loaf, will you give him a stone just because he unwisely asks for it? If your son needs a fish, will you give him a watersnake just because it may [[chance]] to come up in the net with the fish and the child foolishly asks for the serpent? If you, then, being [[mortal]] and [[finite]], know how to answer [[prayer]] and give good and appropriate [[gifts]] to your [[children]], how much more shall your [[Universal Father|heavenly Father]] give the [[spirit]] and many additional [[blessings]] to those who ask him? Men ought always to [[pray]] and not become discouraged.[]
144:2.5 " Let me tell you the story of a certain [[judge]] who lived in a [[wicked]] [[city]]. This judge [[fear]]ed not [[God]] nor had [[respect]] for man. Now there was a needy [[widow]] in that [[city]] who came repeatedly to this unjust [[judge]], saying, `Protect me from my [[adversary]].' For some time he would not give ear to her, but presently he said to himself: `Though I fear not [[God]] nor have regard for man, yet because this [[widow]] ceases not to trouble me, I will [[vindicate]] her lest she wear me out by her continual coming.'[] These [[stories]] I tell you to [[encourage]] you to [[persist]] in [[praying]] and not to intimate that your [[petitions]] will change the [[just]] and [[righteous]] Father above. Your [[persistence]], however, is not to win [[favor]] with [[God]] but to [[change]] your [[earth]] [[attitude]] and to enlarge your [[soul]]'s [[capacity]] for [[spirit]] [[receptivity]].
144:2.5 " Let me tell you the story of a certain [[judge]] who lived in a [[wicked]] [[city]]. This judge [[fear]]ed not [[God]] nor had [[respect]] for man. Now there was a needy [[widow]] in that [[city]] who came repeatedly to this unjust [[judge]], saying, `Protect me from my [[adversary]].' For some time he would not give ear to her, but presently he said to himself: `Though I fear not [[God]] nor have regard for man, yet because this [[widow]] ceases not to trouble me, I will [[vindicate]] her lest she wear me out by her continual coming.'[] These [[stories]] I tell you to [[encourage]] you to [[persist]] in [[praying]] and not to intimate that your [[petitions]] will change the [[just]] and [[righteous]] Father above. Your [[persistence]], however, is not to win [[favor]] with [[God]] but to [[change]] your [[earth]] [[attitude]] and to enlarge your [[soul]]'s [[capacity]] for [[spirit]] [[receptivity]].
144:2.6 " But when you [[pray]], you [[exercise]] so little [[faith]]. [[Genuine]] faith will remove [[mountain]]s of [[material]] [[difficulty]] which may [[chance]] to lie in the [[path]] of [[soul]] expansion and [[spiritual]] [[progress]]. "
144:2.6 " But when you [[pray]], you [[exercise]] so little [[faith]]. [[Genuine]] faith will remove [[mountain]]s of [[material]] [[difficulty]] which may [[chance]] to lie in the [[path]] of [[soul]] expansion and [[spiritual]] [[progress]]. "
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**As we also have forgiven our debtors.
**As we also have forgiven our debtors.
**Save us in [[temptation]], deliver us from [[evil]],
**Save us in [[temptation]], deliver us from [[evil]],
**And increasingly make us [[perfect]] like yourself.[]
**And increasingly make us [[perfect]] like yourself.[]
144:3.4 It is not strange that [[the apostles]] [[desired]] [[Jesus]] to teach them a [[model]] [[prayer]] for believers. [[John the Baptist]] had taught his followers several [[prayers]]; all great teachers had [[formulated]] prayers for their [[pupils]]. The religious [[teachers]] of the [ Jews] had some twenty-five or thirty set prayers which they [[recited]] in the [[synagogue]]s and even on the street corners. [[Jesus]] was particularly averse to praying in [[public]]. Up to this time [[the twelve]] had heard him [[pray]] only a few times. They [[observed]] him spending entire nights at [[prayer]] or [[worship]], and they were very [[curious]] to know the [[manner]] or [[form]] of his [[petitions]]. They were really hard pressed to know what to answer [[the multitudes]] when they asked to be taught how to [[pray]] as [[John the Baptist|John]] had taught his [[disciples]].
