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79:3.1 The blending of the [ Andite] [[conquerors]] of [ India] with the [[native]] stock [[eventually]] resulted in that mixed people which has been called [ Dravidian]. The earlier and purer Dravidians possessed a great [[capacity]] for [[cultural]] achievement, which was continuously weakened as their [ Andite] inheritance became progressively [[attenuated]]. And this is what [[doomed]] the budding [[civilization]] of [ India] almost [,000_B.C. twelve thousand years ago]. But the infusion of even this small amount of the [ blood of Adam] produced a marked [[acceleration]] in [[social]] [[development]]. This [[composite]] stock immediately produced the most [[versatile]] [[civilization]] then on [[earth]].

79:3.2 Not long after [[conquering]] [ India], the [ Dravidian Andites] lost their racial and [[cultural]] contact with [ Mesopotamia], but the later opening up of the [[sea]] lanes and the caravan routes re-[[established]] these [[connections]]; and at no time within the last ten thousand years has India ever been entirely out of [[touch]] with [ Mesopotamia] on the west and [ China] to the east, although the [[mountain]] barriers greatly [[favored]] [ western] [[intercourse]].

79:3.3 The superior [[culture]] and [[religious]] leanings of the peoples of India date from the early times of [ Dravidian] [[Hegemony|domination]] and are due, in part, to the [[fact]] that so many of the [ Sethite priesthood] entered India, both in the earlier [ Andite] and in the later [ Aryan invasions]. The thread of [[monotheism]] running through the [[religious]] [ history of India] thus stems from the [[teachings]] of the [ Adamites in the second garden].

79:3.4 As early as [ 16,000 B.C.] a company of one hundred [ Sethite priests] entered India and very nearly achieved the [[religious]] [[conquest]] of the western half of that polyglot people. But their [[religion]] did not [[persist]]. Within five thousand years their [[doctrines]] of the [[Paradise Trinity]] had [[degenerated]] into the [[triune]] [[symbol]] of the [ fire god].

79:3.5 But for more than seven thousand years, down to the end of the [ Andite migrations], the [[religious]] [[status]] of the [[inhabitants]] of India was far above that of the world at large. During these times [ India] bid fair to produce the leading [[cultural]], [[religious]], [[philosophic]], and [[commercial]] [[civilization]] of the world. And but for the complete submergence of the [ Andites] by the peoples of the south, this [[destiny]] would probably have been [[realized]].

79:3.6 The [ Dravidian] [[centers]] of [[culture]] were located in the [[river]] valleys, principally of the [ Indus] and [ Ganges], and in the [ Deccan] along the three great rivers flowing through the Eastern [ Ghats] to the [[sea]]. The settlements along the seacoast of the Western Ghats owed their prominence to maritime [[relationships]] with [ Sumeria].

79:3.7 The [ Dravidians] were among the earliest peoples to build [[cities]] and to [[engage]] in an extensive export and import [[business]], both by [[land]] and [[sea]]. By [ 7000 B.C.] camel trains were making regular trips to distant [ Mesopotamia]; Dravidian shipping was pushing coastwise across the [ Arabian Sea] to the Sumerian [[cities]] of the [ Persian Gulf] and was venturing on the waters of the [ Bay of Bengal] as far as the [ East Indies]. An [[alphabet]], together with the [[art]] of [[writing]], was imported from [ Sumeria] by these seafarers and merchants.

79:3.8 These [[commercial]] [[relationships]] greatly [[contributed]] to the further [[diversification]] of a [[cosmopolitan]] [[culture]], resulting in the early [[appearance]] of many of the refinements and even [[luxuries]] of [[urban]] life. When the later appearing [ Aryans] entered India, they did not recognize in the [ Dravidians] their [ Andite] cousins submerged in the [ Sangik races], but they did find a well-advanced [[civilization]]. Despite [[biologic]] [[limitations]], the [ Dravidians] founded a superior [[civilization]]. It was well [[diffused]] throughout all India and has [[survived]] on down to modern times in the [ Deccan].

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