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9:2.1 God is [[spirit]] in a threefold sense: He himself is spirit; in his Son he appears as spirit without qualification; in the Conjoint Actor, as spirit allied with [[mind]]. And in addition to these spiritual realities, we [[think]] we [[discern]] levels of experiential spirit [[phenomena]]—the spirits of the [[Supreme Being]], [[Ultimate]] Deity, and Deity [[Absolute]].

9:2.2 The Infinite Spirit is just as much a complement of the [[Eternal Son]] as the Son is a complement of the [[Universal Father]]. The Eternal Son is a spiritualized [[personalization]] of the Father; the Infinite Spirit is a personalized spiritualization of the Eternal Son and the Universal Father.

9:2.3 There are many untrammeled lines of spiritual [[force]] and sources of supermaterial [[power]] linking the people of [[Urantia]] directly with the Deities of [[Paradise]]. There exist the [[connection]] of the [[Thought Adjusters]] direct with the Universal Father, the widespread [[influence]] of the [ spiritual-gravity] urge of the Eternal Son, and the spiritual presence of the Conjoint Creator. There is a [[difference]] in [[function]] between the spirit of the Son and the spirit of the Spirit. The Third Person in his spiritual ministry may function as mind plus spirit or as spirit alone.

9:2.4 In addition to these Paradise presences, Urantians benefit by the spiritual influences and activities of the [ local] and the [ superuniverse], with their almost endless array of loving [[personalities]] who ever lead the true of [[purpose]] and the honest of [[heart]] upward and inward towards the ideals of divinity and the goal of supreme perfection.

9:2.5 The presence of the universal spirit of the Eternal Son we know—we can unmistakably recognize it. The presence of the Infinite Spirit, the Third Person of Deity, even [[mortal]] man may know, for [[material]] [[creatures]] can actually [[experience]] the beneficence of this divine influence which functions as the [[Holy Spirit]] of [[local universe]] bestowal upon the [[race]]s of [[mankind]]. Human beings can also in some degree become [[conscious]] of the [[Thought Adjuster|Adjuster]], the impersonal presence of the Universal Father. These divine spirits which [[work]] for man's [[Progress|uplifting]] and spiritualization all [[act]] in unison and in perfect [[co-operation]]. They are as one in the spiritual operation of the plans of mortal ascension and perfection attainment.

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