144:3.4 It is not strange that [[the apostles]] [[desired]] [[Jesus]] to teach them a [[model]] [[prayer]] for believers. [[John the Baptist]] had taught his followers several [[prayers]]; all great teachers had [[formulated]] prayers for their [[pupils]]. The religious [[teachers]] of the [ Jews] had some twenty-five or thirty set prayers which they [[recited]] in the [[synagogue]]s and even on the street corners. [[Jesus]] was particularly averse to praying in [[public]]. Up to this time [[the twelve]] had heard him [[pray]] only a few times. They [[observed]] him spending entire nights at [[prayer]] or [[worship]], and they were very [[curious]] to know the [[manner]] or [[form]] of his [[petitions]]. They were really hard pressed to know what to answer [[the multitudes]] when they asked to be taught how to [[pray]] as [[John the Baptist|John]] had taught his [[disciples]].
144:3.5 [[Jesus]] taught [[the twelve]] always to [[pray]] in [[secret]]; to go off by themselves amidst the [[quiet]] [[surroundings]] of [[nature]] or to go in their rooms and shut the doors when they [[engaged]] in [[prayer]].
144:3.5 [[Jesus]] taught [[the twelve]] always to [[pray]] in [[secret]]; to go off by themselves amidst the [[quiet]] [[surroundings]] of [[nature]] or to go in their rooms and shut the doors when they [[engaged]] in [[prayer]].
144:3.6 After [[Jesus]]' [ death] and [ ascension] to [[the Father]] it became the [[practice]] of many believers to finish this so-called ['s_Prayer Lord's prayer] by the addition of—" In the [[name]] of the Lord [[Jesus]] [[Christ]]. " Still later on, two lines were lost in copying, and there was added to this [[prayer]] an extra clause, reading: " For yours is [[the kingdom]] and the [[power]] and the [[glory]], forevermore. "
144:3.6 After [[Jesus]]' [ death] and [ ascension] to [[the Father]] it became the [[practice]] of many believers to finish this so-called ['s_Prayer Lord's prayer] by the addition of—" In the [[name]] of the Lord [[Jesus]] [[Christ]]. " Still later on, two lines were lost in copying, and there was added to this [[prayer]] an extra clause, reading: " For yours is [[the kingdom]] and the [[power]] and the [[glory]], forevermore. "
144:3.7 [[Jesus]] gave [[the apostles]] the [[prayer]] in [[collective]] form as they had prayed it in the [[Nazareth]] [[home]]. He never taught a [[formal]] [[personal]] [[prayer]], only [[group]], [[family]], or [[social]] [[petitions]]. And he never [[volunteered]] to do that.
144:3.7 [[Jesus]] gave [[the apostles]] the [[prayer]] in [[collective]] form as they had prayed it in the [[Nazareth]] [[home]]. He never taught a [[formal]] [[personal]] [[prayer]], only [[group]], [[family]], or [[social]] [[petitions]]. And he never [[volunteered]] to do that.
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144:6.1 Around the first of October, [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] and some of his fellow [[apostles]] were in a near-by village buying [[food]] when they met some of the apostles of [[John the Baptist]]. As a result of this [[chance]] meeting in the market place there came about a three weeks' [[conference]] at the [ Gilboa] camp between [[the apostles]] of Jesus and [[Abner|the apostles]] of [[John the Baptist|John]], for John had recently appointed twelve of his [[leaders]] to be apostles, following the precedent of [[Jesus]]. John had done this in [[response]] to the urging of [[Abner]], the chief of his [[loyal]] supporters. [[Jesus]] was present at the Gilboa camp throughout the first week of this joint [[conference]] but absented himself the last two weeks.
