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===Topic: ''Self-Mastery''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Thank you so much, Mother and Father, for this opportunity to receive you. We are so grateful to be here and to open this circuit as you imprint more of who you are into who we are. We quiet our minds, open our hearts and make ourselves available for what you share with us today to be encircuited more deeply into our systems of consciousness that we may become more like you in thought word and deed. Thank you, and may your will be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael. I come to you today as a proud papa, who delights in his children, watching them grow, seeing them stretch their understanding, seeing them develop more sturdy souls. You go about your daily lives largely unaware of the gains and growth that you are making each and every day. And yet, to my eyes there are incremental changes occurring within you. One day you will more fully appreciate and be aware of how you achieved this growth. But for now, it is largely a matter of faith, and a means by which you look back to the past to see how far you have come when you desire to see how you are developing as children of the universe who are having a very unique and rugged experience here on the earth plane.

In our last session, we focused on the idea of self-mastery. I hope that each one of you has considered this more fully in your own hearts, and taken this to your indwelling Father Fragment to seek guidance and insight to how you may more fully prioritize this as the soul’s longing and your main objective for your human experience. So it is in that vein that I wish to support your efforts today, and to help you to become more secure as you journey into this realm of self-mastery.

It is most delightful for me to help you in this endeavor, and as you know, this is something that I experienced fully as your brother Jesus. So it is in me that you have the completed circuit, you might say, of how to become more divinely human. So, if this is the course you wish to set for your lives, simply focus on that desire now. Let your heart swell with this notion and yearning to master your consciousness—the self that you are—that you may engage more fully as a soul here on this earth plane.

Take a few moments to quiet your minds and focus in your hearts. Your Mother and I will move in you now, my children, and provide that spiritual component of what you need to develop this more and more each day for yourselves. Let us begin. (Pause)

This truly is food for your souls. The spiritual currents of life that your Mother and I convey to you support the construct of your consciousness to evolve more in the Father’s WILL. It is a gift we provide to our children to nurture them along their paths of life. And that you have consciously, willingly, trustingly come into this forum today to receive from me and your Mother underscores the ministry of the Father within you to obtain this objective of mastering yourselves. So few humans truly undertake this! Be proud of your efforts! Be confident in your ability to walk this path, and know that I am with you, and your Mother supports you, and much help is being afforded to you to achieve this in your human lifetime.

What a great gift you bring to this world! Do you understand the implications of what this means? It is something to ponder, but not for this particular moment. Stay focused in your hearts; center on that desire to master yourselves as we continue to minister to you. (Pause)

This human life experience is so short, and yet can be so wondrous and beautiful. The more you seek to master yourselves, will you enjoy more of this sense of wonderment as you beautify yourselves, harmonizing your evolutionary nature with the presence of the Father Within. It truly is a glorious journey that you undertake during this earthly sojourn. While you have had certain handicaps by living on a rebellion sphere, you also have had certain advantages that set you apart from your brethren who hail from more stable and normal worlds. The sense of faith, that true acquirement of living trust you develop here is part of your soul, and it will be put to good use in your eternal career. And it is serving you well, here and now, during this time of correction. When you look upon your brethren who are suffering and struggling so, who do not know the Father within them, do you see how much of an advantage you have?

So let this inspire you and delight you in that you have made this attempt to grow and to master yourselves. No one can make that choice. It is yours alone, but in doing so you open the door to glory and grandeur. You explore in detail the presence of the Father within you and what Father wishes to help you achieve, not only during the long course of your career, but here and now, to bring more love, light, and life to this earth plane consciousness.

So savor these words, my children. Savor them, and let them soak into your consciousness, and let them mingle with your desire to master yourselves to fortify you, and bring you peace and the inner assurance that all is well. You are on the most stupendous adventure that a human can undertake. Continue to receive. (Pause)

Many great changes are coming to your planet. Do not be dismayed when your earthly institutions crumble. Know that there is a great civilization to be forged out of the legacy of the rebellion, and you are being called to be leaders and conveyors of the truth that lives inside each human heart. There is so much to gained, so much for you to experience that will augment your soul’s development as I walk with you. Your Mother has provided many able and willing helpers to further your own individual efforts at growth and sharing your light with brothers and sisters who are in great need.

So be bold in letting the light shine from your souls and be joyful during this time of change. There is a mystery to be uncovered here as you create a more heavenly way of life here on this planet. It is the mystery of what you call co-creation. It is a matter of faith because you do not know what you will actually create with the Father Within. What will it look like? How will it manifest? This is all part of the adventure. Equip yourselves well by maintaining this desire and focus of self-mastery.

