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Topic: Imprinting Upon the Life Force

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re so grateful to be here today as your children to receive from you more of these spiritual energies we need for our continued growth. You are the nourishment for our hearts and souls and for our physical bodies to calibrate to the morontia frequencies that are bathing this world. We open ourselves to you and we are ready to receive you and the ways you wish to imprint your divine nature into us. We thank you for this fortification of your WILL in us that we may be able to demonstrate that out into the world to our brothers and sisters. Thank you so much.


MICHAEL: My peace is upon you, my beloved children. Greetings! This is Michael. As you settle into the energies coming from your Mother and me, as you focus in your hearts, let your bodies relax in the refreshment of Spirit that affords the physical cells of your bodies with sparks of light that are very heathy and healing. The divine action of Father’s WILL is designed to restore health and longevity to your physical bodies.

Albeit you did not receive all of the Adamic endowment that was originally planned for this planet, you are now in positions to receive more of these frequencies that will establish within the cellular memory more vitality of those life sparks which are a great aid and comfort to your physical cells. This level of energy—the quality that flows from the Father through the Infinite Spirit through your Mother Nebadonia is that which you might call the LIFE FORCE. These energies are universal. They are here for you to use as you imprint upon them—relaxing your bodies, quieting your minds that these energies may disclose the information into your physical bodies that you need to maintain a more optimal state of wellbeing and heath.

In a few moments we will help you more deeply calibrate into these energies, but I wish to encourage you to perceive your physical selves more as the temple of the Father, and desire more of the purification of this level of your being as part of your inner transformational growth. As you know, this world contains much that keeps the physical body from operating at optimal levels. There are certain chemical toxins that have been developed by your scientists that do not work in alignment with the cellular vitality. You cannot escape these influences. They are a part of your culture, but you can mitigate and alleviate some of these effects by coming to us and asking for the necessary antidotes for these influences that deter your vitality and well-being.

Take some deep breaths. Ask for the LIGHT contained within the LIFE FORCE energies to move into and through your bodies. If it is helpful to visualize, you may wish to see yourself standing on the ground with the energies of the LIFE FORCE pulsing gently underneath your feet. Through your own powers of imagination and visualization, draw them up into your body extending over the top of your head, and then asking the energies to gently move in you, clear out that which is unhealthy and harmful in your physical bodies that you may gain greater cellular vitality in this energy of LIGHT contained within the LIFE FORCE. Take your time as you focus on this. Breathe deeply, slowly, rhythmically, relaxing into these energies we impart into you now, my dear children. Receive and be renewed. (Pause)

There is a charge contained within the LIGHT frequencies of the LIFE FORCE. It has the ability to catalyze certain biochemical and electrical impulses of cellular functioning. Of course, this occurs at levels that operate beyond, or should I say, underneath your conscious awareness. But you have the ability to imprint upon this as you ask to receive more of this essence of LIFE to flow through your bodies. Your Mother and I desire your health, your vitality, your wholeness that you may engage your efforts in self-mastery more effectively. Had your world pursued the normal course of evolution, your scientists would have understood the relationship between the Spirit and the body through the endowment of MIND, and recognize the seamless continuum of LIGHT as it operates in various octaves all aligned in the Father’s LOVE and WILL.

Some of you are engaged in the study and pursuit understanding these energies—how they function, how they heal, how you can in your own mind and intention direct them. This is important information for your world to rediscover and it does behoove you in your own spiritual development to spend time receiving this LIGHT frequency of the LIFE FORCE that your whole being would come into more harmony and unify together in a more wholistic structure to enable the Father’s presence within you to become more consciously perceived. Some of you are already aware that this is what you are undergoing during this time of transformation. But your Mother and I wish for you to experience more deeply and for your bodies to be able to maintain, hold that charge of LIGHT frequency so that it becomes sustained and is able to provide you with more cellular restructuring and healing.

Your bodies were designed to repair themselves. The plans of the Life Carriers upon Urantia did modify the Nebadon endowment of LIFE, as you know, and had you received the fuller complement of the Adamic energy, your bodies would be stronger and more efficient. So we are helping you gain that strength and efficiency through this impartation of the LIGHT. So as these words settle into your minds, feel your need and recognize that you have a right to receive this LIGHT now as you continue to relax. We continue to imprint and impart this into you now. (Pause)

The gift of LIFE comes from your Mother. When you focus on Her, you are growing in this LIFE energy. It has an expansive quality. Sometimes it feels tingling or effervescent. Sometimes you will notice that are energies moving in you through a gentle pulsing or throbbing sensation. Allow yourselves to become comfortable with the presence of your Mother moving through you. It is all a representation of Her LOVE, Her nurturing as you grow in this container of Her being which is all part of your evolutionary structures. For while you are here on this material world, you need your physical body. However, it can be upstepped so that your whole system is operating at a higher frequency that will render you less susceptible to disease and trauma.

There is a mighty outworking during this time of correction of the patterns of disease and trauma upon Urantia. This world was never meant to suffer as it has through these problems of disease. And so we look to you as individuals who desire this upstepping to receive it and then to become more calibrated to these frequencies of LIGHT and LIFE that you may carry and sustain these charges with you and help your brothers and sisters be catalyzed within their own inner beings.

We have discussed with you how you may maintain those spiritual energies to catalyze change for another, and this level of vitality of the body is no different. How is it that in my human life as Jesus that I was able to perform the healing that many received? Some of it was done with the outside help of your celestial brothers and sisters, but much was accomplished through my own beingness that carried this charge of LIGHT and LIFE within it that I was able to share with others.