144:6.1 Around the first of October, [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] and some of his fellow [[apostles]] were in a near-by village buying [[food]] when they met some of the apostles of [[John the Baptist]]. As a result of this [[chance]] meeting in the market place there came about a three weeks' [[conference]] at the [ Gilboa] camp between [[the apostles]] of Jesus and [[Abner|the apostles]] of [[John the Baptist|John]], for John had recently appointed twelve of his [[leaders]] to be apostles, following the precedent of [[Jesus]]. John had done this in [[response]] to the urging of [[Abner]], the chief of his [[loyal]] supporters. [[Jesus]] was present at the Gilboa camp throughout the first week of this joint [[conference]] but absented himself the last two weeks.
144:6.2 By the beginning of the second week of this month, [[Abner]] had assembled all of his [[associates]] at the [ Gilboa] camp and was [[prepared]] to go into [[council]] with [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]]. For three weeks these twenty-four men were in session three times a day and for six days each week. The first week [[Jesus]] mingled with them between their forenoon, afternoon, and evening sessions. They wanted [[the Master]] to meet with them and preside over their joint deliberations, but he [[steadfastly]] refused to [[participate]] in their [[discussions]], though he did [[consent]] to speak to them on [[three]] occasions. These talks by [[Jesus]] to the twenty-four were on [[sympathy]], [[co-operation]], and [[tolerance]].
144:6.2 By the beginning of the second week of this month, [[Abner]] had assembled all of his [[associates]] at the [ Gilboa] camp and was [[prepared]] to go into [[council]] with [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]]. For three weeks these twenty-four men were in session three times a day and for six days each week. The first week [[Jesus]] mingled with them between their forenoon, afternoon, and evening sessions. They wanted [[the Master]] to meet with them and preside over their joint deliberations, but he [[steadfastly]] refused to [[participate]] in their [[discussions]], though he did [[consent]] to speak to them on [[three]] occasions. These talks by [[Jesus]] to the twenty-four were on [[sympathy]], [[co-operation]], and [[tolerance]].
144:6.3 [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] and [[Abner]] alternated in presiding over these joint meetings of the two apostolic groups. These men had many [[difficulties]] to [[discuss]] and numerous [[problems]] to solve. Again and again would they take their troubles to [[Jesus]], only to hear him say: " I am concerned only with your [[personal]] and [[purely]] [[religious]] [[problems]]. I am the [[representative]] of [[the Father]] to the [[individual]], not to the [[group]]. If you are in [[personal]] [[difficulty]] in your [[relations]] with [[God]], come to me, and I will hear you and [[counsel]] you in the solution of your [[problem]]. But when you enter upon the [[co-ordination]] of [[divergent]] human [[interpretations]] of religious questions and upon the [[socialization]] of [[religion]], you are [[destined]] to solve all such problems by your own [[decisions]]. Albeit, I am ever [[sympathetic]] and always interested, and when you arrive at your conclusions touching these matters of nonspiritual import, provided you are all [[agreed]], then I [[pledge]] in advance my full [[approval]] and hearty [[co-operation]]. And now, in order to leave you unhampered in your [[deliberations]], I am leaving you for two weeks. Be not [[anxious]] about me, for I will return to you. I will be about my Father's business, for we have [[Paper 49 - The Inhabited Worlds|other realms]] besides this one. "[]
144:6.3 [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] and [[Abner]] alternated in presiding over these joint meetings of the two apostolic groups. These men had many [[difficulties]] to [[discuss]] and numerous [[problems]] to solve. Again and again would they take their troubles to [[Jesus]], only to hear him say: " I am concerned only with your [[personal]] and [[purely]] [[religious]] [[problems]]. I am the [[representative]] of [[the Father]] to the [[individual]], not to the [[group]]. If you are in [[personal]] [[difficulty]] in your [[relations]] with [[God]], come to me, and I will hear you and [[counsel]] you in the solution of your [[problem]]. But when you enter upon the [[co-ordination]] of [[divergent]] human [[interpretations]] of religious questions and upon the [[socialization]] of [[religion]], you are [[destined]] to solve all such problems by your own [[decisions]]. Albeit, I am ever [[sympathetic]] and always interested, and when you arrive at your conclusions touching these matters of nonspiritual import, provided you are all [[agreed]], then I [[pledge]] in advance my full [[approval]] and hearty [[co-operation]]. And now, in order to leave you unhampered in your [[deliberations]], I am leaving you for two weeks. Be not [[anxious]] about me, for I will return to you. I will be about my Father's business, for we have [[Paper 49 - The Inhabited Worlds|other realms]] besides this one. "[]
144:6.4 After thus [[speaking]], [[Jesus]] went down the mountainside, and they saw him no more for two full weeks. And they never knew where he went or what he did during these days. It was some time before the twenty-four could settle down to the serious [[consideration]] of their [[problems]], they were so disconcerted by the [[absence]] of [[the Master]]. However, within a week they were again in the [[heart]] of their [[discussions]], and they could not go to [[Jesus]] for help.
