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AF. survivre, OF. so(u)rvivre (mod.F. survivre), = Pr. sobreviure, It. sorvivere, Sp. sobrevivir, Pg. -viver:late L. supervvre, f. super- SUPER- 2 + vvre to live.

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  • 1. a. intr. To continue to live after the death of another, or after the end or cessation of some thing or condition or the occurrence of some event (expressed or implied); to remain alive, live on.
b. transf. To continue to exist after some person, thing, or event; to last on.
c. Law. Of an estate, etc.: To pass to the survivor or survivors of two or more joint-tenants or persons who have a joint interest.
  • 2. trans. To continue to live after, outlive. a. To remain alive after the death of (another).
b. To continue to live after (an event, point of time, etc.), or after the end or cessation of (a condition, etc.).
c. transf. To continue to exist after the death or cessation of (a person, condition, etc.), or after the occurrence of (an event); to outlast.