
New page: Abraham082205WoodsCrossUT-Michael_UltimateGoodHasCarriedUranitaForward ABRAHAM & MICHAEL Ultimate Good Has Carried Uranita Forward AUGUST 22, 2005 WOODS CROSS GROUP I am ABRAHAM. Gree...


Ultimate Good Has Carried Uranita Forward

AUGUST 22, 2005


I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. How wonderful it is to be dedicated no matter where the Mission might take you. The dedication to the doing is certainly inspirational. Each of you carry on every day in the unknown, at times, of course, there is a bit of hesitation, but for the most part your daring to go forward without recognition or credit will certainly advance our Correcting Time.

I am honored to attend your celebration in remembrance of our Brother/Father, Michael. I have seen many of these celebrations and I am always met with the same loving spirit. I know the celebration brings us unity in heart and mind, even though our Mission tasks may take us elsewhere.

I am MICHAEL, your Brother/Father, your Spirit confidant, your tried and true. I am also feeling that tremendous joy of unity that brings us back from the material realms toward reality. I realize your daily struggles and reasons for taking action. I realize your need to do and not just be. There is a great deal going on in the world right now before your eyes. I can also say there is so much more that you do not see that is creating the birth of a new tomorrow.

I am so grateful from where I sit I can see back through history and know that an ultimate good has carried Urantia forward. I have also experienced life in the flesh where I was quite reliant upon my eyes of faith. There was indeed a time or two that I had felt that mortal loneliness. There were times I had to be a bit self-disciplined in order to be guided by my Father. I am grateful from where I am now. I am blessed to have gone through the mortal and morontia experiences to gain understanding that while some things may appear to be negative, they are simply the beginning of a better age.

As you remember my life in the flesh, see me as an average man. I was then and still am one of you. I work with you and for you. I can help you along that mortal path when you are willing to embrace truth. As you look back on my mortal life, see me as a person of that day and age who worked, did daily chores, who took care of a family. I went to work, I came home, I worked some more. I was a son, brother, father, student, teacher, employee, employer. I was looked up to and looked down upon. I was judged. I was befriended. I was listened to. I had many friends. I had many foes. In that, I gave myself and I received a universe.

Children, as you go out among your fellows, know that you are one of them, whether you are a soldier or a hermit who lives in the woods, know that one is not above another. We all worship the same Father. We are all attended to by Mother and Her mind-spirits. No one child gets more attention than another. Whether you are a starving child in Africa or a wealthy child in America, you each receive the same opportunities, same attendance by those who serve in spiritual realms. Let not what you see with your eyes dictate what you know with your heart and mind.

Allow me to be your Spirit of Truth. Allow me to love you as I do and care for you as I should. I shall not baby you and allow you to ponder over your past wounds, no. I shall empower you to help Urantia move into a new and better age. This will be a year of truth, being open to it, embracing reality and inviting the spirit to guide you. Know that in all your ways I go before you. I am your Brother/Father. Carry on.

I am ABRAHAM. Thank you, Michael. Your words always give us energy to continue on the good fight of faith. As Michael said, this is a year of truth and becoming about truth. Not professing your own truth to every individual you cross, no, but about seeing truth as it really is and allowing it to transform into meanings and values in your mind, thereby strengthening you to take whatever actions are necessary for each circumstance.

Continue on in your fellowship and celebration. As you know, all of us are always standing by. We are grateful to you for your exertion of faith and your daring attitudes to move forward, not have regret over the past, but to have understanding and to move forward. Our love goes with you. Shalom