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Topic: Identifying with the Creator Father

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re here today to receive from you more of your Spirit essence and presence to help us in our own inner transformational journeys. We’re so grateful for all of the help you provide to us. We open ourselves to you with that child-like faith that we may perceive more of your presence in our lives and be guided consciously and directly by our Indwelling Spirits. We’re ready to receive you now, and thank you so much for your will being done in us and through us.


MICHAEL: My beloved children, my PEACE is upon you! This is Michael. Take some slow deep and refreshing breaths as you open yourself to us now. This is your time to receive that divine imprinting, your time to simply be with your Spirit Mother and Father. You are connected to an ever-renewing, ever-replenishing well of LIFE that flows from the Father in Paradise through this creative process of spiritual growth.

Breathe deeply and drink deeply of this well of LIFE. Your bodies were designed for LIFE. Your consciousness was designed to expand, and it is all based on your inner spiritual foundation at the core of your being. Your relationship with the Father in Paradise comes from that connection of the personality circuit that forms the underlying foundation upon which you are able to live, think, feel, and respond to your environment.

In today’s infusion, I invite you to move to that place in your heart’s desire—to identify yourself as this individuated expression of the Father Himself. Your self-identification takes origin in Him, and I am the means by which you can imprint upon this FATHERLY energy. Your Mother’s presence in you will help you expand in feeling this connection and coming to understand how it functions in you.

As we begin, I invite you to focus on the intention to identify with the Father. If you wish to use a focal point, let your gaze set upon these words I IDENTIFY WITH MY FATHER. See that in your mind’s eye, and let your gaze rest upon those words gently pulsing over your heart. Feel your need to identify with the Father and we will move in you now, my beloved children. Take your time. Breathe deeply and mindfully as this identification moves in you now: I IDENTIFY WITH MY FATHER. (Pause)

Your identification with the Father is simply the yearning to be more like Him. I am here to help you on your journey into Father-likeness, Father-identification. I am your Universe Father, and I contain those attributes of the First and Second Sources of reality that are yours to receive. What quality of the Father do you need? Think of what your current needs are in terms of your emotional and spiritual well-being. Focus on this now for a moment. Ask your indwelling Father fragment to help you perceive what quality or attributes of my being would be most beneficial for you to imprint upon as this desire to identify with the Father takes deeper root within your being. Take your time as you do this. And if you are unsure of what it is you need, simply invite me to continue to imprint upon you, for I know your needs—even your most inner desires that you may not yet be able to perceive. (Pause)

Identification with the Father brings your self-concept into an expanded state of awareness of who you are. You move from the perception of yourself related to your planetary consciousness culture into the arena of the universe where you see yourself as a child growing, exploring, learning, comprehending the diverse and utterly fascinating attributes of the divine plan of CREATION.

While you have already have a much more expanded sense of reality than most children of this world through your reading of your Urantia text, you truly have barely scratched the surface of comprehending what is out there for you to investigate to your heart’s desires. But underscoring this comprehension first and foremost is the desire to identify with the Father, and from that place you become aware of the virtually unlimited potential for you to explore, discern, enjoy, and become.

The desire you maintain to identify with the Father feeds you at the deepest levels of your being—the Spirit and provides the Spirit Within you an opportunity to create new spiritual pathways within your consciousness to perceive what will be helpful for your individuated progress on this path as you walk one step at a time. This also is one of the steps, if you will, on the road to self-mastery. The more you identify with the Father does your self-concept conform to the Father’s WILL—helps you learn those concepts, embody those ideals which leads to self-mastery over time.

Your Mother and I open you to these concepts to help you embrace the ideals to which you aspire that this all may work synergistically to bring you in a state of wholeness where you not only perceive yourselves as the Paradise Father perceives you but you experience that—the LOVE in which you were created and live.

