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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 167:5.1 On the way to Judea Jesus was followed by a company of almost fifty of his friends and ...'

167:5.1 On the way to [[Judea]] [[Jesus]] was followed by a company of almost fifty of his [[friends]] and [[enemies]]. At their noon lunchtime, on Wednesday, he [[talked]] to his [[apostles]] and this [[group]] of followers on the " Terms of [[Salvation]], " and at the end of this lesson told the [[parable]] of the [[Pharisee]] and the publican (a [ tax collector]). Said [[Jesus]]: " You see, then, that [[the Father]] gives [[salvation]] to the children of men, and this [[salvation]] is a [[free]] [[gift]] to all who have the [[faith]] to receive [[sonship]] in the [[divine]] [[family]]. There is nothing man can do to [[earn]] this [[salvation]]. Works of [[self-righteousness]] cannot buy the [[favor]] of [[God]], and much [[praying]] in [[public]] will not [[atone]] for lack of living [[faith]] in the [[heart]]. Men you may [[deceive]] by your outward [[service]], but [[God]] looks into your [[souls]]. What I am telling you is well [[illustrated]] by two men who went into [ the temple] to [[pray]], the one a [[Pharisee]] and the other a [ publican]. The [[Pharisee]] stood and [[prayed]] to himself: `O God, I [[thank]] you that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unlearned, unjust, [[adulterers]], or even like this [ publican]. I fast twice a week; I give [[tithes]] of all that I get.' But the [ publican], standing afar off, would not so much as lift his eyes to [[heaven]] but smote his [[breast]], saying, `[[God]] be [[merciful]] to me a [[sinner]].' I tell you that the [ publican] went [[home]] with [[God]]'s [[approval]] rather than the [[Pharisee]], for every one who exalts himself shall be [[humbled]], but he who humbles himself shall be exalted. "[]

167:5.2 That night, in [ Jericho], the unfriendly [[Pharisees]] sought to entrap [[the Master]] by inducing him to [[discuss]] [[marriage]] and [[divorce]], as did their fellows one time in [[Galilee]], but [[Jesus]] artfully avoided their [[efforts]] to bring him into [[conflict]] with their [[laws]] concerning [[divorce]]. As the [ publican] and the [[Pharisee]] [[illustrated]] [[good]] and bad [[religion]], their [[divorce]] practices served to [[contrast]] the better [[marriage]] [[laws]] of the [ Jewish code] with the [[disgrace]]ful laxity of the Pharisaic [[interpretations]] of these [ Mosaic] [[divorce]] statutes. The [[Pharisee]] [[judged]] himself by the lowest [[standard]]; the [ publican] squared himself by the highest [[ideal]]. [[Devotion]], to the [[Pharisee]], was a means of inducing [[self-righteous]] inactivity and the [[assurance]] of [[false]] [[spiritual]] [[security]]; [[devotion]], to the [ publican], was a means of stirring up his [[soul]] to the [[realization]] of the need for [[repentance]], [[confession]], and the [[acceptance]], by [[faith]], of [[merciful]] [[forgiveness]]. The [[Pharisee]] sought [[justice]]; the [ publican] sought [[mercy]]. The [[law]] of the [[universe]] is: Ask and you shall [[receive]]; seek and you shall find.

167:5.3 Though [[Jesus]] refused to be drawn into a [[controversy]] with the [[Pharisees]] concerning [[divorce]], he did [[proclaim]] a positive teaching of the highest [[ideals]] regarding [[marriage]]. He exalted [[marriage]] as the most [[ideal]] and highest of all [[human]] [[relationships]]. Likewise, he intimated strong disapproval of the lax and unfair [[divorce]] [[practices]] of the [[Jerusalem]] [ Jews], who at that time [[permitted]] a man to [[divorce]] his [[wife]] for the most trifling of reasons, such as being a poor cook, a faulty housekeeper, or for no better reason than that he had become [ enamoured] of a better-looking [[woman]].

167:5.4 The [[Pharisees]] had even gone so far as to teach that [[divorce]] of this easy variety was a special dispensation granted the [ Jewish people], particularly the [[Pharisees]]. And so, while [[Jesus]] refused to make pronouncements dealing with [[marriage]] and [[divorce]], he did most bitterly denounce these [[shame]]ful floutings of the [[marriage]] [[relationship]] and pointed out their injustice to [[women]] and [[children]]. He never [[sanction]]ed any [[divorce]] [[practice]] which gave man any [[advantage]] over [[woman]]; [[the Master]] countenanced only those teachings which accorded [[women]] [[equality]] with [[men]].

167:5.5 Although [[Jesus]] did not offer new [[mandates]] governing [[marriage]] and [[divorce]], he did urge the [ Jews] to live up to their own [[laws]] and higher teachings. He constantly [[appealed]] to the [[written]] [[Scriptures]] in his [[effort]] to improve their [[practices]] along these [[social]] lines. While thus upholding the high and [[ideal]] [[concepts]] of [[marriage]], [[Jesus]] skillfully avoided clashing with his questioners about the [[social]] [[practices]] [[represented]] by either their written [[laws]] or their much-cherished [[divorce]] [[privileges]].

167:5.6 It was very [[difficult]] for [[the apostles]] to [[understand]] [[the Master]]'s [[reluctance]] to make positive [[pronouncements]] relative to [[scientific]], [[social]], [[economic]], and [[political]] [[problems]]. They did not fully [[realize]] that his [[earth]] [[mission]] was exclusively concerned with [[revelations]] of [[spiritual]] and [[religious]] [[truths]].

167:5.7 After [[Jesus]] had talked about [[marriage]] and [[divorce]], later on that evening his [[apostles]] [[private]]ly asked many additional [[questions]], and his answers to these inquiries relieved their [[minds]] of many misconceptions. At the conclusion of this [[conference]] [[Jesus]] said: " [[Marriage]] is honorable and is to be [[desired]] by all men. The [[fact]] that the [ Son of Man] pursues his [[earth]] [[mission]] [[alone]] is in no way a [[reflection]] on the desirability of [[marriage]]. That I should so work is [[the Father]]'s will, but this same [[Father]] has directed the [[creation]] of [[male]] and [[female]], and it is the [[divine]] [[Free will|will]] that men and women should find their highest [[service]] and consequent [[joy]] in the establishment of [[homes]] for the [[reception]] and [[training]] of [[children]], in the [[creation]] of whom these [[parents]] become copartners with [[Supreme Creators|the Makers]] of [[heaven]] and [[earth]]. And for this cause shall a man leave his [[father]] and [[mother]] and shall cleave to his [[wife]], and they two shall become as one. "[]

167:5.8 And in this way [[Jesus]] relieved the [[minds]] of [[the apostles]] of many [[worries]] about [[marriage]] and cleared up many misunderstandings regarding [[divorce]]; at the [[same time]] he did much to exalt their [[ideals]] of [[social]] [[union]] and to augment their [[respect]] for [[women]] and [[children]] and for the [[home]].

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