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== Session==
== Session==
WELMEK: Greetings. This is Welmek. I am pleased to see so many gathered this evening. We look forward to a most interesting evening. Donna has prepared and I expect this to be of great interest to all. This group has come a long way. We are most pleased with your progress and look forward to the future. We have tried to impress upon you the importance of this mission and ask that you work hard to discipline yourself with the tools we have given you. I cannot emphasize this enough for this is what you need do to prepare for what is asked of you in the future. You must each, individually, grow in these aspects of your own spiritual life. The better you become, the stronger you will be and the more resource you will have when the demands increase. Additionally, your strength as a group is of paramount importance. I wish for you to think about the overall picture. Step back and look, as we do, at what this mission means. It is not specifically for Indianapolis or for a portion of your group or for your group alone. It is truly a mission for your entire world. If you keep this in mind, and regard your own place in the universe, it will be easy for you to overcome whatever obstacles need be overcome to maintain your group and work effectively as a support system for each other. With this said, I wish to turn this over to Donna.  
WELMEK: Greetings. This is Welmek. I am pleased to see so many gathered this evening. We look forward to a most interesting evening. Donna has [[prepared]] and I [[expect]] this to be of great interest to all. This group has come a long way. We are most pleased with your [[progress]] and look forward to the [[future]]. We have tried to impress upon you the importance of this mission and ask that you work hard to discipline yourself with the tools we have given you. I cannot emphasize this enough for this is what you need do to prepare for what is asked of you in the future. You must each, individually, grow in these aspects of your own spiritual life. The better you become, the stronger you will be and the more resource you will have when the demands increase. Additionally, your strength as a group is of paramount importance. I wish for you to think about the overall picture. Step back and look, as we do, at what this mission means. It is not specifically for Indianapolis or for a portion of your group or for your group alone. It is truly a mission for your entire world. If you keep this in [[mind]], and regard your own place in [[the universe]], it will be easy for you to overcome whatever [[obstacles]] need be overcome to [[maintain]] your group and work effectively as a [[support]] system for each other. With this said, I wish to turn this over to Donna.  
DONNA: Thank you Welmek. (?) of service in the Urantia Book, I'm sure everyone will realize is quite all-encompassing. There are so many references to service. All the different personalities are created for service, so I thought what we could do is pass out this outline of what I had planned to discuss tonight. The first component is what is service. Let's just take a few minutes and go around the room and if we could just briefly give a one or two sentence definition of service. Then I'd like to try to take a few minutes after that and take the definitions and to break down what are the components of service. K: For me, I think service would be helping, assisting, doing things for other people with no necessary motive in mind, for the sake of helping, the sake of serving, not doing for someone so that you'll get something in return but doing it just for the happiness and the feeling that you get inside of yourself by just doing that service. W: What would you say this feeling is like when you do this service?
DONNA: Thank you Welmek. (?) of [[service]] in the [[Urantia Book]], I'm sure everyone will realize is quite all-[[encompassing]]. There are so many [[references]] to [[service]]. All the different [[personalities]] are created for service, so I [[thought]] what we could do is pass out this outline of what I had planned to [[discuss]] tonight. The first component is what is [[service]]. Let's just take a few minutes and go around the room and if we could just briefly give a one or two sentence [[definition]] of [[service]]. Then I'd like to try to take a few minutes after that and take the definitions and to break down what are the components of [[service]].  
K: I would say that it's like feeling the love of the Father.  
K: For me, I think [[service]] would be helping, [[assisting]], doing things for other people with no [[necessary]] [[motive]] in [[mind]], for the sake of helping, the sake of serving, not doing for someone so that you'll get something in return but doing it just for the [[happiness]] and the [[feeling]] that you get inside of yourself by just doing that service.  
