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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 117:6.1 We seek the Supreme in the universes, but we find him not. "He is the within and the wi...'

117:6.1 We [[seek]] the [[Supreme]] in the [[universes]], but we find him not. "He is the within and the without of all things and beings, moving and quiescent. Unrecognizable in his mystery, though distant, yet is he near."[] The [[Almighty Supreme]] is "the form of the yet unformed, the pattern of the yet uncreated."[] The [[Supreme]] is your [[universe]] [[home]], and when you find him, it will be like returning home. He is your [[experiential]] [[parent]], and even as in the [[experience]] of [[human being]]s, so has he [[grown]] in the [[experience]] of [[divine]] [[parenthood]]. He knows you because he is creaturelike as well as creatorlike.

117:6.2 If you truly [[desire]] to find [[God]], you cannot help having born in your [[minds]] the [[consciousness]] of the [[Supreme]]. As [[God]] is your [[divine]] [[Father]], so is the [[Supreme]] your [[divine]] [[Mother]], in whom you are nurtured throughout your lives as [[universe]] [[creatures]]. "How [[universal]] is the [[Supreme]]—he is on all sides! The limitless [[things]] of [[creation]] depend on his presence for life, and none are refused."

117:6.3 What [[Michael]] is to [[Nebadon]], the [[Supreme]] is to the [[finite]] [[cosmos]]; his [[Deity]] is the great avenue through which the [[love]] of [[the Father]] [[flows]] outward to all [[creation]], and he is the great avenue through which [[finite]] [[creatures]] pass inward in their [[quest]] of [[the Father]], who is [[love]]. Even [[Thought Adjusters]] are related to him; in [[original]] [[nature]] and [[divinity]] they are like [[the Father]], but when they [[experience]] the [[transactions]] of [[time]] in [[the universes]] of [[space]], they become like the [[Supreme]].

117:6.4 The [[act]] of the [[creature]]'s [[choosing]] to [[Doing the will of God|do the will of the Creator]] is a [[cosmic]] [[value]] and has a [[universe]] [[meaning]] which is [[immediately]] reacted to by some unrevealed but ubiquitous [[force]] of [[co-ordination]], [[probably]] the [[functioning]] of the ever-enlarging [[action]] of the [[Supreme Being]].

117:6.5 The [ morontia soul] of an [ evolving mortal] is really the son of the [[Adjuster]] [[action]] of the [[Universal Father]] and the child of the [[cosmic]] [[reaction]] of the [[Supreme Being]], the ''Universal Mother''. The [[mother]] [[influence]] [[dominates]] the [[human]] [[personality]] throughout the [[local universe]] [[childhood]] of the [ growing soul]. The [[influence]] of the [[Deity]] [[parents]] becomes more [[equal]] after the [ Adjuster fusion] and during the [[superuniverse]] [[career]], but when the [[creatures]] of [[time]] begin the [[traversal]] of the [[central universe]] of [[eternity]], [[the Father]] [[nature]] becomes increasingly [[manifest]], [[attaining]] its height of [[finite]] [[manifestation]] upon the [[recognition]] of the [[Universal Father]] and the admission into the [[Corps of the Finality]].

117:6.6 In and through the [[experience]] of [[finaliter]] [[attainment]] the [[experiential]] [[mother]] [[qualities]] of the ascending [[self]] become tremendously affected by [[contact]] and infusion with the [[spirit]] [[presence]] of the [[Eternal Son]] and the [[mind]] [[presence]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]]. Then, throughout the realms of [[finaliter]] [[activity]] in the [[grand universe]], there appears a new [[awakening]] of the [[latent]] [[mother]] [[potential]] of the [[Supreme]], a new [[realization]] of [[experiential]] [[meanings]], and a new [[synthesis]] of [[experiential]] [[values]] of the entire [[ascension career]]. It [[appears]] that this [[realization]] of [[self]] will continue in the [[universe]] [[careers]] of the sixth-stage [[finaliters]] until the [[mother]] [[inheritance]] of the [[Supreme]] attains to finite [[synchrony]] with the [[Adjuster]] inheritance of [[the Father]]. This [[intriguing]] period of [[grand universe]] [[function]] [[represents]] the continuing adult [[career]] of the [[ascendant]] and [[perfected]] [[mortal]].

117:6.7 Upon the completion of the [ sixth stage] of [[existence]] and the entrance upon the [ seventh and final stage of spirit status], there will probably ensue the advancing [[ages]] of enriching [[experience]], ripening [[wisdom]], and [[divinity]] [[realization]]. In the [[nature]] of the [[finaliter]] this will probably [[equal]] the completed [[attainment]] of the [[mind]] [[struggle]] for [[spirit]] [[self-realization]], the completion of the [[co-ordination]] of the ascendant man-[[nature]] with the divine [[Adjuster]]-nature within the limits of finite [[possibilities]]. Such a [[magnificent]] [[universe]] [[self]] thus becomes the eternal [[finaliter]] son of the [[Paradise Father]] as well as the eternal universe [[child]] of the [[Mother Supreme]], a [[universe]] self qualified to [[represent]] both [[the Father]] and Mother of [[universes]] and [[personalities]] in any [[activity]] or undertaking pertaining to the finite [[administration]] of created, creating, or evolving [[things]] and [[beings]].

