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===Topic: A Story===
===Group: [[Woods Cross TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Abraham]]===
===TR: [[Unknown]]===
JUNE 24, 1996
I am ABRAHAM. Welcome to you my friends. It is joyous to attend this meeting weekly. You make me feel welcome and I thank you. Last week we discussed broken and unbroken communion. It is interesting to hear you review your weekly events and talk about your spiritual experiences as though they are quite ordinary and natural. Years ago this concept would have appeared to be out of reach, difficult to understand and used normally in daily living. These spiritual lessons are becoming a reality. Your logical outlook of these lessons make it easier to integrate into daily living. With the use of mind you receive the divine which benefits the body and soul. I am to give you a story.
I am ABRAHAM. Welcome to you my friends. It is joyous to attend this meeting weekly. You make me feel welcome and I thank you. Last week we discussed broken and unbroken communion. It is interesting to hear you review your weekly events and talk about your spiritual experiences as though they are quite ordinary and natural. Years ago this concept would have appeared to be out of reach, difficult to understand and used normally in daily living. These spiritual lessons are becoming a reality. Your logical outlook of these lessons make it easier to integrate into daily living. With the use of mind you receive the divine which benefits the body and soul. I am to give you a story.
A man with a kind heart came upon a boy who had been severely abused. The man asked the boy what his troubles were about. The boy did not reply. He crouched in fear. This boy was afraid to speak because his past experiences of speaking with his elders got him punished. The kind man knowing of his own status within the Kingdom knew he could not walk away and abandon this wounded child. The man persisted in asking this boy if he could help. This boy seeing that the mans concern decided to see what he could receive by taking advantage of the man. The boy decided to go with this man. This man vowed to care for this boy, to provide food, shelter, clothing and guidance. The boy in his untrusting nature thought he could very easily take advantage of the mans kind nature. The boy plotted to steal what he could to provide for himself. The man day after day showed the boy kindness and trust. The man was not wholly ignorant. He knew very well this boy plotted to betray him, but the man was driven to help this boy, to be a loving support. The man would not give up. Each day the man told the boy, "my son, you have done well this day. I knew I could depend on your knowledgeable mind. You are indeed a wonderful boy who has surely bought sunlight into my dreary home. You, my son, have made me to smile and I am truly thankful." Each day the boy heard these words, and yet, he remembered the brutality shown him by his former caretakers. The day come when the boy would plan his largest theft from the man and flee his home. When the man greeted the boy once again he said, "my son, I am made happy to look upon your wonderful face and know that I am truly blessed, for our Lord has brought you to be my friend. It came time for the boy to leave as he gathered the kind man possessions he heard those words of praise from the man ringing within his mind. The boy said, "this man who has cared for me, who appears to trust me, possibly even love me, is not deserving of my betrayal. This man is the only elder who has ever shown me this faith within myself. His kindness has softened my heart and I too feel love and loyalty. I cannot betray the kind man." The boy and the man continued their loving relationship. The mans kindness made the boy believe he was valued. The man continued to treat this boy with honor and the boy continued to portray this honor in his life. This relationship was indeed healing and uplifting for both man and boy.
A man with a kind heart came upon a boy who had been severely abused. The man asked the boy what his troubles were about. The boy did not reply. He crouched in fear. This boy was afraid to speak because his past experiences of speaking with his elders got him punished. The kind man knowing of his own status within the Kingdom knew he could not walk away and abandon this wounded child. The man persisted in asking this boy if he could help. This boy seeing that the mans concern decided to see what he could receive by taking advantage of the man. The boy decided to go with this man. This man vowed to care for this boy, to provide food, shelter, clothing and guidance. The boy in his untrusting nature thought he could very easily take advantage of the mans kind nature. The boy plotted to steal what he could to provide for himself. The man day after day showed the boy kindness and trust. The man was not wholly ignorant. He knew very well this boy plotted to betray him, but the man was driven to help this boy, to be a loving support. The man would not give up. Each day the man told the boy, "my son, you have done well this day. I knew I could depend on your knowledgeable mind. You are indeed a wonderful boy who has surely bought sunlight into my dreary home. You, my son, have made me to smile and I am truly thankful." Each day the boy heard these words, and yet, he remembered the brutality shown him by his former caretakers. The day come when the boy would plan his largest theft from the man and flee his home. When the man greeted the boy once again he said, "my son, I am made happy to look upon your wonderful face and know that I am truly blessed, for our Lord has brought you to be my friend. It came time for the boy to leave as he gathered the kind man possessions he heard those words of praise from the man ringing within his mind. The boy said, "this man who has cared for me, who appears to trust me, possibly even love me, is not deserving of my betrayal. This man is the only elder who has ever shown me this faith within myself. His kindness has softened my heart and I too feel love and loyalty. I cannot betray the kind man." The boy and the man continued their loving relationship. The mans kindness made the boy believe he was valued. The man continued to treat this boy with honor and the boy continued to portray this honor in his life. This relationship was indeed healing and uplifting for both man and boy.