144:6.4 After thus [[speaking]], [[Jesus]] went down the mountainside, and they saw him no more for two full weeks. And they never knew where he went or what he did during these days. It was some time before the twenty-four could settle down to the serious [[consideration]] of their [[problems]], they were so disconcerted by the [[absence]] of [[the Master]]. However, within a week they were again in the [[heart]] of their [[discussions]], and they could not go to [[Jesus]] for help.
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144:6.6 They next [[decided]] that, as long as [[John the Baptist|John]] lived, whether in [[prison]] or out, both groups of [[twelve apostles]] would go on with their [[work]], and that joint meetings for one week would be held every three months at places to be [[agreed]] upon from time to time.
144:6.6 They next [[decided]] that, as long as [[John the Baptist|John]] lived, whether in [[prison]] or out, both groups of [[twelve apostles]] would go on with their [[work]], and that joint meetings for one week would be held every three months at places to be [[agreed]] upon from time to time.
144:6.7 But the most serious of all their [[problems]] was the question of [[baptism]]. Their [[difficulties]] were all the more aggravated because [[Jesus]] had refused to make any [[pronouncement]] upon the subject. They finally [[agreed]]: As long as [[John the Baptist|John]] lived, or until they might jointly [[modify]] this [[decision]], only the apostles of John would [[baptize]] believers, and only [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]] would finally instruct the new [[disciples]]. Accordingly, from that time until after the [ death of John], [[two]] of the apostles of John accompanied [[Jesus]] and his [[apostles]] to [[baptize]] believers, for the joint [[council]] had unanimously voted that baptism was to become the initial step in the outward [[alliance]] with the affairs of [[the kingdom]].
144:6.7 But the most serious of all their [[problems]] was the question of [[baptism]]. Their [[difficulties]] were all the more aggravated because [[Jesus]] had refused to make any [[pronouncement]] upon the subject. They finally [[agreed]]: As long as [[John the Baptist|John]] lived, or until they might jointly [[modify]] this [[decision]], only the apostles of John would [[baptize]] believers, and only [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]] would finally instruct the new [[disciples]]. Accordingly, from that time until after the [ death of John], [[two]] of the apostles of John accompanied [[Jesus]] and his [[apostles]] to [[baptize]] believers, for the joint [[council]] had unanimously voted that baptism was to become the initial step in the outward [[alliance]] with the affairs of [[the kingdom]].
144:6.8 It was next [[agreed]], in case of the [ death of John], that the apostles of John would present themselves to [[Jesus]] and become subject to his direction, and that they would [[baptize]] no more unless [[authorized]] by [[Jesus]] or his [[apostles]].
144:6.8 It was next [[agreed]], in case of the [ death of John], that the apostles of John would present themselves to [[Jesus]] and become subject to his direction, and that they would [[baptize]] no more unless [[authorized]] by [[Jesus]] or his [[apostles]].
