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Topic: Expanding in Michael's Peace in the Womb of Mother

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re here today to receive your words and guidance and loving essences of your personalities to help us in our growth and transformation. You know our needs and we thank you for helping us open and receive what you wish to impart to us today. Help us to relax into your WILL. Thank you for encircuiting us in your LOVE that we may grow in you and become more of who we are, and also receive more direct communication with our indwelling Father Fragments. Thank you so much, and may your WILL be done.


MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. My PEACE is upon you. Let your beings settle into this quality of Spirit that I wish to share with you today. PEACE is a spiritual attribute that renders you more socially fragrant to your brothers and sisters. The animal nature by its very primal make-up is not necessarily designed to be peace-seeking. There is a certain aggressiveness within this primal nature out of which you have evolved as humans to grow into personalities who are peace-dominated and love-filled.

I share my PEACE with you, and as you have received it in the past, it is timely for your energy systems to be more peace-infused to help with the outworking of this tendency toward aggression. So much of your planetary culture still functions in this type of relationship with one another, and you see the harm that it causes—widespread destruction, chaos—and this is no small matter to correct. Had you received more of the Adamic nature, you would have outworked much of this aggressive tendency by now. But we are dealing with the conditions as they are presently, and it is my desire for my children to come into a deeper awareness of what it means to be peaceful and to demonstrate more of the actions of peace within their own social relationships.

As you open to me, as you invite the presence of your Mother to expand you in Her WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS, feel your desire for PEACE to move deeper into your own energy systems. If it is helpful, focus on the image, the word PEACE. Let it form a mighty focus in your mind’s eye, and as you reflect upon this and focus on it, feel your need for your own energy systems to become more peace-filled as we move in you now, my beloved children. (Pause)

Feel your desires for PEACE to dominate your thoughts and to be feelingly expressed in your relationships with others. Within the animal tendency toward aggressiveness there is particular sense of self-protection. When you open to this endowment of PEACE that comes from my nature, the aggressive tendency begins to soften and yield to a type of urging to share this peace with others. You might say the tendency toward aggression leads more toward an urging to share peace. This is a great turn-around in this animalistic nature, and your planet is in the various stages of outworking this now, and you are setting a stage for more of this peaceful energy to come into the planet by receiving it for yourselves and then demonstrating this with your brethren.

Continue to receive this infusion of PEACE from your Mother and me. Drink deeply of it. Let your minds relax in this infusion, allowing the energies to move within you where they will do the most good. (Pause)

One of the challenges the children of this world have encountered in opening to these energies of PEACE is because of the legacy of violence and warfare that this planet has endured. It is as if this aggressive tendency has become a protective measure to shield you from harm inflicted upon you by another individual. There is a strong current of this type of protective reaction—the tendency to strike back defensively when your security is threatened. In the early stages of planetary life this is part of the intrinsic nature, and over the course of evolution, you were designed to evolve into being more peaceful and to react more peacefully when you are compromised or feel insecure.

We are helping you establish more normal patterns of these attributes that will help your bodies and emotions become more divinely reactive to help you respond through peace, forgiveness, compassion and love toward those who may wish to inflict ill upon you. This is an important strain within your beings to outwork to help you continue to grow in PEACE and react from that place no matter what may come your way.

Continue to receive. Allow yourselves to contain that notion that you have not received all of the PEACE that you need. Ask for it to go into those places where you may not even recognize that these patterns of the planet are still operative within you. It is all part of the re-coding of human consciousness, and that you would be able to imprint more upon my divine nature all that you need to grow in Spirit and develop your soul experience. (Pause)

Your Mother is here. Her presence is moving through you. She is here to provide you more of the SAFETY and SECURITY you need to contain within your consciousness that will render this PEACE more easily integrated into your beings. When you feel safe and secure, the tendency to respond to potentially harmful situations is one of peace and composure.

Invite your Mother to continue to expand you in these energies of SAFETY and SECURITY, recognizing in your own beings a need for this to go into those places within your beings where you may not have a memory or recollection of what it means to be safe and secure. Allow Her to help you move beyond what you have experienced by living upon this world to a place where your security and safety is assured and protected. Allow these endowments coming from your Mother to blend and integrate with the energies of PEACE, and that you may open up to more of the divine attributes that you need to maintain that serene composure during challenging times.