I say this is how your Father views you, His child. Father is persistent, faithful, kind and does not forsake any of His children. Father, like the kind man, would indeed risk loss than to lose even one of His children. Father tells us everyday, YOU ARE MY CHILD. I AM MADE TO SMILE WHEN I GREET YOU EACH DAY. It is extremely important that you accept your place within the Kingdom. It is not that you portray the abused boy, but more that you portray this untrust and lack of self-value. Your Father everyday encourages you each through this open communion and many times you are made to feel this loyalty and honor that Father has so much faith in you. The Father is the kind man that does not flee when things become unpleasant. Father is not ignorant to His child's choices and actions. He is wholly cognizant of each and every decision you make. He is with you. His goodness is bestowed upon you and in return you are filled with gratitude. You are filled with desire to worship and show thankfulness for His faith He has in you.
I say this is how your Father views you, His child. Father is persistent, faithful, kind and does not forsake any of His children. Father, like the kind man, would indeed risk loss than to lose even one of His children. Father tells us everyday, YOU ARE MY CHILD. I AM MADE TO SMILE WHEN I GREET YOU EACH DAY. It is extremely important that you accept your place within the Kingdom. It is not that you portray the abused boy, but more that you portray this untrust and lack of self-value. Your Father everyday encourages you each through this open communion and many times you are made to feel this loyalty and honor that Father has so much faith in you. The Father is the kind man that does not flee when things become unpleasant. Father is not ignorant to His child's choices and actions. He is wholly cognizant of each and every decision you make. He is with you. His goodness is bestowed upon you and in return you are filled with gratitude. You are filled with desire to worship and show thankfulness for His faith He has in you.
Many times mortals act quickly in unknowing. They rush into irrational thinking and behavior. Mortals are quick to find the shortest distance between two points, and in this what you deem efficient, is to possibly block communion. We have spoken of your place in the Kingdom. We have endeavored to teach about the fruits of the Spirit. You put practical use to all that is taught and I say with the urge to be in open communion at times adds undo pressure. As I have said, we stand at the beginning of eternity and the lessons that are being taught are to be used in everyday living. To have enthusiasm is wonderful and there is time for enthusiasm, but let me say, in all the worldly excitement let us remember to be observant and reflective. To quiet the mind and absorb everyday mortal lessons and to reflect their meaning and value. I can say this practice is always assisted by the Indwelling Father Fragment. Father is always available to explain spiritual values. Spiritual knowledge is becoming more natural, more instant, immediate. To be in a attitude of observance and reflectivity is to receive incoming spiritual information. This is wholly possible. It is not odd, extraordinary. It is what this world should have known. We endeavor to assist you in your spiritual upliftment and morontial education. We endeavor to put this world to its proper spiritual status. Great things are occurring like the calm river with the swift undertow. You may not visually witness some things, but I can guarantee just as years ago constant communion with Father appeared to be out of reach, you know now this is entirely possible and necessary if this world is to move into a new and better age. Any questions?
Many times mortals act quickly in unknowing. They rush into irrational thinking and behavior. Mortals are quick to find the shortest distance between two points, and in this what you deem efficient, is to possibly block communion. We have spoken of your place in the Kingdom. We have endeavored to teach about the fruits of the Spirit. You put practical use to all that is taught and I say with the urge to be in open communion at times adds undo pressure. As I have said, we stand at the beginning of eternity and the lessons that are being taught are to be used in everyday living. To have enthusiasm is wonderful and there is time for enthusiasm, but let me say, in all the worldly excitement let us remember to be observant and reflective. To quiet the mind and absorb everyday mortal lessons and to reflect their meaning and value. I can say this practice is always assisted by the Indwelling Father Fragment. Father is always available to explain spiritual values. Spiritual knowledge is becoming more natural, more instant, immediate. To be in a attitude of observance and reflectivity is to receive incoming spiritual information. This is wholly possible. It is not odd, extraordinary. It is what this world should have known. We endeavor to assist you in your spiritual upliftment and morontial education. We endeavor to put this world to its proper spiritual status. Great things are occurring like the calm river with the swift undertow. You may not visually witness some things, but I can guarantee just as years ago constant communion with Father appeared to be out of reach, you know now this is entirely possible and necessary if this world is to move into a new and better age. Any questions?
CALVIN: Abraham, in the story of the kind man and the boy, I recognize how that is the Father's way with us, yet I don't recognize that is our way with each other. We walk along, we see an injured boy, we take him in and treat him kind and the boy is taking advantage of us. Do we draw a human life distinction between letting it go or saying, "look son, I love you, but you might have to leave. You can't continue to do that here." In letting the boy go out and stumble and realize he can come back to a safe place where he can live rules good for the household. Does that make sense or should we be like the kind man of the story always?
