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Topic: Imprinting on the Power of Resurrection

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re very grateful to be here today to receive the words of our beloved Father Michael as we remember His life here and the passage that He underwent into this glorious day of resurrection and rebirth and renewal in the morontia form. Thank you for helping us receive more of these resurrection energies, that which we need of the morontia frequencies to help us in our continued spiritual growth and transformation. Thank you for helping us hold the focus that you may impart more of these healing energies upon our world through our intentions today. We’re so grateful to Michael for His life here and how He showed us how to open in our own personal relationships to the Father’s presence within us. We thank you for helping us not only receive what you wish to share with us today but to help in the continued transformation of this beloved world so dear to Michael’s heart. Thank you and may your WILL be done.


MICHAEL: My Easter blessings are upon you, my dear children. This is Michael. I am so pleased to join you in this gathering to convey a message of upliftment and encouragement asyou celebrate this day of Easter Sunday with your brethren. For many Christians this is the most sacred day in all of the traditions of Christianity. It represents the rebirth into the life eternal. It represents that my presence is still alive here on this world through the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit. With more people focused on this celebration on my life and resurrection there is great potential for more change to be invoked here through the hearts of many individuals who are dedicated to my life as Jesus.

I call upon you as my liberated children to join with me and your Mother Nebadonia and those of the celestial realms to infuse more spiritual energy upon this world. This is a time of great promise and of adventure as you in your own lives through your own desires, decisions and actions grow in the promise that Father’s presence holds within you, become more living and vibrant souls of divine LOVE sharing that with those around you and in your prayer life to ask for more of this LOVE to grow in the circuits of planetary consciousness.

When you remember my life as Jesus, I invite you to focus the faith that I demonstrated as I underwent this passage from material life to morontia life. You too will take this passage. It is not something to be feared, but to be welcomed with an open heart and a peaceful mind. You see, my children, your energy systems are all being upstepped and there are new circuits of light and morontia energies coming into this world that will help you in these transitions in your lives into the higher realms. Some of you will undergo this transition of receiving more morontia energies through your physical bodies to help you grow in the comprehension of the next level of living that you may help in the impartation of these energies to support this world’s healing and transformation. So with this being said today, I invite you to simply focus on me. In your hearts allow the energies of my RESURRECTION to be shared with you. You may imprint upon this; the Father’s presence within you may use this and that your personalities will become more expressive of the Father’s nature. Hold this as a focus in your heart as best you can as your Mother and I move in you now, my beloved children. (Pause)

The resurrection halls of mansonia are teeming with LIFE, a variable of energy of the Father’s LOVE that this world is starting to receive and understand. The rays of LOVE bathing this world containing these higher frequencies of morontia energy will help you in your own healing and transformation to move into those areas where there is, what you have come to understand as, subconscious resistance to the Father’s WILL. This will bring new hope and joy in your lives that you may be more cooperative with the Spirit of the Father Within. Your creator potential will be catalyzed and you will find new strength and interest in leading more dynamic lives of the Spirit.

This is what the world needs. Individuals need to see other humans who have transformed their lives through spiritual development. They need to understand that they do not need to buy any more material things, ascend to higher positions of authority or power in their jobs, to live in larger houses, buy newer cars. All this is changing. Within the heart through this power of RESURRECTION is the renewed interest in Spirit to engage people’s hearts and minds for them to ask these internal questions: What does this mean for my life? Who am I? Do I have to provide or share with the world what is meaningful or productive?

When you engage with your fellows you can carry this charge of the powers of RESURRECTION to help them in their own spiritual development to charge that seed of potential with love, promise, peace, and liberation. I share my power with you, my children, that you may be potent catalyzers of change, continuing to be of service to me and your human brethren as well as to be more cooperative with your celestial helpers who are so dedicated to me and this world for the healing thereof and all of the other planets that participated in the great rebellion.

Continue to allow us to infuse you with these energies. Feel your need to become more enlivened agents of change upon this world. (Pause)

The world is undergoing a major outworking of divine WILL. This is a push, you might say, of WILL relieving the tension caused by the effects of the rebellion in the human energy system of consciousness. Sometimes you can experience this push as a major force. Sometimes it is a gentle pulse that creates new sparks of LIFE within your beings. So I invite you to join with us now to engage this circuit of RESURRECTION to move more into the planet’s consciousness, that we may apply the necessary momentum through this endowment where it will do the most good. Some regions or areas in the planet’s consciousness are ready for a more major thrust of this energy and some areas require a more gentle touch. We know where this will do the most good and we invite you to simply engage your hearts and minds and desires for more of this RESURRECTION power to move through human consciousness.

