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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 32:3.1 The only creation that is perfectly settled is Havona, the central universe, which was made ...'

32:3.1 The only [[creation]] that is perfectly settled is [[Havona]], the central universe, which was made directly by the [[thought]] of the [[Universal Father]] and the word of the [[Eternal Son]]. [[Havona]] is an [[existential]], [[perfect]], and replete universe, [[surrounding]] the [[home]] of the eternal [[Deities]], the center of all things. The creations of the [[seven superuniverses]] are [[finite]], [[evolutionary]], and consistently [[progressive]].

32:3.2 The physical systems of [[time and space]] are all [[evolutionary]] in [[origin]]. They are not even physically stabilized until they are swung into the settled [[circuits]] of their [[superuniverses]]. Neither is a [[local universe]] settled in [[light and life]] until its physical possibilities of expansion and [[development]] have been exhausted, and until the [[spiritual]] [[status]] of all its [[inhabited worlds]] has been forever settled and stabilized.

32:3.3 Except in the [[central universe]], [[perfection]] is a [[progressive]] attainment. In the central creation we have a [[pattern]] of [[perfection]], but all other realms must attain that perfection by the [[methods]] [[established]] for the advancement of those particular worlds or universes. And an almost [[infinite]] variety characterizes the [[plans]] of the [[Creator Sons]] for organizing, evolving, [[disciplining]], and settling their respective [[local universe]]s.

32:3.4 With the exception of the [[deity]] [[presence]] of [[the Father]], every [[local universe]] is, in a certain sense, a duplication of the [[administrative]] [[organization]] of the central or [[pattern]] creation. Although the [[Universal Father]] is personally present in the residential universe, he does not indwell the [[minds]] of the beings originating in that [[universe]] as he does [[literally]] dwell with the [[souls]] of the [[mortals]] of [[time and space]]. There seems to be an all-wise compensation in the [[adjustment]] and regulation of the spiritual affairs of the far-flung [[creation]]. In the [[central universe]] [[the Father]] is personally present as such but [[absent]] in the [[minds]] of the children of that perfect creation; in [[the universes]] of [[space]] [[the Father]] is absent in [[person]], being represented by his [[Sovereign Sons]], while he is [[intimately]] present in the [[minds]] of his mortal children, being spiritually [[represented]] by the prepersonal presence of the [[Mystery Monitors]] that reside in the minds of these [[Free will|will]] creatures.

32:3.5 On the [[headquarters]] of a [[local universe]] there reside all those creator and creative [[personalities]] who represent self-contained [[authority]] and administrative [[autonomy]] except the [[personal]] presence of the [[Universal Father]]. In the [[local universe]] there are to be found something of everyone and someone of almost every [[class]] of [[intelligent]] beings existing in the [[central universe]] except the [[Universal Father]]. Although the Universal Father is not personally present in a [[local universe]], he is personally [[represented]] by its [[Creator Son]], sometime [ vicegerent] of God and subsequently [ supreme and sovereign] ruler in his own right.

32:3.6 The farther down the [[scale]] of life we go, the more [[difficult]] it becomes to locate, with the eye of [[faith]], the invisible Father. The lower [[creatures]]—and sometimes even the [ higher personalities]—find it difficult always to envisage the [[Universal Father]] in his [[Creator Sons]]. And so, pending the time of their spiritual exaltation, when [[perfection]] of [[development]] will enable them to see [[God]] in person, they grow weary in [[progression]], entertain [[spiritual]] doubts, stumble into [[confusion]], and thus isolate themselves from the [[progressive]] spiritual aims of their [[time]] and universe. In this way they lose the [[ability]] to see [[the Father]] when beholding the [[Creator Son]]. The surest safeguard for the [[creature]] throughout the long struggle to [[attain]] [[the Father]], during this time when [[inherent]] conditions make such attainment impossible, is tenaciously to hold on to the [[truth]]-[[fact]] of [[the Father]]'s presence in [ his Sons]. Literally and figuratively, spiritually and personally, [[the Father]] and [ the Sons] are one. It is a [[fact]]: He who has seen a [[Creator Son]] has seen [[the Father]].

