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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 152:7.1 Sunday, April 3, Jesus, accompanied only by the twelve apostles, started from [http://en.wi...'

152:7.1 Sunday, April 3, [[Jesus]], accompanied only by the [[twelve apostles]], started from [ Bethsaida] on the [[journey]] to [[Jerusalem]]. To avoid [[the multitudes]] and to [[attract]] as little [[attention]] as possible, they [[journeyed]] by way of [ Gerasa] and [ Philadelphia]. He [[forbade]] them to do any [[public]] teaching on this trip; neither did he [[permit]] them to [[teach]] or [[preach]] while sojourning in [[Jerusalem]]. They arrived at [ Bethany], near [[Jerusalem]], late on Wednesday evening, April 6. For this one night they stopped at the [[home]] of [ Lazarus], [ Martha], and [,_sister_of_Lazarus Mary], but the next day they [[separated]]. [[Jesus]], with [[John, the Apostle|John]], stayed at the [[home]] of a [[believer]] named Simon, near the house of [ Lazarus] in [ Bethany]. [[Judas Iscariot]] and [[Simon Zelotes]] stopped with [[friends]] in [[Jerusalem]], while the rest of [[the apostles]] [[sojourned]], two and two, in [[different]] [[homes]].

152:7.2 [[Jesus]] entered [[Jerusalem]] only once during this [[Passover]], and that was on the [ great day of the feast]. Many of the [[Jerusalem]] believers were brought out by [[Abner]] to meet [[Jesus]] at [ Bethany]. During this [[sojourn]] at [[Jerusalem]] [[the twelve]] learned how bitter the [[feeling]] was becoming toward [[the Master|their Master]]. They departed from [[Jerusalem]] all believing that a [[crisis]] was impending.

152:7.3 On Sunday, April 24, [[Jesus]] and [[the apostles]] left [[Jerusalem]] for [ Bethsaida], going by way of the coast [[cities]] of [ Joppa], [ Caesarea], and [,_Israel Ptolemais]. Thence, overland they went by [ Ramah] and [ Chorazin] to [ Bethsaida], arriving on Friday, April 29. Immediately on reaching [[home]], [[Jesus]] dispatched [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] to ask of the ruler of the [[synagogue]] [[permission]] to [[speak]] the next day, that being the [[Sabbath]], at the afternoon service. And [[Jesus]] well knew that that would be the last time he would ever be [[permitted]] to [[speak]] in the [ Capernaum] [[synagogue]].

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