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===Topic: ''The Value of Human Nature''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re grateful to have this time with you that we may imprint upon your personalities as well as receive your divine guidance and wisdom. Thank you for connecting us in this circuit of LOVE, heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit. We are ready to receive you in whatever ways you wish to share with us. And we ask for our celestial brothers and sisters to move in this circuit to help us calibrate to your energies and receive more of the spiritual energy we need for our continued growth. Thank you so much for all you do for us, and may your WILL be done now.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my dear children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! All throughout your lives you will be growing in spirit vitality and essence. The evolutionary nature of your beings was designed to go through many stages of metamorphosis from your physical lives through the various morontia forms until you emerge as a spirit being, ready to embark upon the supernal adventure out in the greater cosmos. What fuels this is SPIRIT. You were designed for spiritual receptivity. You have been acclimating to these spirit-sparks for a number of years now to help you receive what you need to grow in your ascension careers, even though you are still in this very human form.

Today, I invite you to simply relax, and feel that innate need for more spiritual energy to fuel your soul, to uplift you into a realm where peace, tolerance, compassion, fairness and equality are the main attitudes and energies for living. This is vitality important now as your world opens to more of the truth of what has befallen Urantia as more humans awaken to the truth within them. We invite you to become more stable and secure in this spiritual vitality that you may maintain a sense of composure and balance while your brothers and sisters are awakening to greater truths.

I am here today to provide you with the environment you need to imprint upon these energies. Albeit you may not necessarily perceive them, but at some level you will. Your bodies will attune and adjust to these frequencies, and the Father’s presence within you will use them help you grow in comprehension of what it means to live a more spiritual life here upon this rugged physical terrain. All you need do is to place your focus at your heart. Feel your need for MOTHER’S LOVE to touch you, move in you—circulate. Let my presence stir in you as you open yourself to my loving touch and allow your angelic sisters to come close to you and share these energies with you now, my children. Take some deep breaths. Invite Spirit into your bodies and allow it to move into you, into those areas of great need in your inner beings. Receive me now, my children. Receive your MOTHER’S LOVE. (Pause)

The mothering essence is of vital importance for your world. It discloses an urging of nurturing, caretaking, loving devotion and dedication to that which is the object of being nurtured, whether it is your environment or another person. Your world has suffered a great deprivation of this mothering essence. It is time for this to gain strength. It is time to become more predominant in your planet’s consciousness, not only for women, but for men who need this to develop their nurturing caretaking side of their particular type of personality essence.

In today’s endowment, we invite you to allow these energies to move into those areas within your own subconscious beings wherein there may still be some resistance to the Father’s WILL, which is the portrayal and enactment of MOTHER’S LOVE. So all you have to do is desire this to move more deeply into you, and allow this innate tendency to be a caretaker and nurturer to be more fully developed in you. It is your desire that will allow this move into these places of shadow where the light may change the substance of what is contained within your beings and move you into higher states of awareness wherein you may portray this motherly essence more fully out in your lives.

Continue to receive. Continue to desire this as your angelic sisters continue to share this MOTHERLY LOVE with you. (Pause)

As MOTHER’S LOVE takes shape and form in Urantian consciousness will more of the tears of sadness and sorrow be wiped away clean. I understand your plight, and I am here to relieve human suffering that you may gain strength in my LOVE and grow strong in your own personalities shining forth those qualities of the Father that are innately yours to demonstrate. So many of your brothers and sisters are deficient in this quality of LOVE, and while we understand that it requires time, faith and application in your own lives to grow in this endowment, it is my desire that you would become more vibrant and larger containers of my LOVE.

Part of what this means for your own lives is that your comfort zone will be stretched. You will be encouraged to move beyond your present state of mind, and to gain an inner awareness of how and why you are growing adds to the transformational energies of Urantia. You have all grown in faith, and this is being transformed through experience into wisdom. You are growing in your understanding of how Spirit functions in human life. How many of your brothers and sisters know this? Or even seek to understand this? So you are being trained to not only contain this but to teach this as well. There will be more opportunities for you to share what you have learned and guide your brothers and sisters into that internal place where they can receive this healing touch of my MOTHER’S LOVE.

So as these energies continue to circulate around you, let them go as deep as they can. Let yourselves be stretched beyond your comfort zone. You may be more fully engaged in dynamic lives of service. As you do this, you will be supported by your celestial brothers and sisters who walk beside you, who bring new opportunities of service your way, giving you various experiences to share what you have embraced that you may embody these qualities of LOVE more and more to your needy and hungry brothers and sisters. Their souls are stirring. Spiritual pressure is opening them. They may perceive something is changing in them, but they do not know where to turn for the answers.

