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185:3.1 [ Pilate] took [[Jesus]] and [[John Zebedee]] into a [[private]] chamber, leaving the guards outside in the hall, and requesting the [[prisoner]] to sit down, he sat down by his side and asked several [[questions]]. [ Pilate] began his talk with [[Jesus]] by [[assuring]] him that he did not [[believe]] the first count against him: that he was a [[perverter]] of the [[nation]] and an inciter to [[rebellion]]. Then he asked, " Did you ever [[teach]] that [[tribute]] should be refused [ Caesar]? " [[Jesus]], pointing to [[John, the Apostle|John]], said, " Ask him or any other man who has heard my teaching. " Then [ Pilate] [[questioned]] [[John, the Apostle|John]] about this matter of [[tribute]], and [[John, the Apostle|John]] [[testified]] concerning his Master's teaching and [[explained]] that [[Jesus]] and his [[apostles]] paid [[taxes]] both to [ Caesar] and to [ the temple]. When [ Pilate] had [[questioned]] [[John, the Apostle|John]], he said, " See that you tell no man that I [[talked]] with you. " And [[John, the Apostle|John]] never did [[reveal]] this matter.

185:3.2 [ Pilate] then turned around to [[question]] [[Jesus]] further, saying: " And now about the third [[accusation]] against you, are you the [[king]] of the [[Jews]]? " Since there was a [[tone]] of possibly [[sincere]] [[inquiry]] in [ Pilate]'s [[voice]], [[Jesus]] smiled on the [ procurator] and said: " [ Pilate], do you ask this for yourself, or do you take this [[question]] from these others, my [[accusers]]? " Whereupon, in a [[tone]] of partial [[indignation]], the [ governor] answered: " Am I a [[Jew]]? Your own people and the [ chief priests] delivered you up and asked me to [ sentence] you to [[death]]. I question the [[validity]] of their [ charges] and am only trying to find out for myself what you have done. Tell me, have you said that you are the [[king]] of the [[Jews]], and have you sought to found a new [[Nation|kingdom]]? "[]

185:3.3 Then said [[Jesus]] to Pilate: " Do you not [[perceive]] that [[the Kingdom|my kingdom]] is not of this world? If [[the Kingdom|my kingdom]] were of this world, surely would my [[disciples]] fight that I should not be delivered into the hands of the [[Jews]]. My [[presence]] here before you in these bonds is sufficient to show all men that [[the Kingdom|my kingdom]] is a [[spiritual]] [[dominion]], even the brotherhood of men who, through [[faith]] and by [[love]], have become the [ sons of God]. And this [[salvation]] is for the [[gentile]] as well as for the [[Jew]]. "

185:3.4 " Then you are a [[king]] after all? " said [ Pilate]. And [[Jesus]] answered: " Yes, I am such a [[king]], and [[the Kingdom|my kingdom]] is the [[family]] of the [ sons of God faith sons] of [[the Father|my Father]] who is in [[heaven]]. For this [[purpose]] was I [[born]] into this world, even that I should show [[the Father|my Father]] to all men and bear [[witness]] to the [[truth]] of [[God]]. And even now do I [[declare]] to you that every one who [[loves]] the [[truth]] hears my [[voice]]. "[]

185:3.5 Then said [ Pilate], half in [[ridicule]] and half in [[sincerity]], " [[Truth]], what is [[truth]]—who knows? "[]

185:3.6 [ Pilate] was not able to [[fathom]] [[Jesus]]' [[words]], nor was he able to [[understand]] the [[nature]] of [[the Kingdom|his spiritual kingdom]], but he was now certain that the [[prisoner]] had done nothing [[worthy]] of [[death]]. One look at [[Jesus]], [[face]] to face, was enough to [[convince]] even [ Pilate] that this [[gentle]] and [[weary]], but [[majestic]] and [[upright]], man was no wild and [[dangerous]] [[revolutionary]] who [[aspired]] to [[establish]] himself on the [[temporal]] [[throne]] of [[Israel]]. [ Pilate] [[thought]] he [[understood]] something of what [[Jesus]] meant when he called himself a [[king]], for he was familiar with the teachings of the [ Stoics], who [[declared]] that " the [[wise]] man is [[king]]. " [ Pilate] was thoroughly convinced that, instead of being a [[dangerous]] [[Rebellion|sedition]] monger, [[Jesus]] was nothing more or less than a harmless [[visionary]], an innocent [[fanatic]].

185:3.7 After [[questioning]] [[the Master]], [ Pilate] went back to the [ chief priests] and the [[accusers]] of [[Jesus]] and said: " I have [[examined]] this man, and I find no fault in him. I do not [[think]] he is [[guilty]] of the [ charges] you have made against him; I [[think]] he ought to be set [[free]]. " And when the [[Jews]] heard this, they were moved with great [[anger]], so much so that they wildly shouted that [[Jesus]] should die; and one of the [[Sanhedrists]] [[boldly]] stepped up by the side of [ Pilate], saying: " This man stirs up [[the people]], beginning in [[Galilee]] and continuing throughout all [[Judea]]. He is a [[mischief]]-maker and an evildoer. You will long [[regret]] it if you let this [[wicked]] man go [[free]]. "

185:3.8 [ Pilate] was hard pressed to know what to do with [[Jesus]]; therefore, when he heard them say that he began his [[work]] in [[Galilee]], he [[thought]] to avoid the [[responsibility]] of [[deciding]] the [ case], at least to gain time for [[thought]], by sending [[Jesus]] to appear before [ Herod], who was then in the [[city]] attending the [[Passover]]. [ Pilate] also [[thought]] that this [[gesture]] would help to antidote some of the bitter [[feeling]] which had existed for some time between himself and [ Herod], due to numerous misunderstandings over matters of [[jurisdiction]].[]

185:3.9 [ Pilate], calling the guards, said: " This man is a [[Galilean]]. Take him forthwith to [ Herod], and when he has [[examined]] him, report his findings to me. " And they took [[Jesus]] to [ Herod].

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