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84:7.1 [[Sex]] [[mating]] is [[instinctive]], [[children]] are the [[natural]] result, and the [[family]] thus [[automatically]] comes into [[existence]]. As are the families of the [[race]] or [[nation]], so is its [[society]]. If the [[families]] are [[good]], the society is likewise good. The great [[cultural]] [[stability]] of the [[Jewish]] and of the [[Chinese]] peoples lies in the [[strength]] of their [[family]] groups.

84:7.2 [[Woman]]'s [[instinct]] to [[love]] and care for [[children]] conspired to make her the interested party in promoting [[marriage]] and [[primitive]] [[family]] life. Man was only forced into [[home]] building by the pressure of the later [[mores]] and [[social]] [[conventions]]; he was slow to take an interest in the [[establishment]] of [[marriage]] and [[home]] because the [[sex]] [[act]] imposes no [[biologic]] consequences upon him.

84:7.3 [[Sex]] [[association]] is [[natural]], but [[marriage]] is [[social]] and has always been regulated by the [[mores]]. The mores ([[religious]], [[moral]], and [[ethical]]), together with [[property]], [[pride]], and [[chivalry]], [[stabilize]] the [[institutions]] of [[marriage]] and [[family]]. Whenever the [[mores]] fluctuate, there is fluctuation in the [[stability]] of the [[home]]-[[marriage]] [[institution]]. Marriage is now passing out of the [[property]] [[stage]] into the [[personal]] era. Formerly man protected woman because she was his [[Slavery|chattel]], and she [[obeyed]] for the same reason. Regardless of its merits this [[system]] did provide [[stability]]. Now, woman is no longer regarded as [[property]], and new mores are emerging designed to stabilize the marriage-home institution:

84:7.4 1. ''The new role of religion''—the teaching that [[parental]] [[experience]] is [[essential]], the [[idea]] of procreating [[cosmic]] [[citizens]], the enlarged [[understanding]] of the [[privilege]] of procreation—giving sons to [[the Father]].

84:7.5 2. ''The new role of science''—[[procreation]] is becoming more and more [[voluntary]], subject to man's [[control]]. In [[ancient]] times lack of [[understanding]] insured the [[appearance]] of [[children]] in the [[absence]] of all [[desire]] therefor.

84:7.6 3. ''The new function of pleasure lures''—this introduces a new [[factor]] into racial [[survival]]; [[ancient]] man [[exposed]] undesired [[children]] to die; moderns refuse to bear them.

84:7.7 4. ''The enhancement of parental instinct''. Each [[generation]] now tends to eliminate from the [[reproductive]] [[stream]] of the [[race]] those [[individuals]] in whom parental instinct is insufficiently strong to insure the procreation of [[children]], the prospective [[parents]] of the next [[generation]].

84:7.8 But the [[home]] as an [[institution]], a partnership between one man and one woman, dates more specifically from the days of [[Dalamatia]], about [ one-half million years ago], the [ monogamous] [[practices]] of [ Andon] and his immediate [[descendants]] having been abandoned long before. [[Family]] life, however, was not much to boast of before the days of the [[Nodites]] and the later [ Adamites]. [[Adam and Eve]] exerted a lasting [[influence]] on all [[mankind]]; for the first time in the [[history]] of the world [[men]] and [[women]] were [[observed]] working side by side in [[the Garden]]. The [[Eden]]ic [[ideal]], the whole [[family]] as gardeners, was a new [[idea]] on [[Urantia]].

84:7.9 The early [[family]] [[embraced]] a related working [[group]], including the [[slaves]], all living in one dwelling. [[Marriage]] and [[family]] life have not always been identical but have of [[necessity]] been closely [[associated]]. [[Woman]] always wanted the [[individual]] [[family]], and [[eventually]] she had her way.

84:7.10 [[Love]] of [[offspring]] is almost [[universal]] and is of distinct [[survival]] [[value]]. The [[ancients]] always [[sacrificed]] the [[mother]]'s interests for the welfare of the [[child]]; an [ Eskimo] [[mother]] even yet licks her baby in lieu of washing. But [[primitive]] [[mothers]] only nourished and cared for their [[children]] when very young; like the [[animals]], they discarded them as soon as they grew up. Enduring and [[continuous]] [[human]] [[associations]] have never been founded on [[biologic]] [[affection]] alone. The [[animals]] love their [[children]]; man—civilized man—loves his children's children. The higher the [[civilization]], the greater the [[joy]] of [[parents]] in the [[children]]'s advancement and success; thus the new and higher [[realization]] of [[name]] [[pride]] comes into [[existence]].

84:7.11 The large families among [[ancient]] peoples were not necessarily affectional. Many [[children]] were desired because:

*1. 84:7.12 ''They were valuable as laborers''.
*2. 84:7.13 ''They were old-age insurance''.
*3. 84:7.14 ''Daughters were salable''.
*4. 84:7.15 ''Family pride required extension of name''.
*5. 84:7.16 ''Sons afforded protection and defense''.
*6. 84:7.17 ''Ghost fear produced a dread of being alone''.
*7. 84:7.18 ''Certain religions required offspring''.

