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Created page with 'Image:lighterstill.jpg ==Heading== ===Topic: ''Acceptance Is Key''=== ===Group: Lightline TeaM=== ==Facilitators== ===Teacher: Michael=== ===TR: JL=== ==Session==...'
===Topic: ''Acceptance Is Key''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===

T/R: Dear Michael and Mother Spirit. Welcome. Welcome dear
parents. Welcome unimaginable spiritual beings of unimaginable power
and unimaginable scope unimaginable experience with hundreds and
billions of years now, spread out over how many cubits of light-years
of space and how many millions of worlds. We honor you because with
all that you are, so totally beyond our imagination, still – still and
all here you are - right beside us, right inside us with the most
intimate connection of all right there with ourselves. So thank you
dear Father, dear Father of us all, Dear God for creating such
children of yours - to be such parents of ours. We are truly humbled
with this unimaginableness. (chuckle) We take great comfort in that
too, great comfort and joy that we have such touch available to us.
MICHAEL: Good evening my children this is Michael. (chuckle) I
appreciate your introduction and we, Mother Spirit and I are delighted
to be unimaginable. Definitely gives you something to look forward to
meeting us, as it were, face to face some day For also my children,
for your growth the kinds of beings you will be then is also
unimaginable to you now. You have our assurance we will be there and
it is your choice and it is within your power of choosing, to be with
us there someday. We like to say because it is true. Eternal life
is not forced upon anyone. This is your choice. This is your choice
to embrace to continue to grow into something that is truly
unfathomable at each stage. Except after you have traversed a few
stages. You have come up from being babies and children and
adolescents, looking back on grade school and high school and college
and university for some of you. You have come through many stages
already and so you already have this rich experience within you. It
is your sole possession of just how unfathomable those stages to
come always are. This is one small token of God’s infinity that he
set up life, human life this way. Infinite imagination if you will
to conceive of human life that Mother Spirit and I and other sons and
daughters of the trinity involved in. And yes, you most definitely
can trust this then with such an architect with such a creator of
just human life and how that is so unique for every single one of
you. Still the parameters of that just that ungrasbleness that
unfathomableness of human life was by design.

You were created in a sense with these limitations with this very
finiteness to give you that choice. Somewhere to go, somewhere to
grow, always. So you find yourself suspended like in mid-air in a
way. I like to think one of those surreal paintings where you have
a fountain right out of the middle of the air bursting forth. That
is God! That is Michael, Mother Spirit and Myself. That is you.
That is your personality. This comes from the bursting forth from
some unfathomable reservoir of life itself. Bursting into time and
space with this body, this mind and this spirit you have. So in a way
you are suspended. There is infinity in every direction. There is
no bottom, no sides, no top to anything. Even your own bodies. You
eat an apple and it not only is delicious and filling - there is that
energy. Though you know that 99.9% of all those little steps there
is that last little piece you have yet to learn even about your own
bodies. That is just in general in all the libraries of the world.
For each one of you that seemingly finite body of yours: using an ear
to listen to me now. That too is infinity to your personality.
Then the mind. All the meaning of your life for you and those you
love - another infinity. Where does the next idea come from? If
you have some training, some discipline you can decide, “well for the
next half hour I am going to think such and such of a subject”. But
where does the next idea come from? So you see my children, even
though you are surrounded by infinities and you are suspended as it
were, each moment kind of bursting into time and space as this God
created unique being. You are a center. You are the center of your
universe and it pivots around you.

There is that coming out of you. Out of your own creativity unique
to you. Most of this you call imagination. All of you as children
had to deal with this. The fact that there was so much in your
universe and wasn’t in any one else’s. You had to make some difficult
explain these things that were in you. Little bit by little bit you
had to learn how to communicate with all of them out there. So, a
lot of this is just coming out of you. It is your own creativity.
As you go out into time and space there is some penetration there.
There is some seeking involved. There might even seem to be a curse
from time to time. “Can’t I just kick back and forget about seeking
for truth and beauty and goodness? Why am I driven this way? What
is this thing of curiosity that won’t let me rest?” Least not when
you are young.

