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Divine justice insures the consequences of hurtful actions are not things like childish pictures of hell. No, but there is certainly what would be called the psycho-spiritual experience of going through the fear and suffering of the victim(s) that any person has caused. - Ham
Divine justice insures the consequences of hurtful actions are not things like childish pictures of hell. No, but there is certainly what would be called the psycho-spiritual experience of going through the fear and suffering of the victim(s) that any person has caused. - Ham
==Flow of Compassion==
To a believing and trusting soul, all things are possible with God. Allow yourself the peace that comes with a greater understanding of the unconditional love which is beginning to flow. Do not stifle this flow in your need to ‘fix’ others.
Each is allowed to walk his or her own path, never mind how destructive it may seem to you. Only God knows all the facts. Ask for discernment and wisdom in all things, but be ruled by loving compassion.
A few words thoughtfully and prayerfully spoken do more good than a lot of words spoken in the heat of emotion. - Anonymous
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The following are edited excerpts from the Teaching Mission Dialogues that represent some of the jewels of thought emerging from the ongoing dialogue between terrestrial and celestial personalities engaged together in the study of divinity, philosophy, and cosmology.

Spiritual Teachings

All spiritual teachings must be evaluated by their content, and not followed or rejected because of the celebrity of their supposed source. The time is long past on this planet when religion can be promulgated by asserting the authority of the teacher...it must be the teachings themselves and the effect they have on the students' lives, and not the claimed authority of their source that must be the final determinant in evaluating any religious teachings. - Abraham


We cannot be perfect here, brothers and sisters, so do not make another ego error of self punishment for past and present mistakes. We are all learning together. We are becoming together. We are going through a process together. This is what ascension, evolution, & experiential beings do. Just be aware of the difference so one may achieve balance.....There are few rational group voices on Earth now, but that will be corrected, and there is no need for despair.

Perfect & Evolving

Perfect and evolving at the same time. This is what religionists miss: the idea of perfection, omniscience, destiny; the idea of God as imperfect, evolving and being created by his own creations; the Creator, the creations, ultimately flow into and out of each other, And this is why no religion yet has grasped what God is.

Mediocrity & Excellence

There is much hiding in life that perpetuates mediocrity in allowing this inner self to be hidden in a mediocre realm of existence. By allowing the unfolding of this inner self true individuality is seen..When it is, creativity and openness occurs, for there is connection between that inner self of the person, and the inner self of those perceiving it. It is true of all genuine leaders, that they flower as individuals connecting then with those who are too timid to do it themselves.

Burning Bridges

You have invested your whole heart into mortal arenas as if they were all there was, and when you invest wholeheartedly in anything other than the dominion of spirit, the kingdom of God, the state of divine love, you will necessarily burn that bridge. Why? because it cannot withstand the energy of this investment of your soul. There is only one that deserves and can receive your wholehearted, consecrated devotion. - Monmacion

Bridges Falling Down

Look all around you,(your world) is disintegrating, it is falling like a bridge that has been abandoned, and in some cases your infrastructure is literally burning. My friends, it is not as a result of malice. It is a result of the rising tide of illumination which has left behind these things of former association.

The Well

Happiness, peace, spiritual fulfillment, is part and parcel of God knowingness. Happiness, true happiness, springs from an eternal well.

This well, found in stillness and solitude, wells up within the soul, refreshing not only yourself, but all those who chance to come in contact with you. Happiness is not found in external stimulation, possessions, physical adornments, infatuations, or wealth.

True happiness is only found within. Augmenting this happiness is our relationships with others. Friendship, fellowship, of all kinds, augments, strengthens, secures true happiness. Remember you always have this refreshing well to drink from.

Clarity of Stillness

Compose yourself, clear your mind. Don't think about anything. Don't think about not thinking. I like to use the example of the water in the glass. The more you try to calm the water, the more it is stirred. Just allow it to fall into the bottom and come to rest naturally and you will find that there is a stillness which has great vitality. You will be able to discern the vitality of God, Himself, even in what you formerly thought were the empty spaces. Those who can find meaning in the empty spaces are truly on the right path.

Time & Leisure

Life has little to do with material, worldly success. The only benefit of progress which has value in God's eyes is the free time which is created. Yet the people of your world do virtually nothing with the free time except conspire to more ruthlessly exploit their weaker-minded brothers and sisters. This situation must change, and under the laws of spiritual progress, the change must take place in human hearts, one person at a time. One by one, the hearts of men and women on your planet will turn to God, for He is the only answer to the problems you see all around you. He is the answer to the problems you face within yourself; so similarly is He the answer to each level of problems you face as you raise your view to the outside world -- your neighborhood, town, nation, and planet. All will be resolved, brought back within the fold, not by new organizations yet to be formed, but by the actions and mind change of individual humans. "And one by one, He sets things aright." You are all part of this plan.


Love strikes the spiritual chords which always results in Divine harmony. Harmony is the opposite of discord. It is strong and beautiful and simple and true. Harmony is balance. It is the balance between all spiritual things. That which sustains this harmonious balance is love. Our Father is the source of this sustenance and balance and harmony for He is love.

As in musical harmony, there is synchronicity of vibration or tone, and these tones, in their synchronous vibration, create music, and this music is Divine, the harmonious melody which is the perfect reflection of the Paradise center. Love, you see, creates that feeling of harmonious vibration within the soul, and this love-vibration-harmony, in reality, radiates from the soul's center, the heart.


Our North American civilization has progressed so far in so short a time chiefly on the contributions of its casualties and not on the abilities of the successful…. There are only so many days allotted to each and it is piracy to take away all of the people's time….People are too precious to allow all daily waking moments to be completely consumed by the demands of material experience.


The fruits of wisdom ripen most readily in the dark. It is difficult of understanding, but I tell you this is truth. The most stable parts of our inner being are made so by this difficult passage. Our trustworthiness and faith is strengthened, our wisdom is ripened, and our souls are made more perfect, even in these times of trials.


Joy is that special quality that cannot be bought, cannot be obtained through the material outer realm. True, you can have lasting moments of gratification and happiness. This is the outer, and the things in the outer realm that bring you joy and happiness are necessary, but it is true inner joy that brings the lasting peace that you strive to manifest.

See joy in your fellow, in his heart, in his doings. Look to joy in the beauty of a flower opening. Sense the fragrance of joy in the rain. Feel the touch of joy in the skin of a new born babe. Listen with joy to the sound of the morning birds. See life as an opportunity to feel joy in all that you do.


Those finding self-expression are finding God-expression. Each child is in a vast and seemingly endless universe of beings/persons, and all are experiencing this wonder of ascension.

Mercy of Love

At times in your life when you are not hitting the mark; at that time be gentle with yourself, love yourself. Love your humanness; love those failings! For it is in loving these failures that you help them to reverse. If you look at the broad picture, those things where you do not hit the mark can be like two enemies, and if you are always trying to tell the enemy he is wrong, it only makes the problem bigger. But if you can love your enemy and understand your enemy, what happens? His defenses are gone, for you cannot fight love. So don't fight yourselves in these moments. Use the greatest tool of all, love. Love empowers. Love brings about change.

Heart Path

True, it is seen that the middle road is the preferred in all but one area - the middle will never serve you as the path to spiritual progress. We exhort you. Always choose the higher path, the rarified path, the path with no marks upon it, the path with heart.


Timing is the most important element in conscious awareness of spiritual insight and growth. You cannot rush things. It is human nature to try and short-circuit the natural process of things. This cannot be done. Each step along the spiritual path must be fulfilled. You cannot by-step what must be experienced each day. - Welmek


To recapture, to repeat (spiritual) experience, in general, is a bad idea. The necessary function of ego will overtake the repeated experience and trivialize it…The method in which the Spirit operates will always contain an element of surprise because spirit, by nature, can be nothing but spontaneous. This is a discomforting situation for the human and explains, in large measure, why people have created bureaucracies to administer the relationship between man and God. There is no such thing as comfortable spiritual growth. It is always disturbing; it is always provocative, but the result is usually happy. - Will


Truth is a value transcending material fact. Truth partakes of universal spiritual values. That is why, when you encounter the truth, you experience it not only in your mind, but in your heart as well. Truth has a harmony about it; a ring to it. It may be experienced deeply, honestly, sincerely, as if you were experiencing a reality as sure as any you have known.… Many of the beliefs that you hold, you hold as self-protective devices to give pseudo-meaning to your experience of material reality. You fear that to give up your beliefs would leave you with nothing. But to surrender them to the truth will give you more peace and light than you can imagine. -Andrew

Real Religion

When your personal religion encompasses love and therefor encompasses all that is true, beautiful, and good, you see these attributes in all of your human endeavors as well. As you view such beauty in all things such as art, music, literature, science, and on and on, you know true religion. When you can understand truth is revealed in many, many different ways; that truth is a reality you understand not only as a divine attribute but human as well, you manifest a future religion now that combines all of the human with the divine.

