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Topic: Receiving Nebadonia's Joy of Life

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come together as one to receive from you today what you wish to provide to us of your divine essence and personality. This is a very great act of faith on our parts. We love you. We trust you, and we’re so eager to receive from you what you so continually provide to us to help our consciousness open to the greater reality of the Father and His LOVE. We prepare our hearts and minds to receive you through this intention to become one with you. And we thank our celestial brothers and sisters for stepping into this environment of our call to help us receive what you are doing in us to further our transformation, and to help us become better sons and daughters displaying the fruits of the spirit out in the world. Thank you. May your WILL be done.


NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! There is an open invitation for all of the children of this world to come to us to receive what everyone needs to further their spiritual development. The time is upon you when more and more individuals are searching for Spirit—are actively seeking it. It is no small matter to open the areas in your consciousness that need more of the energies of Spirit to renew and refresh you.

The fact that you have come to your Father and me over and over again in your own stillness and calls such as these puts you in a very favorable position to be those beacons of light and hope to your brethren, who still are struggling in their own ideologies of what it means to live a spiritual life. It is truly very simple. But the complexity of various belief systems does form a haze upon your awareness, your comprehension of things spiritual that breeds a form of confusion and distortion making it difficult for people to find the place within of the Father. But you are coming into greater clarity. You are allowing the constructs of your consciousness to open to TRUTH and TRUTH is clarifying. It is illuminating. It is ever renewing, ever refreshing, ever uplifting, even though sometimes you must allow what masks TRUTH to be revealed that more TRUTH-LIGHT may shine upon the error and elevate your understanding to more of the divine perspective.

There are troublous times upon your world as it continues to undergo this parting of the ways through these energies of CHANGE we provide to you. The circuits of LIFE and LIGHT are gaining strength. And they are moving in the circuits of planetary consciousness to create that catalyzing action to help your brothers and sisters awaken to perceive the truth of Spirit Within.

Underneath all of this wounded energy is my presence, my essence, my LOVE. I invite you today to come into that place of deeper union with me, to acknowledge your need for more Mother’s LOVE to create new space within your own beings for my LOVE to penetrate to renew you. This is a condition to develop on your path of self-mastery. You might consider that self-mastery grows in your experience and awareness as more TRUTH-LIGHT shines upon your mind and heart and you act upon those influences. You are all being invited to embark this expedition of self-mastery to explore the components of what this means for your lives as you move through your daily living experiences.

I bring to you today an energy that comes from the very heart of CREATION to further your attempts and your developmental progress of self-mastery. There is joy in living the creative expression of LOVE. This is LIFE itself! It is a part of your human development of your spiritual potential. I invite you allow me to minister in you through this circuit of the JOY OF LIFE. This experiential awareness will spark new creative ideas for you to consider about who you are and how you might wish to further collaborate and cooperate with the plans of correction for Urantia. Each one of you has beautiful unique gifts to share with your brethren and to the planet. I invite you go into that place of your heart where these desires to contribute to the healing of Urantia feels near and dear and from that place invite me in and allow my JOY OF LIFE to move in you now. Take your time as you open and relax in your heart. Breathe deeply, slowly, mindfully as I move in you now, my precious children. Receive my JOY OF LIFE. (Pause)

When you gaze upon the natural world, you marvel at the splendor and beauty of creation. Your mind can move to questions about the creative force that seems to defy gravity and other workings of creation because there is so much diversity, color, life forms, geometric shapes that stagger your imagination. But this same creative hand of LIFE that conveys such beauty in the natural world is also the same creative hand alive and moving in you. There are energies that act as impediments from you moving fully and deeply in this creative nature, but it is alive in you. And what my desire for the children of this world is for all of you to come into a greater place and space within your own consciousness of what is this creative force and how to use in alignment with the Father’s plans for your lives. How many people of this world are truly functioning at this level? Very few! But you are on your way, and it is my delight to help you receive a greater infusion of my JOY OF LIFE to help you release those influences that have deterred the creative force of LIFE from achieving its full potential.

Continue to receive in me, from me, allowing yourselves to relax in my LOVE and desires for you. (Pause)

The creative nature also has a voice. You might think of this as the SONG OF LOVE. It carries a particular quality of vibrational frequency that is attuned to your energy systems at various octaves. I invite you to shift your intentional focus a bit to ask for the SONG OF LOVE to more deeply calibrate in your energy systems through this infusion of the JOY OF LIFE. They are essentially one in their intention to bring you into greater dimensional affinity of the Father’s WILL. Allow yourselves to experience the SONG OF LOVE within you. Simply receive. Feel your need for this to calibrate more deeply into the depths of your being. (Pause)

I invite you now to take a moment to place your focus on your Father Michael. Ask for His LOVE to fill you—His desires for you to grow strong, confident and secure in who you are as a child of the Father. Receive His blessings and let them stir deeply within. (Pause)

We are creating more space in your energy systems for you to imprint upon us as your Parents to provide you the healthy environment in which you continue to grow and develop your soul through daily life. As these infusions continue to speak our vibrations of LOVE into your systems, you will perceive more information to make sense of your life, to cultivate it in a spiritually harmonious and fragrant manner. So know there are many things changing in you now, and it is all leading you further on the path of self-mastery. (Pause)

We are at a place in our time together wherein you may address me with your questions or concerns. However, should you continue to stay in a meditative state, these energies will continue to be applied in your systems for you to continue to imprint. It is your choice whether or not you wish to speak. I am ready to receive you whenever you are. (No Q&A)


The structure of your consciousness is changing, my children. This is good! And it is part of the development of your personality symmetry that underscores the development of self-mastery. Love yourselves. Cherish the nature of your evolutionary creature status. It is unique in all of creation and you are gaining more meaning of what this entails for your lives.

As your world moves into more of the energies of CHANGE, will you perceive more of the JOY OF LIFE that is now paving the way for a brighter and better future for Urantia. When you come to me in your stillness practice, ask me to envelope you in my JOY OF LIFE that you may continue to imprint upon my divine essence and gain more space in the realms of your consciousness to live as that individuated beacon of LOVE-LIGHT shining forth from your consciousness to draw people to you whom you can help heal and transform their lives.

Enjoy these days of CHANGE, my children, and play your parts well in Michael’s plans of correction for His beloved world. Grow in my LOVE and thrive in the GOODNESS of your souls. Good day.