144:6.9 And then was it [[voted]] that, in case of [ John's death], [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]] would begin to [[baptize]] with [[water]] as the emblem of the baptism of the [[Thought Adjuster|divine Spirit]]. As to whether or not [[repentance]] should be attached to the [[preaching]] of [[baptism]] was left [[optional]]; no [[decision]] was made binding upon the [[group]]. John's apostles [[preached]], " [[Repent]] and be [[baptized]]. " [[Jesus]]' [[apostles]] [[proclaimed]], " Believe and be baptized. "
144:6.9 And then was it [[voted]] that, in case of [ John's death], [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]] would begin to [[baptize]] with [[water]] as the emblem of the baptism of the [[Thought Adjuster|divine Spirit]]. As to whether or not [[repentance]] should be attached to the [[preaching]] of [[baptism]] was left [[optional]]; no [[decision]] was made binding upon the [[group]]. John's apostles [[preached]], " [[Repent]] and be [[baptized]]. " [[Jesus]]' [[apostles]] [[proclaimed]], " Believe and be baptized. "
144:6.10 And this is the [[story]] of the first attempt of [[Jesus]]' followers to [[co-ordinate]] [[divergent]] [[efforts]], [[compose]] [[differences]] of [[opinion]], [[organize]] group undertakings, [[legislate]] on outward [[observances]], and [[socialize]] [[personal]] religious [[practices]].
144:6.10 And this is the [[story]] of the first attempt of [[Jesus]]' followers to [[co-ordinate]] [[divergent]] [[efforts]], [[compose]] [[differences]] of [[opinion]], [[organize]] group undertakings, [[legislate]] on outward [[observances]], and [[socialize]] [[personal]] religious [[practices]].
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144:6.12 On the afternoon of their final [[discussion]] of [[financial]] questions, [[Jesus]] returned, heard of their [[deliberations]], listened to their [[decisions]], and said: " These, then, are your conclusions, and I shall help you each to carry out the spirit of your [[united]] [[decisions]]. "
144:6.12 On the afternoon of their final [[discussion]] of [[financial]] questions, [[Jesus]] returned, heard of their [[deliberations]], listened to their [[decisions]], and said: " These, then, are your conclusions, and I shall help you each to carry out the spirit of your [[united]] [[decisions]]. "
144:6.13 Two months and a half from this time [[John the Baptist|John]] was executed, and throughout this period the apostles of John remained with [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]]. They all worked [[together]] and [[baptized]] believers during this [[season]] of [[labor]] in the [[cities]] of the [ Decapolis]. The [ Gilboa] camp was broken up on November 2, A.D. 27.
144:6.13 Two months and a half from this time [[John the Baptist|John]] was executed, and throughout this period the apostles of John remained with [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]]. They all worked [[together]] and [[baptized]] believers during this [[season]] of [[labor]] in the [[cities]] of the [ Decapolis]. The [ Gilboa] camp was broken up on November 2, A.D. 27.
144:7.1 Throughout the months of November and December, [[Jesus]] and the twenty-four worked [[quietly]] in the [[Greek]] [[cities]] of the [ Decapolis], chiefly in [ Scythopolis], [ Gerasa], [ Abila], and [ Gadara]. This was really the end of that preliminary period of taking over [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[work]] and [[organization]]. Always does the [ socialized religion] of a new [[revelation]] pay the price of [[compromise]] with the [[established]] [[forms]] and usages of the preceding [[religion]] which it seeks to salvage. [[Baptism]] was the price which the followers of [[Jesus]] paid in order to carry with them, as a socialized [[religious]] [[group]], the followers of [[John the Baptist]]. John's followers, in joining [[Jesus]]' followers, gave up just about everything except water [[baptism]].
144:7.1 Throughout the months of November and December, [[Jesus]] and the twenty-four worked [[quietly]] in the [[Greek]] [[cities]] of the [ Decapolis], chiefly in [ Scythopolis], [ Gerasa], [ Abila], and [ Gadara]. This was really the end of that preliminary period of taking over [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[work]] and [[organization]]. Always does the [ socialized religion] of a new [[revelation]] pay the price of [[compromise]] with the [[established]] [[forms]] and usages of the preceding [[religion]] which it seeks to salvage. [[Baptism]] was the price which the followers of [[Jesus]] paid in order to carry with them, as a socialized [[religious]] [[group]], the followers of [[John the Baptist]]. John's followers, in joining [[Jesus]]' followers, gave up just about everything except water [[baptism]].