Then as you kind of find yourself suspended in all of these infinities
in this own world, you discover that the world is moving toward you.
You are in motion in the middle of a universe that is not only you –
and here it comes – moment by moment. It is all in motion and it is
all coming towards you – events to handle. Even your own body, your
own mind, is not, shall we say, totally under your control.
Accidents happen. Things happen here in time and space and so you
are not only out there penetrating, seeking - You are handling that
which is simply coming at you. This is all by design. During some
of the sessions here recently a question came about how the here and
now this dynamic living of the here and now is taking care of
itself. There was a little discussion on the fact that the here and
now is not actually an “it”. It is personal. First of all - it is
you. You have all this dynamic life in and part of you. You are
part of it. But as through this whole human situation, this is not
an “it” my children, this is a design of God’s and of Mother Spirit’s
and of mine. In a way we are responsible. In a way our Father is
responsible. There is no other single being. For no other single
being can respond, has this ability to respond to the whole
creation. But you also have this ability, this response ability.
You can grow this ability to respond to others like you. So the here
and now is not an “it”. It is you! It is all the other personal
beings in existence. The heads of the galaxies, the heads of the
local universes, your own system. Your own world leaders right down
to the members of your family. All this enormous interaction is the
only explanation for reality. Because you, in your life, at the
center of your universe. The way you relate this ability to respond
and to get some response from all that out there. This is the Big
Game, the Big Plan, this is the Design. And if you ask why or you
wonder why? The shortest answer is something called Soul. It is
something that comes into existence -unique to you my children, unique
to every single one of you and every personality in existence
experiencing their universe centered on them. In conjunction with
something that is absolutely singular, universal, absolute and infinite.

In human being we call this the Thought Adjuster. A presence of God
that can literally suggest thoughts and can adjust your thoughts to be
more spiritual, more all inclusive of everything in your universe.
The co-authored by God himself, this presence of God within you.
This is what soul is. Soul is every experience of every personal
being. Even Mother Spirit and I, we have what is analogous to a
human soul. We have our experiences. So my children as you sit
here listening to me tonight, as you experience my voice, as you
experience yourselves this is the purpose. This is the
fulfillment. Moment by moment. Each moment sits upon all that came
before it. And this too is another infinite dimension. You call
it history. That which really happened. Another infinity to
explore to give meaning to now. So rejoice and be exceedingly glad
that all of this that you are. All these infinities that you swim
through every day, all this curiosity and the courage to follow where
it tickles your fancy. All these hundreds of positive qualities you
can list in existence. It is all part of the design. All part of
the, again, (chuckle) infinite – infinite potential that waits every
single moment to become actual. With the fact that in your life, in
my life, there is that presence of God and his purpose is you and is
me. He lives in us. That is why we call the Thought Adjuster a
Mystery Monitor if you will. You can think of it as the mechanism
by which God experiences us and experiences his design. So yes, this
is where our ultimate trust, our ultimate faith, resides. In all
these infinities surrounding us so there is no end to Him, nor end to
any single one of us either – if we so choose. That is our power.
That is our power, our glory, and our most thankful worship. We are
always more than we can ever begin to grasp and in that we are most
like Him. Thank you dear Father for creating me the kind of being I
am. And thank you for creating each of our children with this
ability to marvel at all they are, so much more than they can even
grasp. But they can feel comfortable and at home in that very
reality and very design of yours.

Now my children if you have any questions or comments this evening
bring them forth:
Q #1: Michael, I’ve had a question that has been around my head for
years and years. I am very curious about the twelve specialized
senses we have as Urantians as opposed to the seventy will have in
Mansonia. Can you help me out with that?