Enjoy this human aspect of living as well as your newly growing spiritual awareness. Enjoy the sunsets and the stars in the sky. Enjoy the fall foliage. Enjoy the excited cries of young children. See the good in those who seemingly have no goodness. For when you do, you help them to see the good in themselves. You then mirror these concepts for your siblings who have not understood, have not felt such love, have not known that they, too, are worthy, that they, too, have the spark of God within them. - Daniel


Begin by seeing the goodness within your own being. Realize the qualities of your being which are good for until you can understand the goodness that you are, how difficult it will be to understand and see the goodness in others. As you come into this understanding about your nature, proceed to the outer realm. And with every person you meet, make it a habit to reflect on the positive, on the goodness, rather than on the weakness, the negative of that individual. When you do this, your relationship with that person will change, for they will be seeing their own goodness reflected back by you. Always see your brothers and sisters as if you were seeing through the eyes of Christ, as if you were looking through the eyes of God. Those things which are negative will not go on for only good is retained. All good transcends forward. How great this world would be if all saw this in one another! - Daniel

Hungry Planet

This is a very hungry planet. There are many searching souls, many looking for the light, many trying to find the boat. Be that light, be that reflection for others. Yes, often you will feel like you are alone in this temporal plane. In the spiritual domain you are in grand company!- Daniel


Spiritual growth is invisible energy which motorizes the mindal, emotional, and material being connecting all systems. Spiritual growth affects the molecular structure of the material being so that as you grow spiritually all physical systems are enhanced. There is a definite crossover, for just as an impaired physical brain, disease, or pain, affects spiritual receptivity, so does spiritual growth affect physical health. It is a marriage, intertwined, and while you are unable to discern this medically now, soon you will. - Rayson


Love is always willing to travel. Its bags are always packed, because it knows how helpful is the practice of talking with 'strangers'. - Will

The Poor

In your television sets and printed material distribution networks you may be often confronted with depictions of the poverty and desperation of certain parts of your planet, yet I will say that there is no desperation equal to those who are the castaways of your own society.

The people whom you propose to serve through your plans this evening have been rejected by your own society, and they know that they are not wanted. They know that there is no place for them. They know that the curtain has come down for them in a way that is different both in degree and in nature from the ordinary tragic desperation of poverty. The people you propose to serve know that they will not ever receive the degree of attention that your own cats and dogs receive as a matter of course. It is difficult for them under these circumstance to maintain any desire for further connection with the human race. Their circumstances compel them to live in their own separate society surrounded by wealth and opulence with full knowledge that they will never participate.

Therefore should the occasion present itself, don't satisfy yourself with the thought of providing them a meal, use the meal as a vehicle and attempt to establish a human connection. Offer them the opportunity of humanity. Let them know that they are not adrift and completely cut off and that they have a place in the human race, straightened as it may be, then you will have performed the work of the kingdom. And I commend you. These are the people the Master referred to when he described the poor in spirit. It is not limited to someone having a bad day or someone who is ready for supper. You are referred to those like these who feel that they no longer belong to the brotherhood of man. Well, let's see what we can do about that. - Will

Sparks of Fire

When we allow ourselves to be at peace with the spark within, letting this infuse our entire being, then we know the Father's will and flow with this in our lives, in our actions, in our speech, touching any we meet. When this touch is made, a spark of truth is created, and when this spark is ignited, it catches fire and spreads the ring of truth that will soon encompass the earth. When this is done, our power source will be known. We will know the Divinity that rules the Universe of universes, and light and life will enfold our planet. - Olfana


Feeling originates from within while emotion is a reaction to an external stimulus. - Andrea


Any who wish to heal, yourself and others, perfect this state of mind (worship) as it will benefit the flow of the energy as you focus your thoughts on the source, the Father himself, for you are then directing this energy that emanates from Paradise itself…. Worship automatically channels energy throughout your system. - Andrea


You have uniquely creative ways of using humor… on your planet. We find your humor thought-provoking and heartening because you have an incredible capacity for laughter in the face of tremendous adversity. - LinEl


When you have labored for something meaningful, the reward is a living energy called joy. How interesting then to observe the economic status of the entire world right now where individuals are discovering they cannot buy meaning and values as true joy is the outcome of understanding meanings and values.

Spiritual connection while working this earthly life is building a road to real joy, the feeling that puts you beside yourself. - Abraham


Kindness occurs when the act is done with no thought of result. One is not responsible for the end result of the kindness, rather your spiritual responsibility resides in your own attitude of love and giving, and very often what appears to be a futile effort at love and kindness has its result much later. The echo may not occur until after the material life has passed, but it will be there. - Rayson


If Jesus were to live on the earth today in the flesh how would we perceive Him? He would be a wanderer, someone who values heavenly things rather than earthly. - Abraham

"Fighting Evil"

Jesus always taught to be active in your passion to reflect divinity rather than to be caught up in fighting evil, for evil of its own accord will fall away and divinity will always endure….Modern persons have especially made the mistake of "fighting evil".- Rayson


As time passes on your planet, in the future, physical work will become more or less extinct as the notion of toil will be applied increasingly to intellectual effort while the concept of leisure is applied to pure spirit development, but there will come the day of widespread realization that spiritual effort is indeed work.- Rayson

Worshipful Play

Do you not see that worship is indeed play?…too many allow the playful spirit to drain away, and be replaced by rage, fear, greed and pride. The extirpation of those qualities from your mindal activity will create space in a recreational way for the playful spirit of worship to enter, and you will leap forward in your worship skills when you undertake that housecleaning within. - Rayson

Worthy Pursuits

Make each moment count and find joy in all things. Pursue worthy endeavors while you are here, for only such worthy experiences have survival value -- all others will perish. Live, love, laugh, learn, teach, pray, heal, and give -- these are worthy pursuits my friends. -Ophelius


As you enter the new year, pause and reflect on how much you have received this past year and how much you have grown, what you have learned, and in seeing where you are now, feel the weight of the future as a stage and arena in which you have grown to take a part; you have been trained as a player on this stage in this arena of activity where you interface the spiritual universe with humanity through your own individual lives. - Michael


As you reach into the stillness of your heart, as the mind quiets itself in preparation to reflect the spirit pronouncements of truth you are ready to receive, as these emanations become more perceivable, you must supply the faith to "hear" them as clearly as you would your own thoughts. The stillness is always here, help and communication are always available. - Unknown


Unpleasant moments are the great trials inviting you to create greater peace- the peace within. - Unknown


On normal worlds, most of the inhabitants have innate abilities to direct energies and thoughts to others. You would call it telekinesis, telepathy, mental projecting, and there are other names with which you are not familiar. It is something that is taught from birth. Everyone here has the potential, but is totally, or almost totally undeveloped. - Welmek


You all have been gathered from the hair of life into a strong thread spun within the looms of heaven. You who have given evidence to the greatness within, go forth, show your true colors. Just because the world has become black and white does not mean that the spirit has been drained from you. - Michael

Shame & Guilt

Shame and guilt are words that often are synonymous in many people's book, but guilt is that which one feels because of external circumstances, because of mores, conditions imposed from the outside. Shame, on the other hand, is that which the individual feels personally and does often play a greater role in a person's inward experience of having erred. Harboring either one of these for any extension of time creates blockages. One must come to terms with why they feel guilt or shame and deal with it so you can let go and again open up to the flow of God's love. - Daniel


Miracles do exist, but not in the way you imagine. You are the miracle! Remember this. Many things that are called supernatural are misconceptions of the mind. - Rael


Just like hard granite rock eventually wears down and becomes the minute particles of clay in a lake bed, so do the ego minds of the humans transform in time and render themselves pure in spiritual light and love. Sometimes it is important to look at the large picture in which your very small part plays a very big hand in the slow and steady movement of bringing the divine intention of reality to bear upon this sphere. - Machiventa


Tolerance is made easy by love. If you love your neighbor, if you love an enemy as you would a friend, it naturally becomes easier to accept or tolerate their activities. You may certainly choose not to be involved in their actions, nor wish to share yourself in what you feel to be their misguided doings; but be not less than loving. Be accepting. To be intolerant of this person, is to empower their actions to have control over you, thus making you less than what you are capable of being. To be tolerant of others, not only adds to your growth, but it keeps the door open which allows change in the one being shown your unconditional love, your understanding tolerance. - Norson


Picture in your mind a dam holding water, one that is not yet full, but is filling. Your experiences are the water that fills the dam..the beautiful lake behind the dam. Occasionally, you have another experience that opens the dam momentarily, and outflows the unified mind experience of your entire life in a rush. Then you feel the tapering off as the spillway is raised. The water begins to trickle and then it stops. Your emotions are very similar. They are born from the totality of your life experiences. When you have an occurrence in your life that opens the dam, much of your past experience that surrounds that occurrence flows from the safe keeping places within your mind into your consciousness as an indescribable flood of feeling. - Signa


You want others to tolerate your less than mature, and less than perfect actions. You want to be given room to grow and not be held or seen only for the immaturity of your acts. You want to be loved for who you are becoming, and not rejected by intolerance or held unloved for the stages through you are passing, learning and developing the wonderful self you are to be. Your love, your non-judgmental actions actually assist and promote the growth of your siblings as well as your own. As you grow tolerance, tolerance helps grow you. - Norson