144:7.2 [[Jesus]] did little public teaching on this [[mission]] to the [[cities]] of the [ Decapolis]. He spent considerable time teaching the twenty-four and had many special sessions with John's [[twelve apostles]]. In time they became more [[understanding]] as to why [[Jesus]] did not go to visit [[John the Baptist|John]] in [[prison]], and why he made no [[effort]] to secure his release. But they never could [[understand]] why [[Jesus]] did no [[marvelous]] works, why he refused to produce outward [[signs]] of his [[divine]] [[authority]]. Before coming to the [ Gilboa] camp, they had believed in [[Jesus]] mostly because of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[testimony]], but soon they were beginning to believe as a result of their own contact with [[the Master]] and his teachings.
144:7.2 [[Jesus]] did little public teaching on this [[mission]] to the [[cities]] of the [ Decapolis]. He spent considerable time teaching the twenty-four and had many special sessions with John's [[twelve apostles]]. In time they became more [[understanding]] as to why [[Jesus]] did not go to visit [[John the Baptist|John]] in [[prison]], and why he made no [[effort]] to secure his release. But they never could [[understand]] why [[Jesus]] did no [[marvelous]] works, why he refused to produce outward [[signs]] of his [[divine]] [[authority]]. Before coming to the [ Gilboa] camp, they had believed in [[Jesus]] mostly because of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[testimony]], but soon they were beginning to believe as a result of their own contact with [[the Master]] and his teachings.
144:7.3 For these two months the [[group]] worked most of the time in pairs, one of [[Jesus]]' [[apostles]] going out with one of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s. The apostle of John [[baptized]], the apostle of [[Jesus]] instructed, while they both preached the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] as they [[understood]] it. And they won many [[souls]] among these [[gentiles]] and [[apostate]] [[Jews]].
144:7.3 For these two months the [[group]] worked most of the time in pairs, one of [[Jesus]]' [[apostles]] going out with one of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s. The apostle of John [[baptized]], the apostle of [[Jesus]] instructed, while they both preached the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] as they [[understood]] it. And they won many [[souls]] among these [[gentiles]] and [[apostate]] [[Jews]].
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144:8.1 The latter part of December they all went over near the [ Jordan], close by [,_Jordan Pella], where they again began to [[teach]] and [[preach]]. Both [[Jews]] and [[gentiles]] came to this camp to hear the [[gospel]]. It was while [[Jesus]] was teaching [[the multitude]] one afternoon that some of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s special [[friends]] brought [[the Master]] the last [[message]] which he ever had from the [[John the Baptist|Baptist]].
144:8.1 The latter part of December they all went over near the [ Jordan], close by [,_Jordan Pella], where they again began to [[teach]] and [[preach]]. Both [[Jews]] and [[gentiles]] came to this camp to hear the [[gospel]]. It was while [[Jesus]] was teaching [[the multitude]] one afternoon that some of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s special [[friends]] brought [[the Master]] the last [[message]] which he ever had from the [[John the Baptist|Baptist]].