A; Well, I would have to agree with Karla's definition. One thing I thought of when we first discussed it was, when you do it as work, then that's a job because then it takes on a different attitude. It's how you feel if it's done in the right way that's very joyful, a wonderful thing to be of service. W: It truly is a most wonderful thing. You will appreciate this far more after this stretch of your career. There are not as many opportunities in the future as you know. When you think of service, it is true what your attitude is is a significant factor. If you see this service as a sacrifice, this entails a negative aspect to service. Many on your world approach service in this fashion. This is not necessary. You need not feel like you must give something up in order to be of service. As your attitude changes and you understand your brothers and sisters to a greater degree, you will not feel this way. You will feel as Ann and Karla have stated, as this is an act joyfully done.
W: What would you say this [[feeling]] is like when you do this [[service]]?
S: Thank you for that, Welmek, you took the words right out of my mouth. A perfect example of that is a situation not too long ago when I was asked if I wished to contribute to a fund for the purpose of buying gift certificates for my employers. I didn't have any money in my pocket at the time, so I said "Wait until payday" and then when payday came around, one of the other employees came around with a list of names and how much they had contributed. The attitude was if you don't contribute, we'll see you on the unemployment line. I thought "Wait a minute, that's not service." That's no longer a gift. That's being required of me as opposed to giving of my own free will; and I think that's a key to (?) service right there, is whether it's of your own free will or not. If it's required of you and you expect payment or expect some kind of return or result as opposed to giving something of your own free will whether you get a result or not is irrelevant.  
K: I would say that it's like [[feeling]] the [[love]] of [[the Father]].  
W: What I was referring to is not exactly how you have described it. I was referring to your desire to give freely when an occasion arose. I do understand the situation you describe and yes, this is an inaccurate description of what service entails.  
A; Well, I would have to [[agree]] with Karla's [[definition]]. One thing I [[thought]] of when we first [[discussed]] it was, when you do it as [[work]], then that's a job because then it takes on a different [[attitude]]. It's how you feel if it's done in the right way that's very [[joyful]], a [[wonderful]] thing to be of service.  
B: Service is everything that's been said. To me, I've often thought about the line "To rule is to serve." and thought to serve with a light heart, to truly give without any thought of yourself, you have to be secure within yourself, your faith and your place in the universe. If you're just real secure within yourself, then it's easier to give and to serve without expectations or false expectations or with a grudge against society because you didn't want to be required to serve. W: A selfless act is what we would describe as service. A: Service is everything that everyone has said. I guess it's just like helping someone where you don't feel like a part of you is being used up when you're trying to help somebody. It's part of something that you just automatically do, it's not like you really notice you're doing it because it's just something you don't think about not doing. It doesn't seem to be an effort because you don't even think about not doing it.  
Welmek: It truly is a most [[wonderful]] thing. You will [[appreciate]] this far more after this stretch of your [[career]]. There are not as many [[opportunities]] in the [[future]] as you know. When you think of [[service]], it is true what your [[attitude]] is is a significant [[factor]]. If you see this service as a [[sacrifice]], this entails a [[negative]] aspect to service. Many on your world approach service in this [[Manner|fashion]]. This is not [[necessary]]. You need not [[feel]] like you must give something up in order to be of [[service]]. As your [[attitude]] changes and you [[understand]] your [[brothers and sisters]] to a greater [[degree]], you will not feel this way. You will feel as Ann and Karla have stated, as this is an [[act]] [[joyfully]] done.  
W: And this is truly the direction we would like all to grow, to where service becomes a spontaneous act throughout your day and encounters with your brothers and sisters. M: It seems like when service comes around to me or it's my turn to give it it's like a Peter and I were sitting at the kitchen table with the Urantia Book, trying to figure out what we could say and a l2-year-old girl, a friend of my niece's, came and said "You tell me something. Can you tell me how you can get my dad to stop drinking?" I said "You could do an effective prayer for him." She looked at me kind of funny and so we went through how to do the prayer to the Father, Christ, and then the stillness to reach what she wanted. She took that paper and put it in her purse and said "I'm going to do this every night, I promise, every night until he stops drinking." W: How nice, to share this with her. M: I thought it was pretty special because she's been real hedgy with me since I met her.  
