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69:1.1 All [[human]] [[institutions]] minister to some [[social]] need, [[past]] or [[present]], notwithstanding that their overdevelopment unfailingly detracts from the [[worth]]-whileness of the [[individual]] in that [[personality]] is overshadowed and [[initiative]] is diminished. [[Man]] should [[control]] his [[institutions]] rather than permit himself to be [[dominated]] by these [[creations]] of advancing [[civilization]].

69:1.2 [[Human]] [[institutions]] are of three general classes:

*1. 69:1.3 ''The institutions of self-maintenance''. These institutions [[embrace]] those [[practices]] growing out of [[food]] [[hunger]] and its associated [[instincts]] of self-preservation. They include [ industry], [[property]], [[war]] for [[Profit|gain]], and all the regulative [[machine]]ry of [[society]]. Sooner or later the [[fear]] [[instinct]] fosters the [[establishment]] of these [[institutions]] of [[survival]] by means of [[taboo]], [[convention]], and [[religious]] [[sanction]]. But [[fear]], [[ignorance]], and [[superstition]] have played a prominent part in the early [[origin]] and subsequent [[development]] of all human [[institutions]].
*2. 69:1.4 ''The institutions of self-perpetuation''. These are the [[establishment]]s of [[society]] growing out of [[sex]] [[hunger]], [[maternal]] [[instinct]], and the higher tender [[emotions]] of the [[races]]. They [[embrace]] the [[social]] safeguards of the [[home]] and the school, of [[family]] life, [[education]], [[ethics]], and [[religion]]. They include [[marriage]] [[customs]], [[war]] for [[defense]], and [[home]] building.
*3. 69:1.5 ''The institutions of self-gratification''. These are the [[practices]] growing out of [[vanity]] proclivities and [[pride]] [[emotions]]; and they [[embrace]] [[customs]] in [[dress]] and [[personal]] adornment, [[social]] usages, [[war]] for [[glory]], [[dancing]], amusement, [[games]], and other phases of sensual gratification. But [[civilization]] has never evolved distinctive institutions of [[self-gratification]].

69:1.6 These [[three]] [[groups]] of [[social]] [[practices]] are [[intimately]] interrelated and minutely [[interdependent]] the one upon the other. On [[Urantia]] they [[represent]] a [[complex]] [[organization]] which [[functions]] as a single [[social]] [[mechanism]].[]

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