144:8.2 [[John the Baptist|John]] had now been in [[prison]] a year and a half, and most of this time [[Jesus]] had [[labored]] very [[quietly]]; so it was not strange that John should be led to [[wonder]] about [[the kingdom]]. John's [[friends]] interrupted [[Jesus]]' teaching to say to him: " [[John the Baptist]] has sent us to ask—are you truly the [ Deliverer], or shall we look for another? "[]
144:8.2 [[John the Baptist|John]] had now been in [[prison]] a year and a half, and most of this time [[Jesus]] had [[labored]] very [[quietly]]; so it was not strange that John should be led to [[wonder]] about [[the kingdom]]. John's [[friends]] interrupted [[Jesus]]' teaching to say to him: " [[John the Baptist]] has sent us to ask—are you truly the [ Deliverer], or shall we look for another? "[]
144:8.3 [[Jesus]] paused to say to [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[friends]]: " Go back and tell John that he is not [[forgotten]]. Tell him what you have seen and heard, that the [[poor]] have good tidings [[preached]] to them. " And when [[Jesus]] had spoken further to the [[messengers]] of [[John the Baptist|John]], he turned again to [[the multitude]] and said: " Do not think that John [[doubts]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. He makes [[inquiry]] only to [[assure]] his [[disciples]] who are also my disciples. [[John the Baptist|John]] is no weakling. Let me ask you who heard John [[preach]] before [ Herod] put him in [[prison]]: What did you behold in John—a reed shaken with the [[wind]]? A man of changeable [[moods]] and clothed in soft raiment? As a rule they who are gorgeously [[Dress|appareled]] and who live delicately are in [[kings]]' [[courts]] and in the [[mansions]] of the [[rich]]. But what did you see when you beheld [[John the Baptist|John]]? A [[prophet]]? Yes, I say to you, and much more than a [[prophet]]. Of John it was written: `Behold, I send my [[messenger]] before your face; he shall [[prepare]] the way before you.'[]
144:8.3 [[Jesus]] paused to say to [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[friends]]: " Go back and tell John that he is not [[forgotten]]. Tell him what you have seen and heard, that the [[poor]] have good tidings [[preached]] to them. " And when [[Jesus]] had spoken further to the [[messengers]] of [[John the Baptist|John]], he turned again to [[the multitude]] and said: " Do not think that John [[doubts]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. He makes [[inquiry]] only to [[assure]] his [[disciples]] who are also my disciples. [[John the Baptist|John]] is no weakling. Let me ask you who heard John [[preach]] before [ Herod] put him in [[prison]]: What did you behold in John—a reed shaken with the [[wind]]? A man of changeable [[moods]] and clothed in soft raiment? As a rule they who are gorgeously [[Dress|appareled]] and who live delicately are in [[kings]]' [[courts]] and in the [[mansions]] of the [[rich]]. But what did you see when you beheld [[John the Baptist|John]]? A [[prophet]]? Yes, I say to you, and much more than a [[prophet]]. Of John it was written: `Behold, I send my [[messenger]] before your face; he shall [[prepare]] the way before you.'[]
144:8.4 " Verily, verily, I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen a greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is but small in the kingdom of heaven is greater because he has been born of the spirit and knows that he has become a son of God. "[]
144:8.4 " Verily, verily, I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen a greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is but small in the kingdom of heaven is greater because he has been born of the spirit and knows that he has become a son of God. "[]
144:8.5 Many who heard [[Jesus]] that day submitted themselves to [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[baptism]], thereby [[publicly]] professing entrance into [[the kingdom]]. And the apostles of John were firmly knit to [[Jesus]] from that day forward. This [[occurrence]] marked the real [[union]] of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s and [[Jesus]]' followers.
144:8.5 Many who heard [[Jesus]] that day submitted themselves to [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[baptism]], thereby [[publicly]] professing entrance into [[the kingdom]]. And the apostles of John were firmly knit to [[Jesus]] from that day forward. This [[occurrence]] marked the real [[union]] of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s and [[Jesus]]' followers.
144:8.6 After the [[messengers]] had [[conversed]] with [[Abner]], they departed for Machaerus] to tell all this to [[John the Baptist|John]]. He was greatly [[comforted]], and his [[faith]] was [[strengthened]] by the [[words]] of [[Jesus]] and the [[message]] of [[Abner]].
144:8.6 After the [[messengers]] had [[conversed]] with [[Abner]], they departed for [ Machaerus] to tell all this to [[John the Baptist|John]]. He was greatly [[comforted]], and his [[faith]] was [[strengthened]] by the [[words]] of [[Jesus]] and the [[message]] of [[Abner]].