Inner Smile

Practice on a daily basis to keep a smile in your heart so that you have this in reserve. When these occasions arise that you cannot seem to smile on the outside, there is a smile in reserve on the inside which will break through, which will come through for you. If you keep a smile on the outside and a hardened heart on the inside this will not work. - Elyon


Music in its power, while based upon mathematics, is similar to the experience of faith, for it harmonizes and fills with a beautiful complexity not only the mind but also the soul.- Alkon

Humble Patience

God has put vulnerabilities into our natures with the intention of allowing us to remain humble, and at the same time, recognize more clearly that we always have growth yet to accomplish in our ascendant careers. You do not reject a blossom whose petals are only partially open. You say, "Ah, there is beauty in this flower and more beauty to come as it continues to open to the light." Take this attitude with your own closed petals. Say, "There is beauty here, yet covered, but in time, with growth, this beauty will open to the light." This is an attitude of patience. - Olfana

Love Vibrations

Remember that love is a power, is a vibrational frequency. You can emanate this to others, and indeed, tune them to this beneficial frequency. When people sing in harmony, move in harmony, think in harmony, feel in harmony, there is a shared serenity, a shared ability to be in the moment of this experience together. I promise you that this potential of the shared experience of harmony and inner peace will come more and more to your planet as we proceed together in this work!- Olfana

True Religion

The true religion of any planet is the personal realization of a shared journey with the First Source and Center. - Daniel

Courage to Love

When you risk bodily harm to save the physical life of a fellow being, you exhibit physical courage.

When you follow truth wherever it leads you, whatever the cost, you are exhibiting mindal courage.

When you live uncompromisingly in the spiritual realities that you know, you are exhibiting spiritual courage.

When you love others as God loves them, you bind the courage of body, mind, and spirit as one. - Anastascia & Ordon


Truth is never transferred from one intellect to another, yet an intellect is able to guide another's toward his own truth discovery. You can never give another your truth experience, only aid him in finding truth for himself. - Ham

Gratitude & Worship

As we "give thanks without the reservations that imply dependence upon human wants or perceived needs, we verge upon worship. Gratitude begins to open the soul's unique song to heaven which in worship becomes a symphony." - Ham

Healing Pain

Inner scars are deep and painful to millions of people living lives as if those scars weren't really there. When a crisis leads one to use all of their inner resources, often these old wounds are re-opened and brought to consciousness. It is necessary to heal and treat old wounds before new growth can begin in vital areas. If one seals off painful experience from consciousness, then always is this wound crying for healing and attention. Healing comes when all of the wound is opened and cleaned. As pain is to the body, fear is to the mind. It begs attention. Think about inner psychic fears as pain indicating healing need. - Ham


In attempting direct awareness communications, all that is required of you is to attempt sending thoughts, ideas, to friends wherever they may be. At this stage it is most appropriate to inform them of your attempts and possibly arrange efforts at focusing on energy coming and going from others. This is a normal occurrence on worlds with established circuits though not all people in such worlds are capable of this form of communication, and not all on this world will be either, but your Internet system is a wonderful example of what can be with these inner connections.- VanEl

Goodness & Greatness

Goodness and greatness are like having two legs, each one propels the other forward. There is no goodness that isn't fully great, nor is there truly any greatness that isn't good. Tools are involved within this understanding to measure the reality content of every human endeavor. Remember though, as you seek to understand your place in the universe, that the measurements of divinity are always judged through thoroughgoing mercy ministry, and that you individually have not any yardstick with which to measure your true standing, much less that of your neighbor. So, even as I point the way to a kind of judgment, I admonish against using it. Simply use these understandings within your personal sphere of relation to Deity and as your own standing lifts you above where you were yesterday, enjoy the cognizance of spiritual advancement humanly and personally. - Ham

Goodness & Greatness

Goodness becomes an experiential, spiritual reality by the measure that it is exalted and held aloft. Always will greatness be an increasingly lofty goal the more it is held above. Only by exalting goodness can it be tasted in this lowly life existence, and the greatness which is esteemed within our characters increasingly gains stature as the attainment falls short. Paradox is inherent in all of human dealing in the divine realms. The more of Deity one experiences, the more understanding of the infinite nature of these experiencables and the greater the longing for experience. Divine water surely quenches thirst, but one who has tasted this heavenly nectar becomes insatiable for more. However much of God you have experienced, there is still infinitely more. Paradox is its seeming in the human understanding, harmonious completion its awareness in the divine understanding. - Ham

Goodness & Greatness

The measure of a great deed is the extent that it was motivated by goodness, and good deeds are measured by the greatness of the ideals which spawned them. Learning thus to motivate and inspire our lives by comprehending goodness and aspiring to greatness propels humanity forward by the increasing awareness of the reality of these great spiritual facts. Mercy is the inevitable child of goodness and greatness. Wisdom is the inevitable child of these great spiritual realities, goodness and mercy. As you are slowly learning to experience wisdom, it always shows the way to mercy and goodness combined as greatness. - Ham

Depth Within

As you gaze out into the stars of the night sky and contemplate the infinity before you, pause and reflect back, that deep within you is that same infinity, that same vast expanse. As you reach in and recognize the loving Source of your own being, you will with full assurance grasp the all present Source of everyone in this entire universe that surrounds you. - Elyon

Human Drama

Certainty bestows herself upon a noble and generous character, (even upon less than perfect characters) as her intimate companion. Her every guidance produces a result. Every inner whispering leads the boy along toward universal manhood. Even that certitude which comes in passivity guides, leads and bestows. Lend an active heart that is certain, sure and destined its active role to play. Play your active part as though an angel held your hand and whispered your lines into your ear. Such human bravery does this human drama require. Cease your two-bit crises that hold fast the mind in allegorical chains. Create instead with the humble and mortal tools of the mind an opera-house of great passion. Express emotion through the mental refinement of great songs. - Abraham


Humans may greedily seek ascension through their own means and it avails nothing. Mankind has a million ways to artificially ascend, individuals, groups, and nations, yet they all fall again. They may seek to be wise without experiencing wisdom; they may seek to teach truth without residing within it's heart; they may aspire to goodness without experiencing the spiritual, and they will fall back to their true level of maturity when the winds of adversity blow down their houses of cards. Wisdom is not contained in cleverness anymore than knowledge is contained in facts. - Ham

True Nature

The truth about you can never be sabotaged, can never be destroyed, can never be forgotten. Even amidst the seeming appearance of sabotage and self-destruction, your true nature shines forth unimpeded, shines forth brilliantly, shines forth unobstructed, shines forth radiantly. There is nothing to work on, work out, or to work through. Wherever you are, your true pristine nature is. There is never a separation, never a disconnection, never isolation, never a shadow, never an independent nature, and never confusion and chaos. Fearlessness and conviction, love and compassion, wholeness and wellbeing, completeness and potently beneficial creativity: this is your true domain--always open, always expansive, always love. Wherever you are, love is.

The Process

Intuition as a whole is generally your thought patterns, desire for information. You are requesting input and information to make decision, to have knowledge. Intuition allows you access to the spiritual side. That information then can be used in your decision making, but it happens at such a rapid pace you become unaware of it's process. This is what we mean when we ask you to trust in the process. The processes are moving very quickly, and you cannot take conscious thought of each aspect of a particular process. It will not fill your consciousness, but the end result will be aware to you. It is the end result that allows you to just trust in the process. When you have in your hands the end result, you are not thinking about the process it took to achieve this thing, only that it occurred.-JarEl


The biggest threat of all darkness is nothing more than fear, and light releases this fear from the grasp of darkness, usually to reveal some small and non-significant trauma held in such a conspicuous stance as to affect everything around it with fear. This is the healing nature of light, to dispel fear, to dispel it from the physical, to dispel it from the mental, to dispel it from the consciousness of reality.- LIGHT

Inner Life

While you are engaged in spiritual pursuits while still a mortal of the realm, do not overburden yourself by looking for tangible evidence of your spiritual efforts. These reassurances are available to you within, that is where the comfort of being in spirit is attained. - Charles


Every minute particle created in the universe has a purpose, that the interaction of all these minute particles constitute the complex reality of life. Yet, the intelligence designed life with an antidote, that no matter what happens in life there is an element that can circumvent any aspect of life and that antidote is love. Love can take on the nature of any particle in the universe that may be needed at that moment. Love has the ability to cut through all of the red tape of life and all of the electro-chemical negotiations which are constantly producing life. Its nature is such that in a moment it can change the quality of life, the awareness in that moment, it can change the condition and situation of the moment. - Unknown


Words form as the result of thought, and thought constructed is a result of many factors such as insight, intuition, inspiration, and impressions. Though they be yours, the thought and the word, the initiation is complex. I remind you of the Divine Indwelling, my presence, my friends, your subconscious, your memory. It is a manifold interplay.- Darid

