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16:1.1 The [[Conjoint Creator]], the [[Infinite Spirit]], is [[necessary]] to the completion of the triune[] [[personalization]] of undivided [[Deity]]. This threefold Deity personalization is [[inherently]] sevenfold[] in [[possibility]] of [[individual]] and [[associative]] [[expression]]; hence the subsequent plan to [[create]] [[universes]] inhabited by [[intelligent]] and [[potentially]] [[spiritual]] [[beings]], duly expressive of [[the Father]], [[Eternal Son|Son]], and [[Infinite Spirit|Spirit]], made the [[personalization]] of the Seven Master Spirits [[Inevitable|inescapable]]. We have come to [[speak]] of the threefold personalization of [[Deity]] as the [[absolute]] [[inevitability]], while we have come to look upon the [[appearance]] of the Seven Master Spirits as the subabsolute inevitability

16:1.2 While the Seven Master Spirits are hardly expressive of [ threefold Deity], they are the [[eternal]] portrayal of [ sevenfold Deity], the [[active]] and [[associative]] [[functions]] of the three ever-existent [[persons]] of Deity. By and in and through these Seven Spirits, the [[Universal Father]], the [[Eternal Son]], or the [[Infinite Spirit]], or any dual [[association]], is able to [[function]] as such. When the Father, the Son, and the Spirit act together, they can and do [[function]] through Master Spirit Number Seven, but not as the [[Trinity]]. The Master Spirits singly and [[collectively]] [[represent]] any and all possible [[Deity]] [[functions]], single and several, but not [[collective]], not the [[Trinity]]. Master Spirit Number Seven is [[personally]] nonfunctional with regard to the [[Paradise Trinity]], and that is just why he can function [[personally]] for the [[Supreme Being]].

16:1.3 But when the Seven Master Spirits vacate their [[individual]] seats of [[personal]] [[power]] and [[superuniverse]] [[authority]] and assemble about the [[Conjoint Actor]] in the triune [[presence]] of [[Paradise]] [[Deity]], then and there are they collectively [[representative]] of the functional [[power]], [[wisdom]], and [[authority]] of undivided Deity—the [[Trinity]]—to and in the [[The Seven Superuniverses|evolving universes]]. Such a Paradise [[union]] of the primal sevenfold [[expression]] of [[Deity]] does actually [[embrace]], [[literally]] [[encompass]], all of every [[attribute]] and [[attitude]] of the three eternal Deities in [ Supremacy] and in [ Ultimacy]. To all [[practical]] [[intents]] and [[purposes]] the Seven Master Spirits do, then and there, encompass the functional domain of the [ Supreme-Ultimate] to and in the [[master universe]].

16:1.4 As far as we can [[discern]], these Seven Spirits are [[associated]] with the [[divine]] [[activities]] of the three [[eternal]] [[persons]] of [[Deity]]; we detect no [[evidence]] of direct [[association]] with the [[functioning]] [[presences]] of the three eternal [[phases]] of [ the Absolute]. When [[associated]], the Master Spirits [[represent]] the [[Paradise]] Deities in what may be roughly [[Conception|conceived]] as the [[finite]] domain of [[action]]. It might [[embrace]] much that is [[ultimate]] but not [[absolute]].

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