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===Topic: ''Energies of Change''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Serena]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re so grateful to have this opportunity to join once again in this circuit of our Magisterial Mission as we begin a new year of growth and transformation in your WILL. Thank you for weaving us together heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit as we offer our energies for your higher and holy purposes. We stand ready to collaborate with our celestial helpers. We thank you for the bestowal of our Magisterial Son, and we eagerly await the time when there is this physical manifestation of the divine dispensation upon Urantia. May our energies be put to good use, and of course as always, may your WILL be done. Thank you.
SERENA: Greetings, my dear brothers and sisters! This is Serena. It gives me great joy to facilitate the energies of our time together today in this sacred forum of collaborating together in the Father’s WILL. As you know, there is a mighty hand of CHANGE moving upon Urantian consciousness, and this hand will continue to move through Urantian consciousness for some time to come.

Over the past few calls we have invited you to focus on this energy of CHANGE that it may deepen in your consciousness; that it may help more individuals to awaken to their spirit potential and respond to the inner call of the Father’s presence. We will continue today. We may add some new energies for you to focus upon during the collective part of the call where we focus into the world’s consciousness.

To begin, let us let us bring in those energies of CHANGE that you need that you may deepen your experiential awareness in your own consciousness to align further in the Father’s presence. Take some deep breaths. Relax your thoughts. Let yourself find that place of inner quietude. If you would like, focus on the energies and the word CHANGE as you feel your desire for this to move in you now, my dear brothers and sisters. (Pause)

This endowment of CHANGE acts as a catalyst in your energy systems to provide the spark or charge (if you will) to help you open to any of the resistance that exists within the structure of human consciousness to the energies of Spirit. There is much information within this energy of CHANGE that can be imparted into your beings the more you desire this. What are you changing into? What are the components of the changes you need? This is something to bring to the presence of your Father Within, and invite these energies of CHANGE to move through you that the Spirit may indeed relay the concepts you need to continue to grow—release what is misaligned with the Father’s WILL that you may see more of the divine perspective and have the ability to choose the path you will take moving forward.

If you would like, you may appeal to the Father Within and ask for insights into the energies of CHANGE that may be disclosed upon your thoughts and feelings and help you to relax into this transformative energy that we are delighted to help you receive and imprint upon. (Pause)

Change to the human mind, we have observed, is a curious thing. Your evolutionary natures are designed to change, and yet so many individuals are reluctant to allow this natural unfolding momentum to move through the individual consciousness. We have observed that there is this resistance. We have supported your efforts to move beyond this resistance to help you respond more to your innate evolutionary natures that you may find that grace in CHANGE and allow its natural energies to help you progress in your spiritual development and soul growth.

FAITH is an essential component of this growth process. You may not know into what you are changing or how it will affect your life. You have one in whom can appreciate that CHANGE and FAITH are tools for the development of human consciousness. Michael in His incarnation as Jesus was always ready for change and faith in the Father’s WILL. He was willing to look at those areas in his life that needed to refine and grow in the Father’s WILL. He, like you, was beholden to various traditions, conventions and institutions of His time and He learned how to collaborate with the Father’s presence within to see the truth, to move beyond what was limiting to Him.

It is no different for you; it is only a matter of how much you are willing to allow yourself to grow and change and to find that inner fortitude and flow of FAITH, the fortitude to move in this direction where TRUTH is guiding you.

Continue to receive. Relax as we continue to share these energies of CHANGE within you. Allow yourself the ease of heart and mind that FAITH can move you forward in this natural progression in the Father’s WILL. (Pause)

We invite you to expand your internal gaze as we move into the circuits of the planet’s collective consciousness now. As you have done many times before, wrap that energy of CHANGE around the globe counter-clockwise, north to south poles, feeling your desire for this CHANGE energy to deepen into those circuits where there is resistance. We join you in this place. As we minister in these circuits, many, many celestial hosts and helpers are participating. (Pause)

As we minister in this collaborative endeavor to build more CHANGE into the planet’s consciousness, I invite you to expand your heartfelt intention and gaze to focus on the energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL to be infused through the CHANGE, that more of His authority may expand within the hearts and minds of His children and help them open to the greater reality of this world’s place in the family of Nebadon. Feel your desire for this to expand, deepen, broaden, heighten that Michael’s presence may gain strength and stature here in human consciousness. (Pause)

As you focus of these energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL and allow this to infuse the CHANGE circuit, feel your love for your Father as well as the need for His dominion upon this world to grow, to produce the productive changes that are necessary for this world’s healing and transformation to benefit all life here. Let your hearts be full of the assurance that His desire is focused on the healing of this world and all the other worlds caught in the rebellion. (Pause)

Now you may if you desire to focus these energies of energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL and CHANGE into those circumstances, situations, geographic regions, relationships where you would wish to see more of Michael’s presence become a major factor in the alignment and trajectory in these situations. (Pause)

Join with us now as we elevate our gaze to Paradise and the Deities resident therein. Envision if you will, tiny Urantia held in the bosom of the Father. We ask for the imprinting of the circuit of the Son through the action of the Spirit to move in this world’s consciousness.

We thank you, Father for your divine plans of evolution, bringing this planet back into alignment with your ways. We thank you for the presence of Christ Michael, Mother Spirit Nebadonia, and for all human life participating in this reawakening of Spirit and the divine plans, changing the course of history, bringing the planet further into the trajectory of its destiny that it may continue to flourish and change and one day achieve the status of Light and Life. We hold this to you now with gratitude and joy in our hearts for your WILL embracing this world. (Pause)

My dear brothers and sisters, let us descend, bringing your gaze back to the planet, seeing yourselves standing upon the ground. As you have done in the past, plant the word energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF MICHAEL’S WILL and the energies of CHANGE, plant them on the ground with great love, compassion, and care in your hearts. Send those energies down, down, down into the circuits of consciousness. Let it reach the center of the planet and circulate. (Pause)
Take some deep breaths. As we conclude our time together in this manner, please be aware that these energies will continue to be infused into the planet’s consciousness, especially when you focus your gaze there. We will meet you and add what we can.

On behalf of the celestial host, I thank you for your participation today. We have enjoyed our time with you together in this manner. We are so grateful to you for your willingness to trust in this time of correction as the SOVEREIGNTY OF MICHAEL moves His hand in human consciousness, uplifting all who are ready to awaken in the presence of the Father and join in the great jubilee of healing and transforming this world so dear to Michael’s heart and the universe as a whole.

We wish you great joy in the coming days as you open yourself more to the LOVE and the creative essence of the Father Within. Never forget who you are, my brothers and sisters. You are the children of the most holy and high First Source and Center and you have a wonderful destiny as you grow in who you are and participate in the greatest adventure of LIFE itself. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Serena]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2016]]

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