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45:4.1 At the [[center]] of the [[seven]] [[angelic]] [[residential]] circles on [[Jerusem]] is located the [[headquarters]] of the [[Urantia]] advisory [[council]], the ''[[four and twenty counselors]]''. [[John the Revelator]] called them the four and twenty elders: "And round about the throne were four and twenty seats, and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment."[] ] The throne in the [[center]] of this [[group]] is the [[judgment]] seat of the presiding [[archangel]], the throne of the [[resurrection]] roll call of [[mercy]] and [[justice]] for all [[Satania]]. This judgment seat has always been on [[Jerusem]], but the twenty-four [[surrounding]] seats were placed in position no more than nineteen hundred years ago, soon after [[Master Son|Christ Michael]] was elevated to the full [[sovereignty]] of [[Nebadon]]. These four and twenty counselors are his [[personal]] [[agents]] on [[Jerusem]], and they have [[authority]] to [[represent]] the [[Master Son]] in all matters concerning the roll calls of [[Satania]] and in many other [[phases]] of the [[scheme]] of [[mortal]] [[ascension]] on the [[isolated]] worlds of [[the system]]. They are the designated [[agents]] for [[executing]] the special requests of [[Gabriel]] and the unusual [[mandates]] of [[Michael]].

45:4.2 These [[twenty-four counselors]] have been recruited from the eight [[Urantia]] [[races]][], and the last of this [[group]] were assembled at the [[time]] of the [[resurrection]] roll call of [[Michael]], nineteen hundred years ago. This [[Urantia]] [[advisory]] [[council]] is made up of the following members:

*1. 45:4.3 ''Onagar'', the master [[mind]] of the [ pre-Planetary Prince age], who directed his fellows in the [[worship]] of "The [[Breath]] Giver."
*2. 45:4.4 ''Mansant'', the great [[teacher]] of the [ post-Planetary Prince age] on [[Urantia]], who pointed his fellows to the [[veneration]] of "The Great [[Light]]."
*3. 45:4.5 ''[[Onamonalonton]]'', a far-distant [[leader]] of the [ red man] and the one who directed this [[race]] from the [[worship]] of many [[gods]] to the veneration of "The Great [[Spirit]]."
*4. 45:4.6 ''Orlandof'', a prince of the [ blue men] and their [[leader]] in the [[recognition]] of the [[divinity]] of "The [[Supreme]] Chief."
*5. 45:4.7 ''Porshunta'', the [[oracle]] of the extinct [ orange race] and the [[leader]] of this people in the [[worship]] of "The Great [[Teacher]]."
*6. 45:4.8 ''Singlangton'', the first of the [ yellow men] to teach and lead his people in the [[worship]] of "One [[Truth]]" instead of many. Thousands of years ago the yellow man knew of the [[Monotheism|one God]].
*7. 45:4.9 ''Fantad'', the deliverer of the [ green men] from [[darkness]] and their [[leader]] in the [[worship]] of "The One [[Source]] of Life."
*8. 45:4.10 ''Orvonon'', the [[enlighten]]er of the [ indigo races] and their [[leader]] in the onetime [[service]] of "The [[God]] of Gods."
*9. 45:4.11 ''[[Adam]]'', the discredited but [[rehabilitated]] [[planetary]] [[father]] of [[Urantia]], a [ Material Son of God] who was relegated to the likeness of [[mortal]] [[flesh]], but who [[survived]] and was subsequently elevated to this position by the [[decree]] of [[Michael]].
*10. 45:4.12 ''[[Eve]]'', the [[mother]] of the [ violet race] of [[Urantia]], who [[suffered]] the penalty of [[default]] with her [[mate]] and was also rehabilitated with him and assigned to [[serve]] with this [[group]] of [[mortal]] [[survivors]].
*11. 45:4.13 ''[ Enoch]'', the first of the [[mortals]] of [[Urantia]] to [[fuse]] with the [[Thought Adjuster]] during the [[mortal]] life in the [[flesh]].
*12. 45:4.14 ''[ Moses]'', the emancipator of a remnant of the submerged [ violet race violet race] and the instigator of the revival of the [[worship]] of the [[Universal Father]] under the [[name]] of "The God of Israel."
*13. 45:4.15 ''[ Elijah]'', a [[translated]] [[soul]] of [[brilliant]] [[spiritual]] [[achievement]] during the [ post-Material Son age].
*14. 45:4.16 ''[[Machiventa]] [[Melchizedek]]'', the only Son of this order to [ bestow himself] upon the [[Urantia]] [[races]]. While still numbered as a [[Melchizedek]], he has become "forever a minister of the [[Most Highs]]," [[eternally]] [[assuming]] the assignment of [[service]] as a [[mortal]] [[ascender]], having [[sojourned]] on [[Urantia]] in the likeness of [[mortal]] [[flesh]] at [[Salem]] in the days of [[Abraham]]. This [[Melchizedek]] has latterly been proclaimed vicegerent [[Planetary Prince]] of [[Urantia]] with [[headquarters]] on [[Jerusem]] and [[authority]] to [[act]] in behalf of [[Michael]], who is actually the [[Planetary Prince]] of the world whereon he [[experienced]] his [ terminal bestowal] in [[human]] [[form]]. Notwithstanding this, [[Urantia]] is still supervised by [[successive]] [ resident governors general], members of the [[four and twenty counselors]].
*15. 45:4.17 ''[[John the Baptist]]'', the forerunner of [[Michael]]'s mission on [[Urantia]] and, in the [[flesh]], distant cousin of the Son of Man.
*16. 45:4.18 ''1-2-3 the First'', the leader of the loyal [[midway creatures]] in the service of [[Gabriel]] at the time of the [ Caligastia betrayal], elevated to this position by [[Michael]] soon after his entrance upon unconditioned [[sovereignty]].

45:4.19 These selected [[personalities]] are exempt from the [[ascension regime]] for the time being, on [[Gabriel]]'s request, and we have no [[idea]] how long they may serve in this [[capacity]].

45:4.20 ''Seats numbers 17, 18, 19, and 20'' are not [[permanently]] occupied. They are temporarily filled by the [[unanimous]] consent of the sixteen [[permanent]] members, being kept open for later assignment to [[ascending mortals]] from the [ present postbestowal Son age] on [[Urantia]].

45:4.21 ''Numbers 21, 22, 23, and 24'' are likewise temporarily filled while being held in reserve for the great [[teachers]] of other and subsequent [[ages]] which undoubtedly will follow the [ present age]. Eras of the [[Magisterial Son]]s and [[Teacher Sons]] and the ages of [[light and life]] are to be anticipated on [[Urantia]], regardless of unexpected visitations of [[divine Sons]] which may or may not occur.

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