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===Topic: ''Navigating Everchanging Circumstances''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Prayer: I am in gratitude for this opportunity, this opportunity to connect, gratitude for the realization that we are indeed part of the whole and that we know this relationship, we know of this degree of contrast between us, but still we know we are a fragment of the entire picture and a member of this divine family of man in the making.
Machiventa: I am happy to accept your extended invitation to participate. Even though the invitation was issued nonverbally, I am happy to respond to such a petition to join you. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, first up to accept the invitation and to touch base with you again. As time elapses and circumstances change and contrasts become more evident, your journey is a task of navigating the current waters just before you and these waters are determined by current circumstance, current opportunities, current potentials at play. So many factors are involved in making the circumstance of the moment that there is constant change and constant need of revision, of changing your course settings to best navigate the possible waters.

As successful pilots of your individual crafts, it is incumbent upon you to read the signs to determine the conditions before you and to adjust your sails accordingly to take advantage of the opportunity of motion through wind and to take advantage of the opportunity of the rising of the tide because you are aware that this is a phenomenon at play. Knowing your relationship to the heavens, to the stars, enables you to chart a true and faithful course and one that may accurately bring you to the coordinates of your choosing. A good captain knows how to read the signs and all of the different aspects at play that come together to create the circumstance of the moment.

Mankind has progressed well in its ability to be able to forecast some of the factors at play that are caused by weather phenomenon, and this ability to chart and project the flow of weather has greatly assisted this process of navigating the waterways because this service of watching the weather serves to establish the boundaries of contrast and be able to inform the participants of impending changes and even with some degree of certainty are able to predict time frames. This ability to reference weather events beyond the scope of your individual ability is a good example of enlisting the use of a form of circuitry. This form of networking and connectivity has been forged and built so that now it is able to be called upon and used in practical measure. Therefore the wise captain avails himself of the reports from those who would watch the surrounding weather patterns and inform those at sea the upcoming weather pattern to be predicted. This information received in advance of its arrival by virtue of this separate circuit enables any at sea to prepare themselves for what is ahead and to not be caught off guard by any sudden changes in the weather.

I bring this illustration forward in an attempt to demonstrate that circuits may be called into play to help in the navigation of all manner of journeys, even your eternal career, and to that end I will remind you once again you have a valuable Onboard Partner that represents the connection and the portal to a great circuit you have available to you that may be used to summon wisdom and to summon strength. This circuit is of divine origin and comes to you and through you by virtue of your divine counterpart, soon to be partner. This notion of finding this grand circuit to which you are already connected is a journey that you are navigating, a waterway you are attempting to make your way across, to navigate by the directions you have received and to exercise your faith to allow you to embrace the answer to your petition to know more, to seek spirit and to find it. That is how to connect to the circuit, simply your desire and your earnest petition are enough to make it so and it is my pleasure to remind you of this and that it is so and an available option to be chosen.

Thank you for the offer to join you during this opportunity you provide. It is always my pleasure to respond to these invitations and I now take my leave to allow for others to share in this experience. Farewell.

Inner Voice: I step forward at this time to accept the invitation as well, even the invitation of my mortal associate to take voice. The previous reference to connecting to your Inner Guide obviously arrested my attention as that has been my message to impart through these opportunities that I have been granted. It is a joyful message to spread among all who have ears to hear. This relationship that we are referring to is between you and your Indwelling Guide and this relationship is being defined by contrast; it is being literally conditioned and defined. The notion of determining definition by point of reference is very significant in the observation of spiritual growth in that when one is exposed to higher values and more divine purpose and meaning, then their reference point shifts and leans more in favor of divine principles. That is what is so significant about your routine acts of choosing and your routine manifestations of your truth by choosing it and activating it, selecting it, and identifying with it.

This process is growth and the change and accommodation of one to allow for greater and greater truths to accommodate greater and greater purpose. For those who are invested in seeking spirit and following where it leads, then these episodes of growth come as potentials before you and by virtue of your choice you choose to embrace the lesson, to go where spirit leads and in so doing, to expand your very capacity, your very being. And all the while you are shoring up your point of reference, your point of being and you are defining yourself by what you identify with, what you choose and what you manifest. All of these things, all of these components serve to register you as a unique combination of traits.