Let your gaze settle upon the words and energies of PEACE and SECURITY, inviting your Mother to move deeper into you. You may come into further alignment in the Father’s WILL mind, body and soul. (Pause)

I will leave you now, my children, that you may spend these remaining moments with your Mother exclusively. You are my children of PEACE and I continue to help you become even brighter, more exemplary ambassadors of my PEACE to the children of this world. Relax and enjoy this time with your Mother who holds you in the very womb of Her LOVE. Let yourselves be knit in the energies of SAFETY and SECURITY and know you are well protected and cherished as you continue to grow and transform your lives into LIGHT and LIFE. My blessings are upon you. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Continue to receive what I am sharing with you of my divine nature. You may continue to relax and know that you are receiving something that will knit you into the spectrum of divine planetary consciousness.

The circuit of the planetary consciousness aligned in the WILL of the Father is growing. It is a fabric of consciousness into which you all participate. There is a dynamic synergy between your participation—your actions, your thoughts, your feelings—that command more of my presence to move into you to further secure you into these circuits wherein your consciousness continues to elevate, reflecting the higher frequencies of morontia substance into your beings.

Your Father and I have continued to encourage you to master yourselves. One of the phases of self-mastery is to develop this inner sense of security and safety that supports you on your transformational journey, knowing that all you need will be provided to you as you take each step of faith and grow in spiritual experience. When you harbor feelings of fear, it diminishes your capacity to know that you are securely guided, and it creates a type of mental paralysis, you might say, in being able to perceive the guidance of the Father’s presence within you.

So allow me to continue to share with you this SAFETY and SECURITY, that you may be more fully participatory in this growing circuit of the Supreme Mind of your Mother Urantia. That the Mother energies contained in my being and in this growing fabric of the Supreme Mind may knit you in more securely and help you grow in faith.

Many times when you are in situations that engender fear or confusion, you forget that SAFETY and SECURITY is part of your divine birthright, and to take those moments of reflection within your beings that you may regain that sense of composure and to feel more of that sense that all is well. You have a right to feel safe and secure in your beings. You have every right to establish this connection to the universe mind that will foster your ability to perceive this at deeper levels of your beings. Your Father and I love you, and we desire that you would feel safe and secure in our LOVE irrespective of what is happening in your planetary culture. In us you are SAFE and SECURE. (Pause)

As these circuits coming from your Father and me combine, as this PEACE, SAFETY and SECURITY integrates more deeply into you, you will grow in what you would call a quality of SERENITY—that inner assurance that are well cared for and protected. This is your inner anchor. As you develop in this quality of SERENITY it will become unshakeable, and you will walk in quiet beauty and grace that will be lovely to behold and help others to receive what you can share with them. Is it not enjoyable to be around someone who exudes these qualities? You are growing in these qualities. You are becoming more lovely, and this love is very attractive.

So as I continue to help you receive SAFETY and SECURITY, trust where this is guiding you in how you are developing magnificent attributes of soul; that the GLORY of the Father would emanate from your souls and illuminate your paths and attract others to you to receive insights, spiritual energies, your innate beingness. The Father’s presence within you will help you embody more fully what you are receiving today and expand your comprehension of what this endowment means for your growth.

But I invite you to continue to relax, allowing these energies and these words to fall you like gentle rain—clean, fresh, soft, gently reforming you in the Father’s BEAUTY. (Pause)


My precious children, though I leave you in this manner, you will continue to receive. You have so much to gain, and as these memory patterns of the past recede and eventually diminish in your consciousness, will this feeling of SERENITY that comes from PEACE, SAFETY and SECURITY be yours to command and use. The Spirit is gaining strength in you, my children. You are under the direction of the Father’s presence within you to help you comprehend greater universal truths. And as you do this, will the lights within your beings shine brighter, the illumination within your souls gain strength, and my Spirit will continue to move in you to help you achieve more of the Father’s WILL in your own efforts and actions each and every day.

Enjoy your life, my children. They are such a gift, and you bring this gift back to the Father, seeding it into the Planetary Supreme consciousness aiding in the transformation of beautiful Urantia. Good day, my precious children.