S: Thank you for that, Welmek, you took the [[words]] right out of my mouth. A perfect [[example]] of that is a situation not too long ago when I was asked if I wished to contribute to a fund for the [[purpose]] of buying gift certificates for my employers. I didn't have any [[money]] in my pocket at the time, so I said "Wait until payday" and then when payday came around, one of the other employees came around with a list of [[names]] and how much they had contributed. The attitude was if you don't contribute, we'll see you on the unemployment line. I [[thought]] "Wait a minute, that's not [[service]]." That's no longer a [[gift]]. That's being required of me as opposed to giving of my own [[free will]]; and I think that's a key to (?) [[service]] right there, is whether it's of your own [[free will]] or not. If it's required of you and you expect payment or [[expect]] some kind of return or result as opposed to giving something of your own free will whether you get a result or not is irrelevant.  
P: Spontaneous giving is about the only thing I can say. With that l2-year-old girl we got into a rather heavy theological discussion about who God is and how to effectively approach Him with three 9-year-old boys, and they had some pretty good ideas. That was fascinating. We got the dishes done too. (laughter) L: For me, the best service that I've ever performed has always been totally unconscious at the time. I can look back and say "Did I really do that?" It's not that I don't feel I can't serve people by thinking about it at the time or wanting to help, but I really think that the highest kind of service is so automatic that you really don't need to think about it. You don't think about it at all. You just do it.  
Welmek: What I was referring to is not exactly how you have [[described]] it. I was referring to your [[desire]] to give freely when an occasion arose. I do [[understand]] the situation you describe and yes, this is an inaccurate description of what [[service]] entails.  
D: That spontaneous quality.  
B: [[Service]] is [[everything]] that's been said. To me, I've often [[thought]] about the line "To rule is to serve."[] and [[thought]] to serve with a light heart, to truly give without any [[thought]] of yourself, you have to be [[secure]] within yourself, your [[faith]] and your place in [[the universe]]. If you're just real [[secure]] within yourself, then it's easier to give and to serve without [[expectations]] or false expectations or with a grudge against [[society]] because you didn't want to be required to serve.  
W: At times, at least for now, I would like for you to also think about it consciously. It is true many of you have experienced this spontaneous giving and I recognize this. There are many ways to give and many opportunities that are not taken advantage of. You are all growing in this, and your conscious focus will help you expand and increase your ability to see these opportunities.  
W: A [[selfless]] act is what we would describe as [[service]].  
M: I'd like to expand upon what Amber said and Peter and Linda about the spontaneity of it. It seems to me that service is a natural consequence of consecrating your will to do the will of God. It also appears to be that it is an external manifestation of one's consciousness of God's love, that if you are truly conscious of God's love, then you will act in service towards others. I agree absolutely with what Welmek said that, at least as it relates to me. I do not frequently have the experience of being able to spontaneously enter into a service with everyone with whom I interact. I have found that on occasions I will know when I'm going to be in a relationship with somebody prior to the time that I'm having that relationship that I know that there's probably something that I can do to assist the person. What I've found myself doing on occasion which has been successful is form the thought that I'm going to be in this relationship with somebody and I expect to be doing service and asking for assistance in order to do the right thing. That has worked. W: I wish to touch upon something you said. You talked about service as being related to being conscious. This is important, not only on an intellectual focus. It is something that you also experience as you feel God's love within you; and the more that you feel this love, the more it will automatically flow from you to others. This is why I emphasize and other teachers who have visited continue to emphasize for you the importance of your prayer, your worship, your time in silence to begin to increasingly feel the Father's love, to rely on this throughout your day. As you do this, so much will change in your lives.  
A: [[Service]] is everything that everyone has said. I guess it's just like helping someone where you don't [[feel]] like a part of you is being used up when you're trying to help somebody. It's part of something that you just automatically do, it's not like you really notice you're doing it because it's just something you don't [[think]] about not doing. It doesn't seem to be an [[effort]] because you don't even [[think]] about not doing it.  
L: I agree wholeheartedly with what everybody has said so far. I was going to add that it would be a natural type of action, resulting from consciously feeling, expressing your dedication to the Father's will, to our Father's will. I also noticed in the section on Sanctity of Service, it says it's a privilege of service, which is a little different aspect that I had really not thought about before.  
