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MONJORONSON:  He was in the process; these were not created; these were not completed.  Soul-less individuals cannot cross over to the mansion worlds.  Any beings that were created that were soul-less upon this planet have long since died.
MONJORONSON:  He was in the process; these were not created; these were not completed.  Soul-less individuals cannot cross over to the mansion worlds.  Any beings that were created that were soul-less upon this planet have long since died.
*Monjoronson’s incarnation
MMc:  Please clarify the statement from [,_Doc._I Document I], in Monjoronson’s appearance “as a babe or as a child of Michael’s doing”?  You have always stated in the past that you would come as an adult male of stature and power.  Has this changed?
MONJORONSON:  I have not changed my mind and my original statements hold true.
*Urantia as an architectural sphere?
MMc:  Document I, the Planetary Supreme stated that Urantia was reassigned as an architectural sphere, as of September 2011.  What does this entail?
MMc:  Just a few more questions for you.  
MONJORONSON:  Premature statements. 
MMc:  Premature statements by current mortals? 
MONJORONSON:  Yes, mortals tend to leap to conclusions and then state them as facts.  Even young, immature morontians do not make such a mistake.  They can surmise, they can conjecture, they can contrive all sorts of ideas, but to state them as real is an incredible error, one of immense immaturity.
*Speaking directly with Monjoronson
MMc:  I have another question for you, Sir.  At the end of Document I, it says “until this evening, it was my staff who accommodated your interviews with me.”  What does this mean?  Have we not talked with you directly since 2004?  And is it not your energy signature that we have come to know?
MONJORONSON:  Yes, you have been talking with me directly.
MMc:  Your energy signature seems to come through very well, but I know that even in reading the transcripts, I can recognize that it’s you, and I think that I am supposed to be able to do that.
MONJORONSON:  Yes, you have a clear mind; you have a good education; you are a very appropriate individual for the development of our work at this point, as are all of you.  It has been important to establish a consistent delivery that has integrity, that there are no aberrations in the first elements, as this provides us with a referent for you to judge and estimate the content that comes in later, weeks, months and years.  You are seeing the benefit of that now, as you see the influence of other mortal minds in my delivery.  I am not saying that I have not been with those individuals, but their beliefs, their ideas, their wishes, their hopes, their dreams, often affects the message that comes through.  We need clear minds, as yours and Roxanne’s, and the openness of the forum that this one provides for me to speak clearly.  There is no need for drama or dramatics or exciting or surprising announcements from me, as you are finding that the simple questions that you ask provide quite a broadening of your awareness of my existence and your existence, and your relationship with us and with the divine.  I appreciate this discerning mind that you have, and which you use and its facility to engage these topics.  Thank you.
MMc:  Just a few more questions for you.
MONJORONSON:  Certainly, I am open for them.  We could continue for years, if you wish, though I might wear ‘this one’ out.
MONJORONSON:  Certainly, I am open for them.  We could continue for years, if you wish, though I might wear ‘this one’ out.
*Use of symbols for the incarnation
MMc:  I understand your symbol of the lamb, the colors dark green and white, but ‘corkscrews’?  Would you care to comment on this.
MONJORONSON:  I have no comments regarding ‘corkscrews,’ or lambs, or green and white.  I prefer not to engage in symbolism at this time in my career.  There will be plenty of that after I incarnate on your world.  It is my wish and the wish of my staff that you not objectify my presence, and that as little as possible becomes objectified about me.  It is not about ‘me’; it is about Christ Michael; it is about you and it is about your Thought Adjuster and the First Source and Center.  That is most important.  It is far, far too early to begin designing those symbols of ritual and of ceremony, and of office, and of institution at this point in my career on Urantia.  It is misleading to mortals and to approve of that would allow mortals to mislead themselves with my approval, and I do not approve!
MMc:  Thank you very much.  Would you like to add anything we have failed to ask that is important?
MMc:  Thank you very much.  Would you like to add anything we have failed to ask that is important?
MONJORONSON:  You are doing very well.  I wish you to continue as you have been doing.  If I have something that needs to be said, I will say so in light of your questions, similarly as I did a few moments ago when you asked about the need for human co-creative participation.
MONJORONSON:  You are doing very well.  I wish you to continue as you have been doing.  If I have something that needs to be said, I will say so in light of your questions, similarly as I did a few moments ago when you asked about the need for human co-creative participation.
*Using this venue effectively
*Using this venue effectively
MMc:  As the moderator of this venue, I am charged with the way it is conducted.  Would you make some suggestions of things I might do, or include to decrease the confusion of our audience?  If there is anything we can do to make this venue better or more productive, would you please tell us?
MMc:  As the moderator of this venue, I am charged with the way it is conducted.  Would you make some suggestions of things I might do, or include to decrease the confusion of our audience?  If there is anything we can do to make this venue better or more productive, would you please tell us?
