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Topic: Living in Our Love

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this opportunity to receive from you more of what you know we need for our continued growth. We are your children and we delight in imprinting upon you divine natures. You know where each of us is in our spiritual journey and you know what a tumultuous time we are embarked upon on this planet, so thank you for continuing to support us, uplift us and hold us close to you in your bosom. We are ready for your WILL to be done now in whatever ways you find delightful. Thank you so much.


NEBADONIA: My precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Your Father and I are here to support your lives in our LOVE that you may grow into strong, faithful, noble and valiant sons and daughters. You have within your beings a core essence which you might understand as the direct link you have to your Creator Father—your personalities—and this serves as the underlying structure upon which your entire system of consciousness is built.

You live on a world that has been much abused by the rebellion sophistries and so, within your own internal system of consciousness is this (what you might call) virus of erroneous thinking that has also inhibited your emotional and spiritual development. But as you know this is the Correcting Time and all of this is changing now. There are those of you, among yourselves and others on the planet, who are now very rigorously pursuing a path of self-mastery. This encompasses many aspects of human personality development. It is learning how you function as conscious beings—the ways in which you think and feel and respond to your environment.

The study of consciousness is a growing field, and over time as you grow in comprehension of the universe will you come into a greater planetary understanding of how these circuits of MIND function in you. You are embarked upon this path now to gain greater understanding of you own personal energy systems that will help you master your thoughts and feelings, gain control over them in alignment with the Father’s presence within. And this is as it should be, which is, after all, the plan of evolution of a planet that each individual would grow in understanding of his and her rightful place as children of God and to live a material life that is aligned with universal laws and the plans of creation.

We have been encouraging you to master your own energy systems. This is something that your Father Michael so magnificently accomplished during His human life as Jesus. And as you know, He is your way-shower. He will guide you on this path of self-mastery. There is much to learn, much to comprehend and integrate into your own personal path of growth and soul attainment. There are various threads and ways in which you can master yourselves, and each of you is ably equipped with a Father fragment (your Indwelling Spirit) to support this endeavor. And we have shared many lessons with you about this path and your progression on it.

In today’s infusion, I invite you to open yourselves up once again to this goal of attainment of self-mastery. But again, with a little bit of a different twist on this that you may gain more insight into how you respond to your SELF—that SELF you have in conjunction with your Creator Father, your personality.

You have heard the term SELF RESPONSIBILITY. What does it mean? Each of you is responsible for your own life. You need not be concerned with the lives of others unless it is to encourage and teach them into more of the heavenly ways by their open invitation to learn from you. But you are responsible only to yourself and to the evolving Supreme Being of which you are all a part.

In today’s infusion I ask you to focus on the words SELF RESPONSIBILITY, as a way to be responsible and responsive to your SELF—your personality– your inner core of being gaining strength and stature. And this is what the soul is here to provide you. That means that actual construct of consciousness that will render you more beholden to the gifts that the Father has seeded within you and to develop your potential in a way that is lovely and beautiful to behold. I invite you to focus on these words SELF RESPONSIBILITY that you may grow in comprehension of how you respond internally to the presence of the Father Within. Simply focus on this word and your need to become more responsible to your SELF as your Father and I help you with this, my children. (Pause)

The Paradise Father’s presence within you waits patiently for your response and responsiveness to the Spirit presence. The more you desire to fulfill your human potential, the more you will be guided in that direction. As well, you have the wonderful example of your Father Michael and His human incarnation to guide you, answer your questions, provide you with insights and direction upon this path. You know that He loves you, but do you make full use of His human life to support your own development of potential? So I encourage you, my children, to think about this that you may go to Him and ask for His perspective upon any circumstance of your life that you find challenging or puzzling as to how to master: how to be more responsible and responsive to your personality—your God SELF. Sit with this for a few moments while we continue to move in you, and if it is helpful, invite your brother Jesus to share with you what you may need now in order to make greater strides upon this path. (Pause)

As you grow in SELF-RESPONSIBILITY you will discover that there are so many challenges to material life that are presented to you as learning experiences. When you encounter a difficulty, look at this as an opportunity to master something new, to be more responsive to the Father’s presence within that you may collaborate and co-create together in a way that surmounts the condition, in a way that is lovely and beautiful to behold. What your world needs now is for you and many others to walk this path faithfully and to be willing to demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit to those around you who still have yet to awaken to the call of Spirit within.

This is a worthy goal of human life attainment and it truly is the foundation for your ascension careers. But there are very few people of this world that understand this, so we look to you to convey this, not so much by your words but by your actions—by your living examples of what it means to live a God centered life. These are all concepts you are well aware, now it is time to live this. Live it fully. Live it boldly and proudly, like the noble sons and daughters of God that you are. So let these energies of SELF RESPONSIBILITY continue to settle in and lead you into deeper relationship with your wonderful unique personalities that come from the Paradise Father Himself. (Pause)

Becoming fully responsible and responsive to your SELF will render you many benefits. It will set you apart from those upon your planet who are still beholden to the rebellion ways and you will be a blessing to many of those around you who will want to know how you can maintain peace and composure when so much around you seems to fall away.


Stay strong in the Spirit and let the Father’s presence within you—to both the indweller and your personalities to gain greater strength that your mind may be more responsive to the leadings of His divine presence within your beings. You are truly a part of Him and He lives in you, and you only have to turn to us as your immediate Universe Parents to support and guide you on this path of self-mastery. And how we delight in seeing our children grow, transitioning from the stumbling steps you take as a spiritual toddler to the strong steady strides of a righteous noble cosmic citizen! So see all of the strides you take as one more step on this path that you may continue to develop your gifts and skills and abilities in service of the Supreme Being and to help this planet grow in its own supreme (divine) consciousness.

I have given you much to consider, today, and so I will leave you in this fashion that you may continue to imprint upon these energies, be stimulated in your thoughts by what it means to walk this path of SELF RESPONSIBILITY and grow in self-mastery. It is all before you and just awaiting you to actually live this now, moment by moment as best you can each and every day.

Thrive in my love, my children, for you are indeed growing in it. Good day!