W: And this is truly the [[direction]] we would like all to [[grow]], to where [[service]] becomes a [[spontaneous]] [[act]] throughout your day and encounters with your [[brothers and sisters]].  
W: This is important to think about. It is the aspect of giving that is more difficult for you on your world to understand. M: I was thinking if you define as the desire to do good to others, then to me, service is the act of doing good to others and I was thinking what Welmek stated earlier. That is, if you have the love, love is the desire to do good to others; then the act is tied to that and is based upon allowing our love just to flow freely through you. The only other comment that I would make at this point is that sometimes in my own thinking, like all things, it goes through an evolution. At first I thought with service you had to go out and become a minister or it had to be on some grand scale. I've come to understand it differently now that doing the simplest of things for others, just any act of kindness is giving a lot to someone. It doesn't have to be some really big thing.  
M: It seems like when [[service]] comes around to me or it's my turn to give it it's like a [[spontaneous]] Peter and I were sitting at the kitchen table with the [[Urantia Book]], trying to figure out what we could say and a 12-year-old girl, a [[friend]] of my niece's, came and said "You tell me something. Can you tell me how you can get my dad to stop drinking?" I said "You could do an [[effective]] [[prayer]] for him." She looked at me kind of funny and so we went through how to do the prayer to [[the Father]], [[Christ]], and then the [[stillness]] to reach what she wanted. She took that paper and put it in her purse and said "I'm going to do this every night, I [[promise]], every night until he stops drinking."
W: This is an important concept in relation to service. Even the smallest deed has great impact beyond your understanding. At times just being with someone is an act of service.  
W: How nice, to [[share]] this with her.  
D: As the book says, each day is a new adventure. If we were all able to consciously accept that, accept the challenge, we would realize that service is a privilege inasmuch as when we serve the least of our brothers, we're serving Michael himself. The full consciousness of that has not yet dominated my being; but my prayer is that in time it will. W: And this is true. In time you will all grow to be fully cognizant of this reality.  
M: I thought it was pretty special because she's been real hedgy with me since I met her.  
S: I agree with what has been said. Sometimes it's just enough being there and knowing someone does care about you. W: There are many ways to express your concern for you brothers and sisters. Allow God's love to flow through you to them.  
P: [[Spontaneous]] giving is about the only thing I can say. With that 12-year-old girl we got into a rather heavy [[theological]] [[discussion]] about who [[God]] is and how to effectively approach Him with three 9-year-old boys, and they had some pretty good [[ideas]]. That was [[fascinating]]. We got the dishes done too. ([[laughter]])
S: It came to my mind today that service is a lot more than I had originally thought or even recall from reading in the book. Service is really an outward expression of the Father's love; and to the degree that we are able to express the Father's love, the more spontaneous and natural it will be to look forward to serving. With the service comes the joy and happiness.  
L: For me, the best [[service]] that I've ever performed has always been totally [[unconscious]] at the time. I can look back and say "Did I really do that?" It's not that I don't [[feel]] I can't serve people by [[thinking]] about it at the time or wanting to help, but I really think that the highest kind of [[service]] is so [[automatic]] that you really don't need to [[think]] about it. You don't think about it at all. You just do it.  
W: The gifts to you in return are great. They are not always visible to you at the time that you provide the service, nor will they always be understood by you even in this portion of your career.  
D: That [[spontaneous]] [[quality]].  
M: I believe that service is good, be it conscious or spontaneous. Hopefully if you consciously do it, even if you're looking for no more reward than a thank you, in due time it will become spontaneous. I think as far as with your brothers and sisters out there, if they see you doing service, then they will become closer too because they will see that in you. I think that's important.  
W: At times, at least for now, I would like for you to also [[think]] about it [[consciously]]. It is true many of you have [[experienced]] this [[spontaneous]] giving and I [[recognize]] this. There are many ways to give and many [[opportunities]] that are not taken [[advantage]] of. You are all [[growing]] in this, and your [[conscious]] [[focus]] will help you expand and increase your [[ability]] to see these [[opportunities]].  
W: There is nothing more attractive.  