84:7.19 [[Ancestor]] [[worshipers]] view the failure to have sons as the supreme [[calamity]] for all [[time]] and [[eternity]]. They [[desire]] above all else to have sons to officiate in the post-mortem feasts, to offer the required [[sacrifices]] for the [[ghost]]'s [[progress]] through spiritland.

84:7.20 Among [[ancient]] [[savages]], [[discipline]] of [[children]] was begun very early; and the child early [[realized]] that disobedience meant failure or even [[death]] just as it did to the [[animals]]. It is [[civilization]]'s [[protection]] of the [[child]] from the [[natural]] consequences of foolish conduct that [[contributes]] so much to [[modern]] insubordination.

84:7.21 [ Eskimo] [[children]] thrive on so little [[discipline]] and correction simply because they are [[naturally]] docile little [[animals]]; the children of both the red and the yellow men are almost equally tractable. But in races containing [ Andite] [[inheritance]], [[children]] are not so placid; these more [[imaginative]] and [[adventurous]] [[youths]] require more [[training]] and [[discipline]]. [[Modern]] [[problems]] of [[child]] [[culture]] are rendered increasingly difficult by:

*1. 84:7.22 ''The large degree of race mixture''.
*2. 84:7.23 ''Artificial and superficial education''.
*3. 84:7.24'' Inability of the child to gain culture by imitating parents''—the [[parents]] are absent from the [[family]] picture so much of the time.

84:7.25 The olden [[ideas]] of [[family]] [[discipline]] were [[biologic]], growing out of the [[realization]] that [[parents]] were creators of the child's [[being]]. The advancing [[ideals]] of [[family]] life are leading to the [[concept]] that bringing a child into the world, instead of conferring certain [[parental]] [[rights]], entails the supreme [[responsibility]] of [[human]] [[existence]].

84:7.26 [[Civilization]] regards the [[parents]] as assuming all [[duties]], the [[child]] as having all the [[rights]]. [[Respect]] of the [[child]] for his [[parents]] arises, not in [[knowledge]] of the [[obligation]] implied in parental [[procreation]], but [[naturally]] grows as a result of the care, [[training]], and [[affection]] which are lovingly displayed in [[assisting]] the child to win the battle of life. The true [[parent]] is [[engaged]] in a [[continuous]] [[service]]-ministry which the [[wise]] child comes to [[recognize]] and [[appreciate]].

84:7.27 In the present [[industrial]] and [[urban]] era the [[marriage]] [[institution]] is evolving along new [[economic]] lines. [[Family]] life has become more and more costly, while [[children]], who used to be an [[asset]], have become economic liabilities. But the [[security]] of [[civilization]] itself still rests on the growing willingness of one [[generation]] to invest in the welfare of the next and [[future]] [[generations]]. And any attempt to shift [[parental]] [[responsibility]] to [[state]] or [[church]] will prove [[suicidal]] to the welfare and advancement of [[civilization]].

84:7.28 [[Marriage]], with [[children]] and consequent [[family]] life, is stimulative of the highest [[potentials]] in [[human]] [[nature]] and [[simultaneously]] provides the [[ideal]] avenue for the [[expression]] of these quickened [[attributes]] of [[mortal]] [[personality]]. The [[family]] provides for the [[biologic]] [[perpetuation]] of the [[human]] [[species]]. The [[home]] is the [[natural]] [[social]] arena wherein the [[ethics]] of blood [[brotherhood]] may be grasped by the growing [[children]]. The [[family]] is the [[fundamental]] [[unit]] of fraternity in which [[parents]] and [[children]] learn those lessons of [[patience]], [[altruism]], [[tolerance]], and forbearance which are so [[essential]] to the [[realization]] of brotherhood among all men.

84:7.29 [[Human]] [[society]] would be greatly improved if the civilized [[races]] would more generally return to the [[family]]-[[council]] [[practices]] of the [ Andites]. They did not maintain the [[patriarchal]] or [[autocratic]] form of [[family]] [[government]]. They were very brotherly and [[associative]], freely and frankly [[discussing]] every proposal and regulation of a [[family]] [[nature]]. They were ideally fraternal in all their family [[government]]. In an ideal family filial and parental [[affection]] are both augmented by fraternal [[devotion]].

84:7.30 Family life is the progenitor of true [[morality]], the [[ancestor]] of the [[consciousness]] of [[loyalty]] to [[duty]]. The enforced [[associations]] of [[family]] life [[stabilize]] [[personality]] and stimulate its [[growth]] through the compulsion of necessitous [[adjustment]] to other and [[diverse]] [[personalities]]. But even more, a true family—a [[good]] [[family]]—reveals to the parental procreators the [[attitude]] of the [[Creator]] to his [[children]], while at the same time such true [[parents]] portray to their children the first of a long series of [[ascending]] disclosures of the [[love]] of the [[Paradise]] [[parent]] of all [[universe]] [[children]].

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