Knowledge & Truth

When knowledge is acquired, it is first a concept. A concept that may be new or a concept that has its beginnings from previous information. When a new concept is presented, the mind searches for a correlating concept or information regarding this new concept. When no new information is retrieved from memory, then confusion arises and then an element of fear, yes ambivalence for the new information. This is a normal process. When knowledge of new information comes forth, the determined outcome of the new information is already formed in the perceived knowledge. So you can see that new information requires overcoming the inherent elements of the reactive physical being and something else, a new element is required. Humans have this phrase, "open mind", and upon examination of this state of mind, one will notice the ability to set aside previous concepts inherent in this action and absorb the new knowledge. So, here we are dissecting this process and the element of open mindedness which is called many things, but foremost should be truth. - JarEl

Permanent Transition

Your ancestors, like you, sought to change the world in such a way as to be remembered after passing, and now you understand that your knowledge of them is practically non-existent. Generations pass and few are remembered, still fewer as time goes on. History is forgetful and existence becomes lost and easily forgotten. Searching for permanence is the urge of human existence, but permanence is not found in this life. There is nothing of permanent nature here. When humans learn that their lastingness is the result of transitions, they will cease to be enamored of their temporal reflection and happily trust that the transition is toward lasting value.- Ham

Sorrow & Joy

Life's sorrows are the non-acceptance of its changing nature, while life's joys are the intunement of the soul with change.- Ham

Patience & Peace

Patience is a practice undertaken to relieve the lack of peace. Patience leads to peace. When peace is attained, patience is unnecessary, for it is implied within peace. In a sense, patience is something you practice; peace is a state that you can become. The Master has said, "Peace be upon you," and, "Peace I leave with you." This gift is yours to become. -Elyon

Companions as Guides

Do you realize that all beings have companions to guide and train them providing each with glimpses of our future. You are chosen as all are chosen to be attended by an unseen friend from a step above. This is not in any exclusive sense for you too are a guide for others. Together, we are a long chain of love reaching from the outer realms to the inner sanctuary of every being. What a wonderful experience we are undergoing. Make each day count with time to love, to give, and to receive. - Elyon


You have spoken of atrocities and these have great dynamics. Yet in the realm of forgiveness, perhaps the greater danger lies in those simple human instances of being unforgiving of general mortality, regular human frailties and even those things about which no one can do anything. How deep is your sense of outrage at someone who is poor, or ugly, or rich, or fat, or etc.? These simple things comprise a huge cloud of darkness on this planet. The atrocities of alienation are real in everyone's lives. The ignorant and deformed, and lost, and those of other races, other genders, other sexual orientations, other nationalities are all human beings, all part of your family. How great is the realm of unforgiving of your own fellows! This is so acceptable in so much of your society that it is glossed over and condoned, but this unloving attitude is unacceptable for progressing into an age of Light and Life.

So, though the most obvious areas of forgiveness are usually the more dramatic, bear in mind this full spectrum of forgiveness. For the simple elements of your relationship with your neighbors and their dog is what creates Paradise here in time and space. - Tomas

Soul Growth

Soul growth is not for racing ahead of your fellows, but to release potentials and likelihood for growth in others by demonstrating it in and as yourself. - Evanson

Good News

My friends, the good news is that unlike physical stamina, you are never past your peak. Spiritual strength only continues to develop and to grow. - Daniel


All available emotions have qualities which add to the tapestry of your life. Grief may be experienced. Anger may be experienced. Bliss may be experienced. Give yourself wholly to the experience and pass through it. Don't become hung up on fearing these emotions and thereby drawing out the process of your own growth through either resisting the emotions or clutching onto them. Rather, know it, appreciate it, value it, and go on without destroying yourself or your environment as a result of these very powerful gifts. - Tomas

Emotion is part of your total being. You feel. Our words are not to ask you to quit feeling, rather they have been to ask you to raise your consciousness to a higher level regarding your feelings so that you can remain happier for a longer time, you can understand why you anger, why you grieve, why you are intolerant, why you are compassionate about some given thing, or why you are joyful. …honor the feeling and move into higher realms with that feeling toward more progressive ends. It is true, those who are spiritually in tune ride the tide of being able to rejoice in the simplest things, to understand joy even in the darkest moments or trials of the human condition. - Daniel


True abundance is not seen very often in this world as it is displaced by a worship and desire for things and activities to fill this vacuum. True abundance is not the amount of things that one possesses, but is, in fact, the recognition of reality, that we are related as children, sons and daughters to the God of all, who supplies all of our needs, emotionally, spiritually, and materially; and that we have the opportunity to offer service to our siblings. This is what creates joy and happiness in living. Our relationships with other personalities are our secondary abundance, our true friends, our families, our parents, our children. Even one's health, important and desirable as it is, is not the bottom line in abundance, for there are those who are happy despite the fact they are paraplegic for they have spiritual wealth. - Tomas


Fear of dying is at the heart of greed. This fear of non-being is the cause of wealth accumulation and unjust treatment of others. Those who are driven to accumulate are endeavoring to leave behind a legacy, a false immortality. - Ham


The function of laughter is to adjust the emotional balance when emotional stress has taken over or been stretched. Laughter is the window of opportunity in which one can view oneself and one's situation in perspective. The need for laughter is as universal as the need for acceptance, and laughter can facilitate acceptance as well. When the tension is especially high, the need for laughter is greatest. - Ham

Mindal Balance

Many of you have discovered one thing which you excelled at and clung to it for your advancement in life. I say to you now that the need is there to explore all your mental abilities in order to know a fuller expression of your being. You who are creative writers have neglected to cultivate the mathematical, analytical and logical. You who are scientists have emphasized these traits and sometimes neglected the wonder of artistic creation. I urge you not to sacrifice any side of yourself. Rather take some time, specifically in order to cultivate the unexplored of your mental endowment. Great satisfaction is found when you can realize that you are capable of creative expression. These two balances in the mindal pattern are greatly enhanced through the gradual expansion of mind which comes through spiritual growth. - Ham

Sex Equality

The modern idea of sex equality is beautiful and worthy of an expanding civilization, but it is not found in nature. When might is right, man lords it over woman; when more justice, peace, and fairness prevail, she gradually emerges from slavery and obscurity. Woman's social position has generally varied inversely with the degree of militarism in any nation or age. - Chief of Seraphim

Times of Change

There is a great sense in the world today of some big impending event. I tell you plainly and clearly, this event is underway with the flooding of this planet in light, in love, in peace. Those with spiritual eyes to see will see, with the ears to hear will hear, and with faith in their hearts will choose, act, and be the new direction, the new mode of operation. There will be those who forsake this choice because it represents too great a change, too much unknown, and that is the freedom given to them by the Creators, but all those who desire to be born of the spirit will have no trouble in simply going towards the light and choosing it. This is the majesty of the times in which you live.- Luminerion


As the soul grows so does the beauty of the soul. In your world, beauty is not so commonly recognized. The ugliness of disastrous events seem to be of more interest. Without focus on the beautiful and deeply meaningful things in this life, acknowledgment of beauty dwindles, but recognition for the beautiful shared with another is the way beauty grows. - Abraham

Healing Old Wounds

There are some wounds which take years for healing. And you may think this wound is closed and its healing complete, when in reality, it is only resting and is awaiting another opportunity for your psyche to connect with it and discover anew the old pain, the old grief. There is never any magic formula that bypasses the important function of time. Only experience past suffering and pain with another level of understanding.

Each level of understanding that you reach in your lifetimes requires another healing level for old wounds, for it is the hurt places of the psyche which cause imbalance and require the most growth. As a wound on the flesh requires new growth or repair, so do the psychic wounds inevitably seek attention of the mind. This is not a spiritual setback when you discover that you're not really over something that you thought you were. This is simply self-revelation so you can see where healing is required and you are wiser for this knowledge. - Ham


The position that yields the greatest reward and most difficult to maintain is the heart held in the posture of forgiveness. - Yogananda


Those of you who understand the spiritual aspect as being different from the mortal know intuitively that whatever happens on this plane, while it has potential for human tragedy, can, on the spiritual plane, be overcome and seen differently.- Daniel

Home Base

The conscious level is like your home base. You can move above it into the superconscious realm of pure spiritual communion or below it into the realm of animal fear. This home base continues gradually to rise throughout your lifetime search for God. Increasingly does the mind grow through spirit identification so that this base expands as it rises into each new level.

The fruits of the spirit emerge from this process, and all of these are reflections of a balanced mind. Wisdom grows in this environment as a balanced mind is immune to the extremes which plague the immature levels of mind. So it is, maturity, wisdom, and a balanced mind are spiritual developments that are always attended by increasing joy. - Ham


It is far too easy for the social animal to jump in with amenities to cover the awkward moment when a soul is grappling in silence for understanding. It is not necessary that we fill every hole with a joyful noise! It is equally important that we begin to perceive the deeper voices, the more resonant sound of souls at work in silence. - Tomas


Understanding grows when minds are sympathetic. There may not be complete understanding, but harmonious relationships are certainly attainable. Sympathetic, mutual and non-judgmental attitudes are essential in this love growth. The strength of man is logic, and the logical thought pattern is somewhat inimical to the strength of woman, which is intuition. She, in many ways, finds it easier to follow God, for His communication is often in that intuitive realm. This is a great and noble strength which should be respected in this world, although it is largely unrecognized. These two complementary, yet different, mindsets are wonderfully expressive in union of God and creation. In union, there is tremendous and entire nobility of expression between both men and women together. This union is sublime, and stronger and more beautiful than either one separate. It is meant to be so. - Ham


Faith rings like a silent bell in the heart. It resonates with the vibrations of divine love. Faith is never an unconscious effort. It requires conscious attention to the perception of all we understand, coupled with our trust that the design of events is woven with a greater beauty than earthly perceptions can comprehend.