So my children, I ask you: would you like to help your brethren in this way as well? Many of you have already answered this question and are embarked upon your service of helping your brothers and sisters heal. And there is more healing to come. But we need you operating at higher levels of frequencies that you may come into greater unification with all facets of your being—from the core of your personality expression that takes origin in the Paradise Father to the outworking of the energies of LOVE that culminate in your ability to maintain, sustain and catalyze healing for others.

So as these words settle in, feel if you have an interest and desire to participate in the Correcting Time in this manner as your Mother and I continue to impart these energies of LIFE and LIGHT into your beings. (Pause)

It is time for my Urantian children to be healed. Healing takes many forms. Healing operates through various frequencies of your beings. But ultimately, it is designed to bring about a state of unification of the various aspects of your beings under the over-control of the Father’s presence within you to come into greater personality integration of your individuated selves as expressions of Father’s LOVE. What a glorious day and time it will be upon Urantia when this is fully accomplished! And it will be one day. That is in the distant future, but you are on the way. You are moving in that direction, and the more you commit to this level of healing within your own beings will you foster and support more healing for this world.

With that being said, I will leave you now in the capable hands of your Mother who will continue to impart the energies of LIGHT and LIFE into you and share more of Herself with you that will help you receive and imprint upon this wonderful transformational aspect of the Father’s LOVE. Grow in your healing, my children. It is all available to you and up to you to learn its ways and how you are being infused with the GLORY of the Father. My blessings are upon you. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! Yes, continue to relax and breathe, allowing these energies to circulate through you, building new sparks of vitality throughout your beings. You all have been created for LIFE. Life is a continuum. It is never-ending. And one day you will truly understand what this energy is that emanates from the Father and how to use it in dedicated service throughout your long ascension careers. This world is in the early stages of its healing. And there is what you call “cutting edge” information being made available to those individuals who are desirous of learning the ways and will of CREATION and the universe functioning.

This is not something just learn through books or information through the intellect. It is a real and living experience. And when you come to me and ask for LIGHT and LIFE to move through you, you will receive it. Now you may not truly understand all of its functions and the levels at which you receive, but over time as you grow the Father within you will help you put together a greater picture of how you function as energy beings that you may use towards your efforts at self-mastery.

Now do not be daunted by this great undertaking. You do not have to do this all at once, as you know. You were not designed to learn this all at once, but to come into experiential awareness and intellectual comprehension over time through experimentation, through application. And so we set up these healing forums for you to experience this that you may imprint upon these energies and that the LIGHT of the Father within your minds can build you in the structural understanding of what this means and how to use this in dedicated service for your brothers and sisters.

So there are great rewards to attain and achieve as you undergo this healing at more subtle physical levels of your beings. But it is required of you to be patient and faith-filled, having that curious attitude that says, “Yes, I want to learn. I am eager to experience, and I wish to help with the healing of this world.” You all have the ability to come into understanding of the facts of LIGHT and LIFE and there are many of your celestial brethren who will feed you with information that can translate into true working knowledge for your edification and use. You have much to gain, not only in the healing of your bodies, but to use this to help other people in their own healing and transformation.

So as I continue to share this LIGHT and LIFE with you, feel your desire to become to these living vessels radiating light and life from the deepest parts of your being, that over time your heart’s desire, your soul’s joy may experience this. (Pause)

There is much LIGHT and LIFE bathing this world. As it continues to grow and gain momentum and go deeper into your world’s consciousness, it will become apparent to you that it is also operating at the physical level. Your Father and I love you, and in that love is the promise of deep inner healing. So step up! Receive and make that commitment to master yourselves. Become the living expressions of the Father’s LOVE. You may enjoy glowing abundant health, well-being and prosperity for the remainder of your lives here on Urantia. It is available to you. It is only limited by your own inner strivings, desires and accomplishments. The more you strive for this and spend time in stillness, receiving and then sharing with others, will the circuits of LIGHT and LIFE expand in you. And one day you will perceive more tangible evidence of this in your beings—more so than you already have. You will know the truth and express it and share it. (Pause)


LIFE is all around you. It is the WILL and the WAY of CREATION. And even though your paths may be harder upon Urantia than other worlds, you have other advantages they do not share with you. As you allow these energies to come in, you are building a new structure and you are operating in an attitude of faith to receive this. You are given the opportunity to learn the ways of the universe in a very profound and supported manner. You are engaging your intellectual understanding and spiritual integrity in ways that will produce mighty souls of trust, faith, courage—that which you might call spiritual stamina to be a part of your own personality expression that is so, so beautiful to behold.

So gain strength in this understanding as well in the embodiment of these energies, knowing that your Father and I are devoted to your well-being and that there is every opportunity for you to achieve this if you make the effort and stick with it. You have been given much to consider and much to absorb. Allow this imprinting to continue for a few more moments before I leave you in this manner, my children. (Pause)

May the LIGHT of the Father’s LOVE and the LIFE FORCE of CREATION circulate through your bodies, uplift your minds, feed your souls. Grow strong in these energies, my children, and enjoy how you are being reconfigured in them more and more each day. And when you feel ready to engage with us to receive more instruction, use and application in them, you will be given guidance how to heal yourselves and share this with others. May the healing commence on Urantia, and may all things flourish in the Father’s LOVE. Good day.