CALVIN: Abraham, in the story of the kind man and the boy, I recognize how that is the Father's way with us, yet I don't recognize that is our way with each other. We walk along, we see an injured boy, we take him in and treat him kind and the boy is taking advantage of us. Do we draw a human life distinction between letting it go or saying, "look son, I love you, but you might have to leave. You can't continue to do that here." In letting the boy go out and stumble and realize he can come back to a safe place where he can live rules good for the household. Does that make sense or should we be like the kind man of the story always?
ABRAHAM: The Father is not ignorant. He knows well your mind. Mortals on the other hand must rely upon their intelligence in combination with compassion. No, you cannot continually serve one who betrays you, but you can express your faith and encourage this troubled one to seek within his own true Father. It is entirely possible to encourage, to show faith, to show understanding, to make this troubled one return within to His Father. To express faith in another is energy given. To encourage another is to empower one to have self-trust. Does this help? (Yes it does. Thank you.) You're welcome. Another question?
ABRAHAM: The Father is not ignorant. He knows well your mind. Mortals on the other hand must rely upon their intelligence in combination with compassion. No, you cannot continually serve one who betrays you, but you can express your faith and encourage this troubled one to seek within his own true Father. It is entirely possible to encourage, to show faith, to show understanding, to make this troubled one return within to His Father. To express faith in another is energy given. To encourage another is to empower one to have self-trust. Does this help? (Yes it does. Thank you.) You're welcome. Another question?
HONOREY: Abraham, I was thinking of raising your children when they are teenagers and in this day and age when they get rebellious and want to do their things. So many parents will say, " as long as you live in my house you will obey my rules." I am sure you have heard that. Sometimes these children leave home because they won't obey the rules and learn the hard way, out on the street. Now I haven't had to do this but I have seen parents that have done this--told their children you can't live with me and do the things that you are doing, and yet, they try to be kind and tell them they love them. But how much should you put up with these teenagers of today that might abuse the privileges in their home? Is it better to allow them to go out and learn their hard way or should the parents make more effort to keep them home?
HONOREY: Abraham, I was thinking of raising your children when they are teenagers and in this day and age when they get rebellious and want to do their things. So many parents will say, " as long as you live in my house you will obey my rules." I am sure you have heard that. Sometimes these children leave home because they won't obey the rules and learn the hard way, out on the street. Now I haven't had to do this but I have seen parents that have done this--told their children you can't live with me and do the things that you are doing, and yet, they try to be kind and tell them they love them. But how much should you put up with these teenagers of today that might abuse the privileges in their home? Is it better to allow them to go out and learn their hard way or should the parents make more effort to keep them home?
ABRAHAM: There indeed should be guidelines. Many parents form ego based decisions and set laws. The youth has virtually no input into these guidelines and this is demeaning, this is compared to tyranny. The respected teen who is trusted to make decisions and mistakes should be allowed to be included in the guidelines of living. The youth that is trusted to know that within there is the answer to all questions is capable of offering guidelines that are beneficial to the whole. Does this help?
ABRAHAM: There indeed should be guidelines. Many parents form ego based decisions and set laws. The youth has virtually no input into these guidelines and this is demeaning, this is compared to tyranny. The respected teen who is trusted to make decisions and mistakes should be allowed to be included in the guidelines of living. The youth that is trusted to know that within there is the answer to all questions is capable of offering guidelines that are beneficial to the whole. Does this help?
HONOREY: Yes. I know that is the way I did with mine. And I trusted them and told them that I trusted them and found out that it did matter that they felt like they were trusted. But today it seem like there are so many parents that kick them out and that is it.
HONOREY: Yes. I know that is the way I did with mine. And I trusted them and told them that I trusted them and found out that it did matter that they felt like they were trusted. But today it seem like there are so many parents that kick them out and that is it.
ABRAHAM: Understood. These are hard lessons, and yet, the parents only want to spare the child from pain or even death. Many parents fear the loss of a child and set up strict rules in the hope that they may be spared the pain of an accident. Another question?
ABRAHAM: Understood. These are hard lessons, and yet, the parents only want to spare the child from pain or even death. Many parents fear the loss of a child and set up strict rules in the hope that they may be spared the pain of an accident. Another question?
CALVIN: If we would request a private meeting we would like to make it known to the TR. the time. Would we have to request formally here to do so? (This is acceptable.)
CALVIN: If we would request a private meeting we would like to make it known to the TR. the time. Would we have to request formally here to do so? (This is acceptable.)
ABRAHAM: I am weakening in this communication. I remind you to be observant and reflective in your daily decisions. I give you my love. Until next week, shalom.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
ABRAHAM: I am weakening in this communication. I remind you to be observant and reflective in your daily decisions. I give you my love. Until next week, shalom.
[[Category: Woods Cross TeaM]]
[[Category: Abraham]]
[[Category: Unknown]]

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