Faith efforts are those which bear the creator's mark. They are the motivation of the spirit coupled with our free will heart's desire. How often do we truly reach out to the experiences of life with this "hallmark of spirit" as our guiding light? Such efforts ennoble our character greatly. - Tarkas


Platitudes abound on your planet -- good intention is mouthed while self-serving ends are practiced. Our goal is to change the balance of the scale -- to help humans sincerely work for and build love and right intentions for their siblings. The planet is slow to move from awareness to practice.

It does take effort. You must change a lifetime of old thinking and start afresh. Yes, continue to wash away and throw away . .. whenever necessary. Acknowledge 'bad thinking' and mistakes -- they are inevitable and to be expected -- but they cannot be continued if progress is to be made. Excuses are, after all, still excuses, and the very word indicates awareness of your 'wrong' position and, if not carefully monitored, adherence and a holding-on to these actions.

Thank you for your willingness to look at your position and ask for help. We sing your praises because that is God's way -- He sees love and good in your very being -- in him you grow as He, in you, evolves. It is truly a conundrum and a puzzle . .. and yet the very fact creates the unending circle without which we would not be. You are all in the circle, your position is key as is everyone's -- and each soul you touch, each mind you awaken (or even nudge) helps us all move a tiny bit further along our wondrous path. - Oren

The Path

The spiritual path is not a river in which you float idly taking in the scenery, no. The spiritual path is more like a hiking trail in which you must overcome obstacles to move further; debris must be removed and all your attention must be focused on the next step. When focus has been interrupted there can occur a slight stumbling, but you know well that it doesn't take much to dust yourself and proceed. - Abraham

Dreams to Realize

Opportunity is like weaving a skein of fabric. Your individual threads are interwoven with each other. The individual idea or research or human contact or creation are all interwoven with each other creating the fabric that is opportunity and is your life. This fabric is what draws the attention of others who can use your life's work in a greater garment.

No human being lives or works in a vacuum. Every person you meet, every human you treat with love and respect, every unselfish deed, every creative impulse, every thought and every understanding, your beliefs, your faith, and yes, your fears and your weaknesses all contribute to the fabric you are weaving. Take care then to inspect those threads which you would use. For this fabric is the opportunity, the passage way, into your future.

Don't be discouraged when you consider your past creations, for this gradually fades from sight as you weave newer and greater and more wondrous ideas into your fabric. One's life pattern enlists ideas in all its creation. The wise man says, you are what you think, and I say you become in the direction you are thinking. You must understand though that you cannot project yourself through thought ahead of your material, your weaving. Each thread must find its place; you cannot miraculously become something completely different from what you are just by wishing or thinking yourself there. But, you can chart your direction, and if you do not neglect the fabric, that is neglect the small individual threads which must all be put in place to create your opportunity for the future, then surely as night follows day, you will achieve your destination.

I do not advise you to be dreamers, but no great thing was ever done without first being dreamed of. All of you here want deeply to help your world's forward progress toward the goal of light and life. You must all understand that this goal is far off, but it can be dreamed of. You can dream of a future where there is no hatred, or violence, disease, hunger, or warfare, where all human beings exist in loving respect for all other human beings. We understand that there are very many of you who are contributing to this forward progress, and we humbly and sincerely embrace you and your work. You also forget the great strides made by those who have preceded you. Therefore, I say to you, think deeply on the opportunities you are creating, the fabric that you are presenting to the world or will present to the world. Don't' think that it does not matter, because it matters intensely - to you, to your world, and to the on looking universe. - Ham


It is acknowledged how the human race views the higher realms with such wonder, anticipation of the experience of great beauty, of spiritual luminosity, of love and bliss. But we who hail from the realms you admire are greatly and equally amazed at the miracle of the human being, what attainment is possible, what perseverance resides in the nature of humankind. This, I would say, is the greatest demonstration of God in time and space. - Elyon

Transmitting Love

We are anxious to convince you of your capabilities as a transmitter of love and information. We guarantee that your desire is sufficient and that you learn to quiet your mind long enough for us to get through. Any worthy thought or desire you can trust is indeed reinforced by us, even though you are not conscious of this. All of you have spoken unknowingly already with our help. This is the ideal, that you combine our energies with yours. When it becomes habitual to practice, it will become more and more hard to tell who is speaking. - Unseen Teacher

Beauty of Difference

Custom and behavior varies greatly from one planet to another. The diverse codes and mores as they exist on your planet between populations fail to be comparable to any that I know of. There exist, still, those of higher and lower castes, unable to converse on the same level, intermarry, do business, perhaps even touch. And if this sounds particularly like I’m referring to the Hindu world, not so, for it is identically so in your western world.

By the time of arrival in the higher realms, you will be living in a state of complete certainty, confidence, yes, utter conviction that all you meet are friends, but better than friends. Still being unknown to them, all the same, you will have their love. There will be none so far above you that will shun you as unworthy. There will be none so high in status that they will avoid you. There will be none so intelligent as to see you below their rank, and there will be none so busy as to lack the time to acknowledge you.

Your world could be like this my human friend. Indeed, your world is becoming like this as you more fully awaken - Mathew


Spiritual education is incomplete without worship for in worshiping is our acceptance of God as Parent and ourselves as children. Worship assists in the area of service to our fellows as it replenishes us with new energies, and with these energies we are not only able to serve our fellows, but to serve them cheerfully. Worship is a living energy that when its effects rain down upon us, we are overfilled to distribute this as truth, beauty, and goodness. Sitting in worshipful meditation, we feel this energy. - Abraham

Truth as Value

Truth is never a possession of one, but a gift to many; each of us envisioning a part of it. It is not something to prove, but a value to share by means of love. - Andrea


Contentment is a certain satisfaction within the self, within the soul, that is garnered by appreciation for life's gifts or bounties. Contentment then is like a cat's purr. Complacency, however, is like the cat that is asleep in front of a fireplace, who opens an eye, observes a mouse walk past and goes back to sleep. - Tomas

Being Divine

It is not you who describes herself as miserable, for you are divine. You are joy. You are perfect. What the challenge, then, is, is for you to identify with her and forego that miserable shell of false reality with which you identify. Allow the light of truth to raise you up. Stretch your roots and branches. Lift up your face. Hold fast your glowing ember, and behold yourself becoming new. Begin to unfurl, like the rare flower you are, with your own petals, unlike any other. Let not someone tell you what your flower looks like. Don't even worry about trying to describe your flower to someone else. Just grow. And be. And the Creator will speak for you and through you in your being. - Jay-Orzj


Growth is like time in that you can live only in the present. You can look back upon the past and witness your growth. You can project forward in hope of future attainment. This is your point of reference. But the Father's presence is beyond time. Your inner spirit knows your to-be-attained states today as if you have already accomplished the growth that you must undertake from your vantage point. Spirit luminosity can project you forward in faith to attain the trust that you are in Paradise even now while you are yet an animal origin human being. This is because the Father who is above all holds you close in the center of His being. Having accepted His call to become perfect, you are by all intents such. Grasp this as a value of the soul so that you may, during those confusional doubts of the mind, rise above the complexity present in your growth level of the current moment and perceive your worth even during your apparent failures.

Likewise, since you have each make great progress in your ascension efforts, always allow yourself the freedom to recede retrospectively and enjoy the qualities of the attainment you have accomplished in the past. They were pleasurable levels of successful growth at one time, never to be despised later for being immature. Enjoy your retrospective views of your successes. They are as real now, for they are the foundations upon which your current growth level resides. At times when you are disturbed, feeling like you are not growing, that you are in a circular rut, faith grasp firmly that the Father knows the entire growth continuum of your being. It is a reality transcendent of your time location. It does exist now. Take this faith to the Father in worship and realize it for yourself in the present. This will lighten your burdens; it will strengthen you in dilemmas. It will encase your past in the light of high value.

