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121:6.4 [ Philo] was a great [[teacher]]; not since [ Moses] had there lived a man who exerted such a [[profound]] [[influence]] on the [[ethical]] and religious [[thought]] of the [[Occidental world]]. In the matter of the combination of the better elements in contemporaneous systems of [[ethical]] and [[religious]] teachings, there have been [[seven]] outstanding [[human]] [[teachers]]: [ Sethard], [ Moses], [ Zoroaster], [ Lao-tse], [[Buddha]], [ Philo], and [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]].
121:6.4 [ Philo] was a great [[teacher]]; not since [ Moses] had there lived a man who exerted such a [[profound]] [[influence]] on the [[ethical]] and religious [[thought]] of the [[Occidental world]]. In the matter of the combination of the better elements in contemporaneous systems of [[ethical]] and [[religious]] teachings, there have been [[seven]] outstanding [[human]] [[teachers]]: [ Sethard], [ Moses], [ Zoroaster], [ Lao-tse], [[Buddha]], [ Philo], and [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]].
121:6.5 Many, but not all, of [ Philo]'s inconsistencies resulting from an [[effort]] to combine [ Greek mystical philosophy] and Roman [ Stoic] doctrines with the legalistic [[theology]] of the [[Hebrews]], [Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] recognized and wisely eliminated from his pre-Christian basic theology. Philo led the way for Paul more fully to restore the [[concept]] of the [[Paradise Trinity]], which had long been dormant in Jewish theology. In only one matter did Paul fail to keep pace with Philo or to [[transcend]] the teachings of this [[wealthy]] and educated Jew of [ Alexandria], and that was the doctrine of the [[atonement]]; Philo taught deliverance from the [[doctrine]] of [[forgiveness]] only by the shedding of blood. He also possibly glimpsed the [[reality]] and [[presence]] of the [[Thought Adjusters]] more clearly than did Paul. But Paul's [[theory]] of [ original sin], the doctrines of hereditary [[guilt]] and innate [[evil]] and redemption therefrom, was partially [ Mithraic] in origin, having little in common with Hebrew theology, [ Philo]'s philosophy, or [[Jesus]]' teachings. Some phases of Paul's teachings regarding [ original sin] and the [[atonement]] were original with himself.
121:6.5 Many, but not all, of [ Philo]'s inconsistencies resulting from an [[effort]] to combine [ Greek mystical philosophy] and Roman [ Stoic] doctrines with the legalistic [[theology]] of the [[Hebrews]], [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] recognized and wisely eliminated from his pre-Christian basic theology. Philo led the way for Paul more fully to restore the [[concept]] of the [[Paradise Trinity]], which had long been dormant in Jewish theology. In only one matter did Paul fail to keep pace with Philo or to [[transcend]] the teachings of this [[wealthy]] and educated Jew of [ Alexandria], and that was the doctrine of the [[atonement]]; Philo taught deliverance from the [[doctrine]] of [[forgiveness]] only by the shedding of blood. He also possibly glimpsed the [[reality]] and [[presence]] of the [[Thought Adjusters]] more clearly than did Paul. But Paul's [[theory]] of [ original sin], the doctrines of hereditary [[guilt]] and innate [[evil]] and redemption therefrom, was partially [ Mithraic] in origin, having little in common with Hebrew theology, [ Philo]'s philosophy, or [[Jesus]]' teachings. Some phases of Paul's teachings regarding [ original sin] and the [[atonement]] were original with himself.
121:6.6 The [[Gospel of John]], the last of the [[narratives]] of Jesus' earth life, was addressed to the Western peoples and presents its story much in the light of the [[viewpoint]] of the later [ Alexandrian Christians], who were also disciples of the teachings of [ Philo].
121:6.6 The [[Gospel of John]], the last of the [[narratives]] of Jesus' earth life, was addressed to the Western peoples and presents its story much in the light of the [[viewpoint]] of the later [ Alexandrian Christians], who were also disciples of the teachings of [ Philo].

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