So as these words settle in, let the energy contained within them resonate deeply within the core of your beings that you may indeed identify yourself more as that expression of the Father’s LOVE that is yours uniquely to share with all creation. (Pause)

I will leave you now, my children, that your Mother may address you. But truly, I am never far away for my Spirit dwells within you and you only have to turn to me whenever you are in need and ask for the IDENTIFICATION WITH FATHER to stir deeply within you and bring you more peace, guidance, direction, and stimulate your purpose for being that expression of LOVE in the making, sharing yourself with those around you. Be in my PEACE, my children. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. The corollary of IDENTIFICATION WITH FATHER is IDENTIFICATION TO THE UNIVERSE. You have Spiritual Creator Parents. You live in the great creative unfolding plan of the Father’s design. You are a member of the cosmic family. You have a place in this family. You have a purpose, and I invite you to shift focus now, placing your desire to grow as a member of the cosmic family that comes from your IDENTIFICATION WITH THE FATHER.

Once you perceive yourself more as this expression of the Father’s LOVE, you recognize that you live in a friendly loving creative environment. You move beyond the construct of your planet’s consciousness into more cosmic consciousness wherein the Spirit domiciled in your mind is able to provide you with the information you need to grow as that individuated expression of the Father—to become that upstanding brother or sister who is growing in comprehension of your purpose and your position here.

I invite you to focus on the energies and the desire to identify with the universe. It is not important or necessary to place your desire on understanding what that means as it is to receive the imprinting that comes from me as the source of MIND indwelling within your consciousness. I will expand you. I will give you more spirit fuel, food for your soul upon which you may grow in comprehension as the Spirit Within you conveys the information you need, and also provides you with the heightened emotions that foster your positive development.

So drink deeply and relax as you focus on these words and the desire to IDENTIFY WITH THE UNIVERSE. Drinking deeply, breathing mindfully as I move in you now, my precious children. (Pause)

As you identify yourself with the Father and with the Universe you will notice an increased security and assurance that you are well provided for. You move beyond the animal nature which contains much emotional energy of insecurity and fear, and your faith expands through your experiences as you perceive how well you are taken care of by your Father and me and your universe brothers and sisters. Remember to ask for help when you need it. Remember to ask for what you need. Keep in mind that your needs are not predicated upon your materials desires but what you truly need to support your life.

The Father Within you has all of your needs and wants well in hand. But it is necessary for you to articulate in your mind and to bring your requests forward so that you may receive. And the more you identify with the Father and the Universe, will you grow in comprehension of how Creation operates and functions in the Father’s WILL. It is quite different from your life as an Urantian. Most of your brothers and sisters are very insecure and have their own value system rooted in something that continues to foster this state of insecurity and fear. But we invite you to move beyond that and to live as that liberated son and daughter member of a cosmic family who is growing in comprehension of the ways and workings of CREATION.

As you continue to focus on this IDENTIFICATION WITH THE UNIVERSE, allow the true needs of your soul to communicate and calibrate to this intention and desire to identify with the Universe, even if you do not know consciously what that means or what your true soul needs are. The Father Within you does. If you bring that desire forward we can imprint upon you at these deeper levels to help you perceive that inner security that you hunger to feel deep within your being. Drink deeply of this now. Let your soul communicate with the intention to IDENTIFY WITH THE UNIVERSE. (Pause)

Your celestial brothers and sisters will assist you in the integration of this synergistic interplay of IDENTIFICATION WITH THE FATHER AND THE UNIVERSE. Be at peace, my children, knowing that you are in our hands—that our LOVE upholds you and moves you from the chaos of your culture into something so strong and deeply rooted in LOVE that you are unshakeable, strong, and steadfast in who you really are.

Let the core of your being sing strongly, brightly, and clearly, reverberating these frequencies throughout your entire being even into your physical body. Let your lives be the expression of LOVE that your brothers and sisters need to see as your membership in the cosmic family grows stronger and your identification with the Father brings you into the reality for which you were created. It is a glorious adventure and you have now embarked upon this and it is moving you forward, taking you into new places of self-discovery, self-mastery and loyal and devoted service to your brothers and sisters and to the world as a whole.


I will leave you now, my children, in this manner, but I am in you and my BREATH OF LIFE continues to expand you. Enjoy this day wherever the energies take you and trust in how your identification is taking you in the realm of exploration of yourself as a member of our creative family. Live in my JOY and thrive in my LOVE. Good day, my precious children.