You have all looked forward to that eventful future date when you will leave the realm of time and enter the dimension of eternity. Growth will carry you through the spectrum to this future event. Growth is your sailboat in the ocean of time, and the Father holds this ocean in the palms of His hands.- Elyon

Balance Point

You have a point within your mind that is your gravitational center, your balance point where divine spirit meets human personality and soul growth comes about. As you dwell here, it expands more and more, putting you in deeper touch with divine energy until you finally become this center, not merely your conscious mind full of thoughts that are but a small puddle beside a large lake. The conscious mind is the small puddle of knowledge while the center is a beautiful lake of wisdom. We want to show you that you can come here anytime and live from this center rather than going in and out. Here, the one who walks the slower path finds his answers more quickly than the one who is at a fast pace.- Malvantra

Prevailing Truth

I have a story to tell. Regarding its actuality, it may be absolutely true or wholly fictitious depending upon your outlook, but at all times the truth will prevail, whether in fiction or in fact. - Aaron


Prayer is a song in the heart that sings to the melody of the divine Spirit. - Abraham

Guiding Star

The path of spirit is never long traversed by the weak of heart. If you have courage, then God requires all your courage. If you have faithfulness, then God requires all your faithfulness. It is impossible to be devoted to the spiritual life and be half-hearted or cowardly about it. The world is full of those who follow other humans, but few who follow God. - Ham


Morality is not the ideals imposed on you from society or social organizations such as churches. Morality is individual and is variable according to each person's own individual situation and inner light. Life's journey is only meaningful as it is expressed in this search for higher morality. Morality is not what someone tells you you should do. It is found only in your own heart and soul center, that place of spiritual leading.- Ham


As you progress in spirit, coming closer to God, partaking of his divine perfection, you become a better friend to others just as God is a perfect friend to you, one you can never trust too much for he will never let you down. As you partake of his nature, you are less and less likely to let your friends down.

You become increasingly worthy of God's trust for he knows what he can give you and what you cannot handle. You never have to worry about violating His trust because you cannot do it. You can never disappoint God.

Keep your total trust where it belongs, not on your shoulders or anyone else's but God. Be calm and be gentle with yourselves. Be careful not to set yourselves up for disappointments by putting too much trust where it doesn't belong. - Ham

Gender Roles

It is a part of the maintenance of civilization that men and women have the roles to play, but it is highly detrimental to spirit, even the spirit of the individuals when they take those roles so seriously that they lose themselves in the role to satisfy society's expectations and their sense of marital obligation. This, if not checked, will make a mockery of the partnership of men and women.

If you overextend in these roles of wife/mother or husband/father in lieu of your own genuine self, then you will be contributing to the estrangement that is inherent in anyone who plays a role rather than relying upon the reality of truth to bridge these gaps. - Jasmine

Thread Within

You are literally like the spider drawing forth from within yourself the next step, the next choice, intimately connected with your new reality, designing your life one step at a time, one thought at a time, placing the new line down continuously. - Merium


When you are resolved to know God, and have opened your mind and your heart to his presence, you will know him as infinite gentleness and infinite strength. It will occur to you that you can partake of his being at all times, in all circumstances, in each moment of every day. You will know the meaning of a door that has been opened which no human can shut. Indeed, the truth will be upon you and you will have no doubts, no nagging feeling that something doesn't fit, no worry that you placed your hopes and you dreams in something that may not be real. All that is washed away.

This period when you come to this realization is the beginning of the adolescence of your life. This is a period where you will learn the manners, the etiquette, the grace of adulthood, that you will have the feeling of starting to grow up, of knowing what's important and what is a distraction. And though you may be grey haired and aged, you will suddenly realize that your entire life had been spent in childhood. The future of your planet very much depends on the number of people who reach their spiritual adolescence who can put aside the petty materialistic and egocentric concerns of childhood and begin the initiation process of growing into maturity. - Ham


The human-self is a vehicle for the divine-self, but to do battle with your human imperfections is to most likely see them come out in full force. You seek self mastery, and you are believing it is in stifling the more animal like self within you. I would enlarge your concept by saying instead to remove this pressure by having your divine-self simply take your animal-self by the hand, like a precious child, and show it a new and better way to live. All those things you see as shortcomings or flaws, are more likely to be mastered by love than with self-loathing. - Abraham


You as mortals of the realm are inherently shortsighted and fear ridden. As a species, as a race, your tendencies are to look for the outside forces you yearn for to show themselves, to make themselves known, to make their presences undeniable and overwhelming to all. This is your double edged sword, for, while it would remove all doubt as to the significance of the unseen principles, it also carries with it great disharmony, dysfunction in its implementation.

I would challenge everyone, each of you, to not place any significant amount of your life energies in the arenas of cataclysmic changes or undeniable intervention from higher forces. You, indeed, have intervention from higher forces in your lives this very hour. This is your circumstance, these are your parameters of reality. I would encourage you to embrace these that are at your feet, that surround you, that are sent to uplift you. Refrain from the temptation to even inwardly seek such overt signs of outward domination.

The desire of your race to have all things either put right or destroyed has been with your race since the beginning. All of your ancestors have had a similar thought pattern run through their existence, the desire to be shown overwhelmingly and with force the right way and the fear that this force brings with it, the destruction of all that we have come to know. It is true that, if you truly live with God in your hearts, you will learn to loosen your expectations to allow for the reality to be embraced. This goes as well for this phenomenon of seeking outside intervention, of, indeed, hoping for outside intervention. - Malvantra


You may bear the fruit of spirit in isolation, but you reveal spirit through socialization just as an orange tree may bear fruit season after season that falls to the ground enriching the soil, but when another gathers this fruit, peels it, and tastes it, revelation takes place.

Remember, call on God and the many unseen influences He has provided to assist you for you are not alone in your struggle - you are guided. Many are waiting for your reach, beings who bear fruit they hope you will pick. Avail yourselves to the reception of their gifts. - Evanson


All spiritual values are only truly realized as they are socialized in your lives. - Ham


Think of prayer as love which flows like a river, that with time and consistency wear away the hardened aspects it encounters and whose force creates change in the physical and emotional surroundings. - Minearsia

Faith Amidst Uncertainty

Faith is sure of the future. When you have strength of faith, uncertainty is just a temporary fleeting emotion. Like going down a roller coaster ride, the uncertainty is thrilling rather than a stress producing, disease promoting problem. When you ascend the roller coaster, you are certain that you will arrive safely at the end. So it is with life, you know for certain that you will get to the next level of spiritual attainment. How you will get there is uncertain, and so it is thrilling to experience. - Ham


Enlightenment is the process of reaching for what is yet to be attained while your living action is a demonstration of attained states. The stillness of communion is the bridge between them. - Evanson


As you grow in spirit, your intimacy threshold gradually lowers and you become more comfortable with self-revelation in any context. When Jesus said, "who is my mother, who is my brother", he was expressing his feeling that he is equally self-revelatory with all people, felt equally intimate with his followers as with his blood family. In other words, he was at home with those who felt at home with him. Most humans are the most intimate with their immediate family, somewhat intimate with their close friends, and rarely intimate with associates, and not intimate at all with strangers. As you grow in spirit, and begin to feel equally at home with strangers as you are with family, then you will feel truly at home in the universe. - Ham


Only turning within and sharing your life with God is required. Once you do that, then you can walk the path and your fears will disappear; your peace and love will grow. The fears of what you could turn into change and crumble as new images and understandings of true spirituality emerge. Not only do the images emerge, but as you see them and pursue them, you actually become what it is you seek. - Anatolia

Gem of Personality

A gem in the rough appears ordinary, yet it comes complete with all that is to be revealed as beautiful subsequent to its skillful cutting. The gem of personality is much like grace in your life, for it is given to you with its entire value present. All that remains is a sequence of events to bring about its revelation. On the other hand, a pearl is an acquirement. As you are well aware, it is a result of irritations that are transformed into an object of beauty. This is what your physical life is with all its human interactions and necessities demanded by your environment and culture. You are evolving the pearl soul just as the Father is faceting the gem that is your personality.- Elyon


This activity that appears as prophecy is not the prediction of events to come but more correctly a demonstration of what can manifest through yourselves and a rally call to your fellows that they likewise can undertake the same and thereby accomplish the hoped-for conditions. Therefore, it is not the best orientation to speak of events as impinging upon you, something to be waited for. Instead, these apparently prophetic changes are instigated within you and will make their outworking obvious. So, when you do attempt to let it be known the kingdom of heaven is at hand, as your Master said 2000 years ago, underline the very principle that he taught, that the kingdom of heaven is within, that the expression of the great changes to come emerges from the well of deep relationship you have with the Father. That is all that is needed, that this be recognized. Your fellows may not seek the inner dialogue and not recognize this potential. It may appear as an event that will rise up and overcome them, but it is an event that will rise up and come from them. - Malvantra


Faith is like a lifeline into the realms of peace. As you exercise your faith, you bring higher peace, security, and trust into the present moment. The spirit filled mortal calmly watches as earthly things crumble, secure in the knowledge that Father has something greater in store. To some, it may seem that the spirit filled person is oddly detached, and this can be interpreted as being out of touch or cold, but instead, she empathizes with the suffering of others even while gradually letting go of her earthly suffering as it is not required any more. Also, the spirit filled mortal is untouched by worldly success for she knows success and failure are both obstacles to be dealt with and surmounted. - Ham

Stillness & Silence

When you are in stillness, the Father speaks in silence, for much that you understand in mind, that you feel in your heart, is amplified through this receptive state. There isn't a need to further instruct when you are so positioned to receive His presence. It is this acknowledgment of God that energizes your soul, that illuminates your mind. So, your time alone in this soul chamber is the time for this eternal embrace where words are unnecessary.

