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===Topic: '''''Mercy'''''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Monjoronson]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are so grateful to be here today, especially as we are so close to our Christmas celebration, remembering Michael’s presence here on Urantia as our elder brother Jesus. Thank you for preparing us by connecting us heart to heart, soul to soul, and Adjuster to Adjuster that our efforts may be used in focusing where you direct our gaze in support of the Magisterial Mission. We open ourselves to be guided by our celestial helpers and our Magisterial Son. We thank you for your protection in the circuit that it is your will that is done today through your grace and love. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! My PEACE is upon you! This is Michael. I am engaging myself in your minds in preparation for the endowment of Monjoronson within your beings that will occur momentarily. As you allow my presence to move into you through your Spirits of Truth, I invite you to truly feel that deep need and longing for my presence to move deeper into the circuits of consciousness that is a part of your planet’s system.

The world is preparing for a great change, my children. You are being prepared for this, as you well know, and have been instructed for many years. So now the time is upon you, and I welcome your participation in any way, shape or form you feel you are being prepared and guided by your helpers and by your own indwelling Father Fragments. To assist the world in this transformative time the Paradise Father, in conjunction with my plans of redemption and salvation, has made available to you a wonderful spiritual helper whom you know as Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son.

Today as you focus on your hearts’ desires for this time of healing and transformation upon Urantia, I invite you to receive this conjoined endowment of my presence and Monjoronson’s as we unify as one and feed you as one in this circuit of LOVE. You might call this an endowment of the Paradise Trinity, as our combined personalities are the expression of the personalities of the Paradise Trinity. And, as you have been instructed in the past, to disengage the part of your intellect that wishes to understand what this means, in favor of simply receiving what my Brother and I wish to share with you, our beloved children of this world. Open your hearts. Focus within them and simply feel your desire to receive us as we minister to you now through the circuits of your loving Mother. Relax and simply be. (Pause)

You might call this a MERCY endowment, for within our personalities is the completed construct of mercy that you, my children, need now during this time of transition. MERCY affords you the perspective of FORGIVENESS: to view your erring brothers and sisters through the heart of forgiveness, which is a distinction I wish to make here between seeing through the eyes of forgiveness. The heart of FORGIVENESS affords you our compassion, our mercy, our understanding, and when you combine that with viewing the changes of this world through the eyes of forgiveness, you are mightily powerful in spirit. This is what we are sharing with you today, my beloveds, that you may truly embody and exemplify this divine MERCY and FORGIVENESS that your planet may truly be rehabilitated through your actions. As you know, we are here to minister through you, and to help you recognize you have divine help at your disposal. So continue to receive. Allow this imprinting to make its marks upon your systems of consciousness. (Pause)

I will leave you now, my children, that my Brother might speak to you and that you may continue to carry on the focusing in which He guides you. Gain strength in this MERCY endowment as we move into the season of change, my children. Remember I am with you. I am with you. Always and forever, I am with you. Good day.

MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren. This is Monjoronson. Continue to receive from us today as we will now shift our focus slightly. As we did in our previous time together, we began to bring in the energies of REHABILITATION to you and to this world. We will continue to move into these constructs of what this means for this planet. We invite your focus upon this word—this living language of TRANSFORMATION—that instills greater light and the possibility for wonderful changes to occur: changes that you have long desired, changes that you will actually be imparting to this world.

In your mind’s eye, if it is helpful, envision the word REHABILITATION as a great energy field and you are standing in the midst of it. Let your focus reside there for the next few minutes as we help you receive what we are making available to you now, as part of Michael’s plans of correction and true reconciliation upon this world. Receive this now, dear children. Let it speak to your hearts and expand your consciousness. (Pause)

REHABILITATION is a gift given to you to help you discern more of the Father’s will and ways, that Michael’s plan of correction may be instituted and implemented here upon Urantia. We have stimulated your minds and hearts that you may truly be able to use these energies to change your own lives and to participate in a more collective level in building change upon Urantia.

So, I invite you now to focus on your Father Fragments and ask: “How may I more fully engage with these energies of REHABILITATION to help the world? What gifts do I have to bring to this Correcting Time that may be put to good use in service of Michael and His plans?” We will continue to support you as you make this inquiry to the Father within. (Pause)

You are being seeded with spiritual energies to foster your own rehabilitation and to stimulate your desires and potential to be of service. As we have done in the past, I invite you to now shift focus slightly to envision the world in your mind’s eye with the word REHABILITATION embracing it like a blanket. Project that line of energy from your heart center into the world and the word of REHABILITATION. Send that declaration from your heart of what you would wish to participate in. What area of change do you wish to help the world become rehabilitated? Is it on a global scale? Is it in your own personal life? Is it in your local community? Send forth that desire from your heart, and let it intersect and connect with the REHABILITATION language as we minister in these circuits along with you. (Pause)

This world is so beloved of Michael is poised to change. And we so love this time of true collaboration with you to help you understand what it means to have, what you call, a divine intervention. But it isyou, my brethren, who are making the changes through the divine intervention within your own hearts and souls and minds. Do you not recognize the power in this? The opportunity you have? The potential for your souls to grow during this time of change? There is still so much of, what you might call, the underselling of yourselves, and yet your Father would wish to move through you in mighty ways that you would feel and experience the power of transformation through your own lives and to change the course of history and Urantia’s destiny.

So, yes, let this REHABILITATION energy go deep to transform you that you may in turn transform the world in the way the Father wishes to express that through you. This is a mighty time and you are being powerfully prepared. And we look to the time that we are with you as one of you, but much change must occur before that occurs. So it is that you are receiving these endowments to fortify the planet in spirit, and we thank you. We honor you and we cherish all efforts large and small that contribute to this transformation. (Pause)
Let us conclude then by lifting Urantia up to our Paradise Creator Parents, and let your hearts open in appreciation for the Father’s plan of evolution and creation, and especially, for the far-seeingness in this evolutionary construct of developing the Light and Life culture of our planet, for the bestowals of the Paradise Creator Son Michael and for His choosing your world to demonstrate the Father’s love to one and all. Do you realize what has been gifted to you and continues to be gifted to you? So deepen your appreciation as you give that to the Father, and we will join with you in this moment of worship, thanksgiving and praise.

Thank you, Father, for receiving these little ones and their love and appreciation. May they experience the deep watchcare and LOVE you provide to them. Let their hearts swell in recognition of the magnificence and glory of your divine plan of creation, as we thank you for helping these little ones—this tiny world return to the embrace of your family. Thank you.

Beloved brethren, as you return your gaze to Urantia, in your mind’s eye see the phrase: IT IS TIME MANIFEST WHAT THE FATHER WILLS ON URANTIA. See that as a seed and plant that into the ground. As you plant that into the ground, stand firmly upon it that the world and your own being may be fed upon what this means, and support your efforts in your rehabilitation and transformation and that of your beloved world. (Pause)

Look to Michael’s PEACE embracing the planet at this time Christmastime. Let your hearts be full of joy! His presence is bathing the world, and these circuits of transformation are growing tighter into the fabric of consciousness. It is truly a blessed event that the PEACE of Michael and His ways and will are being constructed through this rehabilitation of His beloved world. We wish you much joy and celebration as you come together with your friends and family for the next few days and into the New Year. We look forward to helping you build these circuits of REHABILITATION into the next year as more change comes to you and this world. Good day, dear children of Urantia.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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