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150:1.1 Of all the [[daring]] things which [[Jesus]] did in [[connection]] with his [[earth]] [[career]], the most [[amazing]] was his sudden [[announcement]] on the evening of January 16: " On the morrow we will set apart [[ten]] [[women]] for the ministering [[work]] of [[the kingdom]]. " At the beginning of the two weeks' period during which [[the apostles]] and the [[evangelists]] were to be absent from [ Bethsaida] on their furlough, [[Jesus]] requested [[David Zebedee|David]] to summon his [[parents]] back to their [[home]] and to dispatch [[messengers]] calling to [ Bethsaida] [[ten]] [[devout]] [[women]] who had served in the [[administration]] of the former encampment and the tented [[infirmary]]. These [[women]] had all [[listened]] to the instruction given the young [[evangelists]], but it had never occurred to either themselves or their [[teachers]] that [[Jesus]] would [[dare]] to commission [[women]] to [[teach]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] and minister to the [[sick]]. These [[ten]] [[women]] selected and commissioned by [[Jesus]] were: Susanna, the daughter of the former [ chazan] of the [[Nazareth]] [[synagogue]]; Joanna, the [[wife]] of Chuza, the steward of [ Herod Antipas]; Elizabeth, the daughter of a [[wealthy]] Jew of [ Tiberias] and [ Sepphoris]; Martha, the [[elder]] sister of [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] and [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]; Rachel, the sister-in-law of [,_brother_of_Jesus Jude], [[the Master]]'s [[brother]] in the [[flesh]]; Nasanta, the daughter of Elman, the [ Syrian] [[physician]]; Milcha, a cousin of the [[Apostle Thomas]]; Ruth, the eldest daughter of [[Matthew Lev]]i; Celta, the daughter of a [ Roman centurion]; and Agaman, a [[widow]] of [ Damascus]. Subsequently, [[Jesus]] added [[two]] other [[women]] to this group—[[Mary Magdalene]] and Rebecca, the daughter of [ Joseph of Arimathea].
150:1.1 Of all the [[daring]] things which [[Jesus]] did in [[connection]] with his [[earth]] [[career]], the most [[amazing]] was his sudden [[announcement]] on the evening of January 16: " On the morrow we will set apart [[ten]] [[women]] for the ministering [[work]] of [[the kingdom]]. " At the beginning of the two weeks' period during which [[the apostles]] and the [[evangelists]] were to be absent from [ Bethsaida] on their furlough, [[Jesus]] requested [[David Zebedee|David]] to summon his [[parents]] back to their [[home]] and to dispatch [[messengers]] calling to [ Bethsaida] [[ten]] [[devout]] [[women]] who had served in the [[administration]] of the former encampment and the tented [[infirmary]]. These [[women]] had all [[listened]] to the instruction given the young [[evangelists]], but it had never occurred to either themselves or their [[teachers]] that [[Jesus]] would [[dare]] to commission [[women]] to [[teach]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] and minister to the [[sick]]. These [[ten]] [[women]] selected and commissioned by [[Jesus]] were: Susanna, the daughter of the former [ chazan] of the [[Nazareth]] [[synagogue]]; Joanna, the [[wife]] of Chuza, the steward of [ Herod Antipas]; Elizabeth, the daughter of a [[wealthy]] Jew of [ Tiberias] and [ Sepphoris]; Martha, the [[elder]] sister of [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] and [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]; Rachel, the sister-in-law of [,_brother_of_Jesus Jude], [[the Master]]'s [[brother]] in the [[flesh]]; Nasanta, the daughter of Elman, the [ Syrian] [[physician]]; Milcha, a cousin of the [[Apostle Thomas]]; Ruth, the eldest daughter of [[Matthew Lev]]i; Celta, the daughter of a [ Roman centurion]; and Agaman, a [[widow]] of [ Damascus]. Subsequently, [[Jesus]] added [[two]] other [[women]] to this group—[[Mary Magdalene]] and Rebecca, the daughter of [ Joseph of Arimathea].
150:1.2 [[Jesus]] [[authorized]] these [[women]] to [[effect]] their own [[organization]] and directed [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] to provide [[funds]] for their equipment and for [ pack animals]. The ten elected Susanna as their chief and Joanna as their treasurer. From this time on they furnished their own [[funds]]; never again did they draw upon [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] for [[support]].
150:1.2 [[Jesus]] [[authorized]] these [[women]] to [[effect]] their own [[organization]] and directed [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] to provide [[funds]] for their equipment and for [ pack animals]. The ten elected Susanna as their chief and Joanna as their treasurer. From this time on they furnished their own [[funds]]; never again did they draw upon [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] for [[support]].