It is upon this foundation of stillness that the activities of growth build into service. The rush to attain can distract the seeker from the subtle foundation residing within. Every painting begins with a white canvas, every song with silence. You have rightly discerned our encouragement to be willing and active. You are also encouraged to be willing and receptive. One direction results in its reciprocal aspect coming to fruition. - Lantarnek


Life is too short to require that your love be coaxed from you or that you should require love from another before your love is released. Love others with an open heart, enjoy the feeling of loving. Others will come to you in time, people that you are meant to share a deep bonding with. But always throughout your lives, the most joy producing thing you can do is to love another person. You see, you really are brothers and sisters. Love each other with that unconditional surrender of feeling as you would your closest sibling and in this you will find the richness and joy of living. - Ham

Gender & Difference

Speaking of gender, I would like to mention DNA and its double helix quality. You expressed the untangling of confusion on this world regarding the sexes.You will come to an understanding of your mutual support for each other and from each other as this spiraling helix does for you all genetically. One without the other and there is no life; without each of you there is no life. You are to be seen as standing equal in a dynamic which will contribute to progress. It will never be static. Always will you culturally benefit from the oscillation back and forth with the traits that are more dominant in one and traits that are more dominant in the other as this provides forward movement. - Elyon

On Paradise you will better understand the unification of these seemingly different dimensions much as you will there understand the oneness of matter and spirit. - Will


The path begins wide for any seeker with detours that are taken to investigate options, but the more one proceeds as an earnest seeker of divinity, choices become clarified, and the need to veer off course to explore grows less while your experience becomes greater. In this way the path narrows as a result of continued choosing for you have settled on your internal compass heading, and pursue only that direction. So, it becomes a straight and narrow path because that which is not true to course simply falls away from lack of being considered. These decisions, made from moment to moment, create a clearer path, easier to walk as there is less uncertainty with each step, more and more conviction with greater faith in your compass heading and true direction. - Light

Growing with Uncertainty

As you make the effort to grow, you will encounter uncertainty. It is a natural part of the process, for it would not be growth with certainty as that would be the expression of prior attainment. In order to proceed through your incomplete grasp to reach another stage; you are applying faith, and your are displacing fear. As you walk this path, it becomes clearer to you that what you have grown into before is expediting where you are going to now. It has a momentum effect like a snowball. - Elyon

Light & Life

Light is revelation - life is evolution, and you are the meeting of these two. You have discerned that this light is the presence of God in you, this inner spiritual luminosity transmuting into mindal enlightenment, becoming that light which so shines that it blesses all others.

Light is, has been, and will be always. Life is creation becoming the reflection of light, this pure, unadulterated luminosity of God animated, directionalized, and refracted through us. This is the way for he desires to experience the full spectrum in the display of luminosity. - Elyon

Becoming Real

The inward path is the movement towards true reality. The more spirit-led, the more real you become. Many are afraid to choose this because they feel it will change them, and it certainly will, but change to what? Your childish notions find you thinking you must be like Mother Theresa, you must give up worldly goods, never have desire for sexual pleasure, or never want finer things in life. To all these images, I say let go of them.

What does God offer you along this path? That you find joy in all of life. There are gifts in physical pleasures, there are gifts in material things that bring you joy and happiness. There is wonderful joy in relationships. All of these are given to you, but this change will bring you more love, peace, joy, happiness, patience, and understanding. These are the fruits of spirit. All else is childish teaching of those who do not understand. - Welmek

Love's Creativity

One of the most useful pursuits you can share together is an examination of what it means to love, not to come to a consensus, but rather to see the vast range of ways in which genuine love can be expressed…What you are doing is inherently creative. Learning expressions of love is always the most creative of acts. Usually, there are times in any creative process where it seems to break down, yet if you push through, knowing that success can be had, you will come out into the excitement of the deeper creativity that is only had after the initial difficulties are overcome. Persistence and dedication are powerful creative tools. Do not fear the outcomes, for you are most certainly in the hands of God. Yet also, do not cease and weary of the important lessons in coming to understand one another ever better. - Machiventa

The Journey

You are on a marvelous journey, but sometimes you travel through the scratchy grass where stinging bugs seem to thwart your way. Hold one another’s hands and look to the snowy mountain above the jungle. You are going there, and you will help one another. The grasses will continue to lacerate until you are older and stronger, but help one another to salve the wounds, even when you are sometimes the apparent cause of one another’s wounds. Learn forgiveness, patience and forbearance, for these are some of the watchwords of love. Remember that inside each of you lives the very heartbeat of God's love, and it will never fail you, indeed, always guiding you in your path. With such guidance, and a universe of support, you cannot fail. - Machiventa

Threshold Generation

You are the Threshold Generation. Those of you who manage to be brave and willing to open your eyes to see and your hearts to know, will own a personal history of such deep meaning and value, such intricate and beautiful contrasts, that you will as a natural consequence, be subjected to much honor, respect, and loving curiosity among the citizens of the Universe, who watch even now with intense interest your future history as it begins to unfold.

Let us give you comfort of heart, for in the big picture of reality, you are rising above the limitations of your world, rising above against unique, extreme conditions, that will give you a brand of courage forged so deep and so true that there is not compare. In your beautiful breaking hearts, seek the One Source of hope and joy that assures your success who can indeed embrace and heal all. - Unknown

Shadows of Truth

Truth lives forever though we may know it here only in fragments, in partial shadow, or in lines that fade and grow dark. The truth of our one Source lives forever and is true for all time. Of this truth, we may see only a pinpoint of light the blazing glory of which is His limitless being, yet that pinpoint of light is our guidance, our hope, and the source of our destiny. Truth is an experience of the soul, that knowing sense of identification with reality, that shock of affirmation, and a quiet glow of wisdom. It is a light that banishes darkness and where there is no shadow. - Ham


Service is not about convincing someone that your perspective is correct. It is about touching your brothers and sisters with love. …A closed mind will never permit you to explain a different scenario; however, there is no mind so closed that selfless service cannot flow love over any barrier between you. - Will

Turmoil & Laughter

The nature of growth is that on its cutting edge there is turmoil, for here newness exists as an experiential unknown. Once assimilated, it is then possible to know the relief of humor in reviewing what was once a great and fearsome struggle. - Daniel

Planetary Transition

Your world is making a transition between the time when might made right and when right will be valued for its own sake. Your people have not cherished righteousness, but power, so your nations do likewise. You are going through a time when people are recognizing the need for global restructuring, and will, when presented with positive leadership, respond and actually recreate the political structure of your world. But, all these things must be done in an entirely positive manner. There can be no stick, only carrots in the future world order.

It is good that your nation is going through a soul searching time now for the truth is its own power. The truth doesn't need money. The truth doesn't need self-gratification. When you find leaders among you who will represent the truth in its purity, you will find that corruption will fall away of its own. There is no area of your world where there is not corruption now, in the churches, in your educational system, your political system, all your businesses, everything. So, look well within your hearts and seek divine aid to purge the elements of corruption that exist there. - Ham


Memory is one of the most important functions of mind, for it is the seat of identity, the history of your experience. You have three types of memory: short-term, long-term, and soul memory. The first type, short-term, is mainly used to allow you to function in time-space, to navigate your environment, to experience the ‘moment to moment’ passage of time. This first type can be thought of as a filter for what will be filed in the long-term and soul-memory.

The second type, long-term, is the storage house for significant events, relationships, and moments that are passed on from the short-term memory and retained as part of a library of comparative experience that you will draw from when making decisions about new experiences and how you will process them – the ability to learn, adapt, and grow wisdom. These are the memories that contribute to your personality growth.

The significant events, relationships, decisions, and experiences that contribute to the perfection of the human personality are recognized by the indwelling spirit as having eternal value and will be routed to the third type of memory – soul-memory, which is ‘set aside' so to speak, or ‘counter-parted’ by the spirit. These memories of eternal value are the treasure of an ascendant personality for they are the building blocks of the soul and will become the ‘new child’ of the universe in the hereafter. - Ophelius


While in the physical world, you will want and need a certain degree of satisfaction and success. This is natural, but you must lessen these expectations, allowing your focus of perfection hunger to transfer from without to within. As you do, you will live your life with greater poise balancing the material and spiritual, the inner and outer life. This is part of the secret, the mystery of learning to walk day by day in balance while learning to live and love and living to love and learn. - Welmek

Stillpoint of Peace

Peace is something you can bring into your life from the stillness that is a great help in gaining the balance in your life that you seek. All of you in your quiet time reach that point of peace, that area of conscious contact with God within that is quiet, calming, and peaceful. You can bring this same feeling of peace into your lives throughout the day by just refocusing, recommitting, rededicating yourselves at various times. When things seem to well up around you, where fears are threatening to engulf you, take a moment, draw one or two deep breaths, remember, God is within you, and bring the stillness into that moment. You will be surprised at how the fears, the problems seem to die down and how suddenly you have perspective that was not there before. This is expanding God-consciousness and bringing his peace into your hearts more and more frequently. - Ham

Glow of Joy

True joy is not ecstatic shouting from mountain tops. It is the quiet glow of living in acceptance of God's loving embrace. Joy pervades the entire being and does not come and go like the wind but is steady and quiet like a warm glowing ember. - Ham

Soul's Whisper

You are but a soul's whisper away from the great Source of love who dwells within you. - Aaron

Restoration of the Heart

We have set sail upon living waters restoring this earth to her proper place in the universe, but it needs the co-operation of its inhabitants to wake up and spread the good news that things are not real as they appear in the present world-view. This outward chaos is necessary to correct the insanity of over-much left brain thinking. Left and right brain are not separate from each other. They are created equal with each having their specific functions needing integration through play. Thinking and creativity go hand in hand through connection with the heart resulting in the balance of harmony. - Unknown


As we mature in our spiritual progression, as we move from human to divine understanding and gain greater insights, we are also learning that the word love denotes an ever-greater and expanding reality approaching cosmic manifestation. Indeed, we are beginning to understand that love is more a matter of the will than it is a matter of feelings. It is possible for us to choose to love. Our mortal flesh follows suit then with feelings that we would ordinarily call affection.

