
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 132:0.1 Since Gonod carried greetings from the princes of ['

132:0.1 Since Gonod carried greetings from the princes of [ India] to [[ Tiberius], the Roman ruler, on the third day after their arrival in [[Rome]] the two Indians and [[Jesus]] [[appeared]] before him. The morose [[emperor]] was unusually [[Joy|cheerful]] on this day and chatted long with the trio. And when they had gone from his [[presence]], the emperor, referring to [[Jesus]], remarked to the aide standing on his right, " If I had that fellow's kingly bearing and [[gracious]] [[manner]], I would be a real emperor, eh? "

132:0.2 While at [[Rome]], Ganid had regular hours for [[study]] and for visiting places of interest about the [[city]]. His [[father]] had much [[business]] to [[transact]], and desiring that his son grow up to become a [[worthy]] successor in the [[management]] of his vast [[commercial]] interests, he thought the time had come to introduce the boy to the [[business]] world. There were many [[citizens]] of [ India] in [[Rome]], and often one of Gonod's own employees would accompany him as [[interpreter]] so that [[Jesus]] would have whole days to himself; this gave him time in which to become thoroughly acquainted with this city of two million inhabitants. He was frequently to be found in the [ forum], the center of [[political]], [[legal]], and [[business]] life. He often went up to the [ Capitolium] and pondered the [[bondage]] of [[ignorance]] in which these Romans were held as he beheld this [[magnificent]] [[temple]] [[dedicated]] to [ Jupiter], [ Juno], and [ Minerva]. He also spent much time on [ Palatine hill], where were located the emperor's residence, the [[temple]] of [ Apollo], and the [[Greek]] and [[Latin]] [[libraries]].

132:0.3 At this time the [ Roman Empire] included all of southern Europe, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, and northwest Africa; and its [[inhabitants]] [[embraced]] the [[citizens]] of every country of the [ Eastern Hemisphere]. His [[desire]] to [[study]] and mingle with this [[cosmopolitan]] [[aggregation]] of [[Urantia]] mortals was the chief reason why [[Jesus]] consented to make this [[journey]].

132:0.4 [[Jesus]] learned much about men while in [[Rome]], but the most valuable of all the manifold [[experiences]] of his six months' [[sojourn]] in that [[city]] was his contact with, and [[influence]] upon, the religious [[leaders]] of [ the empire]'s capital. Before the end of the first week in [[Rome]] [[Jesus]] had sought out, and had made the acquaintance of, the [[worth]]-while [[leaders]] of the [ Cynics], the [ Stoics], and the [ mystery cults], in particular the [ Mithraic group]. Whether or not it was apparent to [[Jesus]] that the [[Jews]] were going to reject his [[mission]], he most certainly foresaw that his [[messengers]] were presently coming to [[Rome]] to [[proclaim]] the kingdom of heaven; and he therefore set about, in the most amazing [[manner]], to [[prepare]] the way for the better and more certain [[reception]] of their message. He selected five of the leading [ Stoics], eleven of the [ Cynics], and sixteen of the [ mystery-cult] leaders and spent much of his spare time for almost six months in [[intimate]] [[association]] with these religious [[teachers]]. And this was his [[method]] of instruction: Never once did he [[attack]] their [[errors]] or even mention the flaws in their teachings. In each case he would select the [[truth]] in what they taught and then [[proceed]] so to embellish and [[illuminate]] this [[truth]] in their minds that in a very short time this enhancement of the [[truth]] effectively crowded out the associated [[error]]; and thus were these [[Jesus]]-taught [[men]] and [[women]] [[prepared]] for the subsequent [[recognition]] of additional and similar [[truths]] in the teachings of the early [[Christian]] missionaries. It was this early [[acceptance]] of the teachings of the [[gospel]] preachers which gave that powerful [[impetus]] to the rapid spread of [[Christianity]] in [[Rome]] and from there throughout the [ empire].

132:0.5 The significance of this remarkable [[doing]] can the better be [[understood]] when we [[record]] the [[fact]] that, out of this group of thirty-two [[Jesus]]-taught religious [[leaders]] in [[Rome]], only two were unfruitful; the thirty became pivotal [[individuals]] in the [[establishment]] of [[Christianity]] in [[Rome]], and certain of them also aided in turning the chief [ Mithraic temple] into the first Christian church of that [[city]]. We who view [[human]] [[activities]] from behind the scenes and in the [[light]] of nineteen centuries of time [[recognize]] just [[three]] [[factors]] of [[paramount]] [[value]] in the early setting of the stage for the rapid [ spread of Christianity] throughout [ Europe], and they are:

*1. The [[choosing]] and holding of [[Peter, the Apostle|Simon Peter]] as an [[apostle]].
*2. The talk in [[Jerusalem]] with [ Stephen], whose [[death]] led to the winning of [[Paul, the Apostle|Saul of Tarsus]].
*3. The preliminary [[preparation]] of these thirty Romans for the subsequent [[leadership]] of the new [[religion]] in [[Rome]] and throughout the [ empire].

132:0.6 Through all their [[experiences]], neither [ Stephen] nor the thirty chosen ones ever [[realized]] that they had once talked with the man whose [[name]] became the subject of their [[religious]] [[teaching]]. [[Jesus]]' work in behalf of the original thirty-two was entirely [[personal]]. In his labors for these [[individuals]] the [[scribe]] of [ Damascus] never met more than three of them at one time, seldom more than two, while most often he taught them singly. And he could do this great [[work]] of religious [[training]] because these [[men]] and [[women]] were not [[tradition]] bound; they were not [[victims]] of a settled preconception as to all [[future]] [[religious]] [[developments]].

132:0.7 Many were the times in the years so soon to follow that [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]], and the other Christian [[teachers]] in [[Rome]] heard about this [[scribe]] of [ Damascus] who had preceded them, and who had so obviously (and as they supposed unwittingly) [[prepared]] the way for their coming with the new [[gospel]]. Though [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] never really surmised the [[identity]] of this [[scribe]] of [ Damascus], he did, a short time before his [[death]], because of the similarity of [[personal]] descriptions, reach the conclusion that the " tentmaker of [ Antioch] " was also the " scribe of Damascus. " On one occasion, while preaching in [[Rome]], [[Peter, the Apostle|Simon Peter]], on listening to a description of the Damascus scribe, surmised that this [[individual]] might have been [[Jesus]] but quickly dismissed the [[idea]], knowing full well (so he thought) that [[the Master]] had never been in [[Rome]].

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