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Dear Oliver,
Dear Oliver,
I have added your comments deleting any portion where you shared personal health matters while including those germane to the discussion in the talkpages that are public resources. You can review them here and here.  
I have added your comments deleting any portion where you shared personal matters while including those germane to the discussion in the talkpages that are public resources. You can review them here and here.  
Yes, I do hope we can meet in person before either of us graduate to the next classroom. Regardless, it will be a joy to finally meet you in person.
Yes, I do hope we can meet in person before either of us graduate to the next classroom. Regardless, it will be a joy to finally meet you in person.

Revision as of 22:43, 25 September 2015

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Rob wrote: Thursday, September 24th, 2015 at 9:48pm

Dear Friends,

Enclosed are two lessons recently posted by Ron Besser as the “first lesson” for the “new teaching mission list”. I note that ‘Michael’ issues warnings of disciplinary action I have never heard before (except from Ron). Apparently, concerns expressed on tml about Ron are being characterized as requiring a

"a stern warning to Nebadon, that this time it better be kept in control and those who wish to independently strike out on their own will be stopped. In my days as Creator Son, I seldom have seen such behavior that was elicited by some in the old Teaching Mission which utterly confused and destroyed what cohesion we could manage and so it had to be scrapped and with the hope of being useful this time,"

I will appreciate your thoughts on how I might handle these. At present, I am inclined to reference them with a note that the contents are being withheld until a quorum exists that might choose to include them after discussion could be incorporated into the talkpage of the record. (see this for example)



p.s. it also appears that Ron is not archiving the latest 11:11 lessons

Dave wrote: On Sep 24, 2015, at 11:13 PM

My comments that I would state if we as a quorum agreed to have this"message" included with a talkpage would be something along the order of:

"The style, wording, and tone of Ron B's "lesson", represented as coming from Michael and Monjoronson, to me, do not seem representative of either our Creator Son or a Magisterial Son, and do not ring any of my own "truth bells," visually appear as irrational and disorganized, feels like a very human form of resentful anger, have the characteristic grandiosity that leaves a familiar bad taste in my mouth associated with many of his prior "messages," and leads this human brother of his to assert as but one voice within our greater Urantian/planetary community that Ron B's latest message lacks any sense of spiritual fragrance. It ultimately seems generally detrimental for generating any receptivity by those within the greater Urantian community, (or by others looking in) to words more truly representative of either Christ Michael or of a Magisterial Son. --Dave Tenney, Ph.D.

(However, I would only want such to be stated if all other members of a Daynal quorum were willing to make statements expressing both their brotherly or sisterly relationship--as I did--and at least some similar concerns or reservations re: the validity of the content of his "message." I believe a healthy community needs to have a "response-ability" to any one member's seemingly errant behavior/communication for the wellness of both that one and all.) --Dave

Friday, September 25, 2015

Rob wrote: On Sep 25, 2015, at 4:41 PM

Dear Dave,

Thank you for expressing your thoughts on this matter! You demonstrate how we can affirm another as a sibling while recognizing the injury to such family relations accruing from their words and actions. Such balance is critical to manifesting love amidst our cosmic home governed by law.

I hope we will hear from others who have yet to register their thoughts on this recent claim now to ‘officially’ represent both the Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission while continuing to presume upon judging the work of institutions dedicated to dissemination of the Urantia text.



Marty wrote: On Sep 25, 2015, at 8:48 AM

Thanks for sending this Rob. I have been cast out of Ron Besser's lists and know not of his activities. Having been cast out is an indication to me of his 'outcast', nonspiritual ways since Father never casts any out of His Truth Beauty and Goodness. Similarly, Ron's transmissions are self-aggrandizing, which we have been told is never acceptable in T/Ring of truth. Yet I do believe that he is hearing much of his transmissions, though he is 'hard of hearing' and does not get all of the messages and teachings such as we are receiving through Mark and Jerry as well as through the 11:11 transcripts.

I agree with Dave's analysis.

