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158:2.1 For about half the distance down the [ mountain] not a [[word]] [[Silence|was spoken]]. [[Jesus]] then began the [[conversation]] by remarking: " Make certain that you tell no man, not even your brethren, what you have seen and heard on this [[mountain]] until the [ Son of Man] has [ risen from the dead]. " The [[three]] [[apostles]] were [[shocked]] and bewildered by [[the Master]]'s words, " until the [ Son of Man] has [[Resurrection|risen from the dead]]. "[] They had so recently reaffirmed their [[faith]] in him as the [[Messiah|Deliverer]], the [[Son of God]], and they had just beheld him [[transfigured]] in [[glory]] before their very eyes, and now he began to talk about " rising from the dead "!

158:2.2 [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] shuddered at the [[thought]] of [[the Master]]'s [[Death|dying]]—it was too disagreeable an [[idea]] to entertain—and [[fearing]] that [[James, the Apostle|James]] or [[John, the Apostle|John]] might ask some question [[relative]] to this [[statement]], he [[thought]] best to start up a diverting [[conversation]] and, not knowing what else to [[talk]] about, gave [[expression]] to the first thought coming into his [[mind]], which was: " Master, why is it that the [[scribes]] say that [[ Elijah] must first come before the [[Messiah]] shall appear? " And [[Jesus]], knowing that [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] sought to avoid [[reference]] to his [[death]] and [[resurrection]], answered: " [ Elijah] indeed comes first to [[prepare]] the way for the [ Son of Man], who must [[suffer]] many [[things]] and finally be [[rejected]]. But I tell you that [ Elijah] has already come, and they [[received]] him not but did to him whatsoever they willed. " And then did the [[three]] [[apostles]] [[perceive]] that he referred to [[John the Baptist]] as [ Elijah]. [[Jesus]] knew that, if they insisted on regarding him as the [[Messiah]], then must [[John the Baptist|John]] be the [ Elijah] of the [[prophecy]].[]

158:2.3 [[Jesus]] enjoined [[silence]] about their [[observation]] of the [[Foreshadow|foretaste]] of his [[Paper 193 - Final Appearances and Ascension|postresurrection]] [[glory]] because he did not want to foster the notion that, being now [[received]] as [ the Messiah], he would in any [[degree]] fulfill their [[erroneous]] [[concepts]] of a [[wonder]]-working deliverer. Although [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]], and [[John, the Apostle|John]] [[pondered]] all this in their [[minds]], they spoke not of it to any man until after [[the Master]]'s [[resurrection]].

158:2.4 As they continued to [[descend]] the [[mountain]], [[Jesus]] said to them: " You would not [[receive]] me as the [ Son of Man]; therefore have I consented to be [[received]] in [[accordance]] with your settled [[determination]], but, mistake not, the will of [[Universal Father|my Father]] must prevail. If you thus [[choose]] to follow the inclination of your own [[Free will|wills]], you must [[prepare]] to [[suffer]] many [[disappointments]] and [[experience]] many [[trials]], but the [[training]] which I have given you should suffice to bring you [[triumphantly]] through even these [[sorrows]] of your own [[choosing]]. "

158:2.5 [[Jesus]] did not take [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]], and [[John, the Apostle|John]] with him up to the [ mount] of the [[transfiguration]] because they were in any sense better [[prepared]] than the other [[apostles]] to [[witness]] what happened, or because they were [[spiritually]] more fit to enjoy such a rare [[privilege]]. Not at all. He well knew that none of [[the twelve]] were [[spiritually]] qualified for this [[experience]]; therefore did he take with him only the [[three]] [[apostles]] who were assigned to accompany him at those times when he [[desired]] to be alone to enjoy [[solitary]] [[communion]].

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