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Topic: Imprinting Upon Mother's JOY

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we settle into our hearts and bodies now, may we imprint upon more of your divine qualities to support our own inner growth and transformation. You know what we need as you are our providers, and we open ourselves to imprint upon those qualities and attributes of your being that will render us more spiritually fragrant. Thank you so much for all you provide to us. We are open and ready to receive. May your WILL be done.


NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Seeded inside your beings is a plan, is a purpose, and each one of you has been uniquely designed to express that purpose over the course of your long ascension career. Your earth lives are the starting point, as you know, and it was intended for this journey to be taken with love and joy and effort that you would bring forth those creative gifts bestowed to you by the Paradise Father Himself to participate in the unfolding of the divine plan for planetary evolution and personal fulfilment and achievement. Think about this for a few moments, my children. Invite you Indwelling Spirits to come close to you now through this idea of the original intention for your lives.

As your Universe Mother I take delight in each of my children. I live inside of you through the Adjutants of Mind that connect you directly to me, and here is where I wish to share with you more of my LOVE and perspective on what I experience as a Mother watching you develop over the course of your ascension career. There is a particular flavor, if I may use that term, that is part of my experience in watching you grow and providing you with the requisite support you need to develop strong and healthy souls. This is an attribute that I wish to share with you today to support you in the outworking of what has caused you to contract inside and not be able to fully come into that fuller expression of who you are because of the certain rebellion influences within planetary consciousness.

But this is the time for this to be corrected now, and it is my delight to share with you my Motherly JOY that I experience as I watch you grow, and to nourish you with this quality of my JOY to help you begin to perceive that this earth life can be a joy-filled and joy-led experience. This is a quality of life that very few humans have achieved, yet it is possible. It was demonstrated by your Father Michael during his earth life as Jesus, and it has been a quality that many individuals have sought but very few have attained.

In coming to you in this way today it is my desire for you to begin to experience this more, and to know that this is yours for the striving—to live in this state of joyful creative expression of who you are as a son and daughter of God. Now this does not mean that you will experience sublime bliss and happiness one hundred percent of the time. That is the goal. But it is more to encourage you that this is possible to achieve, even though you live in the midst of some very challenging circumstances. You can rise above this. And here is where I come in to uplift you to that place where you begin to experience what I wish to provide to you. As these words settle in, let them strike deep into your hearts, and know that there is a place in you that yearns for my Motherly JOY to support your continued growth and transformation in the WILL of Father. Settle into your hearts, take a few deep breaths, and invite my JOY to embrace you, my beloved children. (Pause)

Allow my JOY to penetrate into those caverns of your consciousness systems where you need this touch to help you perceive a different quality of reality than you may be aware of previously. Allow me to help you see beyond the veil of tears and into a realm where there is more security and serenity in who you are as a beloved son and daughter. (Pause)

You might call this an inner excavation of that which has been deeply imbedded in you due to the way in which your planetary culture developed in this consciousness. This JOY resonance is helping to soften that internal crustiness that comes from the rebellion agenda, and to help you perceive more of your own internal beauty through the eyes of the Spirit Within. It is advisable to see inside of yourself, that you may penetrate beyond this veil and to know the full value and worth of your innate beings to help you cultivate living in this quality or state of JOY more and more each day.

The Spirit Within can provide you intimate details about your lives from that divine perspective that will bring you such inner compassion and understanding of yourselves and your human nature. And while you have painful memories and experiences, there is truly nothing to fear, my children, when you see yourself from this inner spiritual dimension. You see more TRUTH. You perceive more GOODNESS. And this all heightens your experience with JOY and to foster your ability to stay in that state more and more each day. Continue to receive as this imprinting of JOY continues to reverberate in and through you. (Pause)

Just as you have a physical system of elimination in your body, so do you have a spiritual elimination system to release the spirit toxins that you may have contained within your beings albeit subconsciously. As certain feelings and memories come to mind, simply give them to me. I am your Mother and I am responsible for this elimination system. At your level of understanding it would be challenging to describe all the forms and facets of your spiritual elimination system. Nevertheless you can release these energies to me and simply say “Mother, I have no further needs of these feelings and ideas about myself. I give them to you and I thank you for restoring in me the rightful resonance that my Spirit may continue to convey higher truths to my mind.” Take some time to do this now, as I continue to share JOY with you. (Pause)

My essence of JOY is part of your divine inheritance, my children. You were designed to achieve higher states of inner recognition of who you are that lends its essence to this quality of JOY. Allow yourselves to continue to imprint upon this, and know with deeper intimacy my Motherly LOVE for you. (Pause)

The evolutionary process for the time-space dimension of the Father’s plan is a joyful progression toward achieving those eras you have come to understand as Light and Life. This is a very long, concentrated effort at helping the plans for LIFE to follow the WILL of Spirit—the natural inclination for TRUTH and GOODNESS. You are beginning to taste and recognize this reality, and the more you seek to live according to the plans of evolution in the way it was originally designed, the more you will experience this inner assurance that you are on the right path that leads you to inner JOY and experiencing life with that rich quality.

As these energies continue to inwork in you, you may notice that there are certain experiences within your memory systems that may appear to you. Ask to see this experience through the lens of JOY—my Motherly JOY—that I may help you shift your perspective into the realms of how the divine plan is designed to function and continue to bear fruits through your efforts. Your Father and I share our attributes with you that you may grow strong moral and noble characters while upon Urantia. But it is you who must do the inner work and express those inner living spiritual realities through your material lives.

I will pause here and invite your questions if you wish to move from the experiencing mind to the questioning mind. However, if you choose to stay in this meditative state you will continue to receive and imprint upon my Motherly JOY. The choice is yours. (Pause)


Since there are no questions, we will conclude for today, but before doing so I encourage you to ask your angels to share their JOY with you as you go about your day. Let them envelop you in their harmonic frequencies of their JOY and LOVE for you. As they embrace you, you may notice a quickening within of what has been shared with you of my nature, and help you perceive your outer reality through this lens of assurance and grace and appreciation for life itself. As these energies take deeper root within you, know that you are opening to remarkable inner changes continuing to unfold in you under the watchful care of your indwelling Spirits.

You are all so deeply love, expertly guided. Release your fears now, my children. Give them to me and let this spiritual elimination system take them from you and make them as if they never were. Let the JOY grow inside and help you see life anew with a refreshed perspective, ready to engage out in the world in devoted loving service. Breathe in my JOY, let it resonate once again, and release all that no longer serves you. You are my precious children, and you live in the very bosom of my LOVE. Good day.