32:3.7 The [[personalities]] of a given [[universe]] are settled and dependable, at the start, only in [[accordance]] with their [[degree]] of kinship to [[Deity]]. When [[creature]] [[origin]] departs sufficiently far from the [[original]] and [[the Gods|divine Sources]], whether we are dealing with the [[Sons of God]] or the [ creatures of ministry] belonging to the [[Infinite Spirit]], there is an increase in the [[possibility]] of disharmony, [[confusion]], and sometimes [[rebellion]]—[[sin]].

32:3.8 Excepting [[perfect]] [[beings]] of [[Deity]] [[origin]], all will creatures in the [[superuniverses]] are of [[evolutionary]] nature, [[Ascension Career|beginning in lowly estate and climbing ever upward]], in [[reality]] inward. Even highly [[spiritual]] [[personalities]] continue to [[ascend]] the [[scale]] of life by [[progressive]] [[translations]] from life to life and from sphere to sphere. And in the case of those who entertain the [[Mystery Monitors]], there is indeed no limit to the possible heights of their spiritual ascent and universe [[attainment]].

32:3.9 The [[perfection]] of the [[creatures]] of time, when finally achieved, is wholly an acquirement, a bona fide [[personality]] possession. While the elements of [[grace]] are freely admixed, nevertheless, the creature attainments are the result of [[individual]] [[effort]] and [[actual]] living, [[personality]] reaction to the existing [[environment]].

32:3.10 The [[fact]] of animal [[evolutionary]] [[origin]] does not attach [[stigma]] to any [[personality]] in the [[sight]] of the universe as that is the exclusive [[method]] of producing one of the two basic types of [[finite]] intelligent [[Free will|will]] creatures. When the heights of [[perfection]] and [[eternity]] are attained, all the more [[honor]] to those who began at the bottom and joyfully climbed the ladder of life, round by round, and who, when they do reach the heights of [[glory]], will have gained a [[personal]] [[experience]] which embodies an [[actual]] [[knowledge]] of every [[phase]] of life from the bottom to the top.

32:3.11 In all this is shown the [[wisdom]] of [[the Deities|the Creators]]. It would be just as easy for the [[Universal Father]] to make all [[mortals]] perfect beings, to impart [[perfection]] by his divine [[word]]. But that would deprive them of the [[wonderful]] [[experience]] of the [[adventure]] and [[training]] associated with the long and [[gradual]] inward climb, an [[experience]] to be had only by those who are so fortunate as to begin at the very bottom of living [[existence]].

32:3.12 In [[Superuniverse|the universes]] encircling [[Havona]] there are provided only a sufficient number of [[perfect]] [[creatures]] to meet the need for [[pattern]] [[teacher]] guides for those who are ascending the [[evolutionary]] [[scale]] of life. The experiential [[nature]] of the evolutionary type of [[personality]] is the natural [[cosmic]] [[complement]] of the ever-perfect natures of the [[Paradise]]-[[Havona]] creatures. In [[reality]], both perfect and perfected creatures are incomplete as regards [[finite]] [[totality]]. But in the complemental association of the existentially perfect creatures of the [ Paradise-Havona system] with the experientially perfected [[finaliters]] ascending from the [[evolutionary]] universes, both types find release from [[inherent]] limitations and thus may conjointly attempt to reach the [[sublime]] heights of the [[ultimate]] of [[creature]] [[status]].

32:3.13 These [[creature]] [[transactions]] are the universe repercussions of [[actions]] and [[reactions]] within the [ Sevenfold Deity], wherein the [[eternal]] [[divinity]] of the [[Paradise Trinity]] is conjoined with the evolving [[divinity]] of the [[Supreme Creators]] of the [[time-space]] universes in, by, and through the power-actualizing [[Deity]] of the [[Supreme Being]].

32:3.14 The [[divinely]] perfect [[creature]] and the evolutionary perfected creature are equal in [[degree]] of [[divinity]] [[potential]], but they differ in kind. Each must depend on the other to attain [[supremacy]] of [[service]]. The evolutionary [[superuniverses]] depend on perfect [[Havona]] to provide the final [[training]] for their ascending [[citizens]], but so does the perfect [[central universe]] require the [[existence]] of the perfecting [[superuniverses]] to provide for the full [[development]] of its [[descending]] inhabitants.

32:3.15 The two prime [[manifestations]] of [[finite]] [[reality]], innate [[perfection]] and evolved perfection, be they [[personalities]] or [[universes]], are [[co-ordinate]], dependent, and integrated. Each requires the other to achieve completion of [[function]], [[service]], and [[destiny]].

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