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===Topic: ''Messages and Messengers''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Monjoronson]], [[Lantarnek]], [[LIGHT]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]], [[Jonathan]]===
Monjoronson (Mark TR): Greetings, I am Monjoronson, once again here to . .. that has been offered in your sharing. Today let us take another look at messages and messengers. I have just witnessed, as have you, the sharing of individuals and their real life experiences and perceptions, and I, like you, have responded to these messages as real and genuine, and they have impacted me as being delivered by sincere messengers.
This point illustrates that any of us at any given moment may be called to function as messengers delivering inspiration, perception, and truth as we understand it to the others who are assembled. Whether this truth is simply a matter of personal experience, a matter of personal expression, or wisdom received from on high, nevertheless if delivered through the sincere messenger, each time these messages of truth contain the very seeds of divinity and purity of purpose. They may in fact at any time be incomplete or immature in their assessment and delivery, but nevertheless there is contained some element of truth, some elements of goodness, and certainly some elements of beauty.

We all must grow in our awareness that truth will be channeled to us, will be directed to us from all sides, from all angles, and that we would do well to be at the ready, to be prepared to recognize and receive the truth that would be directed towards us. The human species has a tendency to only give credit to sources that have been granted authority, either by the collective institution or by the collective acknowledgment of others that there is one in authority that is capable of directing such truths, when in fact all children of God are so capable of being conduits for truth, that at any moment they may be called upon to act as the messengers to direct the message.

Each one of you knows the validity of this statement as you find yourselves in positions to be used as this conduit for delivery of whatever the message of the moment may be. Likewise if your senses are keen you will find that others out there are being directed to be used for your benefit and that the individual who is janitor at the school may be in the proper position in time and space to be the one to bring you the message appropriate to you more so than the appointed priest who others would grant this authority to over a custodian. Both may be the messenger; you may be the messenger; I may be the messenger of this moment. We all in a sense take turns fulfilling this role, for the messages are great, and many messengers are required to filter down these messages so that they may be assimilated. Ask first your inner Spirit of Truth the validity of any message you hear before you allow your mind to either substantiate or condemn the message based upon its apparent source. Because as you have been told, all messages of divine nature emanate from one great source; it is only the individual's pen that may be used to transcribe or whose voice may be used to express or whose position of prominence may be accessed to provide maximum benefit.

But you may trust that if it is affirmed within the message then it should matter little to you who the messenger is. It is not about highlighting the messengers; it is about illustrating the message. Just as when you are called upon to be the messenger you do not seek the recognition of one who is grand in authority, rather it is your desire to impart the message, even if it is apparently merely your own personal experience, which I offer is one of the most powerful expressions of truth, beauty, and goodness that a mortal of the realm may offer. These messages carry divine tone as well, for they are well earned by the steadfast students and therefore have a power generated from the ground up, as it were.

Such messages are powerful because they speak to all the others who come from this place and can relate to messages so well earned. So, speak your truths with authority; they are genuine and real and therefore they are powerful beyond your consideration. And as well seek to discern the relative value of all messages that may come to you based upon your individual yardstick of your Spirit of Truth. In this way there is truly nothing out there to be feared. You may choose not at any moment to adopt any teachings and nothing will ever be forced upon you. From one who is acting as a messenger at this moment, whose privilege it is to portray to you this message, I would acknowledge your worthiness as messengers as well and applaud your efforts at functioning in this role. I would step down at this time to allow this forum for others and leave you with my profound appreciation, for we both share this role at times. Thank you.

Lantarnek (Jonathan): This is Lantarnek. Greetings. You have rich experiences that catalogue your life, and each one has proven essential in the unfoldment of your spiritual perspective, your spiritual orientation. Not all, of course, have been directly promoting, no. Some have actually proven to be hindrances but nonetheless helpful, for it is the contrasts that offer discernment, the opportunity to see with clarity.

Exploration of the un-experienced is accompanied by the lure of excitement and the hesitation of uncertainty. So you move forward hoping to discover, but you watch with an eye for validity. Validation is an important function in spiritual attainment just as verification is important in scientific experiments. To the scientist what he undertakes to discover must fit within discovered formulas, theories, and data banks, for there is no such thing as inconsistency in physical relationships. The rules that govern one govern all. In the realm of personal unfoldment there is a creative adventure being undertaken. So, you will bring into being experiences that may not find comparison with other experiences of other individuals. In such occurrences you will of necessity seek your validation from the source of all beings.

God contains every experience even while yet it is un-experienced. You are an expression of those experiences unfolding. There will arrive stations in your ascension where you will converge into a congregation of many who have also undertaken the paths like yours, and you will enjoy the fellowship of the discovery of a way of being that you had thought was merely your own sole experience.