MICHAEL: Yes my son. I’m not sure exactly what you consider it
to be the ones you already have as I just got through saying there
is more to you than your momentary consciousness can take in.
Partly you are restricted now by this mind-body that gives you
consciousness. So when you acquire a much more subtle, shall we say,
pattern being, something very analogous to the body you have now only
so much more –not only spiritually sensitive, but sensitive to even
greater range - the electro-magnetic spectrum, to emotions, in other
words when your whole physical and mental capacities are extremely
expanded. You could call these extra dimensions. We delight that
you’ve evolved your science fiction to the degree with all your
stories, then your T.V., movies and such that you can think of now as
extra dimensions. It is so hard to explain these to you. It is like
explaining color to a person born blind. We can only do so by
analogy. Mother Spirit and I have already mentioned that as you
begin to encounter ever more powerful spiritual beings, each order of
personal being exists in a slightly different universe of their
own. As you come to meet Seraphim, perhaps other beings on the
Mansion Worlds. First of all to be able to perceive them, to be able
to communicate with them, you will be enormously expanded. Then if
you get to know them, get to know their way of seeing the universe,
what their lives, their personal lives are like. These are extra
dimensions that you will take on. You will be able to perceive and
understand your mind; your comprehension will be enormously expanded
just as it is, hopefully, all through your human life. There are
dozens and dozens of physical, shall we say matter-energy, dimensions
that you have yet to encounter. Your body – they are going right
through you just like your own radio or T.V. waves. They are going
right through you now. They are real, but you don’t have yet the
mechanism to pick them up. So, through all of these you will keep
growing and make a part of your life. A part of your understanding.
Essentially, as one of your wise men put it, there is no limit to
dimensions. That is why I tease you tonight with being this fountain
out in the middle of the air, (chuckle) surrounded and suspended by
infinity in every possible way you can think of. You just get more
of them. Does that make sense to you?

Q: Yes that does. I was more concerned with the Urantia Book’s
discussion of the physical senses as we think of sight, hearing,
taste. In the kinesthetic sense maybe we could come up with the six
or seventh senses. I was curious about the twelve. I always
wondered what they might be. I’m certainly looking forward to the
many expanded senses as we progress. I was sort of hung up here in
the mortal sphere of the question.

MICHAEL: That is why I can just kind of tease you (chuckle) with so
many many more to come. You encounter them. That was my whole
lesson tonight. This is the fact that it is endless. There is no
limit to how much you can expand. What is your comprehension, what
is your understanding can encompass. And that is what makes it all
worthwhile. As Mother Spirit as said a number of times, “ It would
be hell otherwise”. You aren’t stuck on any kind of little rabbit
wheel or hamster wheel. Or stuck on a little rabbit path going
around and around. Even if you are in this first human life of
yours. You get transformed whether you like it or not here it
comes. It is part of that enormous reality that is constantly
approaching you and, requiring that you handle it. But, you are
given the tools and you are given the perceptions and the ability to
understand. Was there anything further along those lines?

Q: No, I guess that will do. Thank you.

MICHAEL: Be in my Peace.

Q #2: Michael, I have a question.

MICHAEL: Certainly

Q#2: Recently while in meditation, the thought occurred to me that
since reality really happens when we ask for it – and that is when the
magic happens – and that no one is allowed to interfere with that
process (i.e., free will). The thought occurred to me that since my
Adjuster is here to share my personality in part and eventually I will
share in his divinity, I was wondering if it would be possible, or
even fruitful, to petition my Adjuster, or even give him permission to
briefly share my personality, and perhaps I could even share the
divinity – a sort of a bump maybe to get back on track a little
better. I know you can’t see God without being consumed, so I am
talking about anything short of a near death experience. But, is this
possible or is he already working at the best level that I can
function at?

