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New page: Abraham071006WoodsCrossUtah~Mary_TheRequirementForRest&Relaxation Woods Cross Group Abraham & Mary July 10, 2006 I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am with such gratitude to communicate with y...

Woods Cross Group

Abraham & Mary

July 10, 2006

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am with such gratitude to communicate with you together on this weekly basis. Your fellowship provides fertile ground for new ideas and concepts. In all that can drag one down in the course of mortal living, it is wonderful to spend time together to maintain a positive outlook and keep strong in faith. For many of you, your fellowship is a safe place to be your true selves. You each can count on each other for love and support, but more so I believe you put truth above that. Wise, indeed.

Each one of you here have a ministry or branches, so to speak, that filtrate out into your everyday lives. The nourishment you receive here spiritually strengthens you to be productive in your outreach. We are grateful for your support in this ministry. I am seeing a great deal of strength among the lot of you. You are finding more courage to embrace universal laws and finding the spiritual fruits therefrom. You are showing that you are part of the whole and not the whole itself. Your experience has given you a great deal of training and as much as you believed you failed many of life’s tests, you must know, for the most part you have stayed the course. That is good for you as the individual and for all of us as the whole.

I am MARY and am glad to be with you again. I am in understanding of Abraham’s topic as of late on spiritual logic and avenues of mortal escape. Every mortal needs to remove themselves from the stimulation of everyday life. Everyone needs to be refreshed, re-energized. There are many forms of mindal rest that would be a wonderful avenue of temporary escape, strengthening you to continue to stay on task for the ministry and the Mission.

I am brought back to my days on the earth when living would become somewhat stressful among me and my sister apostles. It would always be obvious to the Master that we were in need of a break. He would tell us, when our personal agendas mix with the ministry--then it is time to step back, to find rest and recreation. Jesus set for us a good example in His diligence in finding time for just Him and Father. Even then always were His fellows seeking His assistance. If the Master had not gone off without word to His brethren, He might not have been able to go at all.

The Master showed in everyday life whom He served. His self-interests were not first. He looked at many of life’s occurrences as simple ministry. It was spiritually logical to Him that Father was likely to be working through Him when least expected. Jesus, therefore, remained observant and could tell from the levels of serenity within Him if He was on the right track. Of course, when the Master was not clear on an issue, He would find escape from the noise of life to spend time with Father.

Jesus found clarity of mind in many other activities such as nature and science. He often pondered the inner workings of the various eco-systems. Also was the Master able to lighten any circumstances with humor and play. To spend time with the youth reminded Him of His carefree days and what was important to young people. He always said many of us took our lives much too seriously. The Master also loved all kinds of art. He found the creative side of man to be close to God and a great deal of art reflected God’s personality. Truly inspiring, yes.

I realize many of you are dedicated to your good standing as a citizen in this mortal life and yes, you should be. We have to be aware, however, when obligation would have us find serious escape or just some simple rest and reversion. As you are close to your Indwelling Father, will be the direct proportion of information you will be able to receive at any given time. Meaning, if you call on Father only in emergency--then are you only able to understand general instruction. The Master had a well-worn path to Father and this is accepted, as well as recommended.

Life was meant to be joy-filled and the more spiritually logical you become, the more you will see that joy enters into all areas of life, work, obligation, family, etc. This week find positive escape from frail emotional states. Be observant in the uncomfortable. Know that your ministry is possible at any time and place. That is all. From Abraham and myself, we bid you God-speed and send you our love. Until next time, shalom.


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