117:6.8 All [[soul]]-evolving [[humans]] are [[literally]] the evolutionary sons of [[God the Father]] and [[God the Mother]], the [[Supreme Being]]. But until such [[time]] as [[mortal]] man becomes [[soul]]-[[conscious]] of his [[divine]] [[heritage]], this [[assurance]] of [[Deity]] kinship must be [[faith]] [[realized]]. Human life [[experience]] is the [[cosmic]] [[cocoon]] in which the [[universe]] [[endowments]] of the [[Supreme Being]] and the [[universe]] [[presence]] of the [[Universal Father]] (none of which are [[personalities]]) are evolving the [ morontia soul] of [[time]] and the [[human]]-[[divine]] [[finaliter]] [[character]] of [[universe]] [[destiny]] and [[eternal]] [[service]].

117:6.9 Men all too often forget that [[God]] is the greatest [[experience]] in [[human]] [[existence]]. Other experiences are [[limited]] in their [[nature]] and [[content]], but the [[experience]] of [[God]] has no [[limits]] save those of the [[creature]]'s [[comprehension]] [[capacity]], and this very [[experience]] is in itself [[capacity]] enlarging. When men search for [[God]], they are searching for [[everything]]. When they find [[God]], they have found [[everything]]. The search for God is the unstinted [[bestowal]] of [[love]] attended by amazing [[discoveries]] of new and greater [[love]] to be bestowed.

117:6.10 All true [[love]] is from [[God]], and man receives the [[divine]] [[affection]] as he himself bestows this [[love]] upon his fellows. [[Love]] is [[dynamic]]. It can never be captured; it is alive, [[free]], thrilling, and always moving. Man can never take the [[love]] of [[the Father]] and imprison it within his [[heart]]. [[The Father]]'s [[love]] can become real to [[mortal]] man only by passing through that man's [[personality]] as he in turn bestows this love upon his fellows. The great [[circuit]] of [[love]] is from [[the Father]], through sons to brothers, and hence to the [[Supreme]]. The [[love]] of [[the Father]] appears in the [[mortal]] [[personality]] by the [[ministry]] of the indwelling [[Adjuster]]. Such a [[God]]-knowing son [[reveals]] this [[love]] to his [[universe]] brethren, and this [[fraternal]] [[affection]] is the [[essence]] of the [[love]] of the [[Supreme]].

117:6.11 There is no approach to the [[Supreme]] except through [[experience]], and in the current [[epochs]] of [[creation]] there are only [[three]] avenues of creature approach to [[Supremacy]]:

117:6.12 1. The [ Paradise Citizens] [[descend]] from the [[eternal Isle]] through [[Havona]], where they acquire [[capacity]] for [[Supremacy]] [[comprehension]] through observation of the [ Paradise-Havona] [[reality]] differential and by exploratory [[discovery]] of the manifold [[activities]] of the [[Supreme Creator Personalities]], ranging from the [[Master Spirits]] to the [[Creator Sons]].

117:6.13 2. The [[time-space]] ascenders coming up from the [[evolutionary universes]] of the [[Supreme Creators]] make close approach to the [[Supreme]] in the [[traversal]] of [[Havona]] as a preliminary to the augmenting [[appreciation]] of the [[unity]] of the [[Paradise Trinity]].

117:6.14 3. The [ Havona natives] acquire a [[comprehension]] of the [[Supreme]] through [[contacts]] with [[descending]] [[pilgrims]] from [[Paradise]] and [ ascending pilgrims] from the [[seven superuniverses]]. [ Havona natives] are [[inherently]] in position to [[harmonize]] the [[essentially]] [[different]] [[viewpoints]] of the [[citizens]] of the [[eternal Isle]] and the citizens of the [[evolutionary universes]].

117:6.15 To [ evolutionary creatures] there are [[seven]] great approaches to the [[Universal Father]], and each of these [[Ascension Career|Paradise ascensions]] passes through the [[divinity]] of one of the [[Seven Master Spirits]]; and each such approach is made possible by an enlargement of [[experience]] [[receptivity]] consequent upon the [[creature]]'s having served in the [[superuniverse]] [[reflective]] of the nature of that [[Master Spirit]]. The sum [[total]] of these [[seven]] [[experiences]] [[constitutes]] the present-known [[limits]] of a [[creature]]'s [[consciousness]] of the [[reality]] and [[actuality]] of ''God the Supreme''.

