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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 22:3.1 Those High in Authority, the second group of the ''Trinitized Sons of Attainment'', are all [[Ad...'

22:3.1 Those High in Authority, the second [[group]] of the ''Trinitized Sons of Attainment'', are all [[Adjuster]]-fused [[beings]] of [[mortal]] [[origin]]. These are the [[perfected]] [[mortals]] who have exhibited superior [[administrative]] [[ability]] and have shown extraordinary [[executive]] [[genius]] throughout their long [[ascending careers]]. They are the cream of [[governing]] [[ability]] derived from the [[surviving]] [[mortals]] of [[space]].

22:3.2 Seventy thousand of Those High in Authority are trinitized at each [[Trinity]] [[liaison]]. Though the [[local universe]] of [[Nebadon]] is a [[Relative|comparatively]] young [[creation]], it has [[representatives]] among a recently trinitized class of this order. There are now commissioned in [[Orvonton]] more than ten billion of these [[skillful]] [[administrators]]. Like all separate orders of [[celestial]] [[beings]], they maintain their own headquarters on [[Uversa]], and like the other [[Trinity]]-[[embraced]] sons, their reserves on [[Uversa]] [[act]] as the central directing body of their order in [[Orvonton]].

22:3.3 Those High in Authority are [[administrators]] without [[limitation]]. They are the [[Omnipresent|everywhere-present]] and always-[[efficient]] [[executives]] of the [[Ancients of Days]]. They [[serve]] on any [[sphere]], on any [ inhabited world], and in any [[phase]] of [[activity]] in any of the [[seven superuniverses]].

22:3.4 Having superb [[administrative]] [[wisdom]] and unusual [[executive]] [[skill]], these brilliant [[beings]] assume to present the [[cause]] of [[justice]] in behalf of the [[superuniverse]] [[tribunals]]; they foster the [[execution]] of [[justice]] and the rectification of misadaptations in the [[evolutionary]] [[universes]]. Therefore, if you should ever be cited for errors of [[judgment]] while you are [[ascending]] the worlds and [[spheres]] of your [[ordained]] [[cosmic]] [[progression]], it is hardly likely that you would [[suffer]] injustice since your prosecutors would be onetime [[ascendant]] [[creatures]] who are [[personally]] familiar with every step of the [[career]] you have traversed and are traversing.

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