You have a unique opportunity here on this world. There are many of your celestial brothers and sisters who are envious of what you have awaiting you to experience. The service opportunities are truly unlimited, so you do them a great service by maintaining this focus and acting upon it as best you can. Your celestial brothers and sisters can then help you, and by them helping you, you help them to be of greater service. It all works to the glory of the Father and the creation of His ways here on this beloved world.

You’re all so loved and carefully guided. So let your hearts swell with appreciation and joy for how you are growing through this very challenging changing time as the ways of the rebellion recede from the planet. The flickering lights of the dawning of Light and Life begin to emerge from the human soul.

I will leave you now that your Mother may address you, but I will continue to minister to you. Drink deeply of my love, my children, and let it flow through your veins. It is, after all, your birthright and inheritance to be connected to me, and it is my desire that you become closely aware of my presence as I was with my Father during my life as your brother Jesus. Glory to the Father and His love for all life, for the love that lives in you gaining strength and building a new reality of light within your beings! My blessings are upon you. Farewell.

NEBADONIA: Hello, my precious jewels! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. You are my lights. You are my sparkling gems of the Father’s LOVE, glowing, twinkling, and shining forth the luminosity of your souls into this planet’s consciousness. You see one another through the eyes of flesh, and while we can perceive you thusly, we see you as these lights gaining strength, growing in intensity, shining forth your own personality radiance into your world’s consciousness. This is what self-mastery does for the world, so you have everything to gain. As we continue to minister to you, feel your desire for your light to grow, for that spiritual luminosity to emanate from the very pores of your body, the fibers of your flesh, the orbs of your eyes, the streams of light from your heart. (Pause)

The time of change is upon you, so we provide you with more of this spiritual sustenance that you need to maintain your composure and equilibrium during this time. Mastering yourself during this time of change will afford you so many benefits. While I could enumerate or elaborate upon them, it will be your joy to develop them and live in that soulful place. Already you have begun to see and experience your own soul growth, and there is so much more to come. The more you desire to master yourselves, will you be given those experiences to grow your souls. Some individuals might shy away from this thinking that it is too difficult, sensing their own insecurities and animal resistance. But you, you have moved beyond this now each of you at your own pace and time.

I say these words to you to encourage you to go farther, reach higher, and explore deeper into the mystery of what it means to become a master of your own self as a child of the Father. Your Father and I delight as you undertake this, watching you, supporting you each and every day, step by step, experience by experience. And the help that we have made available to you is beyond your comprehension. So there are, you might say, no more excuses. Simply maintain that desire and focus to master yourselves, to allow the unfolding experiences to guide you in the ways of the Father as you become more and more aligned in His WILL. Drink deeply! Drink deeply of this cup of LOVE that flows from your Father through me to you, my precious children. (Pause)

In the coming days you will be given more experiences to look at your brothers and sisters through the eyes of forgiveness, see beyond their limitations and human frailties. And when you do, you may discover some treasure within them, and help them in their own excavation process of finding their own Father Within. Do this with great compassion. Ask us, as your Parents, to help you look for that jewel inside them, for it is there. It may be small, but it is there, and we can help you find that, shed light upon it and help a person open to their own internal treasure of the Father.

Humanity is ready for this, some more so than others. Who is to say, when you encounter your brother or sister, when they are ready to open, how they will open? The Father within them knows. They are presented before you to help them. You’ve heard it said, “The act is yours, the consequence is the Father’s”, and it is never more true than now at this moment of your planet’s consciousness. So we prepare you, supply you with what you need to love your brothers and sisters. Share with them the blessing that you have already received and partaken freely of.

As these words settle in, as you drink deeply of these ideas we share with you, trust in how your lives are unfolding, even moment by moment, for there are many internal changes that are now occurring. Shed the ways of the past to incorporate the light, to demonstrate that out into the world. (Pause)
Let the GLORY of the Father shine upon your souls, my children, for it is in Him that you have LIFE, and it is through me that this LIFE flows to you. You are connected, always and forever. One day when you have fully mastered yourselves here on the earth plane more gifts will come your way, and you will be a mighty, powerful, beautiful representation of the Father to this world. Can you imagine what joy you will experience? It is all waiting for you, and it is all possible through your desire and striving, moment by moment.

So I will leave you with these thoughts to consider, to ingest, incorporate. These energies will continue to circulate throughout your systems and help you in the restructuring of your consciousness to be more in tune to the presence of your own indwelling Fathers, and let His LOVE shine forth. Know that each day you are growing more and more in Him and like Him. Your Father and I will continue to delight and support your efforts. Let the children of Urantia, open up to the way and will of the Spirit and bring in the light of truth and goodness, and the ways of mercy and justice and fairness, equality for all, and love for all life to make this a living reality here on our beloved Urantia. Good day, my precious children.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2014]]

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