But more and more you will be guided to those people who are ready to perceive what you have already learned, and you can guide them well to the Father’s presence within. Encourage them to apprehend that there is great LOVE within them to be perceived. Some will respond very well to this information, and others will be quizzical or skeptical. But you are being encouraged to plant these seeds of hope, faith, of direction and guidance in whatever ways you are being urged to share this with them. As you grow into these larger vessels of LOVE will it seem more natural to not only demonstrate this, but to BE this, and this will help your brothers and sisters pick up on these LOVE vibrations and signals that will speak to their souls, heal their hearts, and open them to the Father’s presence within.

Take a few more deep breaths as you relax more deeply into these energies as we continue to minister to you, my dear children. (Pause)

Now you may if you wish shift focus and bring forth the questions upon your heart and mind. I will engage with you in providing you with a new perspective, if you so desire. However, if you wish to remain in a more receptive meditative posture, that is certainly acceptable, and you will continue to receive. You may bring forth your questions or concerns when you feel ready to speak.
L: Hello Mother. This is L. What a blessing it is for me to have the opportunity to address you today. I have a question about our service for the ongoing planetary transformation and the Magisterial Mission. I am now elderly. I am passionate about the mission and the healing and nurturing of Urantia, and will of course do my best with each day I have left here. My question is, will we still have the opportunity to serve in some capacity with this mission from the mansion worlds, or will the opportunity no longer be available since we are no longer on Urantia? Or perhaps at that time might we have the opportunity to serve on behalf of one of the other apostate planets? Thank you for listening to my question.

NEBADONIA: L, my dear daughter, I thank you for your heartfelt desire to be of service to this world and to your brethren at this very significant time of change. I encourage you to consider that your life is now one large service continuum. Wherever you exist, you are invited to be of service, whether it is on a physical world or functioning on one of the morontial levels. There are many ways to be of service, in direct relationship—physical proximity to your brothers and sisters, sharing information and heartfelt emotions with them through prayer and worshipful contemplation with the attitude of service, spreading your own personal influence into the wider spectrum of planetary consciousness.

To directly answer your question, I would say that you will be afforded many opportunities to share in the healing of Urantia from the morontial levels depending on several factors. One of the greatest factors is your capacity to be tuned to the leadings of the Father's presence within you. And once you achieve that stage of Adjuster fusion, your service life will become more substantial or real, as you might say. It would be very difficult to describe all of the avenues of service open to you once you reach the shores of mansonia, but suffice to say that you will be given opportunities to send your love, send your light back to Urantia and to the other worlds that were caught up in the system rebellion.

You truly, at this stage of your human development, cannot fathom all of the opportunities that will be available to you. There are multiple ways in which your assistance will be used. Since you will be operating at a different level of reality, your capacity and abilities will be multiplied as well. Suffice to say at this point, it is more important for you to keep your service desire high and at more of the priority level for your life. In this way, more opportunities to share love will come your way. Some will be very apparent to you, and others be subtle that you may even miss from time to time. But that is certainly understandable and we encourage you to make your desire to be of service your motivation at this point of life, and know that every opportunity at this stage of development where you are presently will be provided to you. Trust in your own motivations and inclinations to be of service. Allow your angels to guide you into those fields where there are people ready to receive what you have to share with them. Does this help, my daughter?

L: Very, very much. Thank you Mother.

NEBADONIA: Thank you, my daughter, for your willingness to grow and to serve, for this is the essence of life itself, and you will continue to make good steady progress in your own soul development as you grow in the Father's LOVE and share in the peace and joy of a child of God.
My beloved children, many things are changing upon Urantia. This change is good. It is necessary, and part of this time of correction. Your lives are being guided by faith now as you walk this part of unknowingness in what is transpiring upon your world. Stay close to your Father and me. We will supply you with what you need to make sense of what you see and how experience your material reality enhanced with spiritual perspective of what is transpiring.

It is very fundamental and important to you to maintain your practice of stillness. More spiritual circuitry will be added into you that you may hear the voice of guidance more clearly, consciously and directly. Pay attention. Listen within. Respond to your first intuition. Trust more, doubt less, and know that we are guiding you into something that this world has never before witnessed or experienced. Know that your Father and I will fortify you in FAITH, STRENGTH and COURAGE, and that there are many, many helpers by your side. So you never need to fear that you will falter, but to claim your own inner power and strength and have that sublime child-like trust that you are being supported and provided with all you need to progress on this rugged spiritual path as Urantia undergoes more transformational change.

I will leave you now in this manner, my children, but as you know, you and I are always connected, and you only have to turn within to me and ask for my MOTHER’S LOVE to nurture and sustain you. For truly, I am in every breath, every beat of your heart, every transaction of your cells, and my MOTHER’S LOVE is sustaining you now in LIFE, in LIGHT, and in the great LOVE that emanates from the very source of all LIFE itself. Thrive in this, my children. It is your divine birthright and you have every right to receive all the love you require to be the Father’s living expressions of His WILL upon this beautiful world. I wish you joy today in all your endeavors and give you my fond farewell. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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