M: I'd like to expand upon what Amber said and Peter and Linda about the [[spontaneity]] of it. It seems to me that [[service]] is a natural [[consequence]] of [[consecrating]] your will to [[do the will of God]]. It also appears to be that it is an external [[manifestation]] of one's [[consciousness]] of [[God]]'s [[love]], that if you are truly [[conscious]] of God's love, then you will [[act]] in [[service]] towards others. I [[agree]] absolutely with what Welmek said that, at least as it relates to me. I do not frequently have the [[experience]] of being able to [[spontaneously]] enter into a [[service]] with everyone with whom I [[interact]]. I have found that on occasions I will know when I'm going to be in a [[relationship]] with somebody prior to the time that I'm having that relationship that I know that there's [[probably]] something that I can do to [[assist]] the person. What I've found myself doing on occasion which has been successful is form the [[thought]] that I'm going to be in this [[relationship]] with somebody and I [[expect]] to be doing service and asking for [[assistance]] in order to do the right thing. That has worked.  
D: I think service is a way to break the ice with a stranger. It immediately puts you into a relationship, a reciprocal relationship, that can lead to further sharing and enrichment for both people involved.  
W: I wish to [[touch]] upon something you said. You talked about [[service]] as being related to being [[conscious]]. This is important, not only on an [[intellectual]] [[focus]]. It is something that you also [[experience]] as you feel [[God]]'s [[love]] within you; and the more that you [[feel]] this love, the more it will [[automatically]] [[flow]] from you to [[others]]. This is why I [[emphasize]] and other [[teachers]] who have [[visited]] continue to emphasize for you the importance of your [[prayer]], your [[worship]], your time in [[silence]] to begin to increasingly [[feel]] [[the Father]]'s [[love]], to rely on this throughout your day. As you do this, so much will [[change]] in your lives.  
W: That is a nice additional (?) The reciprocity is truly a part of the interaction of service.  
L: I [[agree]] wholeheartedly with what everybody has said so far. I was going to add that it would be a [[natural]] type of [[action]], resulting from [[consciously]] [[feeling]], [[expressing]] your [[dedication]] to [[the Father]]'s will, to our Father's will. I also noticed in the section on [ Sanctity of Service (28:6.16)], it says it's a [[privilege]] of [[service]], which is a little different aspect that I had really not [[thought]] about before.  
T: One of the nicest things I think about service is whether you go and spend l5 hours a day in a hospital to help someone get through anillness or whether you just smile at a person who's in line with you at the grocery store, it's the just the connection that you make when you look in that person's eyes that is one of the nicest feelings. I was sitting here thinking of everyone around, exactly what is connected, a soul, a meeting of souls or hearts or Thought Adjusters or maybe all those things. That's one of the nicest things about service, when you make that connection with that person.  
W: This is important to [[think]] about. It is the [[aspect]] of giving that is more [[difficult]] for you on [[your world]] to [[understand]].  
W: It certainly is a step in understanding your brothers and sisters. There is a recognition there that is very personal between individuals.  
M: I was [[thinking]] if you define as the [[desire]] to do [[good]] to others, then to me, [[service]] is the act of doing good to others and I was [[thinking]] what Welmek stated earlier. That is, if you have the [[love]], love is the [[desire]] to do [[good]] to others; then the act is tied to that and is based upon allowing our [[love]] just to [[flow]] freely through you. The only other comment that I would make at this point is that sometimes in my own [[thinking]], like all things, it goes through an [[evolution]]. At first I [[thought]] with [[service]] you had to go out and become a [[minister]] or it had to be on some grand [[scale]]. I've come to [[understand]] it differently now that doing the [[simplest]] of things for others, just any [[act]] of [[kindness]] is giving a lot to someone. It doesn't have to be some really big thing.
W: This is an important [[concept]] in relation to [[service]]. Even the smallest deed has great [[impact]] beyond your [[understanding]]. At times just being with someone is an [[act]] of [[service]].