This will be a validation from your fellows. Much of the purpose of religious organizations is to offer validation, at least in its initial orientation and motivation. Recall that when Jesus dwelled upon your world he did look to his surrounding culture to understand who he was as a child of God. While much verified his understanding, his attainments, he began to discover through his interface with Father, relationship that was not so strongly upheld in his culture. So, while he knew it to be true, it did not receive the stamp of validation from his authoritative institutions. Many who were sincere in their search were attracted to him, for he did offer witness of the reality of such an experience of communion with God. They too found within themselves the reality.

And lo, before long, as years passed, the organization that grew up around it began to compose what is acceptable and unacceptable interaction with God. Such fencing or corralling is a safeguard for the inexperienced and fear- filled individual. It can provide guidance, but it will not provide the certainty of personal assuredness until the individual has gained the strength to explore on one's own, not necessarily disregarding the teachings about one, but to be willing to look high and low, in the light and in the dark, for the truth. You have been encouraged to seek stillness, for here you develop the stature that gives you the ability to discern the real from the unreal. This is the portal for the deepest validation of your experience, independent of cultural context and precisely situated at your current level of ascension. Accept all that transpires around you and with you as essential fortifiers of your growth, and use your creativity to transform these experiences into growth.

Spend valuable time in communion with the divine for the stability and for the validation of your experience. I am thankful to attend your gathering here and wish that I could tell many more around your world of the great adventures that lie ahead of you. So much of your worldly activities would change in emphasis if more understood the greater context, the larger purpose of what is transpiring. But the few that are growing each day to be many are discovering the greater purpose, and the confirmation within themselves is strong enough to go from supposition to assertion that it is true. I salute you for your efforts in doing so. Thank you for receiving me. Farewell.

Light (Mark): I greet you all. I am Light and I have been asked to step forward to provide some contrast in hopes of assisting in the awareness of the lessons offered today. I am here as one who some of you know, some of you don't know, as one who has very little authority invested in me as you would rate me with the other teachers and assistants who have been with you longer and with whom you have more experience. In this moment I am chosen to act as messenger, and so it is that I come before you with this message. I would ask you to stop and consider the relative acceptance that you feel when one relatively unknown as myself is selected to be the messenger.

Do you register within your own being a distinction that I am a lesser being? Do you feel as though I lack authority in my undertaking? It is true that I am not commonly with you in this process and that we do not have the benefit of association for any great period of time. But just like you, in this moment I rise to the occasion, to the opportunity, to be used as an instrument, just like you in your moments when you are called to rise to the opportunity and become this instrument. Does this mean we are lesser messengers because we are not as well acclaimed? Our names do not spring forth from the lips of those who are aware of us. We may even be forgotten or overlooked in this process, as we are not acclaimed or well known. But when we rise to act in this capacity we are fulfilling our purpose. We are acting as instruments for these divine messages of truth.

And whether or not we are equally received is not a matter that we have jurisdiction over. I simply come among you today to illustrate this point. We have our respected teachers whose names we are familiar with and in whom we have granted great authority. We have messengers who we approve of and some who do not receive our approval. But, my friends, as you were just told, be prepared to embrace all that comes into your sphere of influence as truth directed at you. And as you have been reminded, you have the ultimate inner guide to help you sort through and discern the relative application of any truth to your individual growth cycle. But what is important and necessary for you may not register with another, and what transpires for another may not ring as truth for you. But nevertheless these are the truths; these are the messages; we are the messengers, and it is not important that we be exalted in the process of simply being the instruments of the Father's peace and love.

It is enough that we were chosen to be played and that our tones may be used to ring out these songs of truth. Thank you for this opportunity to perhaps provide you with this tweak of contrast, as you might call it. In a very ironic way, I am closer to you than most others who you would grant greater authority. And this is an interesting feature to notice as you go about your process of discernment and validation. But I am not concerned that I do not receive proper credit or validation, for I am quite grateful to simply be allowed to approach you in this manner and to spend these moments building a relationship that might bring with it your validation that I am as real and as genuine as are the others whom you trust implicitly. But I understand that this is a matter to build upon and grow as we become more familiar with each other.
I understand this aspect of human nature to not embrace the unknown until it is known to a certain degree, and therefore I embrace the process that will bring us to this place. Thank you for your attention . .. they are real and perhaps this truth pertains to you or perhaps not at this time. Your decisions are all honored, and your conditions will all be satisfied in the long run, and so we proceed together in faith. Thank you. Farewell.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: Lantarnek]]
[[Category: LIGHT]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Jonathan]]
[[Category: Truth]]
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[[Category: 2007]]

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