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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 195:3.1 After the consolidation of ['

195:3.1 After the [[consolidation]] of [ Roman political rule] and after the [[dissemination]] of [[Christianity]], the Christians found themselves with one [[God]], a great [[religious]] [[concept]], but without [[empire]]. The [ Greco-Romans] found themselves with a great [[empire]] but without a [[God]] to serve as the suitable [[religious]] [[concept]] for [[empire]] [[worship]] and spiritual unification. The Christians [[accepted]] the [[empire]]; the empire [[adopted]] [[Christianity]]. The [[Roman]] provided a [[unity]] of [[political]] rule; the [[Greek]], a unity of [[culture]] and [[learning]]; [[Christianity]], a unity of [[religious]] [[thought]] and [[practice]].

195:3.2 [[Rome]] overcame the [[tradition]] of [[nationalism]] by imperial [[universalism]] and for the first time in [[history]] made it possible for [[different]] [[races]] and [[nations]] at least nominally to [[accept]] one [[religion]].

195:3.3 [[Christianity]] came into [[favor]] in [[Rome]] at a time when there was great [[contention]] between the vigorous teachings of the [ Stoics] and the [[salvation]] [[promises]] of the [ mystery cults]. [[Christianity]] came with refreshing [[comfort]] and liberating [[power]] to a spiritually [[hungry]] people whose [[language]] had no word for " [[unselfishness]]. "

195:3.4 That which gave greatest [[power]] to [[Christianity]] was the way its [[believers]] lived lives of [[service]] and even the way they died for their [[faith]] during the earlier times of [ drastic persecution].

195:3.5 The teaching regarding [[Christ]]' s [[love]] for [[children]] soon put an end to the widespread [[practice]] of [ exposing children to death] when they were not wanted, particularly girl babies.

195:3.6 The early [[plan]] of [[Christian]] [[worship]] was largely taken over from the [[Jewish]] [[synagogue]], [[modified]] by the [ Mithraic] [[ritual]]; later on, much [[pagan]] pageantry was added. The backbone of the [ early Christian church] consisted of Christianized [[Greek]] proselytes to [[Judaism]].

195:3.7 The [ second century after Christ] was the best time in all the world's [[history]] for a [[good]] [[religion]] to make [[progress]] in the [[Western world]]. During the [ first century] Christianity had [[prepared]] itself, by [[struggle]] and [[compromise]], to take root and rapidly spread. [[Christianity]] [[adopted]] the [[emperor]]; later, he adopted [[Christianity]]. This was a great age for the spread of a [ new religion]. There was [[religious]] [[liberty]]; [[travel]] was [[universal]] and [[thought]] was untrammeled.

195:3.8 The [[spiritual]] [[impetus]] of nominally accepting [ Hellenized] Christianity came to [[Rome]] too late to [[prevent]] the well-started [[moral]] decline or to compensate for the already well-[[established]] and increasing [[racial]] deterioration. This [ new religion] was a cultural necessity for [[imperial]] [[Rome]], and it is exceedingly unfortunate that it did not become a means of [[spiritual]] [[salvation]] in a larger sense.

195:3.9 Even a [[good]] [[religion]] could not save a great [[empire]] from the sure results of lack of [[individual]] [[participation]] in the affairs of [[government]], from overmuch [ paternalism], overtaxation and gross collection [[abuses]], unbalanced trade with the [[Levant]] which drained away the gold, [[Entertainment|amusement]] madness, Roman standardization, the degradation of woman, [[slavery]] and [[race]] [[decadence]], physical plagues, and a [ state church] which became [[institutionalized]] nearly to the point of spiritual barrenness.

195:3.10 Conditions, however, were not so bad at [ Alexandria]. The early [[schools]] continued to hold much of [[Jesus]]' teachings [[free]] from [[compromise]]. [ Poutaenus] taught [ Clement] and then went on to follow [[Nathaniel]] in proclaiming [ Christ in India]. While some of the [[ideals]] of [[Jesus]] were [[sacrificed]] in the building of [[Christianity]], it should in all fairness be recorded that, by the end of the [ second century], practically all the great minds of the [ Greco-Roman] world had become Christian. The [[triumph]] was approaching completion.

195:3.11 And this [ Roman Empire] lasted sufficiently long to insure the [[survival]] of [[Christianity]] even after the [ empire collapsed]. But we have often [[conjectured]] what would have happened in [[Rome]] and in the world if it had been the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] which had been [[accepted]] in the place of [ Greek] [[Christianity]].

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