D: As [[the book]] says, each day is a new [[adventure]]. If we were all able to [[consciously]] [[accept]] that, accept the [[challenge]], we would [[realize]] that service is a [[privilege]] inasmuch as when we serve the least of our [[brothers]], we're serving [[Michael]] himself. The full [[consciousness]] of that has not yet [[dominated]] my [[being]]; but my [[prayer]] is that in [[time]] it will.
W: And this is true. In time you will all [[grow]] to be fully cognizant of this [[reality]].
S: I agree with what has been said. Sometimes it's just enough [[being]] there and knowing someone does [[care]] about you.
W: There are many ways to [[express]] your concern for you [[brothers and sisters]]. Allow [[God]]'s [[love]] to [[flow]] through you to them.
S: It came to my [[mind]] today that [[service]] is a lot more than I had originally [[thought]] or even recall from [[reading]] in [[the book]]. Service is really an outward [[expression]] of [[the Father]]'s [[love]]; and to the [[degree]] that we are able to [[express]] the Father's love, the more [[spontaneous]] and [[natural]] it will be to look forward to serving. With the service comes the [[joy]] and [[happiness]].
W: The [[gifts]] to you in return are great. They are not always [[visible]] to you at the time that you provide the [[service]], nor will they always be [[understood]] by you even in this portion of your [[career]].
M: I [[believe]] that service is [[good]], be it conscious or [[spontaneous]]. Hopefully if you consciously do it, even if you're looking for no more reward than a thank you, in due time it will become [[spontaneous]]. I think as far as with your [[brothers and sisters]] out there, if they see you doing [[service]], then they will become closer too because they will see that in you. I think that's important.
W: There is nothing more [[attractive]].
D: I think [[service]] is a way to break the ice with a [[stranger]]. It [[immediately]] puts you into a [[relationship]], a [[reciprocal]] relationship, that can lead to further [[sharing]] and enrichment for both people involved.
W: That is a nice additional (?) The [[reciprocity]] is truly a part of the interaction of service.
T: One of the nicest things I think about [[service]] is whether you go and spend 15 hours a day in a [[hospital]] to help someone get through an illness or whether you just [[smile]] at a person who's in line with you at the grocery store, it's the just the [[connection]] that you make when you look in that [[person]]'s eyes that is one of the nicest [[feelings]]. I was sitting here [[thinking]] of everyone around, exactly what is [[connected]], a [[soul]], a meeting of souls or [[hearts]] or [[Thought Adjusters]] or maybe all those things. That's one of the nicest things about [[service]], when you make that [[connection]] with that [[person]].
W: It certainly is a step in [[understanding]] your [[brothers and sisters]]. There is a [[recognition]] there that is very [[personal]] between [[individuals]].  
G: I think also that, to me, I don't call it a service, but just being there for someone when they need you. My youngest son lost a friend the week before last; they were good friends since they were in the 5th grade. He questioned that. And then another friend of ours, I used to baby-sit with her children, he committed suicide. But going there, I hadn't seen these people for years, but it made them feel better. And it makes you feel good. You know that you haven't forgotten these people; and we should always give our love to people. If it's only a phone call. Today I called my cousin. I lost one last March. He's 83 years old; but I could tell that after talking with me he felt better. It makes you feel better. People lose their families; and especially when they get old, they don't have as many people to call. So never forget our people, even an in-law, they're still a relative, even a brother or sister. Reach out to all those. To me, that's a service. I've always been a family person. I love smiling at people, and I love it when people smile back.  
G: I think also that, to me, I don't call it a service, but just being there for someone when they need you. My youngest son lost a friend the week before last; they were good friends since they were in the 5th grade. He questioned that. And then another friend of ours, I used to baby-sit with her children, he committed suicide. But going there, I hadn't seen these people for years, but it made them feel better. And it makes you feel good. You know that you haven't forgotten these people; and we should always give our love to people. If it's only a phone call. Today I called my cousin. I lost one last March. He's 83 years old; but I could tell that after talking with me he felt better. It makes you feel better. People lose their families; and especially when they get old, they don't have as many people to call. So never forget our people, even an in-law, they're still a relative, even a brother or sister. Reach out to all those. To me, that's a service. I've always been a family person. I love smiling at people, and I love it when people smile back.  

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