Love is an attitude, an intention of service toward our brothers and sisters. Love is the desire to do good to others, and when it is wholly sincere, it will result in actions. You see, if love was based upon feelings, it would be limited only to those we feel comfortable with and whom we approve of. When our Master entreated us to love our enemies, he transcended the realm of feeling in terms of a door of entrance. If we are commanded to love our enemies and love were based upon our feelings, this would be absurd and impossible, but we are indeed enjoined to love our enemies, therefore logically and truly, this love is not ultimately or even initially a matter of warm, fuzzy feelings. To love our enemies is to be God-like and to recognize that the status of 'enemy' is in large part a perceptive category. When we love an 'enemy', we think to ourselves, what good could I desire for this other person? What could I pray for, wish for, and even possibly help effect that would be in the best interest of this, my 'enemy'? To love another then is a matter of intention, a matter of attitude.

Love takes no account of worthiness before the bar of judgmental human nature. Love is patient and kind. It is not paranoid. It does not imagine evil about other people but always expects the best, and as Paul so beautifully stated, love never fails. Love is the attitude of God. It is the essence of God's nature. It was out of God's loving heart that he decided to create the worlds of time and space because he desired to share his nature, his existence, his joy, with other personalities. Love begets love. It creates new opportunities. Love rejoices in diversity and in the expansion of reality. Love is never self-centered, never scraping, stingy, rude or abrupt. Love expands to embrace all others therefore love is the greatest thing, the greatest reality in the universe.

Knowledge is constantly expanding, and that which is superseded falls away like scaffolding. Our expectations for the future are imperfect and will be fulfilled in ways greater than we can imagine, but love remains the staple, the foundation, the quest, and the eternal prize. - Ham

Kissing God

To kiss the face of God is to recognize the dynamic nature of individual interaction and shared vulnerability and intimacy. Where spirit meets the willing personality is in the daring efforts of realizing the commonness between individual wills. This may seem vast in scope, but in reality your comprehension of personal relations with God is greatly amplified in your willingness to interact with other personalities.

Your inward relationship to God cannot sustain you in an empty plane, for the Divine requires your interactions and reactions to your environment for its working in your life. To know God on an island, all alone, holds no torch to the recognition of God in the vast sea of humanity where you must not only interpret your inner leadings, but recognize the outward manifestations of that same Source as it is personalized in other individuals. - Aaron

Being Here Now

There is a form of judgment reflecting the attitude that "I am not enough, or what I am doing is not good enough." You must realize that you are exactly perfect in your realm of imperfection for this moment in your journey. From the perspective of spirit, you are perfectly positioned exactly where you need to be to take your next step. - Ham

Prosperity & Happiness

For many, prosperity and happiness are held as goals and not realities in the now time. You all strive for increasing prosperity and increasing happiness and forget that as you are now is where these things are existing. The ideal of prosperity is found in this inner realm just as surely as peace is there. When you focus intensively on the outer world, on the future, on striving and planning, you can, and often do, lose balance with the inner world where all things are and are now. The prosperity you are seeking, the happiness that seems to lie in the future does not lie there at all. It is only within that these things can ever be realized. - Ham

Great & Small

In truth as in all things, the great is made up of the small. Each human being has a myriad of decisions to make every day, and it is in these small decisions that the path to God is taken. There are no kingly roads, there is no easy path for the small things are the hardest to change such as whether you offer assistance to this person or smile upon that person. This is the way forward. - Ham


It is true that your natural compassion goes out to those who are most like you who are experiencing tribulation. This, however, becomes perverted in the ethnocentric human reaction of compassion for "us" and hatred toward "them" which is the lynch pin for all warlike aggression that human beings engage in.

When human beings break through that barrier and find compassion for the other within themselves, the structure on which oppression and racial hatred crumbles. Indeed, once hearts are moved to compassion, the rationale and the justification for war and oppression falters and fails.

Compassion is the door through which love can flow. It is that initial identification, that initial impulse to love, that opens the door to all love and all understanding. Once there is compassion for another, there soon develops understanding, and once there is understanding, it soon ripens into love. - Ham


Union with God is, in the eternal scale of things, an event just now at your fingertips. At least this is true subsequent to making the supreme decision regarding your relationship with God and the service of his love. With this decision behind you though, there is a whole new array of adjustments to be made. These are numerous, and, in a sense is like this: prior to your supreme choice your spiritual progress is like a jigsaw puzzle where all the parts are still in the box and all the potential is there for attainment. Your supreme decision is equivalent to spilling the pieces out onto the table.

Now begins a great process of assembly. Yet, without opening the box, none of the adjustments could be made. To have lifted the lid is the most important thing and begins the inevitable attainment of union, that of assembling, perceiving, and in this case, becoming that big picture. This is an event of eternal consequence, and its time orientation is insignificant relative to the eternal ramifications. Diligent and careful work in cooperation with God brings the event nearer at hand. Your hankering for this will in no way bring you any closer to the event itself, but your alignment with truth, your love for beauty, and your living goodness will go further in bringing about this event than merely wanting it.

The assembly of this puzzle has many events of enjoyment as you begin to discern fragments of this picture you are becoming, and clarity begins to dawn on you as to how it is going to emerge. These epiphanies are multiple and quite fulfilling. Emergence of the actual picture signals completion.

Afterwards, you will be faced with a completely new horizon, one that you are more greatly endowed with divine power to attain, but one that, though rising out of your past experience, is now based upon an entirely new reality, your union with God. This could be likened to returning to the store and walking aisles in search for which of the many greater and more complex puzzles you will open next. Seeking God before this union is a different undertaking than it will be afterwards. Then you will note that the undertaking stretches over far, far greater periods of time than the one prior to union. This is why I tell you it is now at your fingertips. - Lantarnek

Flying Mud

Renewal is like the cycle of the wheel when it leaves the road and rises back to the top of the revolution, picking you up and preparing you for the next episode. Conversion is when you head back down the rotation to meet a new event on your path to Paradise. The personality moves forward in this process in spite of the fact that it has never, itself, turned over. All else that makes up your being is in constant movement that propels you forward.

God's presence is much like the fork of a bicycle that guides you towards Him on Paradise. When you waver, He endeavors to bring you back into balance. Each of you has made the Supreme decision. Now your wavers are minute; it is unlikely that any of you will ever fall over. All that is left is for those spiritual corrections where the weights are placed upon the rim to perfectly balance your wheel.

Here on Earth you are learning simple things like how to inflate the tire, how to prepare it for motion, how to stand upright. The one thing we ask of you all is that you remove the fenders of your wheel and let the mud fly. Let the truth and the goodness and beauty you experience be flung far and wide. - Elyon


On the higher spheres throughout the universe, you will experience great focus as all beings will have the same directed perspective about their daily activities. You will experience a foretaste of Paradise as people work through their growth experiences contributing to one another in concert. Here on Earth, much of life appears like a symphony tuning up before the classic piece begins. It appears so disharmonious and random and scattered. The condition of the world today in the end will contribute to immense faith on your part. Your experience of finding a tune for yourself among all the clatter will carry with you into the stretches of eternity and will reward you again and again, age upon age. So, even though within the year or the next you still struggle with these conflicts, rest assured of your eventual triumph. You will attain your desired goals, but this assurance should never foster complacency. It does require hard work. - Elyon

Divine Justice

Divine justice insures the consequences of hurtful actions are not things like childish pictures of hell. No, but there is certainly what would be called the psycho-spiritual experience of going through the fear and suffering of the victim(s) that any person has caused. - Ham

Flow of Compassion

To a believing and trusting soul, all things are possible with God. Allow yourself the peace that comes with a greater understanding of the unconditional love which is beginning to flow. Do not stifle this flow in your need to ‘fix’ others.

Each is allowed to walk his or her own path, never mind how destructive it may seem to you. Only God knows all the facts. Ask for discernment and wisdom in all things, but be ruled by loving compassion.

A few words thoughtfully and prayerfully spoken do more good than a lot of words spoken in the heat of emotion. - Anonymous