2007-12-02-Trust in Me

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Topic: Trust in Me

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Divine Father: “My children, your Father Michael is here. Yes, I hear your cries asking for help. It is here! You have so much help at your disposal; it is within you. Remember to spend time with Me each day, refreshing yourself upon My Spirit and My presence. I am your renewal.

“Through your Mother’s life force, She will build you in My presence. Doubt not in this, even though you don’t always feel it as much as you would like. Your physical bodies contain a density that make it challenging to perceive the subtle emanations of spirit, yet you will get My essence when you ask for it.

“The most significant activity of your day is to replenish yourself in Me -- to take yourself away from the noise of your world around you and to give yourself some breathing space to relax and renew. The replenishment comes from the inside out. Yet it changes your outer world because you bring something of spirit to it, changing the vibrations around you into ones of peace and joy.

“Remember Me, remember your Mother, and receive Our love, filling yourself up so when you do go back to your activities you do so with a sense of vitality and strength. You will receive this to help you manage the tasks at hand in a God-centered loving manner. Trust in Me and relax as you go about your business.”