Talk:2012-11-07-Marin TeaM

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Rob wrote:Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 10:41 PM

Hello Jerry,

Sorry about the misfired email. (email sent before completing first sentence)

Would you comment on the reference in this transcript to reading Paper 72 - Government on a Neighboring Planet as one "where they’ve had continuous high celestial beings right on their worlds—a Planetary Prince, an Adam and Eve--that you are deprived of." 1 The third paragraph of this paper says "This planet, like Urantia, was led astray by the disloyalty of its Planetary Prince in connection with the Lucifer rebellion. It received a Material Son shortly after Adam came to Urantia, and this Son also defaulted, leaving the sphere isolated, since a Magisterial Son has never been bestowed upon its mortal races." 2



Jerry wrote:Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 11:57 AM

Hello Rob, thanks for your good eye catching this mistake. I don't know for certain but a little bit of "me" must have slipped into the transmission from when I read that chapter years ago. Unfortunately, I know of no way of detecting this at the time, but will try. My transmissions are for me quite different from my meditations--which I think of as "sitting and thinking"--whereas when I'm transmitting, my mind seems extraordinarily open and un-self-conscious between the thoughts I express instantaneously as they come through. I.e. I don't hear a voice inside and then decide what to speak or not, but have to trust and commit 100% to the process. I feel myself being there, but must not interact with, or anticipate the message, and have little memory afterwards as with a regular conversation. From time to time this concentration does falter and I find myself having my own ideas, usually when listening to a long question; then I do my best to return to simply hearing their words and trusting Michael or Mother Spirit to respond. So thanks again for catching this. Jerry.

Rob wrote: Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:06 PM

Thank you Jerry! Your comments could be of some help to those with mistaken notions about the transmitting process. May I include them in the discussion page of the lesson? - Gratefully, Rob

Steffani wrote: Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:43 PM

The advantage to transmitting to folks who are unfamiliar with the content of the UB is that they never know when the material T/R'd is in error...the Snazis on the Neighboring Planet are given as an example of what sort of 'best thinking' humans can come up with when lacking lacking celestial guidance, especially the Spirit of Truth, and when many of that planet's people still without Thought Adjusters unless they've personally asked God for His Presence in their lives.

Jerry wrote: Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:59 PM

Hello again Rob, yes, by all means include them if you wish. TR-ing, for me, is just being the best receiver you can be--like a good radio set--and necessarily not about yourself, so I've been disinclined to go into much depth about what the experience is for me. Lately I've been more with the notion of what my mentor--Donna D'Ingillo-Center for Christ told all of us who were attending her meetings: anyone can do this. Of course I didn't believe her at the time; and came to, later, only by doing it. I think she is even now teaching lessons on How To TR if you want to try it yourself; and I include the same little tease in my Prologue in the new book with Byron Belitsos--another of Donna's first students here in Marin. While few may have the opportunity to sit by Donna's side for four years nearly every Monday night--and come in time to decide to trust in the palpable reality of Welmek and Michael coming through her, I think reading the transcripts and getting into their encompassing experience helps in trying the TR process yourself--regardless of showing the material to anyone else or not. For it was Welmek, years ago, who helped train me and suggested I start a written journal of receiving another, spirit personality; and so I did daily for the three months before I began TR-ing for the first time in Donna's group. It definitely helped. And as I fully encounter what comes through me only later while reading it, and critically editing it for superficial grammar and punctuation, don't be surprised when you too can't remember what you just wrote (or recorded), and reading (or hearing) it again is another thing; and more so, the more pure the experience becomes for you. As Alice said, "Will you-won't you--Will you-won't you--Won't you join the dance?" Jerry.

Jerry wrote (replying to Steffani) Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 4:33 PM

Yes!--we can thank Jesus for releasing his Spirit of Truth to all normal-minded of us since Pentecost. We all have the inner ability of recognizing truth irrespective of its origin, and it is to this ability that so many of Michael's and Mother Spirit's lessons have been directed, regardless of whether the prospective readers have read the Urantia Book previously or not. They have always asked us to trust our own inner response to their words while doing our best to remain open-minded as to what is real. They teach that ultimately we are each responsible for our own free will decisions about what is what. Fortunately each person's responsibility lets us address everyone, Urantia Book familiar or not, and trust in their God-given abilities to decide for themselves whether something is in error or not, respective to their unique life. For it is to this ability in them that Michael and Mother Spirit speak, and like recognizes like. Good point, Jerry.

Rob wrote:Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 4:43 PM

Thank you Jerry! I have enclosed this correspondence in the discussion page. They seem to confirm that any words about the truth we are fall short of its living demonstration.

Jim Cleveland wrote: Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:33 AM

Hi Jerry, I find all of this exactly correct from my experience.

Anyone can transmit, I believe, even while some of my friends still say they can't do it .... and that they get guidance other ways. Am sure they do.

I believe taking dictation is easy enough though. But you have to have the mind to listen and take dictation. And that mind must be OPEN. No fears, no agendas, no analysis, no opinions. One can keystroke words as they come without interfering with their passage. Then you can read you transcripts later for fuller clarity.

love, jim

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