I do think that you should have an inclusion of Ron's transcripts as as a 'sideline' of your records of our experience in the Teaching Mission. He always seems to get some of it right. To me, the Teaching Mission and the tml list have been very highly spiritual communities. All of our associates have been totally sincere and committed to the reception and knowledge of truth. Even Ron Besser fits into this description. Lets face it we are fetal, unborn spiritual beings. Each of us with imperfections and having a great deal to learn about working together and communication. I value all of the transmissions from everyone and everywhere but do not regard any of them as pure, unsullied truth. The Teachers are doing the best they can with us and we are also doing or best.

Now the teachings are clearly telling us that we are the ones who have the power to chose the options and processes of planetary transformation. The power of our collective consciousness and intentions are the happening force.

Have to go now. The goats are waiting. Marty

Rob wrote: On Sep 25, 2015, at 4:23 PM

Hello Marty -

You’re welcome, and thank you for replying!

As for a ‘sideline’ of the records, the Daynal Scriptorium was conceived for such purpose where private discussions of material ill suited for inclusion may occur. It awaits the updating of its software for further entries to be made. I have planned on doing this mid-October, and if successful, I will enter Ron’s recent lessons there while creating an empty record for public view.

Currently, I have in place three indicators of concern over integrity of any content. I use the first when there is content is of concern but without verifiable errors of fact. The second is used when such errors are detected while the third is used when bigotry appears in the text.

1. A flag at top of any page that says “Warning: Disinformation Risk-See discussion page for comments” (1)
2. More problematic pages include a Disinformation icon instead of the standard icon used. (2)
3. Pages of most concern are an empty record with a note the material awaits approval by a quorum. (3)

Such editorial decisions are not made without consultation and used only when egregious expressions are found in what are admittedly human expressions even while attributed to divine beings. It is after all our very human language that is used by celestials in any task of transmitting, UB, ACIM, TM, etc. Our challenge is to make the necessary space where each are free to share our respective senses of propriety eschewing then the preponderant tendency in this world to elevate purely personal evaluations to the level of absolutes.

Rick wrote: On Sep 25, 2015, at 12:23 PM

Personally I would not even consider giving any further attention to the text that Ron continues to publish. I see no value in it at this time.

Rob wrote: On Sep 25, 2015, at 4:33 PM

Dear Rick,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate your sentiments that echo Jesus' refusal to advertise evil by by denouncing it. That is the reason I am inclined to simply create an empty public record “at this time” while recording the actual content in the private space of the Scriptorium.



Oliver wrote: On Sep 25, 2015, at 7:58 PM

Concerning brother Ron, we have imbibed his mind-channelling for more than 10 years. Now his material is factually more and more ill informed as it concerns the actual axioms that we observe from our world-wide newsrooms.

Ron endeavors to point out his celestial relevance, that he is privileged over other transmitters. Of course, Father and Mother love each child equally, no matter how difficult this is for us to understand having been reared with belligerent competition onward from the family and school level to the rampant and war-causing nationalism, world-wide. I rather like to think that the pope’s visit was guided by his Inner Guidance, even as we have been taught by at least one transmission that claimed that the Dalai Lama is being tutored by Monjoronson. There is some welcome human drama that gets satisfied by such narratives. Everything is really being prepped via celestial guidance while always gifting us with unconditional respect the humans’ free will.

But, no, the quality of Ron’s musings have no urgency to me to be published. Is he a danger to the Teaching Mission? Yes, for more than a decade now. Is the Teaching Mission relevant today in steering us towards L & L? Yes, because we students were educated to work with our Inner Guidance above all.

I appreciate your friendship and trust in my opinion. Should you find parts of my musings relevant to your talk pages, please correct my English and use what you find relevant, if any.

Only His Love,


Rob wrote: On Sep 25, 2015, at 9:40 PM

Dear Oliver,

I have added your comments deleting any portion where you shared personal matters while including those germane to the discussion in the talkpages that are public resources. You can review them here and here.

Yes, I do hope we can meet in person before either of us graduate to the next classroom. Regardless, it will be a joy to finally meet you in person.

