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===Topic: ''Developing Your Faith''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are grateful for this opportunity to receive from you today as you continue to support our spiritual development in the ways we need. As we settle into our hearts, may we be expanded in your love and receive more of the infusions of your divine essences to support the upliftment of our human natures to reach those higher levels of consciousness that we may communicate more directly with our indwelling Spirit presences, and be more guided directly and consciously in our lives. We are ready to receive from you, and we thank you for this opportunity to be your children and to grow in your love and grace, and may your will be done now. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, one and all! This is Michael. I am pleased to join you once again, and I invite you to open your hearts to me, that I may as your Father imbue you with more spiritual energy to help you achieve those higher states of consciousness seeded within your own beings. On our previous call we began this year with the topic of FAITH, and we will continue to focus on this topic and quality of faith for the year as it is a very vital component of your spiritual natures as children of faith to help you move more in that dynamic as you will go about your day-to-day affairs.

As your Mother and I move in you, we invite you to focus on this word-energy of FAITH. You may see it in your mind’s eye, and if you wish you may center your gaze in your hearts and see it gently pulsing in your heart centers. Take a few moments to simply focus on this spiritual quality, and your Mother and I will begin to move in you, my beloved children. Center yourselves in FAITH, allowing its energies to uplift you and move through you now. (Pause)

FAITH is the spiritual quality that connects you to us as your Divine Parents and to the presence of your own Indwelling Spirits. This is a sensing mechanism, you might say, for you to perceive the more subtle tones and notes of the higher spiritual frequencies that are hardwired into your minds. But most of your minds operate at a frequency which distorts the beautiful quality of FAITH. And so it is very helpful to re-center yourselves in this quality of trust—living trust in the nature of Spirit. Faith is experiential. And while you may define it as a trust in things unseen—divine attributes and qualities—you largely take this through the intuitive qualities within your minds to help you perceive that this is real and true. You are not using your material senses to apprehend the nature of faith. You are using another part of your sensing abilities within your mind, and this grows over time. It grows through life experience. It grows through trusting in the benevolence of Spirit Within you.

In many areas of your planetary culture this faith-attribute is relegated to a less important position due to the reasoning, analyzing qualities of your mind that try to control how you think and how you respond to your material environment. But faith takes you into the realm of unknowing, and for many people it can be very uncomfortable because you are now not operating in familiar modes. Yet if you were to develop your faith to its ultimate expansion in your hearts and minds, you would be lifted up into a realm of such deep assurance in our LOVE for you and your own Spirit’s LOVE for you that it would pulverize all doubt and confusion as to who you are and the destiny that you will someday achieve.

So it behooves you to develop this faith relationship you have with Spirit in conjunction with developing your reasoning and analyzing skills of the intellect. Faith supports your soul growth. Faith moves you into dynamic experience of an unknown nature. You begin to trust in those unseen forces that are working on your behalf. And you can only do this through life experience and have that experience to demonstrate to you that you have been supported through a challenging of trying circumstance of your lives; but in a way that you were able to maintain not only your inner peaceful composure, but you learned a valuable lesson about how the nature of Spirit functions within you.

This is one of the objectives of human life is to grow in your faith expression of who you are as a son and daughter of God. No one can do this for you. No one can teach you faith like you can be taught wisdom through reasoning. It is experiential and it is an individual journey that each one takes one step at the time.

I will pause here and allow these words to settle in, and as they do, feel your desire to receive more FAITH from your Mother and me, that we may fortify you to live your lives in this dynamic expression of living trust in the support system that you have within you as children of God. (Pause)

As you receive from your Spirit Mother and me, as your Spirit Father, there is an imprinting process underway within your minds. You may not yet be able to perceive it, but we are fortifying your energy systems with this endowment of FAITH to help you in that shift from trying to control your material environment into the realm of controlling how you approach it through this lens of unknowingness and trust that all things are working out in your life to the greater good and for your own spiritual development to higher levels of universe understanding and consciousness.

As you receive from us, begin to make more of that shift in your own desire of how you live, to live a life of FAITH, for it is in this dynamic that you will find the best place to achieve that inner happiness and security and serenity that everyone desires. The presence of your own Indwelling Spirits contains all the FAITH you will ever need. But your Mother and I understand how difficult it is sometimes for you to operate in this dynamic. And it is in coming to us that we can expand you in your own quality of how you think and feel, that you may perceive more of your own Spirit’s attempt to reach you and tell you to relax, trust, and as you say, go with the flow of life, and know that all things are moving in the right direction for the improvement of your overall life and how you express yourself to your brothers and sisters.

So in this year of more change and transformation occurring on your world, set that desire to live more in FAITH as a priority, and know that you will receive much support and guidance to help you achieve this higher place of living, and from this place you will learn and grow, and you will accumulate knowledge and understanding that eventually leads to wisdom, and grow in a greater appreciation of how the universe functions in love and care and compassion for even the tiniest particle of life in the great cosmic scheme. You are upheld. And while your own planetary system of consciousness may not always function in your behalf, there is something in you that always will. And it is your role as a human, your joy and your delight, to come into that awareness of the faith-bond you have with Spirit, and that Spirit’s responsibility to guide you forward on your path, that you may understand more and more the nature of reality and your part in it. Continue to receive for a few more moments, and then we will address any questions you may have. (Pause)

My beloved children, your Mother and I love you and support you, and it is our desire for you to gain more trust in yourselves, for the Spirit’s presence in you will guide you on this wonderful journey of becoming more of who you are as that living expression of divine LOVE on a material world. Each one of you has great gifts and abilities within, and the more you trust in yourselves the more your own Spirits can guide you forward in that expression of your creative gifts. So open to FAITH and learn to trust in the power of Spirit Within more and more each day, for this is the surest way to achieve the happiness and the feelings of love and peace that build a great and noble human character, even impinging upon the divine.