144:8.7 On this afternoon [[Jesus]] continued to teach, saying: " But to what shall I liken this [[generation]]? Many of you will [[receive]] neither [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[message]] nor my teaching. You are like the [[children]] playing in the [[market]] place who call to their fellows and say: `We piped for you and you did not [[dance]]; we wailed and you did not [[mourn]].' And so with some of you. [[John the Baptist|John]] came neither eating nor drinking, and they said he had a [[devil]]. The [ Son of Man] comes eating and drinking, and these same people say: `Behold, a gluttonous man and a winebibber, a [[friend]] of publicans and [[sinners]]!' Truly, [[wisdom]] is justified by her [[children]].[]
144:8.7 On this afternoon [[Jesus]] continued to teach, saying: " But to what shall I liken this [[generation]]? Many of you will [[receive]] neither [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[message]] nor my teaching. You are like the [[children]] playing in the [[market]] place who call to their fellows and say: `We piped for you and you did not [[dance]]; we wailed and you did not [[mourn]].' And so with some of you. [[John the Baptist|John]] came neither eating nor drinking, and they said he had a [[devil]]. The [ Son of Man] comes eating and drinking, and these same people say: `Behold, a gluttonous man and a winebibber, a [[friend]] of publicans and [[sinners]]!' Truly, [[wisdom]] is justified by her [[children]].[]
144:8.8 " It would appear that [[the Father]] in heaven has hidden some of these [[truths]] from the [[wise]] and haughty, while he has [[revealed]] them to babes. But [[the Father]] does all things well; the Father [[reveals]] himself to the [[universe]] by the [[methods]] of his own [[choosing]]. Come, therefore, all you who [[labor]] and are heavy laden, and you shall find rest for your [[souls]]. Take upon you the [[divine]] yoke, and you will [[experience]] the [[peace]] of [[God]], which passes all [[understanding]]. "[]
144:8.8 " It would appear that [[the Father]] in heaven has hidden some of these [[truths]] from the [[wise]] and haughty, while he has [[revealed]] them to babes. But [[the Father]] does all things well; the Father [[reveals]] himself to the [[universe]] by the [[methods]] of his own [[choosing]]. Come, therefore, all you who [[labor]] and are heavy laden, and you shall find rest for your [[souls]]. Take upon you the [[divine]] yoke, and you will [[experience]] the [[peace]] of [[God]], which passes all [[understanding]]. "[]
144:9.1 John the Baptist was executed by order of Herod Antipas on the evening of January 10, A.D. 28. The next day a few of John's disciples who had gone to Machaerus heard of his execution and, going to Herod, made request for his body, which they put in a tomb, later giving it burial at Sebaste, the home of Abner. The following day, January 12, they started north to the camp of John's and Jesus' apostles near Pella, and they told Jesus about the death of John. When Jesus heard their report, he dismissed the multitude and, calling the twenty-four together, said: " John is dead. Herod has beheaded him. Tonight go into joint council and arrange your affairs accordingly. There shall be delay no longer. The hour has come to proclaim the kingdom openly and with power. Tomorrow we go into Galilee. "
144:9.1 [[John the Baptist]] was [[executed]] by order of [ Herod Antipas] on the evening of January 10, [ A.D. 28]. The next day a few of John's [[disciples]] who had gone to [ Machaerus] heard of his [[execution]] and, going to [ Herod], made request for his [[body]], which they put in a [[tomb]], later giving it [[burial]] at [ Sebaste], the [[home]] of [[Abner]]. The following day, January 12, they started north to the camp of John's and Jesus' [[apostles]] near [,_Jordan Pella], and they told [[Jesus]] about the [ death of John]. When [[Jesus]] heard their report, he dismissed [[the multitude]] and, calling the twenty-four [[together]], said: " [[John the Baptist|John]] is dead. [ Herod] has beheaded him. Tonight go into joint [[council]] and arrange your affairs accordingly. There shall be delay no longer. The hour has come to [[proclaim]] [[the kingdom]] openly and with [[power]]. Tomorrow we go into [[Galilee]]. "
144:9.2 Accordingly, early on the morning of January 13, A.D. 28, Jesus and the apostles, accompanied by some twenty-five disciples, made their way to Capernaum and lodged that night in Zebedee's house.
144:9.2 Accordingly, early on the morning of January 13, [ A.D. 28], [[Jesus]] and [[the apostles]], accompanied by some twenty-five [[disciples]], made their way to [ Capernaum] and lodged that night in [ Zebedee]'s house.
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