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New page: Abraham120505WoodsCrossUT_BuildingBridgesToMakeConnections ABRAHAM DECEMBER 5, 2005 WOODS CROSS GROUP I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am enjoying your discussion on visions of reality. Our ...


DECEMBER 5, 2005


I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am enjoying your discussion on visions of reality. Our freedom is the beautiful thing about our Mission. Anything is possible and yet, we always attempt to remain somewhat grounded and practical. Witnessing our accounts however of Father’s fingerprints in our lives is indeed a boost to our faith levels. We each can learn so much from sharing and also listening. It is important that people have a voice and know they are well worth being heard.

In the busyness of mortal life we can overlook small but important aspects of our ministry. Most of our impact on others comes from how we actually live our lives. We can be quite philosophical and seemingly God-like one moment and our actions can show something completely opposite of that. One thing we can count on is that we will influence individuals along our path; as well we will be influenced. It is written that this world is simply a bridge to the next. We can also say that in this life we will build many bridges. A bridge is a connection to be traversed, utilized as a go-between, not a place to stop and build.

Your relationships are bridges that have real energy. As we progress in our Mission we are finding more importance in building these bridges and making connections. Like the Master, we strive to do good as we pass by. Some connections are lifelong, while some fade away. The importance of our ministry today is that we are building and making connections and bringing healing or spiritual aid. I do realize that many bridges are burned along the way with misunderstanding and harsh feelings. I can recognize quite a few in my own mortal experience. The beauty of our ministry is that we need not have worry over those bridges burned, but know that with Father all things are possible, even the rebuilding of seemingly lost connections.

As we ponder the Master’s technique of bridge building we see His genuine interest He had for others. He made them feel valued by His willingness to listen to what they were really saying. He was not concerned with their opinions of Him personally, but took great interest in who they were and what they were about. We can see early on in His ministry that He made great effort to meet many individuals and leave them with some positive impact--not about Himself, but about doing good and passing it on to others.

In our efforts to move toward Light and Life we are finding our connections to have a living energy. Life is becoming more valuable to those who strive to mature spiritually. The world does appear to promote confusion and self-worth is skewed. Ego is seemingly a master and self-discipline harder to come by. As we minister to others in this Correcting Time, it is important to make others feel valued genuinely by treating every individual equally, just as the Master had. No one person is too small or not worth a few moments to make eye contact. No one person is so important or beyond the possibilities of our ministry. The Brotherhood is alive with connections and helping to create an energy that will usher the world into Light and Life.

This week be observant of your connections with individuals. Remember that we always have something to learn, as well as teach. There is always a message to receive, as well as impart. We can know that kindness may be lost along the wayside, but harsh words are never forgotten. We would do well to be conscious of our contact with Father, especially when in dramatic circumstances. For this holiday season let us be conscious of the Brotherhood or bridge building and fellowship. That is all. Know that I am with continuing gratitude for your willingness to be patient and allow the Father’s will to unfold as it will. My love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.


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