You may now bring forth any questions you might have on this topic today, and I will be happy to address that for you. However, if you wish to stay in a state of meditation you will continue to receive from your Mother and me as we help you become more fortified in the faith that lives within you. It is your choice. You may now bring your questions forward, if there are any.
STUDENT: Hello, this is M. Michael, I have a question relating my current faith-journey, having to do with a service involvement that I would like to seek your guidance on. I have been curious about and interested in this project which is currently ongoing, generally called Borderland clearing, and have decide to participate. I would very much appreciate some clarification and some description and understanding of exactly what this process involves, and any particular aspects of it that I should be aware of in making my decision of going forward in this, and also your assurance that I will be protected in engaging in this service. Any response that you could have to these questions would be greatly appreciated.

MICHAEL: M my son, I thank you for your question and your willingness to step into this arena. I do caution you however in taking these steps because this is an area of very great darkness within the constructs of your planet’s system of consciousness. As you know you will be dealing with many energies that are still, what you might call, subservient to the rebellion agenda and mindset. Therefore, anytime you engage in this type of activity you must be spiritually fortified and protected in your own energy system so that you do not retain any of the consequences of what it means to clear this from the planetary grid.

You will not be doing this alone. I encourage you to set that intention to invite the angels operating under the jurisdiction of Gabriel and the other celestial personalities charged with cleaning up this area in your planet’s consciousness. I would first encourage you to make contact with them and spend time in stillness before you even begin to engage in working in this borderland area.

It would be beneficial for you to spend several days or weeks in developing your relationship with Gabriel, the Archangels, and some of the other celestial personalities. Call upon them, speak with them about what it is you would like to do and allow them to calibrate you, if you will use that term, to their frequencies so that you feel more connected to them when you are engaged. Take this one step at the time. I would be happy to address this with you at a later date, but my suggestion for you right now is to begin with this contact of Gabriel and the Archangels so that you develop that faith trust in them that they are with you and you can perceive that, and more or less receive an intuitive sense that you are ready to move forward to the next phase of your involvement in this undertaking. Does this help, my son?

STUDENT: It does, or may I ask an additional question? (You may.) I have already taken steps in this regard and in fact I am informed that a chakra consolidation process is underway at this point. I am now obviously confused, based upon your answer as to what it is I should do at this point.

MICHAEL: There are many levels to this and you want to assure yourself that you are in a state of integrity—internal integrity and external integrity, if you will—in working with the angels and the archangels. My suggestion for you today is to develop this external integrity. They work synergistically together. But you are not doing this alone. It is not human action alone that is clearing this area of your planet’s system of consciousness. Do you understand this, my son?

STUDENT: Oh absolutely. I understand that any work that I would be doing would be co-creative with regards to celestial help, and I am willing to participate but it is my understanding that mortal assistance is required.

MICHAEL: It is helpful but it is not always necessary. There are many phases of the Correcting agenda under way now, and it is up to each individual to decide how they wish to proceed. That you have chosen to go this route is your choice of course, and we want our children to be as fully prepared as they can when dealing with these types of energies. But there are also things of which you are not yet aware, and so we are asking you to take this in a very methodical process so that you maintain your composure and your spiritual equilibrium when you are engaged with the celestials in doing this. Does this help your confusion?

STUDENT: I understand exactly what you said. The confusion that I have is that it’s my understanding that the process of chakra consolidation is already underway with me. Now is that inaccurate? Is that not taking place?

MICHAEL: It is part of your overall spiritual development. The chakra system of the human energy-mind component needs to be operating at more optimal levels in order for you to keep your own energy system clear. I am not addressing that at this time. I am addressing more of the component of how you collaborate with the Spirit personalities who are charged to assist the humans and who have more free rein to operate in this area. This is where you will be spending more of your time and I encourage you to develop more of your relationship with them that you can participate in this and not be affected by it.

STUDENT: I understand, and let me report to you what my understanding is and if you think I need additional clarification I would very much, very much appreciate it.

MICHAEL: I will ask you to hold this for a more private session because this is not the subject matter for today, and it would be very confusing for other individuals listening to the call today to discuss this.

STUDENT: Okay, I’m sorry for bringing it up.

MICHAEL: I understand your concerns but it would be better if this was addressed more personally. (Okay sure.) Are there any other questions today?
My children, your Mother and I appreciate all of the efforts that you make in developing your spirituality and moving into higher levels of consciousness. We also appreciate all the efforts you make at serving your brothers and sisters and this world in overcoming the great deficits caused by the Luciferic rebellion and agenda. The more you develop your faith in the spiritual endowments within you, the more you will be able to assist in this planetary time of change and correction, rehabilitation and redemption. This is a massive undertaking on the part of human-Spirit collaboration, and we appreciate all efforts, no matter how large or small they are, to change the planetary system of consciousness to reflect the divine values of LOVE and TRUTH and GOODNESS and BEAUTY.

Rest assured that this world is in my hands, and it is being steered in the direction that it needs to one day attain its ultimate destiny of Light and Life. You are on that path as a collective, and individually you can make great strides each day, the more you commune with your Spirit, center yourselves in FAITH, and do your best to live from that place of living trust in the benevolence of LIFE and all of the spiritual helpers you have at your disposal.

I will leave you now but I am always available to you through your Spirit of Truth, you may commune with me at any time and bring me any human problem or situation that is beyond your understanding, and I will help you gain perspective and grow in something that will uplift you into that realm of great peace and assurance. Thrive in FAITH my children, it is your birthright and it is alive within you. Good day.

[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
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