I would like to bring forward a simple and profound notion of perspective offered earlier that is relevant to the discussion here and that is: although it is important to have the study of contrasts to help more clearly define the individual perspectives, but to make every attempt in the process to not set their trajectory ahead to be one of greater distance between the contrasts. Rather consider bringing a point of focus between the contrasts because you are aware and you embrace the truth and the reality that these contrasts are both equally parts of the whole and they serve as references to each other, in contrast to each other yet in formation with each other.

Since you are discovering you are such powerful co-creators, I delight in offering potential visions to direct intention towards oneness, the eventual collection of all that is. Your Inner Voice is ever ready to assist you as you are actively navigating the route before you. Recall that I may be of great assistance when you approach an unknown circumstance or unanticipated event. Your Inner Voice is most capable of bringing you the answer to your dilemma, the way you can move forward, the pitfalls to avoid. All of these are yours for the asking, yours for the knowing to ask, and the choosing to ask, both fundamental factors that you posses. So I issue another invitation because it is the desire of your Inner Voice, your Inner Guide, to connect with you and this is, in the end, your choice to accommodate.

It is indeed my great honor to be afforded this opportunity to manifest an expression in vocal terms of spiritual truths and aspects which are beyond the mortal framework and yet are equally significant and even more so in that they are your eternal component to go with you all the way back to Paradise, all the way to the First Source and Center. Such a journey will require much navigation. Surely you can use the help and assistance of your Onboard Partner to help you chart the best path forward, the best route to take in order to insure your safe passage along the trail of spiritual growth. Be at peace and know that all this is simply your destiny. All this lies before you to be realized and to be actualized by your choosing and manifesting its truth. You are hereby invited by your Voice Within to participate in the process at hand and enlist your faith to make the choices to do so.

It is indeed a great privilege to simply share with you in spirit together in this sacred arena that you maintain. Know that your destiny awaits your choosing but there is never the need for any sense of urgency. You are certainly progressing at a pace and time is required in order to gather wisdom made by observing contrasts. I echo the gratitude for such an opportunity. I recognize this gift of grace for what it is and I accept it and embrace it, perhaps you do as well. Join me in gratitude for such a gift of grace. I take my leave and return to the more recessive position and relinquish the voice in gratitude for this whole opportunity. Farewell

Jonathan: While there is still a line open, I would seize it. I am Jonathan taking this opportunity because I can. I am aware that I have a standing invitation to join this group any time they are assembled and so I feel free to join in, having received the invitation. This is one of the keys to opening the doors, to establishing the link, the communication. The transfer of energy is the invitation, the condition of the environment by extending the invitation which not only opens the door but conditions the environment to be appropriate for exchange, for sharing and for coming together in spirit. I saw this opportunity existed and I desire to come forward just to show my fellowship, my participation, my energy extended towards the circuit of energy that is this group.

It is indeed my pleasure to be a member of such a group, an associate to so many seekers that I can even call friends. What a gift of grace it is, this relationship. What a gift of grace it is that we can maintain such relationships beyond the parameters of time and space and outside the limitations of mortal life. That is indeed a gift of grace of an eternal career. Such a gift of grace of such magnitude may be difficult to embrace. The significance of such a gift is so profound it may be difficult to take in but you have lifetimes of experience before you to gather to yourself meanings and values that are significant and your collection of experiences and circumstances and meanings and values attached to these serve to combine to make you a being of unique perspective, of unique traits and features which serve to bring differences and options into this game of creation and survival.

My friends, I do wish to reflect on how gently and easily one can row your boat down the stream of life. Go merrily, happily even joyfully as you make your way down by your own efforts and your own choosing by your own directives. However, one may always enlist a little help from their friends, their Onboard Partners who are engaged in the very same journey and who may be enlisted for support. Make it so and create the pathway to this circuit and in the meantime, enjoy the ride. Take in the views and vistas, feel the elements on your vehicle and notice the many contrasts and distinctions all around you for you to use as reference points and to define who you are in relationship to those points and what are your bearings.
Well done my friends, I simply wish to pop in and congratulate you on your efforts to date that have brought you to this platform of awareness so that we may make our journeys individually and collectively in peace with the loving guidance of our unfailing guides. Make is so as you so choose and be in peace as the journey is designed to be joyful. Make it so as you are able and I look forward to the next time I see there is a connection to be made. Good night my friends, rest in peace and Fare Well in your journey.

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