If it is helpful to focus your energies, see this word RESURRECTION in your mind’s eye, spiral it around the planet in that counter-clockwise rotation north to south poles as you have done so many times before, and ask for these energies to move into energy system of the planet’s consciousness. Do your best as you maintain this central focus as we meet you there and engage with you, amplifying your energies and efforts. (Pause)

The eyes of Nebadon are focused upon my beloved Urantia. There is sentimental interest in this world. The hearts of my children of other worlds are joining with yours now. More of this power of RESURRECTION may be extended to Urantia and applied to the other worlds who succumbed to the Luciferic doctrine. Continue to hold your focus as best you can with the added knowledge that the whole universe is participating with you and much GOOD is being restored and augmented throughout this world and those of the other planets of the rebellion. (Pause)

These circuits of RESURRECTION have much to impart into the circuits of your will consciousness—that which you might call the desire to do the Father’s WILL. As you know, a mighty disruption in the divine plans of evolution occurred on this world and the others, and we are using this RESURRECTION circuit to re-establish more of the energies that you need that you may follow in the unfolding of the Father’s divine plans within your own individual beings. Much of what you are receiving and imprinting upon is very subtle. But over time you will come into a deeper awareness of the power the divine outworking of the evolutionary plan of CREATION that brings you great creative power, and you will feel more motivated to seek truth, to do good, to harmonize those aspects of your being into a beautiful work of art, replicating what I was able to achieve here in personality development and symmetry in my own human life.

Do you recognize what opportunities are being given to you to undertake this stupendous and monumental creative challenge? I say these words to you because you have it within you. Do not doubt yourself or the Father’s presence within you. And when you do at times succumb to the lower natures of your beings, come to me and say, “Father, help me through this passage. Help me move beyond the limitations of my present state of mind to a greater understanding that I may demonstrate more of the fruits of the spirit.”

The world is beginning to understand its present transformational challenge, so I look to you, my fortified children, to carry this message forward, not only through words but by your very actions, by your creations of love and goodness and peace that you nobly demonstrate as best you can each and every day. So know as you continue to participate with us in the healing and transformation in this collective circuit, you are also being healed and transformed, that your evolutionary ascending nature be more fortified in the Father’s WILL. Continue to join us in the focus in this collective circuit. Allow the energies to pass through you and seed the world in what it most needs now. (Pause)

Join me now as we add one more layer of focus into this collective circuit. In your own hearts and your own thoughts, focus on the words and energies of RESURRECTION OF DIVINE WILL. RESURRECTION OF DIVINE WILL is a fortification of the Father’s presence within you. And, as we seed this into the planet’s consciousness may it form a powerful internal foundation for others to perceive the leadings of the divine within. Father’s presence is in all of the minds of every human being on this world who is of normal ability and capacity. Through this focus of the RESURRECTION OF DIVINE WILL we are seeding more potential for more individuals to open to this…not only in their hearts, but in their ability to perceive the movement of the power of the Father in and through them, to cooperate with the essence of the Holy Spirit which conveys the Father’s WILL through your consciousness.

In focusing and spiraling these energies RESURRECTION OF DIVINE WILL into the planet’s consciousness, you are helping others break through that subconscious resistance that they may open to more of the Father’s LOVE for their own lives. (Pause)


Join me now as we lift our gaze to our Paradise Father. I invite you to spend these final moments with me in worship of He who gave us LIFE and gives us the environment to participate in His HOLY WILL OF CREATION.

Father, it gives me great joy to join you with my children of Urantia as we thank you for this infusion of your WILL streaming into this planet’s consciousness. May this truly be a day of RESURRECTION of your WILL in their minds and hearts, strengthening them, purifying them, renewing them in what they need that your presence may bring them into a deeper level of contentment and ability to follow where you are guiding them, each and everyone.

I give you praise and thanks for my life, and especially for the ability to experience what it is to be a human on an evolutionary world. My experiences here are such a part of my being and I cherish them with a great love. And I thank you for fortifying these men and women today all around the planet who have turned to me both as Michael and Jesus and to fortify them in this Spirit of RESURRECTION that your Divine Presence may be stronger and more perceivable in them. May the LIGHT of your GLORY shine upon their minds, and may the truth of who they are resonate deeply in their hearts and souls; for it is your WILL that is done in heaven and on earth and it is we who make it so through your LOVE. (Pause)

Dearly beloved children, my heart is yours! I give it to you gladly that you would minister to your brothers and sisters more of my LOVE for them. And as you go into this Easter season, this time of renewal and rebirth that is part of the rhythm of LIFE on Urantia, we encourage you to make more bold attempts to help your brothers and sisters be catalyzed in their spirits. This is an opportune moment upon the planet during this season—the Spirit of Truth can resound more clearly within the individuals’ minds to open to the reality of Spirit. So do your part each day as best you can, remembering who you are, acknowledging your cosmic citizenship privileges and responsibilities, and we will meet you there and augment your efforts. We need your hearts, your thoughts, your words, your actions that the Father’s GLORY may shine through you catalyze and fortify another individual to the presence of the Father Within them.

So celebrate joyfully with your family and friends this Easter Sunday, and I will be with you whenever you focus upon me, remembering my LOVE for this world and all of the worlds of Nebadon as we grow in the Father’s GLORY OF CREATION. Good day, my beautiful and precious children.