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[ Middle English], from Anglo-French or Late Latin; Anglo-French ''carnel'', ''charnel'', from Late Latin ''carnalis'', from Latin ''carn''-, ''caro'' [[flesh]]; akin to Greek ''keirein'' to cut. Latin ''carnāl-is'' fleshly (in [ Tertullian] and other [[Christian]] [[writers]]), and frequent in medieval Latin as an [[attribute]] of [[relationship]], as ''frater'' or ''soror carnalis'' , brother or sister by [[blood]].
[ 14th Century]
*1a : relating to or given to crude [[bodily]] [[pleasures]] and appetites
:b : marked by [[sexuality]] <carnal [[love]]>
*2: bodily, corporeal <seen with carnal eyes>
*3a : [[temporal]] <carnal weapons>
:b : worldly <a carnal [[mind]]>
'''Carnal knowledge''' is an archaic or [[legal]] [ euphemism] for [[sexual intercourse]]. The term derives from the Biblical usage of the verb know/knew, as in the King James and other versions, a euphemism for [[sexual]] conduct. "And [[Adam]] ''knew'' [[Eve]] his [[wife]]; and she [[conceived]], and bore [[Cain]], and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD." - [ Genesis 4:1].

In [ criminal law], the phrase has had [[different]] [[meanings]] at [[different]] times and in different [[jurisdictions]]. While commonly a mere euphemism for [[sexual intercourse]] (not necessarily unlawful), different [[jurisdictions]] have defined carnal knowledge as a specific [[sex]] act such as contact between a penis and vagina, some laws elaborating this to include even "slight penile penetration of female sex organs". The [[definition]] sometimes includes a set of sex acts that include [ sodomy] and/or [ oral sex], while some statutes specifically exclude such acts.

Carnal knowledge has also sometimes meant [[sexual intercourse]] outside of [[marriage]], and sometimes refers to sex with someone under the age of consent. The phrase is often found in this sense in [[modern]] legal usage, being equivalent to [ statutory rape] in some [[jurisdictions]], as the term "[[rape]]" implies lack of consent.

[[Category: Law]]

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