MICHAEL: I think you put your finger on it at the very end there my
son. Again, the presence of God within you is an individualized
presence and is also sharing your life, gaining your experience. One
of the best ways of tuning into this power is to tune into your own
soul. …… (Interruption) … You mentioned before my son, your own
soul, because it has a co-author as it is, it is not only just your
memories it is this gigantic reality of things far far beyond your
conscious memory that you can just bring up This orientation, in
your meditation, of welcoming everything of your Thought Adjuster -
it is actually part of you - this divine part of you. By opening
yourself to anything and giving it permission is the best you can
do. And, to be determined to deepen your meditation, to respect this
time you set aside – to really open yourself to and say, “bring
whatever”, "what do I do next?". It can be that simple. But
also spend some time just welcoming your Adjuster to bring up moments
of your soul. This is your assurance, this is your proof if you
will, in a human way, of not only of your own existence of some other
time in your life, but his presence in your life. And though you
only may be able to touch on these for only a few moments that too can
seem like some infinity. All that life, all that life you have lived
is still there in this strange, strange, almost amazing beyond belief
what the soul is –what your soul is. So let your Thought Adjuster
enjoy this with you again, this product the two of you are creating.
And that I think will give you about all the bump you can handle.
Let it blow your mind as you say. Let it amaze you that in reverie,
far beyond any kind of details you can imagine, your soul can come
forth and present you with that living experience when you were twelve
years old or maybe eighteen or whatever. Let yourself be amazed that
there is this cosmic reality, this absolute reality for you. And
yet it is so enormous beyond, we shall say your voluntary recall.
Let yourself be thrilled by your own soul my son. Your Thought
Adjuster will be right there with you. Never forget this is part of
you. A gift of God to you. Does that help?

Q#2: Yes, thank you for your counsel Michael.

MICHAEL: Be at my Peace my Son. They say that is the purpose of
this life of yours. This unique experience you are having. So
addressing your Thought Adjuster don’t think of it as some total alien
entity. The two of you are most intimate. The most difficult thing
at addressing your Thought Adjuster as a separate entity, shall I say,
to hear a voice in your own mind, is the fact that it is part of you
and it has always been there.

Are there any more questions or comments?

Contributor: Hello Michael. This is ….. I just wanted to
contribute a little bit to just that previous bit discussing the
Thought Adjuster and the memory of the soul. Recently I had a unique
experience in a stillness session where I was receiving advice. I
was petitioning regarding how I could better deal with some of my
mortal shortcomings and tools to help me out. Then I got an
image of a childhood memory that I had not thought of in a long
time. This image was of my father basically teaching me how to ride
a two-wheel bike. It was a very early age and it flashbacked to me as
clear as day. What was unique about it, from what I understood, from
my Thought Adjuster, was the symbolism of the father - the father
fragment working within us and how exactly this process works. It
was sort of likened to taking the training wheels off of the bike.
The Father does much during our mortal life to lead us along to try to
teach us, to try to aid us through this conflict of serving two
masters. One being the mortal animal self and how to rise up and
become spiritually mature and evoke that budding Morontia character.
It was very touching for me because the father would hold the handle
of the bike and running along side the bike eventually letting go.
In my experience as a child I didn’t realize my father had let go,
until I realized I was riding the bike myself. The next step, which
really came forth in my mind, was now that the son knows how to ride
the bike, the father grabs his bike and the son and the father ride
the block together. And they eventually ride new paths together. I
just wanted to share that because the Questioner #2 put forth and the
answer that came from it very well resonated with that imagery with
that. I was in tears when I received this imagery because it was
such a touching experience with my own mortal father and I had this
dual perspective of the mortal and the divine pattern from which that
came from. I just wanted to share that and throw that in there.