MONJORONSON:  I would be glad to.  As you know, this is a private session and you are privy to the elements of discussion.  By the answers I have given, you now have many more resources in reserve, as you discuss these similar topics with those who are not privy to this conversation, and these topics.  Your influence can be hugely instrumental in those venues outside of this privileged conversation we are having, as to offer others, other ways of thinking about the topics that they are discussing
MONJORONSON:  I would be glad to.  As you know, this is a private session and you are privy to the elements of discussion.  By the answers I have given, you now have many more resources in reserve, as you discuss these similar topics with those who are not privy to this conversation, and these topics.  Your influence can be hugely instrumental in those venues outside of this privileged conversation we are having, as to offer others, other ways of thinking about the topics that they are discussing. ] I give you one example, which you can expand easily to at least a dozen or more.  That is the thoughts of me coming to this world as a babe.  The discerning mind would say, “Has Monjoronson changed his mind as to how he would come to this world? And have the Ancients of Days as well, changed their minds about how he will come here to this world?  And if so, what advantages would that serve?  Or is this simply conflicting information, a desired for wish to reincarnate a Divine individual, similarly as Christ Michael did, and create a new Savior complex in the world?”  So you see, using a discerning mind with the historical references that we have established in the years heretofore, provides discerning minds with plenty to discuss in dealing with new information that is conflicting. 
Your use as a moderator is important in this venue as a point of education for you.  You now are a part of several venues, related to my work, and it is important that you have a solid foundation of what is and what is not, what is hoped for and what is wished for, what is desired and what is not.  Your openness to receive guidance during this session by your question you just asked is very important to us and to me.  We will therefore be far more open to apply changes in direction and guidance to you in this format.  
Your use as a moderator is important in this venue as a point of education for you.  You now are a part of several venues, related to my work, and it is important that you have a solid foundation of what is and what is not, what is hoped for and what is wished for, what is desired and what is not.  Your openness to receive guidance during this session by your question you just asked is very important to us and to me.  We will therefore be far more open to apply changes in direction and guidance to you in this format.  
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MMc:  Thank you, very much!
MMc:  Thank you, very much!
*Separating private versus public sections for publication
*Separating private versus public sections for publication
This session was to be conducted privately, off the record, but is there any part of it you would like us to make public?
This session was to be conducted privately, off the record, but is there any part of it you would like us to make public?
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R:  Yes, and I want to thank you personally because I learned sooo much today!  It has greatly eased my mind about several things.
R:  Yes, and I want to thank you personally because I learned sooo much today!  It has greatly eased my mind about several things.
MONJORONSON:  You are most welcome, and I invite you, my staff invites you to call again on a 1:1, candid, closed session private session, whenever you wish.  It is important that we begin to publish these special sessions, and I recommend to you that you edit this session, for the total content will be private, but you are welcome to—and I encourage you—to publish that which is useful to everyone, that is not controversial, to establish that we are back on line and that we are beginning to generate material for our readership.  (R:  Very good.  Thank you.
MONJORONSON:  You are most welcome, and I invite you, my staff invites you to call again on a 1:1, candid, closed session private session, whenever you wish.  It is important that we begin to publish these special sessions, and I recommend to you that you edit this session, for the total content will be private, but you are welcome to—and I encourage you—to publish that which is useful to everyone, that is not controversial, to establish that we are back on line and that we are beginning to generate material for our readership.  (R:  Very good.  Thank you.) We wish therefore, not to go off line, as we have for the last seven or eight months, as this creates a vacuum where others try to fill with other material.  You have seen how this has led to great difficulty and not the consistency of the message that I have been providing.
Now, I end my presence to you.  My personal touch upon your third eye, your mind.  I am with you now, dear ones, touching you to the quick, to the core, to the heart, to the soul of you so that my embrace, my presence will remain with you, very similarly as the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Truth is with you.  You know me whether you read my words, or hear me speak to you.  You know who I am; you have been with me, and I have been with you.  Blessings to you, dear ones, as you go about your day in the weeks ahead.  God is blessing you as God blesses me—we are One in the Blessing of All.  Good day.
Now, I end my presence to you with my personal touch upon your third eye, your mind.  I am with you now, dear ones, touching you to the quick, to the core, to the heart, to the soul of you so that my embrace, my presence will remain with you, very similarly as the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Truth is with you.  You know me whether you read my words, or hear me speak to you.  You know who I am; you have been with me, and I have been with you.  Blessings to you, dear ones, as you go about your day in the weeks ahead.  God is blessing you as God blesses me—we are One in the Blessing of All.  Good day.  
Now, I end my presence to you with my personal touch upon your third eye, your mind.  I am with you now, dear ones, touching you to the quick, to the core, to the heart, to the soul of you so that my embrace, my presence will remain with you, very similarly as the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Truth is with you.  You know me whether you read my words, or hear me speak to you.  You know who I am; you have been with me, and I have been with you.  Blessings to you, dear ones, as you go about your day in the weeks ahead.  God is blessing you as God blesses me—we are One in the Blessing of All.  Good day.  

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