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94:7.1 Contemporary with [ Lao-tse] and [ Confucius] in [ China], another great teacher of [[truth]] arose in [ India]. [[Gautama Siddhartha]] was born in the [ sixth century before Christ] in the north Indian province of [ Nepal]. His followers later made it appear that he was the son of a fabulously [[wealthy]] ruler, but, in [[truth]], he was the heir apparent to the throne of a petty chieftain who ruled by sufferance over a small and secluded [[mountain]] valley in the southern [ Himalayas].

94:7.2 [[Gautama]] formulated those [[theories]] which grew into the [ philosophy of Buddhism] after six years of the futile [[practice]] of [ Yoga]. [[Siddhartha]] made a determined but unavailing fight against the growing [[caste]] system. There was a lofty [[sincerity]] and a [[unique]] unselfishness about this young [[prophet]] prince that greatly appealed to the men of those days. He detracted from the [[practice]] of seeking [[individual]] [[salvation]] through [[physical]] affliction and [[personal]] [[pain]]. And he exhorted his followers to carry his [[gospel]] to all the world.

94:7.3 Amid the [[confusion]] and extreme [[cult]] [[practices]] of [ India], the saner and more moderate teachings of [[Gautama]] came as a refreshing relief. He denounced gods, [[priests]], and their [[sacrifices]], but he too failed to [[perceive]] the [[personality]] of the [[One]] [[Universal]]. Not believing in the [[existence]] of [[individual]] [[human]] [[souls]], [[Gautama]], of course, made a valiant fight against the time-honored [[belief]] in [[transmigration]] of the soul. He made a [[noble]] [[effort]] to deliver men from [[fear]], to make them feel at ease and at [[home]] in the great [[universe]], but he failed to show them the pathway to that real and [[supernal]] home of [[ascending]] [[mortals]]— [[Paradise]]—and to the expanding [[service]] of [[eternal]] [[existence]].

94:7.4 [[Gautama]] was a real [[prophet]], and had he heeded the instruction of the [ hermit] ''Godad'', he might have aroused all [ India] by the [[inspiration]] of the revival of the [[Salem]] [[gospel]] of [[salvation]] by [[faith]]. Godad was descended through a [[family]] that had never lost the [[traditions]] of the [[Melchizedek]] missionaries.

94:7.5 At [ Benares] [[Gautama]] founded his school, and it was during its second year that a pupil, ''Bautan'', imparted to his teacher the [[traditions]] of the [[Salem]] missionaries about the [[Melchizedek]] [[covenant]] with [[Abraham]]; and while [[Siddhartha]] did not have a very clear [[concept]] of the [[Universal Father]], he took an advanced stand on [[salvation]] through [[faith]]—simple [[belief]]. He so declared himself before his followers and began sending his [[students]] out in groups of sixty to proclaim to the people of India "the glad tidings of [[free]] [[salvation]]; that all men, high and low, can [[attain]] bliss by [[faith]] in [[righteousness]] and [[justice]]."

94:7.6 [[Gautama]]'s [[wife]] believed her [[husband]]'s gospel and was the founder of an order of nuns. His son became his successor and greatly extended the [[cult]]; he grasped the new [[idea]] of [[salvation]] through [[faith]] but in his later years wavered regarding the [[Salem]] gospel of [[divine]] [[favor]] through [[faith]] alone, and in his old age his dying words were, "Work out your own [[salvation]]."

94:7.7 When proclaimed at its best, [[Gautama]]'s gospel of [[universal]] [[salvation]], free from [[sacrifice]], [[torture]], [[ritual]], and [[priests]], was a [[revolutionary]] and amazing [[doctrine]] for its time. And it came surprisingly near to being a revival of the [[Salem]] gospel. It brought succor to millions of despairing [[souls]], and notwithstanding its [[grotesque]] [[perversion]] during later centuries, it still [[persists]] as the hope of millions of [[human being]]s.

94:7.8 [[Siddhartha]] taught far more [[truth]] than has survived in the [[modern]] [[cults]] bearing his name. [ Modern Buddhism] is no more the teachings of [[Gautama Siddhartha]] than is [[Christianity]] the teachings of [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]].
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