MICHEAL: Thank you.. There is no hard and fast line between what
you might call memory, which is, shall we say, the purely the
electrons bouncing around your brain cells and soul, which is extra-
dimensional which your beloved Urantia Book calls it. You are all
super minded in that sense. You are all touching upon all these
dimensions we talked about this evening. In that sense your Thought
Adjuster being so much a part of you. A lot of the fullness of your
memory is spiritual. You may not have thought of this quite this far
before. Sometimes your memory can be no more than ‘I met so and so
at such and such a place at three in the afternoon’ – just that basic
outline that you have control over and if pushed to it can recall a
number of events, this is pretty much brain activity – just pure
memory. But then the fullness, if you allow yourself, if you take
the time, a lot of times it happens in reverie or by association, but
if you have time for it in your busy lives. All this fullness all
of a sudden just swells forth. So many of you think of this ‘well
that was just a good memory’. That is actually your soul. That is
the stuff, the substance that fills up the framework. That is your
Thought Adjuster. It is the combination of what the two of you have
created together. Other times, when you are really stumped for ‘what
do I do next?” You are in the middle of a problem or sometimes just
some delightful exercise. Every now and then you can recognize a
pure Thought Adjuster input. It comes right out of the blue. It
is startling in the way it comprehends so many different facets of
what is happening. You can be sure, ‘is that my Thought Adjuster?’
or just my own highest spiritual creativity? There is no fast line
there either. Right from your own individual spiritual power of
creativity. That merges seamlessly into the Father’s presence
within you. You can’t say exactly, always, ‘well that was my
Thought Adjuster coming out like a bolt of the blue’. Because your
Thought Adjuster is so much a part of you – a part of your thinking –
that adjusting your thinking towards that beautiful symbolism of the
father and the son. How the father at a certain moment lets go, lets
his son be his son and ride his own bicycle. All that meaning, all
that significance as I have mentioned. Your own soul is your own
best proof of the existence of God within you. That is definitely a
joyful bump indeed. So, thank you for your example. It was

Commenter: Thank you for your response.

MICHEAL: Be at my peace.

Was anyone else’s curiosity stirring around? Anybody
else care to speak out of their own infinity? Just think how in
expressing you are just making one more little speck of your enormous
potential. Making it actual with a constant movement of a thousand
and one possibilities we like to say swarming around every single
actuality. Yet, that one thing, that universe, that single reality
of our Father’s coming down, clarifying, actualizing, moment-by-
moment. All right then my children let me sign off, as you say ‘it
is getting late’. You have to get onto your own bicycles to ride.
And if you want to glance over you will see me riding right along
beside you and just being tickled to death – tickled beyond death
actually, tickled in a very undying kind of way, you and I. Here,
right along with us, Mother Spirit, augmenting your courage to pick
yourself up after a big crash, and they do happen, pick yourself back
up and get back on that bike and ride again. Even if you park your
bike and go over and sit on a park bench and relax a moment here comes
the trees, here comes the sky, here comes a breeze, here comes some
other ones along on the bike path. Here is the universe of your own
and its own coming towards you – Forever!

That is what you are involved in. Tonight I just hoped to give you
some deeper trust and faith in who designed it all. Even if stubbed
toes or even terrible pain, loneliness, cruelty, all the mean aspects
of life. Have some inner confidence, some real trust and faith in
the creator. All this possibility all this potential that there is
no end to. Yet this is home, this is your home. It was designed to
be home. So – keep bursting forth out of nothing – out of your own
unfathomable essence my children. Keep blooming keep shining.
This is Michael again. Signing off. Thank you for your attention.
Thank you for this wonderful stillness I feel that we have created.
Again if I can leave you with one final note. Its do not think of
your Thought Adjuster as some kind of an alien or terribly different
kind of being. Not from the standpoint of your personality also
created by God. You are very much alike. You compliment each
other. Together you fulfill the purpose for all of this. You can
think of the Supreme Being as that facet of God that created all of
this just for the experience of all of you and all of us that only he
knows totally. Then, within each one of you to fulfill you. This
is what we call worship – this thankfulness, this delight – just that
we are. So Good Evening. I have enjoyed this very much. Continue
to be in my peace. Let it fulfill you and delight you. Let it
tease you forth. Good Bye…
Transcription and editing: Kathleen Huntley
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: JL]]
[[Category: 2010]]
[[Category: August]]

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