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4:2.1 [[Nature]] is in a limited sense the [[physical]] [[habit]] of [[God]]. The [[Behavior|conduct]], or [[action]], of [[God]] is qualified and provisionally modified by the [[experimental]] plans and the [[evolutionary]] [[patterns]] of a [[local universe]], a [[constellation]], a [[Satania|system]], or a [[planet]]. God acts in accordance with a well-defined, unchanging, immutable [[law]] throughout the wide-spreading [[master universe]]; but he modifies the patterns of his [[action]] so as to contribute to the co-ordinate and [[balanced]] conduct of each universe, constellation, system, planet, and [[personality]] in accordance with the local objects, aims, and plans of the [[finite]] projects of evolutionary unfolding.

4:2.2 Therefore, [[nature]], as [[mortal]] man [[understands]] it, presents the underlying [[foundation]] and fundamental [[Context|background]] of a changeless [[Deity]] and his immutable laws, modified by, fluctuating because of, and [[experiencing]] [[Catastrophism|upheavals]] through, the working of the local plans, [[purposes]], [[patterns]], and conditions which have been inaugurated and are being carried out by the [[local universe]], constellation, system, and planetary forces and personalities. For example: As [[God]]'s laws have been ordained in [[Nebadon]], they are modified by the plans established by the [[Creator Son]] and [[Creative Spirit]] of this local universe; and in addition to all this the operation of these laws has been further [[influenced]] by the [[errors]], [[defaults]], and [[Rebellion|insurrections]] of certain [[beings]] [[Caligastia|resident upon your planet]] and belonging to your immediate planetary system of [[Satania]].

4:2.3 [[Nature]] is a [[time-space]] [[Consequence|resultant]] of two cosmic factors: first, the immutability, [[perfection]], and rectitude of [[Paradise]] [[Deity]], and second, the [[experiment]]al plans, executive blunders, insurrectionary [[errors]], incompleteness of development, and imperfection of [[wisdom]] of the [[Paper 33 - Administration of the Local Universe|extra-Paradise creatures]], from the highest to the lowest. Nature therefore carries a [[uniform]], unchanging, [[majestic]], and marvelous thread of [[perfection]] from the [[circle]] of [[eternity]]; but in each [[universe]], on each [[planet]], and in each [[individual]] life, this nature is modified, qualified, and perchance marred by the [[acts]], the mistakes, and the [[Rebellion|disloyalties]] of the [[creatures]] of the [[The Seven Superuniverses|evolutionary systems and universes]]; and therefore must nature ever be of a [[changing]] [[mood]], whimsical withal, though stable underneath, and varied in accordance with the operating procedures of a [[local universe]].

4:2.4 Nature is the [[perfection]] of [[Paradise]] divided by the incompletion, [[evil]], and [[sin]] of the [[Spacetime|unfinished universes]]. This quotient is thus [[expressive]] of both the perfect and the partial, of both the [[eternal]] and the [[temporal]]. Continuing [[evolution]] modifies nature by augmenting the [[content]] of [[Paradise]] [[perfection]] and by diminishing the content of the [[evil]], error, and disharmony of [[relative]] [[reality]].

4:2.5 God is not [[personal]]ly [[Presence|present]] in nature or in any of the [[forces]] of [[nature]], for the [[phenomenon]] of nature is the superimposition of the imperfections of [[progressive]] [[evolution]] and, sometimes, the [[consequences]] of insurrectionary [[rebellion]], upon the Paradise [[foundations]] of God's [[universal]] law. As it appears on such a world as [[Urantia]], nature can never be the adequate [[expression]], the true representation, the faithful portrayal, of an all-wise and infinite God.

4:2.6 Nature, on your world, is a qualification of the laws of perfection by the evolutionary plans of the local universe. What a travesty to [[worship]] nature because it is in a limited, qualified sense pervaded by [[God]]; because it is a [[phase]] of the [[universal]] and, therefore, [[divine]] [[power]]! Nature also is a [[manifestation]] of the unfinished, the incomplete, the imperfect outworkings of the development, [[growth]], and progress of a universe [[experiment]] in [ cosmic evolution].

4:2.7 The apparent defects of the natural world are not indicative of any such corresponding defects in the [[character]] of [[God]]. Rather are such [[observed]] imperfections merely the inevitable stop-[[moments]] in the exhibition of the ever-moving reel of infinity [[Film|picturization]]. It is these very defect-interruptions of perfection-[[continuity]] which make it possible for the [[finite]] mind of [[material]] man to catch a fleeting glimpse of divine [[reality]] in [[time and space]]. The material manifestations of [[divinity]] appear defective to the [[Adjutant Mind Spirits|evolutionary mind of man]] only because mortal man persists in viewing the [[phenomena]] of nature through natural eyes, [[human]] [[vision]] unaided by [[morontia mota]] or by [[revelation]], its compensatory substitute on the [[Paper 49 - The Inhabited Worlds|worlds of time]].

4:2.8 And nature is marred, her beautiful face is scarred, her features are seared, by the [[rebellion]], the misconduct, the misthinking of the myriads of [[creatures]] who are a part of nature, but who have contributed to her disfigurement in time. No, nature is not [[God]]. Nature is not an object of [[worship]].

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