117:6.16 It is not only man's own [[limitations]] which prevent him from finding the [[finite]] [[God]]; it is also the incompletion of the [[universe]]; even the incompletion of all [[creatures]]—[[past]], [[present]], and [[future]]—makes the [[Supreme]] inaccessible. [[God the Father]] can be found by any [[individual]] who has [[attained]] the [[divine]] level of Godlikeness, but ''God the Supreme'' will never be [[personally]] [[discovered]] by any one [[creature]] until that far-distant [[time]] when, through the [[universal]] [[attainment]] of [[perfection]], all creatures will [[simultaneously]] find him[].

117:6.17 Despite the [[fact]] that you cannot, in [[this universe age]], personally find him as you can and will find [[Paradise Trinity|the Father, the Son, and the Spirit]], nevertheless, the [[Paradise]] [[ascent]] and subsequent [[universe]] [[career]] will [[gradually]] [[create]] in your [[consciousness]] the [[recognition]] of the [[universe]] [[presence]] and the [[cosmic]] [[action]] of the [[God]] of all [[experience]]. The [[fruits of the spirit]] are the substance of the [[Supreme]] as he is realizable in [[human]] [[experience]].

117:6.18 [[Man]]'s sometime [[attainment]] of the [[Supreme]] is consequent upon his [ fusion with the spirit] of [[Paradise]] [[Deity]]. With Urantians this [[spirit]] is the [[Adjuster]] [[presence]] of the [[Universal Father]]; and though the [[Mystery Monitor]] is from [[the Father]] and like the Father, we [[doubt]] that even such a [[divine]] [[gift]] can achieve the impossible task of [[revealing]] the [[nature]] of the [[infinite]] [[God]] to a [[finite]] [[creature]]. We [[suspect]] that what the [[Adjusters]] will [[reveal]] to [[future]] [ seventh-stage finaliters] will be the [[divinity]] and [[nature]] of ''God the Supreme''. And this [[revelation]] will be to a [[finite]] [[creature]] what the [[revelation]] of the [[Infinite]] would be to an [[absolute]] [[being]].

117:6.19 The [[Supreme]] is not [[infinite]], but he [[probably]] [[embraces]] all of [[infinity]] that a [[finite]] [[creature]] can ever really [[comprehend]]. To [[understand]] more than the [[Supreme]] is to be more than [[finite]]!

117:6.20 All [[experiential]] [[creations]] are [[interdependent]] in their [[realization]] of [[destiny]]. Only [[existential]] [[reality]] is [[self-contained]] and self-existent. [[Havona]] and the [[seven superuniverses]] require each other to [[achieve]] the maximum of [[finite]] [[attainment]]; likewise will they be sometime dependent on the [[future]] [[universes]] of [[outer space]] for [[finite]] [[transcendence]].

117:6.21 A [[human]] ascender can find [[the Father]]; [[God]] is [[existential]] and therefore real, irrespective of the [[status]] of [[experience]] in the [[total]] [[universe]]. But no single ascender will ever find the [[Supreme]] until all ascenders have reached that maximum [[universe]] [[maturity]] which qualifies them [[simultaneously]] to [[participate]] in this [[discovery]].[]

117:6.22 [[The Father]] is no respecter of [[persons]]; he treats each of his [ ascending sons] as [[cosmic]] [[individuals]]. The [[Supreme]] likewise is no respecter of [[persons]]; he treats his experiential [[children]] as a single cosmic [[total]].

117:6.23 [[Man]] can [[discover]] [[the Father]] in his [[heart]], but he will have to search for the [[Supreme]] in the [[hearts]] of all other men; and when all [[creatures]] perfectly [[reveal]] the [[love]] of the [[Supreme]], then will he become a [[universe]] [[actuality]] to all [[creatures]]. And that is just another way of saying that the [[universes]] will be settled in [[light and life]].

117:6.24 The [[attainment]] of [[perfected]] [[self-realization]] by all [[personalities]] plus the [[attainment]] of perfected [[equilibrium]] throughout the [[universes]] [[equals]] the [[attainment]] of the [[Supreme]] and [[witnesses]] the [[liberation]] of all [[finite]] [[reality]] from the [[limitations]] of incomplete [[existence]]. Such an [[exhaustion]] of all [[finite]] [[potentials]] yields the completed [[attainment]] of the [[Supreme]] and may be otherwise defined as the completed evolutionary [[actualization]] of the [[Supreme Being]] himself.

117:6.25 [[Men]] do not find the [[Supreme]] suddenly and spectacularly as an [ earthquake] tears chasms into the rocks, but they find him slowly and [[patiently]] as a [[river]] quietly wears away the [[soil]] beneath.[]

117:6.26 When you find [[the Father]], you will find the great [[cause]] of your [[spiritual]] [[ascent]] in [[the universes]]; when you find the [[Supreme]], you will [[discover]] the great result of your [[career]] of [[Paradise]] [[progression]].

117:6.27 But no [[God]]-[[knowing]] [[mortal]] can ever be lonely in his [[journey]] through the [[cosmos]], for he knows that [[the Father]] walks beside him each step of the way, while the very way that he is [[traversing]] is the [[presence]] of the [[Supreme]].

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